public function sponsorsUpdateAction(Request $request, $id) { //Get the Sponsor object from the database $sponsor = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Sponsor')->find($id); //Get the entity manager $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager(); if (array_key_exists('delete', $request->request->get('sponsor'))) { //Delete the sponsor object from the database $em->remove($sponsor); } else { //Update the sponsor object in the database //Empty file-field in the form is allowed if ($request->files->get('sponsor')['logoImagePath'] != null) { //First move the logo image file to its folder $targetFolder = $this->container->getParameter('logo_images') . '/'; //Create a FileUploader with target folder and allowed file types as parameters $uploader = new FileUploader($targetFolder, ['image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png']); //Move the file to target folder $result = $uploader->upload($request); //return new Response(var_dump($result)); //Get the path of the image file as now on the server: todo: now assumes only one image is contained in the request, as it should be. $path = $result[array_keys($result)[0]]; //todo: duplicated code this line and those above it. see editProfilePhotoAction in ProfileController $sponsor->setLogoImagePath($path); } //Get the sponsor name from the request (value entered in the form) $name = $request->request->get('sponsor')['name']; $sponsor->setName($name); //Get the sponsor's url $url = $request->request->get('sponsor')['url']; $sponsor->setUrl($url); //Save to database $em->persist($sponsor); } $em->flush(); return $this->redirectToRoute('sponsors_edit'); }
/** * Uploads all the photos when OK i pressed on the upload photo form. * @return Response * @throws \Exception */ public function uploadAction() { $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); //Get the target folder for the photo from paramters.yml $output_dir = $this->container->getParameter('gallery_folder') . '/'; //Create a FileUploader $uploader = new FileUploader($output_dir, $this->allowed_file_types); //Upload the files aand get the new names created for each file $mappedFileNames = $uploader->upload($request); //Now all the files are copied to their destination folder //The array $mappedFileNames contains entries: $orginalFileName => fileNameWithPathOnSystemNow $responseText = '<html> Lastet opp følgende filer: <br>'; $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); foreach ($mappedFileNames as $key => $val) { $responseText .= $key . " to " . $val . "<br>"; //Update the database //The text sent with the picture is a parameter with the same name as image + '_text' // //todo: the above SO thing is annoying. $commentParameterName = str_replace(".", "_", $key); $commentParameterName = str_replace(" ", "_", $commentParameterName); $text = $request->get($commentParameterName . '_text'); $takenDate = $request->get($commentParameterName . '_taken_date_text'); //Get taken date //Get the gallery id $gallery_id = $request->get('gallery_id'); //Create an instance of the entity $photo = new Photo(); $photo->setComment($text); $gallery = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository("AppBundle:Gallery")->find($gallery_id); $photo->setGallery($gallery); $photo->setDateAdded(new \DateTime("now")); $photo->setDateTaken(new \DateTime($takenDate)); $photo->setAddedByUser($this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser()); $photo->setPathToFile($val); //Manage $em->persist($photo); } //Persist $em->flush(); $responseText = $responseText . '</html>'; return new Response($responseText); }