submitSpam() public static method

Submit spam, his call is for submitting comments that weren't marked as spam but should have been.
public static submitSpam ( string $userIp, string $userAgent, string $content, string $author = null, string $email = null, string $url = null, string $permalink = null, string $type = null, string $referrer = null, array $others = null ) : boolean
$userIp string IP address of the comment submitter.
$userAgent string User agent information.
$content string The content that was submitted.
$author string Submitted name with the comment.
$email string Submitted email address.
$url string Commenter URL.
$permalink string The permanent location of the entry the comment was submitted to.
$type string May be blank, comment, trackback, pingback, or a made up value like "registration".
$referrer string The content of the HTTP_REFERER header should be sent here.
$others array Other data (the variables from $_SERVER).
return boolean If everything went fine true will be returned, otherwise an exception will be triggered.
Esempio n. 1
  * Execute the action
 public function execute()
     // current status
     $from = \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('from', array('published', 'moderation', 'spam'), 'published');
     // action to execute
     $action = \SpoonFilter::getGetValue('action', array('published', 'moderation', 'spam', 'delete'), 'spam');
     // no id's provided
     if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Comments') . '&error=no-comments-selected');
     // redefine id's
     $ids = (array) $_GET['id'];
     // delete comment(s)
     if ($action == 'delete') {
     } elseif ($action == 'spam') {
         // is the spamfilter active?
         if ($this->get('fork.settings')->get($this->URL->getModule(), 'spamfilter', false)) {
             // get data
             $comments = BackendBlogModel::getComments($ids);
             // loop comments
             foreach ($comments as $row) {
                 // unserialize data
                 $row['data'] = unserialize($row['data']);
                 // check if needed data is available
                 if (!isset($row['data']['server']['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
                 if (!isset($row['data']['server']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                 // build vars
                 $userIp = $row['data']['server']['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                 $userAgent = $row['data']['server']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                 $content = $row['text'];
                 $author = $row['author'];
                 $email = $row['email'];
                 $url = isset($row['website']) && $row['website'] != '' ? $row['website'] : null;
                 $referrer = isset($row['data']['server']['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $row['data']['server']['HTTP_REFERER'] : null;
                 $others = $row['data']['server'];
                 // submit as spam
                 BackendModel::submitSpam($userIp, $userAgent, $content, $author, $email, $url, null, 'comment', $referrer, $others);
         // set new status
         BackendBlogModel::updateCommentStatuses($ids, $action);
     } else {
         // published?
         if ($action == 'published') {
             // is the spamfilter active?
             if ($this->get('fork.settings')->get($this->URL->getModule(), 'spamfilter', false)) {
                 // get data
                 $comments = BackendBlogModel::getComments($ids);
                 // loop comments
                 foreach ($comments as $row) {
                     // previous status is spam
                     if ($row['status'] == 'spam') {
                         // unserialize data
                         $row['data'] = unserialize($row['data']);
                         // check if needed data is available
                         if (!isset($row['data']['server']['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
                         if (!isset($row['data']['server']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                         // build vars
                         $userIp = $row['data']['server']['REMOTE_ADDR'];
                         $userAgent = $row['data']['server']['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
                         $content = $row['text'];
                         $author = $row['author'];
                         $email = $row['email'];
                         $url = isset($row['website']) && $row['website'] != '' ? $row['website'] : null;
                         $referrer = isset($row['data']['server']['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $row['data']['server']['HTTP_REFERER'] : null;
                         $others = $row['data']['server'];
                         // submit as spam
                         BackendModel::submitHam($userIp, $userAgent, $content, $author, $email, $url, null, 'comment', $referrer, $others);
         // set new status
         BackendBlogModel::updateCommentStatuses($ids, $action);
     // define report
     $report = count($ids) > 1 ? 'comments-' : 'comment-';
     // init var
     if ($action == 'published') {
         $report .= 'moved-published';
     } elseif ($action == 'moderation') {
         $report .= 'moved-moderation';
     } elseif ($action == 'spam') {
         $report .= 'moved-spam';
     } elseif ($action == 'delete') {
         $report .= 'deleted';
     // redirect
     $this->redirect(BackendModel::createURLForAction('Comments') . '&report=' . $report . '#tab' . \SpoonFilter::ucfirst($from));