Esempio n. 1
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Symfony\Component\Console\Command.Command::execute()
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // Load configuration file
     $configPath = $input->getOption('config');
     if (null === $configPath) {
         $configPath = $this->getDefaultConfigPath();
     try {
         $config = $this->loadConfig($configPath);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
     // Let's assume configuration file is at the root of the project local repository
     // TODO: Allow to set path to the repository in the configuration file
     $projectPath = dirname($configPath);
     // The only VCS supported is Git for now so there is no choice
     // TODO: Support more VCS
     $vcs = new GitDriver($projectPath);
     $commit = $vcs->getCommit($input->getArgument('hash'));
     // Build commit
     $builder = new Builder($config);
     $report = $builder->buildCommit($commit);
     // Prepare event to be broadcasted
     $event = new Event();
     $title = $report->isSuccessfull() ? 'Build succeed' : 'Build failed';
     // Broadcast report
     // TODO: Allow to define notifiers in the configuration file
     $notifier = new GrowlNotifier();
Esempio n. 2
 protected function notify(Event $event)
     $request = 'GNTP/1.0 NOTIFY NONE' . self::EOL;
     $request .= 'Application-Name: ' . $this->getApplicationName() . self::EOL;
     $request .= 'Notification-Name: Notify' . self::EOL;
     $request .= 'Notification-Title: ' . $event->getTitle() . self::EOL;
     $request .= 'Notification-Text: ' . $event->getMessage() . self::EOL;
     $request .= self::EOL . self::EOL;
     return $this->sendRequest($request);
Esempio n. 3
 public function handle(Event $event)
     $timestamp = $event->getTimestamp();
     if (empty($timestamp)) {
     foreach ($this->notifiers as $notifier) {
Esempio n. 4
 public function format(Event $event)
     $format = $this->getFormat();
     // Process timestamp
     preg_match('/%timestamp:(.*?)%/', $format, $matches);
     list($timestampTag, $timestampFormat) = $matches;
     $timestamp = date($timestampFormat, $event->getTimestamp());
     $format = str_replace($timestampTag, $timestamp, $format);
     // Process the other items
     $extras = array();
     foreach ($event->getExtras() as $name => $value) {
         $extras[] = $name . ': ' . $value;
     $data = array('%extras%' => implode(', ', $extras), '%message%' => $event->getMessage(), '%picture%' => $event->getPicture(), '%title%' => $event->getTitle(), '%type%' => $event->getType());
     return strtr($format . $this->getEol(), $data);
Esempio n. 5
 public function format(Event $event)
     $encoding = $this->getEncoding();
     $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', $encoding);
     $rootNode = $dom->appendChild(new \DOMElement('event'));
     $data = array('type' => $event->getType(), 'timestamp' => $event->getTimestamp(), 'title' => $event->getTitle(), 'message' => $event->getMessage(), 'picture' => $event->getPicture());
     foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
         $this->appendNode($rootNode, $name, $value);
     $extrasNode = $rootNode->appendChild(new \DOMElement('extras'));
     foreach ($event->getExtras() as $name => $value) {
         $this->appendNode($extrasNode, $name, $value);
     $xml = $dom->saveXML();
     // Remove XML protocol
     $xml = preg_replace('/<\\?xml version="1.0"( encoding="[^\\"]*")?\\?>\\n/u', '', $xml);
     return $xml;
Esempio n. 6
 public function format(Event $event)
     $data = array('type' => $event->getType(), 'timestamp' => $event->getTimestamp(), 'title' => $event->getTitle(), 'message' => $event->getMessage(), 'picture' => $event->getPicture(), 'extras' => $event->getExtras());
     return json_encode($data);