Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct(Server $server, $type, $playerList = [])
     $endpoint = "http://" . $server->getProperty("", "") . "/";
     $data = [];
     $data["uniqueServerId"] = $server->getServerUniqueId()->toString();
     $data["uniqueMachineId"] = Utils::getMachineUniqueId()->toString();
     $data["uniqueRequestId"] = UUID::fromData($server->getServerUniqueId(), microtime(true))->toString();
     switch ($type) {
         case self::TYPE_OPEN:
             $data["event"] = "open";
             $version = new VersionString();
             $data["server"] = ["port" => $server->getPort(), "software" => $server->getName(), "fullVersion" => $version->get(true), "version" => $version->get(), "build" => $version->getBuild(), "api" => $server->getApiVersion(), "minecraftVersion" => $server->getVersion(), "protocol" => Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL];
             $data["system"] = ["operatingSystem" => Utils::getOS(), "cores" => Utils::getCoreCount(), "phpVersion" => PHP_VERSION, "machine" => php_uname("a"), "release" => php_uname("r"), "platform" => php_uname("i")];
             $data["players"] = ["count" => 0, "limit" => $server->getMaxPlayers()];
             $plugins = [];
             foreach ($server->getPluginManager()->getPlugins() as $p) {
                 $d = $p->getDescription();
                 $plugins[$d->getName()] = ["name" => $d->getName(), "version" => $d->getVersion(), "enabled" => $p->isEnabled()];
             $data["plugins"] = $plugins;
         case self::TYPE_STATUS:
             $data["event"] = "status";
             $data["server"] = ["ticksPerSecond" => $server->getTicksPerSecondAverage(), "tickUsage" => $server->getTickUsageAverage(), "ticks" => $server->getTick()];
             //This anonymizes the user ids so they cannot be reversed to the original
             foreach ($playerList as $k => $v) {
                 $playerList[$k] = md5($v);
             $players = [];
             foreach ($server->getOnlinePlayers() as $p) {
                 if ($p->isOnline()) {
                     $players[] = md5($p->getUniqueId()->toBinary());
             $data["players"] = ["count" => count($players), "limit" => $server->getMaxPlayers(), "currentList" => $players, "historyList" => array_values($playerList)];
             $info = Utils::getMemoryUsage(true);
             $data["system"] = ["mainMemory" => $info[0], "totalMemory" => $info[1], "availableMemory" => $info[2], "threadCount" => Utils::getThreadCount()];
         case self::TYPE_CLOSE:
             $data["event"] = "close";
             $data["crashing"] = $server->isRunning();
     $this->endpoint = $endpoint . "api/post";
     $this->data = json_encode($data);
Esempio n. 2
 private function setDefaultCommands()
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new VersionCommand("version"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new PluginsCommand("plugins"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SeedCommand("seed"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new HelpCommand("help"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new StopCommand("stop"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new TellCommand("tell"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new DefaultGamemodeCommand("defaultgamemode"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new BanCommand("ban"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new BanIpCommand("ban-ip"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new BanListCommand("banlist"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new PardonCommand("pardon"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new PardonIpCommand("pardon-ip"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SayCommand("say"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new MeCommand("me"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new ListCommand("list"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new DifficultyCommand("difficulty"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new KickCommand("kick"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new OpCommand("op"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new DeopCommand("deop"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new WhitelistCommand("whitelist"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SaveOnCommand("save-on"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SaveOffCommand("save-off"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SaveCommand("save-all"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new GiveCommand("give"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new EffectCommand("effect"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new EnchantCommand("enchant"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new ExpCommand("xp"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new ParticleCommand("particle"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new GamemodeCommand("gamemode"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new KillCommand("kill"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SpawnpointCommand("spawnpoint"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new SetWorldSpawnCommand("setworldspawn"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new TeleportCommand("tp"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new TimeCommand("time"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new TimingsCommand("timings"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new ReloadCommand("reload"));
     $this->register("BukkitPE", new WeatherCommand("weather"));
     if ($this->server->getProperty("debug.commands", false)) {
         $this->register("BukkitPE", new StatusCommand("status"));
         $this->register("BukkitPE", new GarbageCollectorCommand("gc"));
         $this->register("BukkitPE", new DumpMemoryCommand("dumpmemory"));
 public function __construct(Server $server, $timeout = 5)
     $this->timeout = $timeout;
     $this->serverName = $server->getServerName();
     $this->listPlugins = $server->getProperty("settings.query-plugins", true);
     $this->plugins = $server->getPluginManager()->getPlugins();
     $this->players = [];
     foreach ($server->getOnlinePlayers() as $player) {
         if ($player->isOnline()) {
             $this->players[] = $player;
     $this->gametype = ($server->getGamemode() & 0x1) === 0 ? "SMP" : "CMP";
     $this->version = $server->getVersion();
     $this->server_engine = $server->getName() . " " . $server->getBukkitPEVersion();
     $this->map = $server->getDefaultLevel() === null ? "unknown" : $server->getDefaultLevel()->getName();
     $this->numPlayers = count($this->players);
     $this->maxPlayers = $server->getMaxPlayers();
     $this->whitelist = $server->hasWhitelist() ? "on" : "off";
     $this->port = $server->getPort();
     $this->ip = $server->getIp();
Esempio n. 4
  * Registers all the events in the given Listener class
  * @param Listener $listener
  * @param Plugin   $plugin
  * @throws PluginException
 public function registerEvents(Listener $listener, Plugin $plugin)
     if (!$plugin->isEnabled()) {
         throw new PluginException("Plugin attempted to register " . get_class($listener) . " while not enabled");
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($listener));
     foreach ($reflection->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $method) {
         if (!$method->isStatic()) {
             $priority = EventPriority::NORMAL;
             $ignoreCancelled = false;
             if (preg_match("/^[\t ]*\\* @priority[\t ]{1,}([a-zA-Z]{1,})/m", (string) $method->getDocComment(), $matches) > 0) {
                 $matches[1] = strtoupper($matches[1]);
                 if (defined(EventPriority::class . "::" . $matches[1])) {
                     $priority = constant(EventPriority::class . "::" . $matches[1]);
             if (preg_match("/^[\t ]*\\* @ignoreCancelled[\t ]{1,}([a-zA-Z]{1,})/m", (string) $method->getDocComment(), $matches) > 0) {
                 $matches[1] = strtolower($matches[1]);
                 if ($matches[1] === "false") {
                     $ignoreCancelled = false;
                 } elseif ($matches[1] === "true") {
                     $ignoreCancelled = true;
             $parameters = $method->getParameters();
             if (count($parameters) === 1 and $parameters[0]->getClass() instanceof \ReflectionClass and is_subclass_of($parameters[0]->getClass()->getName(), Event::class)) {
                 $class = $parameters[0]->getClass()->getName();
                 $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
                 if (strpos((string) $reflection->getDocComment(), "@deprecated") !== false and $this->server->getProperty("settings.deprecated-verbose", true)) {
                     $this->server->getLogger()->warning($this->server->getLanguage()->translateString("BukkitPE.plugin.deprecatedEvent", [$plugin->getName(), $class, get_class($listener) . "->" . $method->getName() . "()"]));
                 $this->registerEvent($class, $listener, $priority, new MethodEventExecutor($method->getName()), $plugin, $ignoreCancelled);
Esempio n. 5
  * Tries to break a block using a item, including Player time checks if available
  * It'll try to lower the durability if Item is a tool, and set it to Air if broken.
  * @param Vector3 $vector
  * @param Item    &$item (if null, can break anything)
  * @param Player  $player
  * @param bool    $createParticles
  * @return boolean
 public function useBreakOn(Vector3 $vector, Item &$item = null, Player $player = null, $createParticles = false)
     $target = $this->getBlock($vector);
     //TODO: Adventure mode checks
     if ($item === null) {
         $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
     if ($player !== null) {
         $ev = new BlockBreakEvent($player, $target, $item, $player->isCreative() ? true : false);
         if ($player->isSpectator() or !$player->isOp() and $player->isAdventure()) {
         if ($item instanceof Tool) {
             $item->setDamage($item->getDamage() + $item->getDamageStep($target));
         if ($player->isSurvival() and $item instanceof Item and !$target->isBreakable($item)) {
         if (!$player->isOp() and ($distance = $this->server->getSpawnRadius()) > -1) {
             $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z);
             $s = new Vector2($this->getSpawnLocation()->x, $this->getSpawnLocation()->z);
             if ($t->distance($s) <= $distance) {
         if ($ev->isCancelled()) {
             return false;
         $breakTime = $target->getBreakTime($item);
         if ($player->isCreative() and $breakTime > 0.15) {
             $breakTime = 0.15;
         if ($player->hasEffect(Effect::SWIFTNESS)) {
             $breakTime *= 1 - 0.2 * ($player->getEffect(Effect::SWIFTNESS)->getAmplifier() + 1);
         if ($player->hasEffect(Effect::MINING_FATIGUE)) {
             $breakTime *= 1 + 0.3 * ($player->getEffect(Effect::MINING_FATIGUE)->getAmplifier() + 1);
         $breakTime -= 0.05;
         //1 tick compensation
         if (!$ev->getInstaBreak() and $player->lastBreak + $breakTime > microtime(true)) {
             return false;
         $player->lastBreak = microtime(true);
         $drops = $ev->getDrops();
         if ($this->server->getProperty("experience.enable", true) and $this->server->getProperty("experience.break-drop", true) and $player->isSurvival()) {
             $exp = $target->getExperience();
             $this->spawnExperienceOrb($vector->add(0, 1, 0), $exp);
     } elseif ($item !== null and !$target->isBreakable($item)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $drops = $target->getDrops($item);
         //Fixes tile entities being deleted before getting drops
         foreach ($drops as $k => $i) {
             $drops[$k] = Item::get($i[0], $i[1], $i[2]);
     $tag = $item->getNamedTagEntry("CanDestroy");
     if ($tag instanceof Enum) {
         $canBreak = false;
         foreach ($tag as $v) {
             if ($v instanceof String) {
                 $entry = Item::fromString($v->getValue());
                 if ($entry->getId() > 0 and $entry->getBlock() !== null and $entry->getBlock()->getId() === $target->getId()) {
                     $canBreak = true;
         if (!$canBreak) {
             return false;
     if ($createParticles) {
         $players = $this->getChunkPlayers($target->x >> 4, $target->z >> 4);
         if ($player !== null) {
         $this->addParticle(new DestroyBlockParticle($target->add(0.5), $target), $players);
     $tile = $this->getTile($target);
     if ($tile !== null) {
         if ($tile instanceof InventoryHolder) {
             if ($tile instanceof Chest) {
             foreach ($tile->getInventory()->getContents() as $chestItem) {
                 $this->dropItem($target, $chestItem);
     if ($item !== null) {
         if ($item->isTool() and $item->getDamage() >= $item->getMaxDurability()) {
             $item = Item::get(Item::AIR, 0, 0);
     if ($player === null or $player->isSurvival()) {
         foreach ($drops as $drop) {
             if ($drop->getCount() > 0) {
                 $this->dropItem($vector->add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), $drop);
     return true;