public function add($id) { //add the item to the transaction log $userid = Auth::id(); $purchasedItem = Item::where('user', $userid)->findOrFail($id); //get max transaction id $maxTransactionId = Transaction::where('user_id', '=', $userid)->max('transaction_id'); //check if open $maxTransactionIdStatus = Transaction::where('user_id', $userid)->where('transaction_id', $maxTransactionId)->first()->status; if ($maxTransactionIdStatus == 'open') { //check if item already in list $currentTransaction = Transaction::where('user_id', '=', $userid)->where('transaction_id', '=', $maxTransactionId)->where('sku', '=', $purchasedItem->sku)->first(); if ($currentTransaction) { $updateQuantity = $currentTransaction->quantity; $updateQuantity++; $currentTransaction->update(array('quantity' => $updateQuantity)); } else { Transaction::create(array('transaction_id' => $maxTransactionId, 'user_id' => $userid, 'item_name' => $purchasedItem->item_name, 'price' => $purchasedItem->price, 'quantity' => 1, 'sku' => $purchasedItem->sku, 'status' => 'open')); } } else { if ($maxTransactionIdStatus = 'closed') { $newTransactionId = $maxTransactionId + 1; Transaction::create(array('transaction_id' => $newTransactionId, 'user_id' => $userid, 'item_name' => $purchasedItem->item_name, 'price' => $purchasedItem->price, 'quantity' => 1, 'sku' => $purchasedItem->sku, 'status' => 'open')); } } //reduce inventory $inventoryItemQuantity = $purchasedItem->quantity; $inventoryItemQuantity--; $purchasedItem->update(array('quantity' => $inventoryItemQuantity)); return redirect('home'); }
/** * agreed to buy * @param Request * @return [type] */ public function postBuy(Request $request) { //MENU $mainMenu = Category::getParentMenu(); $allMenu = Category::getAllMenu($mainMenu); //HOT PRODUCTS. $hotProduct = Product::hotProduct(); //DISCOUNT PRODUCTS. $discountProduct = Product::discountProduct(); if (\Session::has('giohang')) { $data = \Session::get('giohang'); if ($request->get('account_number') != null) { $account_number = $request->get('account_number'); } else { $account_number = null; } $transaction = ['customer_id' => \Auth::id(), 'ship_id' => \Session::get('ship'), 'pay_id' => \Session::get('pay'), 'amount' => \Session::get('total'), 'message' => $request->get('message'), 'security' => time(), 'account_number' => $request->get('account_number')]; //dd($transaction); $transactions = Transaction::create($transaction); //dd($transactions->toArray()); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $order = ['transaction_id' => $transactions->id, 'product_id' => $value['id'], 'qty' => $value['qty'], 'price_order' => $value['price'], 'discount_order' => $value['discount']]; $orders = Order::create($order); } $this->getCancel(); return view('fornindex.shopping_succeed', compact('allMenu', 'hotProduct', 'discountProduct')); } }
public function testRemoveInUseTag() { $tags = $this->createTags(); $t = Transaction::create(['date' => '01/01/2016', 'name' => 'Rent', 'value' => 625]); $tags[0]->transactions()->save($t); $this->visitTagsPage()->press('Delete')->seePageIsTags()->seeInElement('ul.tags li', $tags[0]->name)->seeInElement('.alert-danger', 'Tag cannot be removed while in use'); }
public function saveTransaction(SaveTransactionPostRequest $request) { DB::transaction(function () use($request) { $transaction = Transaction::create(['transactionDate' => Carbon::parse($request->input('transactionDate'))->toDateString(), 'amount' => $request->input('amount'), 'transaction_type_id' => $request->input('transaction_type_id'), 'investor_id' => $request->input('id'), 'notes' => $request->input('notes') === '' ? null : $request->input('notes')]); $investor = Investor::find($request->input('id')); $investor->balance = $this->computeBalance($investor->id); $investor->save(); return response()->json(['status' => 'success']); }); }
/** * * Description: Save Transaction * Component: AddTransactionFormModal * */ public function saveTransaction(SaveTransactionPostRequest $request) { $account = Account::find($request->input('id')); $transactionType = TransactionType::where('code', $request->input('transactionType'))->first(); if ($transactionType->account_type === 'DR') { $this->validate($request, ['amount' => 'max:' . $account->balance]); } $transaction = Transaction::create(['transactionDate' => Carbon::parse($request->input('transactionDate'))->toDateString(), 'amount' => $request->input('amount'), 'transaction_type_id' => $transactionType->id, 'account_id' => $request->input('id'), 'notes' => $request->input('notes') === '' ? null : $request->input('notes')]); $account->balance = $this->recomputeRunningBalance($account->id); $account->save(); return response()->json(['message' => 'New Transaction Posted.']); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { //Status if ($request->get('status') == false) { $status = 0; } else { $status = 1; } $data = ['customer_id' => $request->get('customer_id'), 'pay_id' => $request->get('pay_id'), 'ship_id' => $request->get('ship_id'), 'account_number' => $request->get('account_number'), 'message' => $request->get('message'), 'security' => time(), 'status' => $status]; Transaction::create($data); return redirect()->route('transaction.index'); //dd($data); }
public function placeOrder($request) { $shoppingCart = $request->session()->get('cart'); $shoppingCartItems = $request->session()->get('items'); $user = Auth::user(); $code = $request->input('coupon'); $coupon = Coupon::ofCode($code); $transaction = Transaction::create(array('id' => md5(uniqid()), 'coupon' => is_object($coupon) ? $coupon->id : '', 'user_id' => $user->id, 'order_data' => json_encode($shoppingCartItems), 'real_charges' => $request->input('realCharges'), 'amount_off' => $request->input('amountOff'))); ShoppingCartItem::where('shopping_cart_id', $shoppingCart->id)->delete(); if (is_object($coupon)) { Coupon::where('id', $coupon->id)->update(['times_redeemed' => $coupon->times_redeemed + 1]); } $request->session()->forget('items'); $request->session()->put('itemsCtr', 0); }
/** * заполнение таблицы пранзакций */ private function transactionsTable() { Transaction::truncate(); $u = User::count(); $c = Card::count(); $i = 0; while ($i < 10) { ++$i; Transaction::create(['user_id' => rand(1, $u), 'card_id' => rand(1, $c), 'money' => rand(0, 1000)]); } $crd = Card::all(); foreach ($crd as $v) { $v->balance = Transaction::where('card_id', $v->id)->sum('money'); $v->save(); } }
public function store(PeminjamanRequest $request) { $input = $request->all(); $book_id = $input['book_id']; $student_id = $input['student_id']; $input['borrowed_at'] = time(); $transaction = Transaction::create($input); $book = Book::findOrFail($book_id); $stock = $book['stock'] - 1; $book->update(['stock' => $stock]); $student = Student::findOrFail($student_id); $borrow = $student['borrow'] + 1; $student->update(['borrow' => $borrow]); session()->flash('flash_message', 'You have been added 1 transaction!'); return redirect()->route('peminjaman.laporan'); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { // $this->validate($request, ['transaction_id' => 'required|unique:transactions', 'type' => 'required', 'client' => 'required', 'password' => 'required', 'date_submitted' => 'required']); //$input = $request->all(); //$transaction->fill($input)->save(); //$transaction->save(); $user = Auth::user(); $date = new DateTime($request['date_submitted']); Transaction::create(['transaction_id' => $request['transaction_id'], 'type' => $request['type'], 'client' => $request['client'], 'password' => $request['password'], 'status' => 'New', 'date_submitted' => $date]); $date = new DateTime(); Log::create(['transaction_id' => $request['transaction_id'], 'processor_name' => $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname, 'status' => 'New', 'remarks' => $request['remarks'], 'date_received' => $date, 'date_released' => '', 'next_processor' => '-']); if ($user->user_type = "Processor") { return redirect('processor/process_transactions')->withMessage('success create'); } else { return redirect('superadmin/process_transactions')->withMessage('success create'); } }
public function store(Request $request) { try { $counter = $request->input('counter'); $transactionDate = $request->input('date'); Transaction::create($request->all()); $data = Transaction::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); ItemOut::create(['date' => $transactionDate, 'description' => 'kode transaksi ' . $data->id]); $dataOut = ItemOut::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->first(); $total = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $counter; $i++) { echo "counter: " . $counter . "/"; $qty = $request->input('qty' . strval($i)); $priceId = $request->input('price_id' . strval($i)); $subtotal = $request->input('subtotal' . strval($i)); $total = $total + $subtotal; $price = Price::where('id', '=', $priceId)->first(); $isItemAvailable = Item::where('id', '=', $price->item_id)->first(); if (is_null($isItemAvailable)) { Transaction::destroy($data->id); return redirect('transaction')->with('message', 'Data dengan kode barang: ' . $price->item_id . ', tidak ada'); } else { DetailTransaction::create(['qty' => $qty, 'price_id' => $priceId, 'transaction_id' => $data->id, 'subtotal' => $subtotal]); DetailItemOut::create(['qty' => $qty, 'item_id' => $price->item_id, 'item_out_id' => $dataOut->id]); Item::decreaseStock($price->item_id, $qty); } } $updateTransaction = Transaction::where('id', '=', $data->id)->first(); $updateTransaction->total_price = $total; $updateTransaction->save(); return redirect('transaction')->with('message', 'Data berhasil dibuat!'); } catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e) { return redirect('transaction')->with('message', 'Data dengan transaksi tersebut sudah digunakan!'); } catch (\PDOException $e) { return redirect('transaction')->with('message', 'Data dengan transaksi tersebut sudah digunakan!'); } }
public function create(Request $request) { $order = $request->input('order'); $transaction = Transaction::create(['status' => 'unpaid', 'order_id' => array_get($order, 'id'), 'price_incl' => array_get($order, 'price_incl'), 'price_excl' => array_get($order, 'price_excl'), 'redirect_url' => Input::get('redirect_url')]); return response()->json(['payment_url' => url('pay/' . $transaction->id)]); }
public function postCheckoutbaru(Requests\CheckoutPaymentRequest $request) { $input = Session::get('values'); $customer = Customer::create($input); $tos = Cart::tos(); $total = Cart::total(); $od = array('order_date' => Carbon::now('Asia/Kuala_Lumpur'), 'total_tax' => $tos, 'total_purchase' => $total, 'order_status' => 0, 'customer_id' => $customer->id); $order = Order::create($od); $pp = array('order_id' => $order->id, 'time' => Input::get('time'), 'date' => Input::get('date'), 'ref_no' => Input::get('ref_no'), 'amount' => Input::get('amount'), 'pref_bank' => Input::get('pref_bank'), 'method' => Input::get('method')); $ppr = PaymentProof::create($pp); $formid = str_random(); $cart_content = Cart::content(); foreach ($cart_content as $cart) { $tr = array('product_id' => $cart->id, 'form_id' => $formid, 'qty' => $cart->qty, 'total_price' => $cart->subtotal, 'order_id' => $order->id, 'gambar_id' => $cart->options->img_id, 'color' => $cart->options->color, 'size' => $cart->options->size, 'category_id' => $cart->options->cat, 'month' => Carbon::now('Asia/Kuala_Lumpur')); Transaction::create($tr); } $data = array('name' => $customer->name, 'email' => $customer->email, 'no_tel' => $customer->no_tel, 'date' => Carbon::now('Asia/Kuala_Lumpur')); Mail::send('emails.invoice', $data, function ($message) { $input = Session::get('values'); $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Sales'); $message->to($input['email'], $input['name'])->subject('Your Order Has Been Received'); }); Session::forget('values'); Cart::destroy(); return redirect('store/thankyou/'); }
protected function createTransaction(array $data) { return Transaction::create($data); }
/** * User is returned successfully from Paypal after paying their fees. */ public function postPaypalComplete(Request $request, $event_id) { //Complete the transaction $complete = $this->gateway->completePurchase(array('transactionReference' => $request->paymentId, 'payerId' => $request->PayerID)); $response = $complete->send(); $data = $response->getData(); //dd($data); //payment approved $user = Auth::user(); $event = Event::findOrFail($event_id); if ($data['state'] === 'approved') { $transaction = array('event_id' => $event_id, 'user_id' => $user->id, 'transaction_type' => 'competitor_payment', 'paypal_sale_id' => $data['transactions'][0]['related_resources'][0]['sale']['id'], 'payment_method' => $data['payer']['payment_method'], 'status' => $data['state'], 'total' => $data['transactions'][0]['amount']['total'], 'currency' => $data['transactions'][0]['amount']['currency'], 'transaction_fee' => $data['transactions'][0]['related_resources'][0]['sale']['transaction_fee']['value']); $savedTransaction = Transaction::create($transaction); //Change all the entries to paid $entries = $user->eventEntries($event_id); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $entry->paymentStatus = 'paid'; $entry->transaction_id = $savedTransaction->id; $entry->save(); } \Flash::success('Thank you, your payment was successful and your current entries below.'); return redirect(action('PagesController@userEntries')); } elseif ($data['state'] === 'failed') { //Delete the user entry and leave message $entries_to_delete = $user->eventEntries($event_id); foreach ($entries_to_delete as $entry) { $entry->delete(); } \Flash::error('Unfortunately your payment failed. Your entry to this event has *not* been completed. If you still want to proceed, please enter again.'); return redirect(action('EventsController@show', $event->slug)); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { Transaction::create(['customer_id' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 10), 'ship_id' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 10), 'pay_id' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 10), 'status' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 0, $max = 1), 'amount' => $faker->randomFloat($nbMaxDecimals = NULL, $min = 0, $max = NULL), 'message' => $faker->text($maxNbChars = 200), 'security' => $faker->postcode]); } }