eq() public static method

Assert that two values are equal (using == ).
public static eq ( mixed $value, mixed $value2, string | null $message = null, string | null $propertyPath = null ) : boolean
$value mixed
$value2 mixed
$message string | null
$propertyPath string | null
return boolean
Esempio n. 1
  * @param \Jose\Object\JWSInterface $jws
  * @param array                     $data
 private static function populatePayload(JWSInterface &$jws, array $data)
     $is_encoded = null;
     foreach ($jws->getSignatures() as $signature) {
         if (null === $is_encoded) {
             $is_encoded = self::isPayloadEncoded($signature);
         Assertion::eq($is_encoded, self::isPayloadEncoded($signature), 'Foreign payload encoding detected. The JWS cannot be loaded.');
     if (array_key_exists('payload', $data)) {
         $payload = $data['payload'];
         $jws = $jws->withAttachedPayload();
         $jws = $jws->withEncodedPayload($payload);
         if (false !== $is_encoded) {
             $payload = Base64Url::decode($payload);
         $json = json_decode($payload, true);
         if (null !== $json && !empty($payload)) {
             $payload = $json;
         $jws = $jws->withPayload($payload);
     } else {
         $jws = $jws->withDetachedPayload();
Esempio n. 2
 public function it_should_create_configured_connection(ConnectionRegistry $registry)
     /** @var Connection $connection */
     $connection = $this->createNamed('default')->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf(Connection::class);
     Assertion::eq($connection->getWrappedConnection()->getVhost(), 'foo');
Esempio n. 3
  * @param  \stdClass $obj
  * @param  array     $context
  * @return \Twitter\Object\Tweet
 public function unserialize($obj, array $context = [])
     Assertion::true($this->canUnserialize($obj), 'object is not unserializable');
     $createdAt = new \DateTimeImmutable($obj->created_at);
     Assertion::eq(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'), $createdAt->getTimezone());
     return Tweet::create(TwitterMessageId::create($obj->id), $this->userSerializer->unserialize($obj->user), $obj->text, $obj->lang, $createdAt, $obj->entities ? $this->twitterEntitiesSerializer->unserialize($obj->entities) : TwitterEntities::create(), $obj->coordinates ? $this->coordinatesSerializer->unserialize($obj->coordinates) : null, $obj->place ? $this->placeSerializer->unserialize($obj->place) : null, $obj->in_reply_to_status_id, $obj->in_reply_to_user_id, $obj->in_reply_to_screen_name, $obj->retweeted, $obj->retweet_count, $obj->favorited, $obj->favorite_count, $obj->truncated, $obj->source, isset($obj->retweeted_status) ? $this->unserialize($obj->retweeted_status) : null);
Esempio n. 4
  * @param JWKInterface $key
 private function checkKey(JWKInterface $key)
     Assertion::eq($key->get('kty'), 'OKP', 'Wrong key type.');
     Assertion::true($key->has('x'), 'The key parameter "x" is missing.');
     Assertion::true($key->has('crv'), 'The key parameter "crv" is missing.');
     Assertion::inArray($key->get('crv'), ['Ed25519'], 'Unsupported curve');
  * @param  \stdClass $obj
  * @param  array     $context
  * @return TwitterEvent
 public function unserialize($obj, array $context = [])
     Assertion::true($this->canUnserialize($obj), 'object is not unserializable');
     $createdAt = new \DateTimeImmutable($obj->created_at);
     Assertion::eq(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'), $createdAt->getTimezone());
     return TwitterEvent::create($obj->event, $this->userSerializer->unserialize($obj->source), isset($obj->target) ? $this->userSerializer->unserialize($obj->target) : null, isset($obj->target_object) ? $this->targetSerializer->unserialize($obj->target_object) : null, $createdAt);
  * @return $this
 public function validate()
     $firstBytes = fread($this->resource, 1);
     Assertion::eq($firstBytes, "<", "Stream is no valid xml file. Does not start with '<'.");
     return $this;
  * @param  \stdClass $directMessage
  * @param  array     $context
  * @return TwitterDirectMessage
 public function unserialize($directMessage, array $context = [])
     Assertion::true($this->canUnserialize($directMessage), 'object is not unserializable');
     $dm = $directMessage->direct_message;
     $createdAt = new \DateTimeImmutable($dm->created_at);
     Assertion::eq(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'), $createdAt->getTimezone());
     return TwitterDirectMessage::create(TwitterMessageId::create($dm->id), $this->userSerializer->unserialize($dm->sender), $this->userSerializer->unserialize($dm->recipient), $dm->text, $createdAt, $this->twitterEntitiesSerializer->canUnserialize($dm->entities) ? $this->twitterEntitiesSerializer->unserialize($dm->entities) : TwitterEntities::create());
  * @Then All users with a pending and outdated activation should be removed
 public function allUsersWithAPendingAndOutdatedActivationShouldBeRemoved()
     $em = $this->getEntityManager();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) {
         Assertion::eq(null, $em->getRepository('Account:User')->findOneBy(['username' => (string) $i]));
     Assertion::notEq(null, $em->getRepository('Account:User')->findOneBy(['username' => 'foo']));
  * @Then /^the following users should be active:$/
  * @param TableNode $node
 public function checkUserActivity(TableNode $node)
     /** @var \AppBundle\Service\Doctrine\Repository\UserRepository $repository */
     $repository = $this->getContainer()->get('app.repository.user');
     Assertion::eq($response = $this->apiContext->getResponse(), array_combine(array_map(function (array $data) use($repository) : string {
         return $repository->findOneBy(['username' => $data['username']])->getId();
     }, $node->getHash()), array_fill(0, count($response), 1)));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function checkClaim(JWTInterface $jwt)
     if (!$jwt->hasClaim('iss')) {
         return [];
     $issuer = $jwt->getClaim('iss');
     Assertion::eq($this->issuer, $issuer, sprintf('The issuer "%s" is not allowed.', $issuer));
     return ['iss'];
  * @param string $offset
  * @param TechnicalData $value
 public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
     Assertion::isInstanceOf($value, TechnicalData::class);
     $name = $value->getName();
     if (null !== $offset) {
         Assertion::eq($name, $offset);
     $this->data[$name] = $value;
Esempio n. 12
  * @param array $data
 private static function checkData(array &$data)
     foreach (['scheme', 'host', 'path', 'query'] as $key) {
         Assertion::keyExists($data, $key, 'Not a valid OTP provisioning URI');
     Assertion::eq('otpauth', $data['scheme'], 'Not a valid OTP provisioning URI');
     parse_str($data['query'], $data['query']);
     Assertion::keyExists($data['query'], 'secret', 'Not a valid OTP provisioning URI');
Esempio n. 13
  * Init.
  * @param TwitterMessageId   $id
  * @param TwitterUser        $sender
  * @param string             $text
  * @param TwitterEntities    $entities
  * @param \DateTimeInterface $date
 public function init(TwitterMessageId $id, TwitterUser $sender, $text, TwitterEntities $entities, \DateTimeInterface $date)
     Assertion::eq(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'), $date->getTimezone());
     $this->entities = $entities;
     $this->id = $id;
     $this->sender = $sender;
     $this->text = $text;
     $this->date = $date;
  * @Then I should see the following result:
 public function iShouldSeeTheFollowingResult(TableNode $table)
     foreach ($table->getHash() as $row) {
         $userId = (int) $row['user_id'];
         $state = $row['state'] === 'true';
         Assertion::keyExists($this->result, $userId);
         Assertion::eq($state, $this->result[$userId]);
     Assertion::eq(count(iterator_to_array($table)), count($this->result));
Esempio n. 15
  * Because your neighbors keep defeating you in the holiday house decorating contest year after year,
  * you've decided to deploy one million lights in a 1000x1000 grid.
  * Furthermore, because you've been especially nice this year, Santa has mailed you instructions
  * on how to display the ideal lighting configuration.
  * Lights in your grid are numbered from 0 to 999 in each direction;
  * the lights at each corner are at 0,0, 0,999, 999,999, and 999,0.
  * The instructions include whether to turn on, turn off, or toggle various
  * inclusive ranges given as coordinate pairs. Each coordinate pair represents
  * opposite corners of a rectangle, inclusive; a coordinate pair like 0,0 through 2,2
  * therefore refers to 9 lights in a 3x3 square.
  * The lights all start turned off.
  * To defeat your neighbors this year, all you have to do is set up your lights
  * by doing the instructions Santa sent you in order.
  * For example:
  * - turn on 0,0 through 999,999 would turn on (or leave on) every light.
  * - toggle 0,0 through 999,0 would toggle the first line of 1000 lights,
  *   turning off the ones that were on, and turning on the ones that were off.
  * - turn off 499,499 through 500,500 would turn off (or leave off) the middle four lights.
  * After following the instructions, how many lights are lit?
 public function lights(string $input, array &$grid = null) : int
     $pattern = '/^(?<command>\\w+)(?: (?<value>[\\w-]+))? (?<x1>\\d+),(?<y1>\\d+) through (?<x2>\\d+),(?<y2>\\d+)\\n?$/i';
     if ($grid === null) {
         $grid = $this->createGrid(1000, 1000);
     foreach (explode("\n", trim($input)) as $line) {
         $valid = preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches);
         Assertion::eq($valid, true, sprintf('Invalid input line: %s', $line));
         $instruction = $this->marshallInstruction($matches);
         $this->execute($grid, ...$instruction);
     return $this->count($grid);
Esempio n. 16
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function checkClaim(JWTInterface $jwt)
     if (!$jwt->hasClaim('aud')) {
         return [];
     $audience = $jwt->getClaim('aud');
     if (is_string($audience)) {
         Assertion::eq($audience, $this->getAudience(), 'Bad audience.');
     } elseif (is_array($audience)) {
         Assertion::inArray($this->getAudience(), $audience, 'Bad audience.');
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Bad audience.');
     return ['aud'];
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function checkClaim(JWTInterface $jwt)
     if (!$jwt->hasClaim('aud')) {
         return [];
     $audience = $jwt->getClaim('aud');
     if (is_string($audience)) {
         Assertion::eq($audience, $this->audience, sprintf('The audience "%s" is not known.', $audience));
     } elseif (is_array($audience)) {
         Assertion::inArray($this->audience, $audience, sprintf('The audience "%s" is not known.', $audience));
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The claim "aud" has a bad format');
     return ['aud'];
  * @Then I should have an activation email
 public function iShouldHaveAnActivationEmail()
     $client = $this->recentClient;
     /** @var \Symfony\Bundle\SwiftMailerBundle\DataCollector\MessageDataCollector $mailCollector */
     $mailCollector = $client->getProfile()->getCollector('swiftmailer');
     Assertion::eq(1, $mailCollector->getMessageCount());
     /** @var \Swift_Message $message */
     $message = $mailCollector->getMessages()[0];
     Assertion::eq($message->getSubject(), 'Sententiaregum Notifications');
     Assertion::eq(key($message->getTo()), '*****@*****.**');
     $crawler = new Crawler();
     Assertion::count($message->getChildren(), 2);
     Assertion::eq(1, $crawler->filter('#n-ac-l-p')->count());
     Assertion::notEq(0, preg_match('/!\\/activate\\/(.*)/', $message->getChildren()[0]->getBody()));
  * @Then /^I should've gotten an email$/
 public function checkEmail()
     /** @var \Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\DataCollector\MessageDataCollector $profile */
     $profile = $this->apiContext->getProfile()->getCollector('swiftmailer');
     Assertion::eq(1, $profile->getMessageCount());
     /** @var \Swift_Message $message */
     $message = $profile->getMessages()[0];
     // user registers as "de", so email should be in german
     Assertion::eq($message->getSubject(), 'Benachrichtigungen von Sententiaregum');
     Assertion::eq(key($message->getTo()), '*****@*****.**');
     $crawler = new Crawler();
     Assertion::count($message->getChildren(), 2);
     Assertion::eq(1, $crawler->filter('#n-ac-l-p')->count());
     Assertion::notEq(0, preg_match('/\\/activate\\/(.*)/', $message->getChildren()[0]->getBody()));
Esempio n. 20
  * @param \Jose\Object\JWKInterface $key
  * @param bool                      $is_private
 private function checkKey(JWKInterface $key, $is_private)
     Assertion::true($key->has('x'), 'The key parameter "x" is missing.');
     Assertion::true($key->has('crv'), 'The key parameter "crv" is missing.');
     switch ($key->get('crv')) {
         case 'P-256':
         case 'P-384':
         case 'P-521':
             Assertion::eq($key->get('kty'), 'EC', 'Wrong key type.');
             Assertion::true($key->has('y'), 'The key parameter "y" is missing.');
         case 'X25519':
             Assertion::eq($key->get('kty'), 'OKP', 'Wrong key type.');
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The curve "%s" is not supported', $key->get('crv')));
     if (true === $is_private) {
         Assertion::true($key->has('d'), 'The key parameter "d" is missing.');
  * @Then I should get an error
 public function ensureError()
     Assertion::isInstanceOf($this->exception, \RuntimeException::class);
     Assertion::eq($this->exception->getMessage(), 'Role "ROLE_USER" is not present!');
Esempio n. 22
 public function testEq()
     Assertion::eq(1, "1");
     Assertion::eq("foo", true);
     Assertion::eq($obj = new \stdClass(), $obj);
     $this->setExpectedException('Assert\\AssertionFailedException', null, Assertion::INVALID_EQ);
     Assertion::eq("2", 1);
  * @param string $url
  * @throws \OAuth2\Exception\BadRequestExceptionInterface
  * @return string
 private function checkSectorIdentifierUri($url)
     $allowed_protocols = ['https'];
     if (true === $this->allow_http_connections) {
         $allowed_protocols[] = 'http';
     Assertion::inArray(mb_substr($url, 0, mb_strpos($url, '://', 0, '8bit'), '8bit'), $allowed_protocols, sprintf('The provided sector identifier URI is not valid: scheme must be one of the following: %s.', json_encode($allowed_protocols)));
     $client = new Client(['verify' => !$this->allow_unsecured_connections]);
     $response = $client->get($url);
     Assertion::eq(200, $response->getStatusCode());
     $body = $response->getBody()->getContents();
     $data = json_decode($body, true);
     Assertion::isArray($data, 'The provided sector identifier URI is not valid: bad response.');
     Assertion::notEmpty($data, 'The provided sector identifier URI is not valid: it must contain at least one URI.');
     foreach ($data as $sector_url) {
         Assertion::url($sector_url, 'The provided sector identifier URI is not valid: it must contain only URIs.');
         Assertion::inArray(mb_substr($sector_url, 0, mb_strpos($sector_url, '://', 0, '8bit'), '8bit'), $allowed_protocols, sprintf('An URL provided in the sector identifier URI is not valid: scheme must be one of the following: %s.', json_encode($allowed_protocols)));
  * @Then /^I should have an account with name "(.*)" and locale "(.*)"$/
  * @param string $username
  * @param string $locale
 public function ensureUserLocale(string $username, string $locale)
     $actual = $this->retrieveUserByName($username)->getLocale();
     Assertion::eq($locale, $actual, sprintf('User locale ("%s") and actual locale ("%s") don\'t match!', $actual, $locale));
  * @param string $url
  * @throws \OAuth2\Exception\BadRequestExceptionInterface
  * @return string
 private function downloadContent($url)
     $client = new Client(['verify' => !$this->areUnsecuredConnectionsAllowed()]);
     $response = $client->get($url);
     Assertion::eq(200, $response->getStatusCode());
     $content = $response->getBody()->getContents();
     if (!is_string($content)) {
         throw $this->getExceptionManager()->getBadRequestException(ExceptionManagerInterface::ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST_URI, 'Unable to get content.');
     return $content;
Esempio n. 26
  * @param string $kek The Key Encryption Key
 protected static function checkKEKSize($kek)
     Assertion::eq(mb_strlen($kek, '8bit'), 32, 'Bad KEK size');
Esempio n. 27
  * @param JWKInterface $key
 protected function checkKey(JWKInterface $key)
     Assertion::eq($key->get('kty'), 'oct', 'Wrong key type.');
     Assertion::true($key->has('k'), 'The key parameter "k" is missing.');
Esempio n. 28
  * @param \Jose\Object\JWEInterface $jwe
  * @return \Jose\Algorithm\ContentEncryptionAlgorithmInterface
 private function getContentEncryptionAlgorithm(Object\JWEInterface $jwe)
     $algorithm = null;
     foreach ($jwe->getRecipients() as $recipient) {
         $complete_headers = array_merge($jwe->getSharedProtectedHeaders(), $jwe->getSharedHeaders(), $recipient->getHeaders());
         Assertion::keyExists($complete_headers, 'enc', 'Parameter "enc" is missing.');
         if (null === $algorithm) {
             $algorithm = $complete_headers['enc'];
         } else {
             Assertion::eq($algorithm, $complete_headers['enc'], 'Foreign content encryption algorithms are not allowed.');
     $content_encryption_algorithm = $this->getJWAManager()->getAlgorithm($algorithm);
     Assertion::isInstanceOf($content_encryption_algorithm, Algorithm\ContentEncryptionAlgorithmInterface::class, sprintf('The content encryption algorithm "%s" is not supported or not a content encryption algorithm instance.', $algorithm));
     return $content_encryption_algorithm;
  * @Then the hit count should be :hits
 public function theHitCountShouldBe($hits)
     $body = $this->getLastResponse()->json();
     Assertion::eq($body['search']['hits'], $hits);
Esempio n. 30
  * @param string      $pem
  * @param string[]    $matches
  * @param null|string $password
  * @return string
 private static function decodePem($pem, array $matches, $password = null)
     Assertion::notNull($password, 'Password required for encrypted keys.');
     $iv = pack('H*', trim($matches[2]));
     $iv_sub = mb_substr($iv, 0, 8, '8bit');
     $symkey = pack('H*', md5($password . $iv_sub));
     $symkey .= pack('H*', md5($symkey . $password . $iv_sub));
     $key = preg_replace('#^(?:Proc-Type|DEK-Info): .*#m', '', $pem);
     $ciphertext = base64_decode(preg_replace('#-.*-|\\r|\\n#', '', $key));
     $decoded = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, strtolower($matches[1]), $symkey, true, $iv);
     $number = preg_match_all('#-{5}.*-{5}#', $pem, $result);
     Assertion::eq($number, 2, 'Unable to load the key');
     $pem = $result[0][0] . PHP_EOL;
     $pem .= chunk_split(base64_encode($decoded), 64);
     $pem .= $result[0][1] . PHP_EOL;
     return $pem;