  * Show the application dashboard to the user.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $doctor = Session::get('doctor');
     $count = tickets::where('userid', Session::get('userid'))->count();
     $countAppointment = doctorSchedule::where('uid', '=', Session::get('userid'))->count();
     if (is_null($doctor)) {
         return view('user.userprofile')->with('user', Session::get('user'))->with('ticketCount', $count)->with('appointmentCount', $countAppointment);
     } else {
         return view('user.userprofile')->with('user', Session::get('user'))->with('doctor', $doctor)->with('ticketCount', $count)->with('appointmentCount', $countAppointment);
Esempio n. 2
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id)
     $wanted = user::where('id', $id)->first();
     if (is_null($wanted)) {
         return "Not Found";
     } else {
         $doctor = Doctor::where('email', '=', $wanted->email)->first();
         $count = tickets::where('userid', $wanted->id)->count();
         $countAppointment = doctorSchedule::where('uid', '=', $wanted->id)->count();
         if (is_null($doctor)) {
             return view('user.profileview')->with('user', Session::get('user'))->with('viewing', $wanted)->with('ticketCount', $count)->with('appointmentCount', $countAppointment);
         } else {
             return view('user.profileview')->with('user', Session::get('user'))->with('viewing', $wanted)->with('doctor', $doctor)->with('ticketCount', $count)->with('appointmentCount', $countAppointment);
Esempio n. 3
  * @param $day information regarding the schedule start/end time
  * @param $Cancel information regarding the canceled schedule start/end time
  * @param $periodMinutes Period of a schedule
  * @param $dt Datetime Object which contains the date of schedule
  * @param $doctor_id Id of the Doctor
  * put time scedules into an array, filter Cancled timeslots and already reserved ones
  * @return array of schedules
 private function timeCal($day, $Cancel, $periodMinutes, $dt, $doctor_id)
     // default start and end
     $startDefault = $dt->copy();
     $endDefault = $dt->copy();
     //canceling start and end
     $startCancel = $dt->copy();
     $endCancel = $dt->copy();
     $startDefault->hour = $day[0];
     $startDefault->minute = $day[1];
     $endDefault->hour = $day[2];
     $endDefault->minute = $day[3];
     $startCancel->hour = $Cancel[0];
     $startCancel->minute = $Cancel[1];
     $endCancel->hour = $Cancel[2];
     $endCancel->minute = $Cancel[3];
     $times = array();
     $timeval = array();
     // returning array of the available time slots
     $twodArray = array();
     // process default time
     while (floor($startDefault->diffInMinutes($endDefault, false) / $periodMinutes) > 0) {
         $con1 = floor($startDefault->diffInMinutes($startCancel, false) / $periodMinutes);
         $con2 = $startDefault->diffInMinutes($endCancel, false);
         // process cancel time
         if ($con1 <= 0 && $con2 > 0) {
             //echo '<br>herer';
             $startDefault->hour = $endCancel->hour;
             $startDefault->minute = $endCancel->minute;
         } else {
             $schedules = doctorSchedule::where('did', '=', $doctor_id)->where('schedule_start', '=', $startDefault->toDateTimeString())->where('cancelUser', '=', 0)->where('cancelDoctor', '=', 0)->first();
             if (is_null($schedules)) {
                 $msg = $startDefault->format('h:i A') . "-" . $startDefault->copy()->addMinutes($periodMinutes)->format('h:i A');
                 array_push($times, $msg);
                 $obj = (object) array('start' => $startDefault->toDateTimeString(), 'end' => $startDefault->copy()->addMinutes($periodMinutes)->toDateTimeString());
                 array_push($timeval, $obj);
     $twodArray['times'] = $times;
     $twodArray['vals'] = $timeval;
     return $twodArray;
Esempio n. 4
  * Cancel Selected Appointment
 public function cancelAppointment($id)
     doctorSchedule::where('id', $id)->update(['cancelDoctor' => '1']);
     $schedule = doctorSchedule::find($id);
     $currentDoctor = Doctor::find($schedule->did);
     $doctorName = $currentDoctor->first_name . ' ' . $currentDoctor->last_name;
     $currentUser = User::find($schedule->uid);
     Mail::send('mailtemplate/appointmentCancelled', ['name' => $currentUser->name, 'doctor' => $doctorName], function ($m) use($currentUser) {
         $m->from('*****@*****.**', 'Daemon');
         $m->to($currentUser->email, $currentUser->name)->subject('Wedaduru Appointment Notice');
     doctorSchedule::where('id', $value->id)->update(['cancelDoctor' => '1']);