public function onEnable() { $this->saveDefaultConfig(); $this->saveResource(""); $this->getConfig(); //Fetch the config so no blocking later $this->commandSender = new BuycraftCommandSender(); $this->commandExecuteTask = new CommandExecuteTask($this); $this->pendingPlayerCheckerTask = new PendingPlayerCheckerTask($this); $this->commandDeleteTask = new CommandDeleteTask($this); $this->commandExecuteTask->call(); $this->pendingPlayerCheckerTask->call(); $this->commandDeleteTask->call(); $this->packageManager = new PackageManager($this); $this->buyCommand = new BuyCommand($this); $this->buycraftCommand = new BuyCraftCommand($this); $this->getServer()->getCommandMap()->register("buycraft", $this->buycraftCommand); $this->getServer()->getCommandMap()->register("buycraft", $this->buyCommand); if ($this->getConfig()->get('secret') !== "") { $auth = new AuthenticateTask($this); $auth->call(); } else { $this->getLogger()->info("You still need to configure BuyCraft. Use /buycraft secret or the config.yml to set your secret."); } }
public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $label, array $args) { if (isset($args[0])) { if ($sender->hasPermission('buycraft.admin')) { switch ($args[0]) { case 'reload': if ($this->getPlugin()->isAuthenticated()) { $sender->sendMessage("Scheduled authentication and package reload. If you don't get a success message try again."); $auth = new AuthenticateTask($this->getPlugin(), [], $sender instanceof Player ? $sender : false); $auth->call(); } else { $sender->sendMessage("Not authenticated with"); } break; case 'forcecheck': if ($this->getPlugin()->isAuthenticated()) { $this->getPlugin()->getPendingPlayerCheckerTask()->onRun(0, true); $sender->sendMessage("Executed pending player check."); } else { $sender->sendMessage("Not authenticated with"); } break; case 'secret': if (!$this->getPlugin()->getConfig()->get('disable-secret-command')) { if (isset($args[1])) { $this->getPlugin()->getConfig()->set('secret', $args[1]); $this->getPlugin()->getConfig()->save(); $sender->sendMessage("Scheduled authentication. If you don't receive a success message an error will be available on the console."); $auth = new AuthenticateTask($this->getPlugin(), [], $sender instanceof Player ? $sender->getName() : false); $this->getPlugin()->getServer()->getScheduler()->scheduleAsyncTask($auth); } else { $sender->sendMessage("You must specify the secret to set."); } } else { $sender->sendMessage("Setting secret in game has been disabled."); } break; case 'payments': $recentPaymentTask = new RecentPaymentsTask($this->getPlugin(), isset($args[1]) ? ["ign" => $args[1]] : [], $sender instanceof Player ? $sender->getName() : false); $recentPaymentTask->call(); break; case 'report': $sender->sendMessage("BuyCraft for PocketMine does not support report generation. If the plugin crashes just alert me on GitHub or the PocketMine forums with a link to the crash report."); break; default: $sender->sendMessage($this->getUsage()); break; } } else { $sender->sendMessage("You don't has permission to use that command."); } } else { if ($this->getPlugin()->isAuthenticated()) { $buyCommand = "/" . $this->getPlugin()->getBuyCommand()->getMainAlias() . " "; $sender->sendMessage($buyCommand . ": View packages available for sale."); $sender->sendMessage($buyCommand . "page <ID> : Navigate through package pages"); $sender->sendMessage($buyCommand . "<ID> : Purchase a specific package"); if ($sender->hasPermission('buycraft.admin')) { $sender->sendMessage("/buycraft reload : Reload the package cache"); $sender->sendMessage("/buycraft forcecheck : Check for pending commands"); if (!$this->getPlugin()->getConfig()->get('disable-secret-command')) { $sender->sendMessage("/buycraft secret <key> : Set the secret"); } $sender->sendMessage("/buycraft payments [ign] : Get recent payments"); $sender->sendMessage("/buycraft report : Gives instructions to report errors."); } $sender->sendMessage("Server ID: " . $this->getPlugin()->getAuthPayloadSetting('serverId')); $sender->sendMessage("Server URL: " . $this->getPlugin()->getAuthPayloadSetting('serverStore')); $sender->sendMessage("Version: " . $this->getPlugin()->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin('BuyCraft')->getDescription()->getVersion() . " implementing BuyCraft Bukkit " . Actions::PLUGIN_VERSION); $sender->sendMessage("Website:"); } else { $sender->sendMessage("BuyCraft is not linked to and can't process purchases for you."); $sender->sendMessage("If you are the owner of this server you need to enter your secret key in the config.yml or using /buycraft secret <key>."); } } }