Author: Carson Full (
Esempio n. 1
 public function getGlobals()
     /** @var \Bolt\Config $config */
     $config = $this->app['config'];
     $configVal = $this->safe ? null : $config;
     /** @var \Bolt\Users $users */
     $users = $this->app['users'];
     /** @var \Bolt\Configuration\ResourceManager $resources */
     $resources = $this->app['resources'];
     $zone = null;
     /** @var RequestStack $requestStack */
     $requestStack = $this->app['request_stack'];
     if ($request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()) {
         $zone = Zone::get($request);
     // User calls can cause exceptions that block the exception handler
     try {
         /** @deprecated Deprecated since 3.0, to be removed in 4.0. */
         $usersVal = $this->safe ? null : $users->getUsers();
         $usersCur = $users->getCurrentUser();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $usersVal = null;
         $usersCur = null;
     // Structured to allow PHPStorm's SymfonyPlugin to provide code completion
     return ['bolt_name' => Bolt\Version::name(), 'bolt_version' => Bolt\Version::VERSION, 'bolt_stable' => Bolt\Version::isStable(), 'frontend' => $zone === Zone::FRONTEND, 'backend' => $zone === Zone::BACKEND, 'async' => $zone === Zone::ASYNC, 'paths' => $resources->getPaths(), 'theme' => $config->get('theme'), 'user' => $usersCur, 'users' => $usersVal, 'config' => $configVal];
Esempio n. 2
  * @param array $values
 public function __construct(array $values = [])
     /** @deprecated since 3.0, to be removed in 4.0. */
     $values['bolt_version'] = Version::VERSION;
     /** @deprecated since 3.0, to be removed in 4.0. */
     $values['bolt_name'] = Version::name();
     /** @deprecated since 3.0, to be removed in 4.0. */
     $values['bolt_released'] = Version::isStable();
     /** @deprecated since 3.0, to be removed in 4.0. */
     $values['bolt_long_version'] = Version::VERSION;
     /** @internal Parameter to track a deprecated PHP version */
     $values['deprecated.php'] = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.9', '<');
     $this->register(new PathServiceProvider());
     // Initialize the config. Note that we do this here, on 'construct'.
     // All other initialisation is triggered from bootstrap.php
     // Warning!
     // One of a valid ResourceManager ['resources'] or ClassLoader ['classloader']
     // must be defined for working properly
     if (!isset($this['resources'])) {
         $this['resources'] = new Configuration\ResourceManager($this);
     } else {
         $this['classloader'] = $this['resources']->getClassLoader();
     // Register a PHP shutdown function to catch fatal errors with the application object
     register_shutdown_function(['\\Bolt\\Exception\\LowlevelException', 'catchFatalErrors'], $this);
     $this['debug'] = $this['config']->get('general/debug', false);
     $locales = (array) $this['config']->get('general/locale');
     $this['locale'] = reset($locales);
     // Initialize the 'editlink' and 'edittitle'.
     $this['editlink'] = '';
     $this['edittitle'] = '';
     // Initialize the JavaScript data gateway.
     $this['jsdata'] = [];
Esempio n. 3
File: Extend.php Progetto: bolt/bolt
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse
 public function installInfo(Request $request)
     $package = $request->get('package');
     $versions = ['dev' => [], 'stable' => []];
     try {
         $info = $this->app['']->info($package, Bolt\Version::forComposer());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->getJsonException($e);
     if (isset($info->version) && is_array($info->version)) {
         foreach ($info->version as $version) {
             $versions[$version->stability][] = $version;
     return $this->json($versions);
Esempio n. 4
  * Get the news from either cache or Bolt HQ.
  * @param string $hostname
  * @return array|string
 private function getNews($hostname)
     /** @var \Bolt\Cache $cache */
     $cache = $this->app['cache'];
     // Cached for two hours.
     $news = $cache->fetch('dashboardnews');
     // If not cached, get fresh news.
     if ($news !== false) {
         $this->app['logger.system']->info('Using cached data', ['event' => 'news']);
         return $news;
     } else {
         $source = $this->getOption('general/branding/news_source', '');
         $curl = $this->getDashboardCurlOptions($hostname, $source);
         $this->app['logger.system']->info('Fetching from remote server: ' . $source, ['event' => 'news']);
         try {
             $fetchedNewsData = $this->app['guzzle.client']->get($curl['url'], ['config' => ['curl' => $curl['options']]])->getBody(true);
             if ($this->getOption('general/branding/news_variable')) {
                 $newsVariable = $this->getOption('general/branding/news_variable');
                 $fetchedNewsItems = json_decode($fetchedNewsData)->{$newsVariable};
             } else {
                 $fetchedNewsItems = json_decode($fetchedNewsData);
             if ($fetchedNewsItems) {
                 $news = [];
                 // Iterate over the items, pick the first news-item that
                 // applies and the first alert we need to show
                 foreach ($fetchedNewsItems as $item) {
                     $type = $item->type === 'alert' ? 'alert' : 'information';
                     if (!isset($news[$type]) && (empty($item->target_version) || Bolt\Version::compare($item->target_version, '>'))) {
                         $news[$type] = $item;
                 $cache->save('dashboardnews', $news, 7200);
             } else {
                 $this->app['logger.system']->error('Invalid JSON feed returned', ['event' => 'news']);
             return $news;
         } catch (RequestException $e) {
             $this->app['logger.system']->critical('Error occurred during newsfeed fetch', ['event' => 'exception', 'exception' => $e]);
             return ['error' => ['type' => 'error', 'title' => 'Unable to fetch news!', 'teaser' => "<p>Unable to connect to {$source}</p>"]];
Esempio n. 5
  * Attempt to load cached configuration files.
  * @throws LowlevelException
  * @return bool
 protected function loadCache()
     $dir = $this->app['resources']->getPath('config');
     /* Get the timestamps for the config files. `config_local.yml` and `extensions.yml` default to '0', because if
           they aren't present, it shouldn't trigger an update for the cache, while the others should.
     $timestamps = [file_exists($dir . '/config.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/config.yml') : 10000000000, file_exists($dir . '/taxonomy.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/taxonomy.yml') : 10000000000, file_exists($dir . '/contenttypes.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/contenttypes.yml') : 10000000000, file_exists($dir . '/menu.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/menu.yml') : 10000000000, file_exists($dir . '/routing.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/routing.yml') : 10000000000, file_exists($dir . '/permissions.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/permissions.yml') : 10000000000, file_exists($dir . '/extensions.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/extensions.yml') : 0, file_exists($dir . '/config_local.yml') ? filemtime($dir . '/config_local.yml') : 0];
     $configCache = $this->app['resources']->getPath('cache/config-cache.json');
     $this->cachetimestamp = file_exists($configCache) ? filemtime($configCache) : 0;
     if ($this->cachetimestamp > max($timestamps)) {
         $finder = new Finder();
         $finder->files()->in($this->app['resources']->getPath('cache'))->name('config-cache.json')->depth('== 0');
         /** @var SplFileInfo $file */
         foreach ($finder as $file) {
             try {
                 $this->data = json_decode($file->getContents(), true);
             } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
                 $part = Translator::__('Try logging in with your ftp-client and make the file readable. ' . 'Else try to go <a>back</a> to the last page.');
                 $message = '<p>' . Translator::__('general.phrase.file-not-readable-following-colon') . '</p>' . '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($configCache) . '</pre>' . '<p>' . str_replace('<a>', '<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">', $part) . '</p>';
                 throw new LowlevelException(Translator::__('page.file-management.message.file-not-readable' . $message));
         // Check if we loaded actual data.
         if (count($this->data) < 4 || empty($this->data['general'])) {
             return false;
         // Check to make sure the version is still the same. If not, effectively invalidate the
         // cached config to force a reload.
         if (!isset($this->data['version']) || Bolt\Version::compare($this->data['version'], '!=')) {
             // The logger and the flashbags aren't available yet, so we set a flag to notify the user later.
             $this->notify_update = true;
             return false;
         // Trigger the config loaded event on the resource manager
         // Yup, all seems to be right.
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 6
  * Get the parameters that will be used to update Bolt's registered Twig
  * globals.
  * This is here as a transitory measure.
  * @param bool $safe
  * @return array
 private function setGlobals($safe)
     /** @var \Twig_Environment $twig */
     $twig = $safe ? $this->app['safe_twig'] : $this->app['twig'];
     /** @var \Bolt\Config $config */
     $config = $this->app['config'];
     $configVal = $safe ? null : $config;
     /** @var \Bolt\Users $users */
     $users = $this->app['users'];
     /** @var \Bolt\Configuration\ResourceManager $resources */
     $resources = $this->app['resources'];
     $zone = null;
     /** @var RequestStack $requestStack */
     $requestStack = $this->app['request_stack'];
     if ($request = $requestStack->getCurrentRequest()) {
         $zone = Zone::get($request);
     // User calls can cause exceptions that block the exception handler
     try {
         /** @deprecated Deprecated since 3.0, to be removed in 4.0. */
         $usersVal = $safe ? null : $users->getUsers();
         $usersCur = $users->getCurrentUser();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $usersVal = null;
         $usersCur = null;
     $twig->addGlobal('bolt_name', Bolt\Version::name());
     $twig->addGlobal('bolt_version', Bolt\Version::VERSION);
     $twig->addGlobal('bolt_stable', Bolt\Version::isStable());
     $twig->addGlobal('frontend', $zone === Zone::FRONTEND);
     $twig->addGlobal('backend', $zone === Zone::BACKEND);
     $twig->addGlobal('async', $zone === Zone::ASYNC);
     $twig->addGlobal('paths', $resources->getPaths());
     $twig->addGlobal('theme', $config->get('theme'));
     $twig->addGlobal('user', $usersCur);
     $twig->addGlobal('users', $usersVal);
     $twig->addGlobal('config', $configVal);
Esempio n. 7
  * Enforce the default JSON settings.
  * @param array $json
  * @return array
 private function setJsonDefaults(array $json)
     $rootPath = $this->app['resources']->getPath('root');
     $extensionsPath = $this->app['resources']->getPath('extensions');
     $srcPath = $this->app['resources']->getPath('src');
     $webPath = $this->app['resources']->getPath('web');
     $pathToRoot = Path::makeRelative($rootPath, $extensionsPath);
     $pathToWeb = Path::makeRelative($webPath, $extensionsPath);
     $eventPath = Path::makeRelative($srcPath . '/Composer/EventListener', $extensionsPath);
     // Enforce standard settings
     $defaults = ['name' => 'bolt/extensions', 'description' => 'Bolt extension installation interface', 'license' => 'MIT', 'repositories' => ['packagist' => false, 'bolt' => ['type' => 'composer', 'url' => $this->app[''] . 'satis/']], 'minimum-stability' => $this->app['config']->get('general/extensions/stability', 'stable'), 'prefer-stable' => true, 'config' => ['discard-changes' => true, 'preferred-install' => 'dist'], 'provide' => ['bolt/bolt' => Bolt\Version::forComposer()], 'extra' => ['bolt-web-path' => $pathToWeb, 'bolt-root-path' => $pathToRoot], 'autoload' => ['psr-4' => ['Bolt\\Composer\\EventListener\\' => $eventPath]], 'scripts' => ['post-autoload-dump' => 'Bolt\\Composer\\EventListener\\PackageEventListener::dump', 'post-package-install' => 'Bolt\\Composer\\EventListener\\PackageEventListener::handle', 'post-package-update' => 'Bolt\\Composer\\EventListener\\PackageEventListener::handle']];
     $json = Arr::mergeRecursiveDistinct($json, $defaults);
     return $json;
Esempio n. 8
  * Get the news from Bolt HQ.
  * @param string $hostname
  * @return array
 private function fetchNews($hostname)
     $source = $this->getOption('general/branding/news_source', '');
     $options = $this->fetchNewsOptions($hostname);
     $this->app['logger.system']->info('Fetching from remote server: ' . $source, ['event' => 'news']);
     try {
         $fetchedNewsData = (string) $this->app['guzzle.client']->get($source, $options)->getBody(true);
     } catch (RequestException $e) {
         $this->app['logger.system']->error('Error occurred during newsfeed fetch', ['event' => 'exception', 'exception' => $e]);
         return ['error' => ['type' => 'error', 'title' => 'Unable to fetch news!', 'teaser' => "<p>Unable to connect to {$source}</p>"]];
     $fetchedNewsItems = json_decode($fetchedNewsData);
     if ($newsVariable = $this->getOption('general/branding/news_variable')) {
         $fetchedNewsItems = $fetchedNewsItems->{$newsVariable};
     $news = [];
     if (!$fetchedNewsItems) {
         $this->app['logger.system']->error('Invalid JSON feed returned', ['event' => 'news']);
         return $news;
     // Iterate over the items, pick the first news-item that
     // applies and the first alert we need to show
     foreach ($fetchedNewsItems as $item) {
         $type = $item->type === 'alert' ? 'alert' : 'information';
         if (!isset($news[$type]) && (empty($item->target_version) || Bolt\Version::compare($item->target_version, '>'))) {
             $news[$type] = $item;
     return $news;