Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct($version)
     $this->version = $version;
     $cliFactory = new CliFactory();
     $this->context = $cliFactory->newContext($GLOBALS);
     $this->stdio = new \nochso\Phormat\CLI\Stdio(new Handle('php://stdin', 'r'), new Handle('php://stdout', 'w+'), new Handle('php://stderr', 'w+'), new Formatter());
     $this->opt = $this->context->getopt($this->getOptions());
Esempio n. 2
 public function setUp()
     $ci =& get_instance();
     $cli_factory = new CliFactory();
     $context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
     $this->stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio('php://memory', 'php://memory', 'php://memory');
     $this->stdout = $this->stdio->getStdout();
     $this->stderr = $this->stdio->getStderr();
     $this->cmd = new Run($context, $this->stdio, $ci);
Esempio n. 3
 public function setUp()
     $this->ci =& get_instance();
     $cli_factory = new CliFactory();
     $context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
     $this->stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio('php://memory', 'php://memory', 'php://memory');
     $this->stdout = $this->stdio->getStdout();
     $this->stderr = $this->stdio->getStderr();
     $this->cmd = new Migrate($context, $this->stdio, $this->ci);
     $this->ci->config->set_item('migration_version', 20150429110003);
Esempio n. 4
 public function setUp()
     $this->ci =& get_instance();
     $cli_factory = new CliFactory();
     $context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
     $this->stdio = $cli_factory->newStdio('php://memory', 'php://memory', 'php://memory');
     $this->stdout = $this->stdio->getStdout();
     $this->stderr = $this->stdio->getStderr();
     $this->cmd = new Generate($context, $this->stdio, $this->ci);
     $this->migration_path = __DIR__ . '/../Fake/migrations/';
     foreach (glob($this->migration_path . '*_Test_of_generate_migration.php') as $file) {
Esempio n. 5
 public function __construct(array $globals = null)
     $this->version = new VersionInfo('writeme', '0.1.0', '<<green>>%s<<reset>> <<yellow>>%s<<reset>>');
     $clif = new CliFactory();
     if ($globals === null) {
         $globals = $GLOBALS;
     $this->context = $clif->newContext($globals);
     $this->stdio = Stdio::create();
     $this->placeholders = new PlaceholderCollection([new Frontmatter(), new TOC(), new API(), new Changelog(), new Badge()]);
     $placeholderDocs = new PlaceholderDocs();
     $this->converter = new Converter();
Esempio n. 6
 public function getParams()
     $params = new \StdClass();
     $cliFactory = new CliFactory();
     $context = $cliFactory->newContext($GLOBALS);
     $stdio = $cliFactory->newStdio();
     $getopt = $context->getopt(['server1::', 'server2::', 'format::', 'template::', 'type::', 'include::', 'nocomments::', 'config::', 'output::', 'debug::', 'silent::']);
     $input = $getopt->get(1);
     if ($input) {
         $params->input = $this->parseInput($input);
     } else {
         throw new CLIException("Missing input");
     if ($getopt->get('--server1')) {
         $params->server1 = $this->parseServer($getopt->get('--server1'));
     if ($getopt->get('--server2')) {
         $params->server2 = $this->parseServer($getopt->get('--server2'));
     if ($getopt->get('--format')) {
         $params->format = $getopt->get('--format');
     if ($getopt->get('--template')) {
         $params->template = $getopt->get('--template');
     if ($getopt->get('--type')) {
         $params->type = $getopt->get('--type');
     if ($getopt->get('--include')) {
         $params->include = $getopt->get('--include');
     if ($getopt->get('--nocomments')) {
         $params->nocomments = $getopt->get('--nocomments');
     if ($getopt->get('--config')) {
         $params->config = $getopt->get('--config');
     if ($getopt->get('--output')) {
         $params->output = $getopt->get('--output');
     if ($getopt->get('--debug')) {
         $params->debug = $getopt->get('--debug');
     if ($getopt->get('--silent')) {
         $params->silent = $getopt->get('--silent');
     return $params;
Esempio n. 7
 public function test_seed_list()
     $GLOBALS['argv'][1] = 'seed';
     $GLOBALS['argv'][2] = '-l';
     $GLOBALS['argc'] = 3;
     $ci =& get_instance();
     $cli_factory = new CliFactory();
     $context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
     $this->cmd = new Seed($context, $this->stdio, $ci);
     $status = $this->cmd->__invoke();
     $this->assertEquals(Status::SUCCESS, $status);
     $actual = $this->stdout->fread();
     $this->assertContains('Table1Seeder', $actual);
     $this->assertContains('Table2Seeder', $actual);
Esempio n. 8
#!/usr/bin/env php
namespace compwright\DisqusDemo;

require_once 'bootstrap.php';
use compwright\Disguz\Disguz;
use Guzzle\Http\Exception\HttpException;
use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Aura\Cli\Status;
use Memcache;
$factory = new CliFactory();
$stdio = $factory->newStdio();
// Create a client and pass an array of configuration data
$client = Disguz::factory(['disqus.keys' => ['api_key' => getenv('DISQUS_API_KEY')]]);
// Connect to burst cache
$memcache = new Memcache();
list($host, $port) = explode(':', getenv('MEMCACHED'));
$connected = $memcache->connect($host, $port);
if (!$connected) {
    throw new \Exception('Unable to connect to Memcache server, ' . getenv('MEMCACHED'));
$forum = getenv('DISQUS_FORUM');
$ttl = getenv('CACHE_TTL');
$healthyKey = getenv('CACHE_NAMESPACE') . '-healthy';
try {
    // Ping the Disqus API
    // Save healthy status in burst cache
    $memcache->set($healthyKey, 'healthy', 0, $ttl);
    // Report status to the console

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Matthias\SphinxDocumentation\ServiceContainer;
$autoloadFile = array_filter(array(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php'), 'file_exists');
if ($autoloadFile === null) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Could not locate the Composer autoload file');
require reset($autoloadFile);
$cli_factory = new CliFactory();
$context = $cli_factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
$getopt = $context->getopt(array('library-dir*:', 'project-dir:'));
$projectDirectory = $getopt->get('--project-dir', getcwd());
$buildDirectory = $getopt->get(1);
$libraryDirectories = $getopt->get('--library-dir');
$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer($projectDirectory, $buildDirectory, $libraryDirectories, true);

use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Matthias\LeanpubSampler\SampleTextFileGenerator;
$autoloadFile = array_filter(array(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php', __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php'), 'file_exists');
if ($autoloadFile === null) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Could not locate the Composer autoload file');
require reset($autoloadFile);
$cliFactory = new CliFactory();
$context = $cliFactory->newContext($GLOBALS);
$stdio = $cliFactory->newStdio();
$options = array('dir:', 'file:', 'all-sections,s');
$getopt = $context->getopt($options);
$manuscriptDirectory = $getopt->get('--dir', 'manuscript/');
$stdio->outln('Look for manuscript files in: <<yellow>>' . $manuscriptDirectory . '<<reset>>');
$file = $getopt->get('--file', 'manuscript/sample-text.txt');
$stdio->outln('Write sample text to: <<yellow>>' . $file . '<<reset>>');
$addAllSectionMarkers = $getopt->get('--all-sections');
$stdio->outln('Add all section markers? <<yellow>>' . ($addAllSectionMarkers ? 'yes' : 'no') . '<<reset>>');
$sampleTextFileGenerator = new SampleTextFileGenerator($manuscriptDirectory, $file, $addAllSectionMarkers);
Esempio n. 11
    $basedir = getcwd();
    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
} else {
    fwrite(STDERR, 'Could not find the vendor/autoload.php file' . PHP_EOL);
use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
use Aura\Cli\Status;
use Aura\Cli\Help;
use Aura\Cli\Context\GetoptParser;
use Aura\Cli\Context\OptionFactory;
use Dotenv;
use DisqusAPI;
use DisqusInterfaceNotDefined;
// Aura CLI library dependencies
$auraCli = new CliFactory();
$context = $auraCli->newContext($_SERVER);
$stdio = $auraCli->newStdio();
// Assemble the script usage instructions
$help = new Help(new OptionFactory());
$help->setSummary('A lightweight command line client for the Disqus API');
$help->setUsage("<resource> <verb> [optionlist]");
$help->setDescr('For a full list of Disqus API resources, verbs, and options, visit');
// Parse the command line
$optionsParser = new GetoptParser(new OptionFactory());
try {
    // Load the configuration .env file
 public function getContext(CliFactory $cli)
     return $cli->newContext($GLOBALS);
Esempio n. 13

 * Builds static pages from README and code samples.
use Aura\Cli\CliFactory;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
//cli setup
$factory = new CliFactory();
$cli = $factory->newContext($GLOBALS);
$io = $factory->newStdio();
$getop = $cli->getopt(['b,build:', 'p,path:', 'e,env:']);
$buildDir = $getop->get('--build', __DIR__ . '/_build');
$webPath = $getop->get('--path', '/Quickstarts');
$environment = $getop->get('--env', 'development');
$io->out('setting up markdown...');
$env = \League\CommonMark\Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment();
$exampleParser = new ExampleParser();
$exampleRenderer = new ExampleRenderer();
$linkRenderer = new LinkRenderer(['', '', '', '', '']);
$io->out('adding custom parsers/renderers...');
$env->addBlockRenderer('ExampleElement', $exampleRenderer);
$env->addInlineRenderer('League\\CommonMark\\Inline\\Element\\Link', $linkRenderer);
$parser = new \League\CommonMark\DocParser($env);
$renderer = new \League\CommonMark\HtmlRenderer($env);
$io->out('setting up mustache template loader...');