Esempio n. 1
  * Start an benchmarking timer.
  * @param string $name The name of the timer to start.
  * @param string $message A message for your timer
  * @return bool Always true
 public static function start($name = null, $message = null)
     $start = microtime(true);
     if (!$name) {
         $named = false;
         $calledFrom = debug_backtrace();
         $name = Debugger::trimPath($calledFrom[0]['file']) . ' line ' . $calledFrom[0]['line'];
     } else {
         $named = true;
     if (!$message) {
         $message = $name;
     $_name = $name;
     $i = 1;
     while (isset(self::$_timers[$name])) {
         $name = $_name . ' #' . $i;
     if ($i > 1) {
         $message .= ' #' . $i;
     self::$_timers[$name] = ['start' => $start, 'message' => $message, 'named' => $named];
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Make tasks callable
  * @return void
 public function main()
     if (!empty($this->params['dry-run'])) {
         $this->out('<warning>Dry-run mode enabled!</warning>', 1, Shell::QUIET);
     $exclude = ['.git', '.svn', 'vendor', 'Vendor', 'webroot', 'tmp', 'logs'];
     if (empty($this->params['plugin']) && !empty($this->params['namespace']) && $this->params['namespace'] === 'App') {
         $exclude[] = 'plugins';
         $exclude[] = 'Plugin';
     $files = $this->Stage->files($exclude);
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $this->out(sprintf('<info>Processing %s</info>', Debugger::trimPath($file)));
Esempio n. 3
  * Stores a memory point in the internal tracker.
  * Takes a optional message name which can be used to identify the memory point.
  * If no message is supplied a debug_backtrace will be done to identify the memory point.
  * @param string $message Message to identify this memory point.
  * @return bool
 public static function record($message = null)
     $memoryUse = self::getCurrent();
     if (!$message) {
         $trace = debug_backtrace();
         $message = Debugger::trimPath($trace[0]['file']) . ' line ' . $trace[0]['line'];
     if (isset(self::$_points[$message])) {
         $originalMessage = $message;
         $i = 1;
         while (isset(self::$_points[$message])) {
             $message = $originalMessage . ' #' . $i;
     self::$_points[$message] = $memoryUse;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * All command.
  * @return void
 public function all()
     if (!empty($this->params['dry-run'])) {
         $this->out('<warning>Dry-run mode enabled!</warning>', 1, Shell::QUIET);
     $exclude = ['.git', '.svn', 'vendor', 'Vendor', 'webroot', 'tmp', 'logs'];
     if (empty($this->params['plugin']) && !empty($this->params['namespace']) && $this->params['namespace'] === 'App') {
         $exclude[] = 'plugins';
         $exclude[] = 'Plugin';
     $files = $this->Stage->files($exclude);
     $actions = $this->_getActions();
     foreach ($actions as $action) {
         $this->out(sprintf('<info>*** Upgrade step %s ***</info>', $action));
         if (!empty($this->params['interactive'])) {
             $continue = $this->in('Continue with `' . $action . '`?', array('y', 'n', 'q'), 'y');
             if ($continue === 'q') {
                 return $this->error('Aborted. Changes are not commited.');
             if ($continue === 'n') {
                 $this->out('Skipping this step.');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $this->out(sprintf('<info> * Processing %s</info>', Debugger::trimPath($file)), 1, Shell::VERBOSE);
             $this->{$action}->Stage = $this->Stage;
             if (!empty($this->params['interactive'])) {
     if (empty($this->params['interactive'])) {
Esempio n. 5
  * Set as the default error handler by CakePHP.
  * Use config/error.php to customize or replace this error handler.
  * This function will use Debugger to display errors when debug > 0. And
  * will log errors to Log, when debug == 0.
  * You can use the 'errorLevel' option to set what type of errors will be handled.
  * Stack traces for errors can be enabled with the 'trace' option.
  * @param int $code Code of error
  * @param string $description Error description
  * @param string|null $file File on which error occurred
  * @param int|null $line Line that triggered the error
  * @param array|null $context Context
  * @return bool True if error was handled
 public function handleError($code, $description, $file = null, $line = null, $context = null)
     if (error_reporting() === 0) {
         return false;
     list($error, $log) = $this->mapErrorCode($code);
     if ($log === LOG_ERR) {
         return $this->handleFatalError($code, $description, $file, $line);
     $data = ['level' => $log, 'code' => $code, 'error' => $error, 'description' => $description, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line];
     $debug = Configure::read('debug');
     if ($debug) {
         $data += ['context' => $context, 'start' => 3, 'path' => Debugger::trimPath($file)];
     $this->_displayError($data, $debug);
     $this->_logError($log, $data);
     return true;
  * testTrimPath method
  * @return void
 public function testTrimPath()
     $this->assertEquals('APP/', Debugger::trimPath(APP));
     $this->assertEquals('CORE' . DS . 'src' . DS, Debugger::trimPath(CAKE));
     $this->assertEquals('Some/Other/Path', Debugger::trimPath('Some/Other/Path'));
Esempio n. 7
  * Assert that nested anonymous timers don't get mixed up.
  * @return void
 public function testNestedAnonymousTimers()
     $timers = DebugTimer::getAll();
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($timers), 'incorrect number of timers %s');
     $firstTimerLine = __LINE__ - 9;
     $secondTimerLine = __LINE__ - 8;
     $file = Debugger::trimPath(__FILE__);
     $this->assertTrue(isset($timers[$file . ' line ' . $firstTimerLine]), 'first timer is not set %s');
     $this->assertTrue(isset($timers[$file . ' line ' . $secondTimerLine]), 'second timer is not set %s');
     $firstTimer = $timers[$file . ' line ' . $firstTimerLine];
     $secondTimer = $timers[$file . ' line ' . $secondTimerLine];
     $this->assertTrue($firstTimer['time'] > $secondTimer['time']);
Esempio n. 8
  * Write staged changes
  * If it's a dry run though - only show what will be done, don't do anything
  * @param string $path file path
  * @return void
 public function commit($path = null)
     if (!$path) {
         foreach (array_keys($this->_staged['change']) as $path) {
         foreach ($this->_staged['move'] as $path => $to) {
             if (isset($this->_staged['change'][$path])) {
         foreach ($this->_staged['delete'] as $path) {
         $Folder = new Folder(TMP . 'upgrade');
     $dryRun = !empty($this->params['dry-run']);
     $isMove = isset($this->_staged['move'][$path]);
     $isChanged = isset($this->_staged['change'][$path]) && count($this->_staged['change'][$path]) > 1;
     $isDelete = in_array($path, $this->_staged['delete']);
     if (!$isMove && !$isChanged && !$isDelete) {
     $gitCd = sprintf('cd %s && ', escapeshellarg(dirname($path)));
     if ($isDelete) {
         $this->out(sprintf('<info>Delete %s</info>', Debugger::trimPath($path)));
         if ($dryRun) {
             return true;
         if (!empty($this->params['git'])) {
             exec($gitCd . sprintf('git rm -f %s', escapeshellarg($path)));
         if (is_dir($path)) {
             $Folder = new Folder($path);
             return $Folder->delete();
         $File = new File($path, true);
         return $File->delete();
     if ($isMove && !$isChanged) {
         $to = $this->_staged['move'][$path];
         $this->out(sprintf('<info>Move %s to %s</info>', Debugger::trimPath($path), Debugger::trimPath($to)));
         if ($dryRun || !file_exists($path)) {
             return true;
         if (!empty($this->params['git'])) {
             return $this->_gitMove($gitCd, $path, $to);
         if (is_dir($path)) {
             $Folder = new Folder($path);
             return $Folder->move($to);
         $File = new File($to, true);
         return $File->write(file_get_contents($path)) && unlink($path);
     $start = reset($this->_staged['change'][$path]);
     $final = end($this->_staged['change'][$path]);
     $oPath = TMP . 'upgrade' . DS . $start;
     $uPath = TMP . 'upgrade' . DS . $final;
     exec('git diff --no-index ' . escapeshellarg($oPath) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($uPath), $output);
     $output = implode($output, "\n");
     $i = strrpos($output, $final);
     $diff = substr($output, $i + 41);
     if ($isMove) {
         $to = $this->_staged['move'][$path];
         $this->out(sprintf('<info>Move %s to %s and update</info>', Debugger::trimPath($path), Debugger::trimPath($to)));
     } else {
         $this->out(sprintf('<info>Update %s</info>', Debugger::trimPath($path)));
     $this->out($diff, 1, $dryRun ? Shell::NORMAL : SHELL::VERBOSE);
     if ($dryRun || !file_exists($path)) {
         return true;
     if ($isMove) {
         if (!empty($this->params['git'])) {
             $this->_gitMove($gitCd, $path, $to);
         } else {
         $path = $to;
     $File = new File($path, true);
     return $File->write(file_get_contents($uPath));