Esempio n. 1
  * Load the extension autoload.json cache file and build the PackageDescriptor array.
  * @return PackageDescriptor[]
 private function loadPackageDescriptors()
     $descriptors = [];
     try {
         /** @var JsonFile $autoload */
         $autoload = $this->extFs->get('vendor/autoload.json');
     } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) {
         return $descriptors;
     // Get extensions we're managing via the autoloader
     foreach ((array) $autoload->parse() as $name => $loader) {
         $descriptors[$name] = PackageDescriptor::create($loader);
     return $descriptors;
Esempio n. 2
  * Appends an existing set of files/directories to the finder.
  * The set can be another Finder, an Iterator, an IteratorAggregate, or even a plain array.
  * @param mixed $iterator
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the given argument is not iterable.
  * @return Finder The finder
 public function append($iterator)
     if ($iterator instanceof \IteratorAggregate) {
         $this->iterators[] = $iterator->getIterator();
     } elseif ($iterator instanceof \Iterator) {
         $this->iterators[] = $iterator;
     } elseif ($iterator instanceof \Traversable || is_array($iterator)) {
         $it = new \ArrayIterator();
         foreach ($iterator as $file) {
             $it->append($file instanceof Flysystem\Handler ? $file : $this->filesystem->get($file));
         $this->iterators[] = $it;
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Finder::append() method wrong argument type.');
     return $this;
Esempio n. 3
  * Constructor.
  * @param FilesystemInterface $filesystem The filesystem to search
  * @param string              $glob       The glob pattern
  * @param int                 $flags      A bitwise combination of the flag constants in {@see Glob}
 public function __construct(FilesystemInterface $filesystem, $glob, $flags = 0)
     // Glob code requires absolute paths, so prefix path
     // with leading slash, but not before mount point
     if (strpos($glob, '://') > 0) {
         $glob = str_replace('://', ':///', $glob);
     } else {
         $glob = '/' . ltrim($glob, '/');
     if (!Glob::isDynamic($glob)) {
         // If the glob is a file path, return that path.
         $innerIterator = new \ArrayIterator([$glob => $filesystem->get($glob)]);
     } else {
         $basePath = Glob::getBasePath($glob);
         $innerIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filesystem, $basePath, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::KEY_FOR_GLOB), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     parent::__construct($glob, $innerIterator, static::FILTER_KEY, $flags);