getApp() public static method

Get the Bolt\Application object.
public static getApp ( ) : Silex\Application
return Silex\Application
Esempio n. 1
  * Returns [route name, route params] for url generation, or null for various reasons.
  * @return array|null
 public function getRouteNameAndParams()
     if (empty($this->app)) {
         $this->app = ResourceManager::getApp();
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         return null;
     // No links for records that are 'viewless'
     if (isset($this->contenttype['viewless']) && $this->contenttype['viewless'] == true) {
         return null;
     list($name, $config) = $this->getRouteConfig();
     if (!$config) {
         return null;
     $slug = $this->getLinkSlug();
     $availableParams = array_filter(array_merge($config['defaults'] ?: [], $this->getRouteRequirementParams($config), ['contenttypeslug' => $this->contenttype['singular_slug'], 'id' => $this->id, 'slug' => $slug]));
     /** @var Route|null $route */
     $route = $this->app['routes']->get($name);
     if (!$route) {
         return null;
     // Needed params as array keys
     $pathVars = $route->compile()->getPathVariables();
     $neededKeys = array_flip($pathVars);
     // Set the values of neededKeys from the availableParams.
     // This removes extra parameters that are not needed for url generation.
     $params = array_replace($neededKeys, array_intersect_key($availableParams, $neededKeys));
     return [$name, $params];
Esempio n. 2
  * Creates a URL for the content record.
  * @return string
 public function link()
     if (empty($this->app)) {
         $this->app = ResourceManager::getApp();
     if (empty($this->id)) {
         return null;
     // No links for records that are 'viewless'
     if (isset($this->contenttype['viewless']) && $this->contenttype['viewless'] == true) {
         return null;
     list($binding, $route) = $this->getRoute();
     if (!$route) {
         return null;
     $slug = $this->values['slug'];
     if (empty($slug)) {
         $slug = $this->id;
     $link = $this->app['url_generator']->generate($binding, array_filter(array_merge($route['defaults'] ?: [], $this->getRouteRequirementParams($route), ['contenttypeslug' => $this->contenttype['singular_slug'], 'id' => $this->id, 'slug' => $slug])));
     // Strip the query string generated by supplementary parameters.
     // since our $params contained all possible arguments and the ->generate()
     // added all $params which it didn't need in the query-string we can
     // safely strip the query-string.
     // NB. this does mean we don't support routes with query strings
     return preg_replace('/^([^?]*).*$/', '\\1', $link);
 private static function getValidityTimestampFilename()
     // If 'invalidate()' was called statically, we don't have the
     // $integrityCachePath yet, so we set it here.
     if (empty(self::$integrityCachePath)) {
         $app = \Bolt\Configuration\ResourceManager::getApp();
         self::$integrityCachePath = $app['resources']->getPath('cache');
     return self::$integrityCachePath . '/' . self::INTEGRITY_CHECK_TS_FILENAME;
Esempio n. 4
  * @runInSeparateProcess
 public function testEarlyStaticFails()
     $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
Esempio n. 5
 public function testStaticApp()
     $config = new Standard(PHPUNIT_WEBROOT);
     $app = new Application(['resources' => $config]);
     $app2 = ResourceManager::getApp();
     $this->assertEquals($app, $app2);
Esempio n. 6
  * Returns translated contenttype name with fallback to name/slug from 'contenttypes.yml'.
  * @param string $contenttype The contentype
  * @param bool   $singular    Singular or plural requested?
  * @param string $locale      Translate to this locale
  * @return string
 private static function transContenttypeName($contenttype, $singular, $locale)
     $key = 'contenttypes.' . $contenttype . '.name.' . ($singular ? 'singular' : 'plural');
     $name = self::trans($key, [], 'contenttypes', $locale);
     if ($name === $key) {
         $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
         $name = $app['config']->get('contenttypes/' . $contenttype . ($singular ? '/singular_name' : '/name'));
         if (empty($name)) {
             $name = ucfirst($app['config']->get('contenttypes/' . $contenttype . ($singular ? '/singular_slug' : '/slug'), $contenttype));
         // Escape names coming from 'contenttypes.yml'
         $name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES);
     return $name;
Esempio n. 7
  * Create a simple redirect to a page / path.
  * @param string $path
  * @param bool   $abort
  * @return string
 public static function simpleredirect($path, $abort = false)
     $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
     if (empty($path)) {
         $path = '/';
     header("location: {$path}");
     echo "<p>Redirecting to <a href='{$path}'>{$path}</a>.</p>";
     echo "<script>window.setTimeout(function () { window.location='{$path}'; }, 500);</script>";
     if (!$abort) {
         return $path;
     $app->abort(Response::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, "Redirecting to '{$path}'.");
 static function enqueueScript($handle, $src = false, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $in_footer = false)
     if (!is_array(self::$scriptQueue)) {
         self::$scriptQueue = ['head' => [], 'footer' => []];
     if ($in_footer) {
         $location = 'footer';
     } else {
         $location = 'head';
     if ($src != false) {
         $script = sprintf("<script type='text/javascript' src='%s%s' type='text/css'></script>\n", $src, !empty($ver) ? '?ver=' . $ver : '');
         self::$scriptQueue[$location][$handle] = $script;
     if (in_array('jquery', $deps)) {
         $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
         $jqueryfile = sprintf('%s%s/%s/wordpress-theme/assets/jquery-2.2.3.min.js', $app['paths']['extensions'], basename(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)))), basename(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))));
         self::enqueueScript('jquery', $jqueryfile);
Esempio n. 9
  * Translates contentype specific messages and falls back to building generic message or fallback locale.
  * @param string  $genericKey
  * @param array   $params
  * @param string  $id
  * @param boolean $singular
  * @param mixed   $locale
  * @return boolean
 private static function transContenttype($genericKey, array $params, $id, $singular, $locale)
     $contenttype = $params[$id];
     $encParams = self::htmlencodeParams($params, $id);
     $key = 'contenttypes.' . $contenttype . '.text.' . substr($genericKey, 21);
     // Try to get a real translation from contenttypes.xx_XX.yml
     $trans = self::trans($key, $encParams, 'contenttypes', $locale, false);
     $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
     $localeFallbacks = $app['locale_fallbacks'];
     $transFallback = self::trans($key, $encParams, 'contenttypes', reset($localeFallbacks), false);
     // We don't want fallback translation here
     if ($trans === $transFallback) {
         $trans = false;
     // No translation found, build string from generic translation pattern
     if ($trans === false) {
         // Get generic translation with name replaced
         $encParams[$id] = self::transContenttypeName($contenttype, $singular, $locale);
         $transGeneric = self::trans($genericKey, $encParams, 'messages', $locale, false);
     } else {
         $transGeneric = false;
     // Return: translation => generic translation => fallback translation => key
     if ($trans !== false) {
         return $trans;
     } elseif ($transGeneric !== false) {
         return $transGeneric;
     } elseif ($transFallback !== false) {
         return $transFallback;
     } else {
         return $genericKey;
Esempio n. 10
 * i18n made right, second attempt...
 * Instead of calling directly $app['translator']->trans(), we check
 * for the presence of a placeholder named '%contentype%'.
 * If one is found, we replace it with the parameter,
 * and try to get a translated string. If there is not, we revert to
 * the generic (%contenttype%) string, which must have a translation.
function __()
    $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
    $num_args = func_num_args();
    if (0 == $num_args) {
        return null;
    $args = func_get_args();
    if ($num_args > 4) {
        $fn = 'transChoice';
    } elseif ($num_args == 1 || is_array($args[1])) {
        // If only 1 arg or 2nd arg is an array call trans
        $fn = 'trans';
    } else {
        $fn = 'transChoice';
    $tr_args = null;
    if ($fn == 'trans' && $num_args > 1) {
        $tr_args = $args[1];
    } elseif ($fn == 'transChoice' && $num_args > 2) {
        $tr_args = $args[2];
    // Check for contenttype(s) placeholder
    if ($tr_args) {
        $keytype = '%contenttype%';
        $keytypes = '%contenttypes%';
        $have_singular = array_key_exists($keytype, $tr_args);
        $have_plural = array_key_exists($keytypes, $tr_args);
        if ($have_singular || $have_plural) {
            // have a %contenttype% placeholder, try to find a specialized translation
            if ($have_singular) {
                $text = str_replace($keytype, $tr_args[$keytype], $args[0]);
            } else {
                $text = str_replace($keytypes, $tr_args[$keytypes], $args[0]);
            //echo "\n" . '<!-- contenttype replaced: '.htmlentities($text)." -->\n";
            if ($fn == 'transChoice') {
                $trans = $app['translator']->transChoice($text, $args[1], htmlencode_params($tr_args), isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : 'contenttypes', isset($args[4]) ? $args[4] : $app['request']->getLocale());
            } else {
                $trans = $app['translator']->trans($text, htmlencode_params($tr_args), isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : 'contenttypes', isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : $app['request']->getLocale());
            //echo '<!-- translation : '.htmlentities($trans)." -->\n";
            if ($text != $trans) {
                return $trans;
    //try {
    if (isset($args[1])) {
        $args[1] = htmlencode_params($args[1]);
    switch ($num_args) {
        case 5:
            return $app['translator']->transChoice($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]);
        case 4:
            //echo "<!-- 4. call: $fn($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]) -->\n";
            return $app['translator']->{$fn}($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]);
        case 3:
            //echo "<!-- 3. call: $fn($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]) -->\n";
            return $app['translator']->{$fn}($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]);
        case 2:
            //echo "<!-- 2. call: $fn($args[0],$args[1] -->\n";
            return $app['translator']->{$fn}($args[0], $args[1]);
        case 1:
            //echo "<!-- 1. call: $fn($args[0]) -->\n";
            return $app['translator']->{$fn}($args[0]);
      catch (\Exception $e) {
          echo "<!-- ARGHH !!! -->\n";
          //return $args[0];
  * Shortcut for {@see UrlGeneratorInterface::generate}
  * @param string $name          The name of the route
  * @param array  $params        An array of parameters
  * @param int    $referenceType The type of reference to be generated (one of the constants)
  * @return string
 protected function generateUrl($name, $params = [], $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH)
     $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
     /** @var UrlGeneratorInterface $generator */
     $generator = $app['url_generator'];
     return $generator->generate($name, $params, $referenceType);
Esempio n. 12
 public static function catchFatalErrors()
     // Get last error, if any
     $error = error_get_last();
     if ($error['type'] == E_ERROR || $error['type'] == E_PARSE) {
         $html = self::$html;
         // Get the application object
         $app = \Bolt\Configuration\ResourceManager::getApp();
         // Detect if we're being called from a core, an extension or vendor
         $isBoltCoreError = strpos($error['file'], $app['resources']->getPath('rootpath') . 'src');
         $isVendorError = strpos($error['file'], $app['resources']->getPath('rootpath') . 'vendor');
         $isExtensionError = strpos($error['file'], $app['resources']->getPath('extensions'));
         // Assemble error trace
         $errorblock = '<code>Error: ' . $error['message'] . '</code><br>';
         $errorblock .= '<code>File:  ' . $error['file'] . '</code><br>';
         $errorblock .= '<code>Line:  ' . $error['line'] . '</code><br><br>';
         if ($isBoltCoreError === 0) {
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Bolt Core', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '', $html);
             $message = $errorblock;
         } elseif ($isVendorError === 0) {
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Vendor Library', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '', $html);
             $message = $errorblock;
         } elseif ($isExtensionError === 0) {
             $vendor = $app['resources']->getPath('extensions') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
             $base = str_replace($vendor, '', $error['file']);
             $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $base);
             $package = $parts[0] . '/' . $parts[1];
             $delete = 'extensions' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts[0] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts[1];
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Bolt Extensions', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '<p>You will only be able to continue by manually deleting the extension that is installed at:</p>' . '<code>' . $delete . '</code><br><br>', $html);
             $message = '<h4>There is a fatal error in the \'' . $package . '\' extension ' . 'loaded on your Bolt Installation.<h4>';
             $message .= $errorblock;
         } else {
             // Unknown
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Bolt Generic', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '', $html);
             $message = $errorblock;
         $message = nl2br($message);
         $html = str_replace('%error%', $message, $html);
         echo str_replace($app['resources']->getPath('rootpath'), '', $html);
Esempio n. 13
  * Callback for register_shutdown_function() to handle fatal errors.
  * @param \Silex\Application $app
 public static function catchFatalErrors($app = null)
     // Get last error, if any
     $error = error_get_last();
     // Let Whoops handle AJAX requested fatal errors
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') {
     if ($error['type'] == E_ERROR || $error['type'] == E_PARSE) {
         $html = self::$html;
         // Get the application object
         if ($app === null) {
             $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
         // Detect if we're being called from a core, an extension or vendor
         $isBoltCoreError = strpos($error['file'], $app['resources']->getPath('rootpath/src'));
         $isVendorError = strpos($error['file'], $app['resources']->getPath('rootpath/vendor'));
         $isExtensionError = strpos($error['file'], $app['resources']->getPath('extensions'));
         // Assemble error trace
         $errorblock = '<code>Error: ' . $error['message'] . '</code><br>';
         $errorblock .= '<code>File:  ' . $error['file'] . '</code><br>';
         $errorblock .= '<code>Line:  ' . $error['line'] . '</code><br><br>';
         if ($isBoltCoreError === 0) {
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Bolt Core', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '', $html);
             $message = $errorblock;
         } elseif ($isVendorError === 0) {
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Vendor Library', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '', $html);
             $message = $errorblock;
         } elseif ($isExtensionError === 0) {
             $base = str_replace($app['resources']->getPath('extensions'), '', $error['file']);
             $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ltrim($base, '/'));
             $package = $parts[1] . '/' . $parts[2];
             $delete = 'extensions' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts[0] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts[1] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parts[2];
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Bolt Extensions', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '<p>You will only be able to continue by manually deleting the extension that is installed at:</p>' . '<code>' . $delete . '</code><br><br>', $html);
             $message = '<h4>There is a fatal error in the \'' . $package . '\' extension ' . 'loaded on your Bolt Installation.<h4>';
             $message .= $errorblock;
         } else {
             // Unknown
             $html = str_replace('%error_title%', 'PHP Fatal Error: Bolt Generic', $html);
             $html = str_replace('%info%', '', $html);
             $message = $errorblock;
         $message = nl2br($message);
         $html = str_replace('%error%', $message, $html);
         // Determine if we're on the command line. If so, don't output HTML.
         if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
             $html = self::cleanHTML($html);
         echo str_replace($app['resources']->getPath('rootpath'), '', $html);
 public function __construct()
     $this->app = ResourceManager::getApp();
Esempio n. 15
 * Find all twig templates and bolt php code, extract translatables
 * strings, merge with existing translations, return
function gatherTranslatableStrings($locale = null, $translated = array())
    $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
    $isPhp = function ($fname) {
        return pathinfo(strtolower($fname), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'php';
    $isTwig = function ($fname) {
        return pathinfo(strtolower($fname), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'twig';
    $ctypes = $app['config']->get('contenttypes');
    // function that generates a string for each variation of contenttype/contenttypes
    $genContentTypes = function ($txt) use($ctypes) {
        $stypes = array();
        if (strpos($txt, '%contenttypes%') !== false) {
            foreach ($ctypes as $key => $ctype) {
                $stypes[] = str_replace('%contenttypes%', $ctype['name'], $txt);
        if (strpos($txt, '%contenttype%') !== false) {
            foreach ($ctypes as $key => $ctype) {
                $stypes[] = str_replace('%contenttype%', $ctype['singular_name'], $txt);
        return $stypes;
    // Step one: gather all translatable strings
    $finder = new Finder();
    $finder->files()->ignoreVCS(true)->name('*.twig')->name('*.php')->notName('*~')->exclude(array('cache', 'config', 'database', 'resources', 'tests'))->in(dirname($app['paths']['themepath']))->in($app['paths']['apppath']);
    // regex from:
    $re_dq = '/"[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*"/s';
    $re_sq = "/'[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'/s";
    $nstr = 0;
    $strings = array();
    foreach ($finder as $file) {
        $s = file_get_contents($file);
        // Scan twig templates for  __('...' and __("..."
        if ($isTwig($file)) {
            // __('single_quoted_string'...
            if (preg_match_all("/\\b__\\(\\s*'([^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*)'(?U).*\\)/s", $s, $matches)) {
                foreach ($matches[1] as $t) {
                    if (!in_array($t, $strings) && strlen($t) > 1) {
                        $strings[] = $t;
            // __("double_quoted_string"...
            if (preg_match_all('/\\b__\\(\\s*"([^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^"\\\\]*)*)"(?U).*\\)/s', $s, $matches)) {
                foreach ($matches[1] as $t) {
                    if (!in_array($t, $strings) && strlen($t) > 1) {
                        $strings[] = $t;
        // php :
        /** all translatables strings have to be called with:
         *  __("text", $params=array(), $domain='messages', locale=null) // $app['translator']->trans()
         *  __("text", count, $params=array(), $domain='messages', locale=null) // $app['translator']->transChoice()
        if ($isPhp($file)) {
            $tokens = token_get_all($s);
            $num_tokens = count($tokens);
            for ($x = 0; $x < $num_tokens; $x++) {
                $token = $tokens[$x];
                if (is_array($token) && $token[0] == T_STRING && $token[1] == '__') {
                    $token = $tokens[++$x];
                    if ($x < $num_tokens && is_array($token) && $token[0] == T_WHITESPACE) {
                        $token = $tokens[++$x];
                    if ($x < $num_tokens && !is_array($token) && $token == '(') {
                        // in our func args...
                        $token = $tokens[++$x];
                        if ($x < $num_tokens && is_array($token) && $token[0] == T_WHITESPACE) {
                            $token = $tokens[++$x];
                        if (!is_array($token)) {
                            // give up
                        if ($token[0] == T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) {
                            $t = substr($token[1], 1, strlen($token[1]) - 2);
                            if (!in_array($t, $strings) && strlen($t) > 1) {
                                $strings[] = $t;
                            // TODO: retrieve domain?
            // end for $x
    // Add fields name|label for contenttype (forms)
    foreach ($ctypes as $ckey => $contenttype) {
        foreach ($contenttype['fields'] as $fkey => $field) {
            if (isset($field['label'])) {
                $t = $field['label'];
            } else {
                $t = ucfirst($fkey);
            if (!in_array($t, $strings) && strlen($t) > 1) {
                $strings[] = $t;
        // Relation name|label if exists
        if (array_key_exists('relations', $contenttype)) {
            foreach ($contenttype['relations'] as $fkey => $field) {
                if (isset($field['label'])) {
                    $t = $field['label'];
                } else {
                    $t = ucfirst($fkey);
                if (!in_array($t, $strings) && strlen($t) > 1) {
                    $strings[] = $t;
    // Add name + singular_name for taxonomies
    foreach ($app['config']->get('taxonomy') as $txkey => $value) {
        foreach (array('name', 'singular_name') as $key) {
            $t = $value[$key];
            if (!in_array($t, $strings)) {
                $strings[] = $t;
    // Return the previously translated string if exists,
    // Return an empty string otherwise
    $getTranslated = function ($key) use($app, $translated) {
        if (($trans = $app['translator']->trans($key)) == $key) {
            if (is_array($translated) && array_key_exists($key, $translated) && !empty($translated[$key])) {
                return $translated[$key];
            return '';
        return $trans;
    // Step 2: find already translated strings
    if (!$locale) {
        $locale = $app['request']->getLocale();
    $msg_domain = array('translated' => array(), 'not_translated' => array());
    $ctype_domain = array('translated' => array(), 'not_translated' => array());
    foreach ($strings as $idx => $key) {
        $key = stripslashes($key);
        $raw_key = $key;
        $key = Escaper::escapeWithDoubleQuotes($key);
        if (($trans = $getTranslated($raw_key)) == '' && ($trans = $getTranslated($key)) == '') {
            $msg_domain['not_translated'][] = $key;
        } else {
            $trans = Escaper::escapeWithDoubleQuotes($trans);
            $msg_domain['translated'][$key] = $trans;
        // Step 3: generate additionals strings for contenttypes
        if (strpos($raw_key, '%contenttype%') !== false || strpos($raw_key, '%contenttypes%') !== false) {
            foreach ($genContentTypes($raw_key) as $ctypekey) {
                $key = Escaper::escapeWithDoubleQuotes($ctypekey);
                if (($trans = $getTranslated($ctypekey)) == '' && ($trans = $getTranslated($key)) == '') {
                    // Not translated
                    $ctype_domain['not_translated'][] = $key;
                } else {
                    $trans = Escaper::escapeWithDoubleQuotes($trans);
                    $ctype_domain['translated'][$key] = $trans;
    return array($msg_domain, $ctype_domain);
Esempio n. 16
  * Clear the cache. Both the doctrine FilesystemCache, as well as twig and thumbnail temp files.
  * @see clearCacheHelper
 public function clearCache()
     $result = array('successfiles' => 0, 'failedfiles' => 0, 'failed' => array(), 'successfolders' => 0, 'failedfolders' => 0, 'log' => '');
     // Clear Doctrine's folder.
     // Clear our own cache folder.
     $this->clearCacheHelper($this->getDirectory(), '', $result);
     // Clear the thumbs folder.
     $app = ResourceManager::getApp();
     $this->clearCacheHelper($app['resources']->getPath('web') . '/thumbs', '', $result);
     return $result;