  * Execute the command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     //set_time_limit( 600 );
     //ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //bump up limits
     ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //will we be checking entities
     $entityCheck = $this->validate_entities == 'on' ? false : true;
     //create new file
     $inputFileData = ['raw_data' => $this->data, 'fk_user_id' => $this->userId];
     $inputFile = InputFile::create($inputFileData);
     $inputFileDataId = $inputFile->id;
     $multivariantDataset = $this->multivariant_dataset;
     $variables = $this->variables;
     if (!empty($variables)) {
         $entityData = [];
         //creating new datasource, if there is some
         $sourceName = $this->source_name;
         if (!empty($sourceName)) {
             $datasourceData = ['name' => $this->source_name, 'link' => $this->source_link, 'description' => $this->source_description];
             $datasource = Datasource::create($datasourceData);
         } else {
             //fake datasoure
             $datasource = new \stdClass();
             $datasource->id = null;
         //create new dataset or pick existing one
         $datasetName = $this->new_dataset_name;
         $datasetData = ['name' => $datasetName, 'fk_dst_cat_id' => $this->category_id, 'fk_dst_subcat_id' => $this->subcategory_id, 'description' => $this->new_dataset_description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
         $dataset = Dataset::create($datasetData);
         $datasetId = $dataset->id;
         //process possible tags
         $tagsInput = $this->new_dataset_tags;
         if (!empty($tagsInput)) {
             $tagsArr = explode(',', $tagsInput);
             foreach ($tagsArr as $tag) {
                 $tag = DatasetTag::create(['name' => $tag]);
                 $tagId = $tag->id;
                 $datasetTagLink = LinkDatasetsTags::create(['fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'fk_dst_tags_id' => $tagId]);
         //store inserted variables, for case of rolling back
         $inserted_variables = array();
         foreach ($variables as $variableJsonString) {
             //convert back single out to actual single quote
             //$variableJsonString = str_replace( "'", "‘", $variableJsonString );
             //setting json_decode second param to false, to try to save memory
             $variableObj = json_decode($variableJsonString, false);
             $variableData = ['name' => $variableObj->name, 'fk_var_type_id' => $this->variable_type, 'fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'unit' => $variableObj->unit, 'description' => $variableObj->description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
             //update of existing variable or new variable
             if (!isset($variableObj->id)) {
                 //new variable
                 $variable = Variable::create($variableData);
             } else {
                 //update variable
                 $variable = Variable::find($variableObj->id);
             $variableId = $variable->id;
             $inserted_variables[] = $variable;
             $variableValues = $variableObj->values;
             foreach ($variableValues as $countryValue) {
                 $entityData = ['name' => $countryValue->key, 'fk_ent_t_id' => 5, 'validated' => 0];
                 if ($entityCheck) {
                     //entity validation (only if not multivariant dataset)
                     //find corresponding iso code
                     $entityIsoName = EntityIsoName::match($entityData['name'])->first();
                     if (!$entityIsoName) {
                         //!haven't found corresponding country, throw an error!
                         //rollback everything first
                         foreach ($inserted_variables as $inserted_var) {
                         //is new dataset
                         if ($this->new_dataset === '1') {
                             $dataset = Dataset::find($datasetId);
                             //delete itself
                         \Log::error('Error non-existing entity in dataset.');
                         return redirect()->route('import')->with('message', 'Error non-existing entity in dataset.')->with('message-class', 'error');
                     //enter standardized info
                     $entityData['name'] = $entityIsoName->name;
                     $entityData['code'] = $entityIsoName->code;
                     $entityData['validated'] = 1;
                 //find try finding entity in db
                 if (isset($entityIsoName)) {
                     $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityIsoName->code)->first();
                 } else {
                     //not standardized data
                     $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityData['name'])->orWhere('name', $entityData['name'])->first();
                 if (!$entity) {
                     //entity haven't found in database, so insert it
                     $entity = Entity::create($entityData);
                 //check to override validation if stored in db not validated and now is validate
                 if ($entity->validated == 0 && $entityData['validated'] === 1) {
                     $entity->validated = 1;
                 $entityId = $entity->id;
                 $countryValues = $countryValue->values;
                 //prepare vars for mass insert
                 $times = [];
                 $values = [];
                 //TODO - get latest time for base timeId
                 $lastTime = Time::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
                 $timeId = !empty($lastTime) ? $lastTime->id : 0;
                 foreach ($countryValues as $value) {
                     if ($this->hasValue($value->x) && $this->hasValue($value->y)) {
                         //create time
                         $timeObj = $value->x;
                         $timeValue = ['startDate' => isset($timeObj->sd) ? $timeObj->sd : "", 'endDate' => isset($timeObj->ed) ? $timeObj->ed : "", 'date' => isset($timeObj->d) ? $timeObj->d : "", 'label' => isset($timeObj->l) ? $timeObj->l : ""];
                         //convert timedomain
                         $fk_ttype_id = 1;
                         if (!empty($timeObj->td)) {
                             $ttQuery = TimeType::query();
                             $fk_ttype_id = $ttQuery->whereRaw('LOWER(`name`) like ?', [$timeObj->td])->first()->id;
                         $timeValue['fk_ttype_id'] = $fk_ttype_id;
                         //using mass insert instead
                         //$time = Time::create( $timeValue );
                         //$timeId = $time->id;
                         $times[] = $timeValue;
                         //create value
                         $dataValueData = ['value' => $value->y, 'fk_time_id' => $timeId, 'fk_input_files_id' => $inputFileDataId, 'fk_var_id' => $variableId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
                         //using mass insert instead
                         //$dataValue = DataValue::create( $dataValueData );
                         $values[] = $dataValueData;
                 //mass insertion
 public function dimensions(Request $request)
     ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //check we have everything we should have
     if (!Input::has('dimensions')) {
         //we don't have necessary info, bail out
         return ['success' => false];
     //filtering by entities?
     $selectedCountriesIds = Input::get("selectedCountries");
     $selectedCountriesIdsString = !empty($selectedCountriesIds) && count($selectedCountriesIds) > 0 ? implode(",", $selectedCountriesIds) : "";
     //filtering by time?
     $chartTime = Input::get("chartTime");
     if (Input::has('chartId')) {
         //caching - construct key with selected countries as well
         $key = 'chart-dimensions-' . Input::get('chartId') . '-countries-' . $selectedCountriesIdsString;
         //if there's something in cache and not exporting
         if (Cache::has($key) && !Input::has('export') && (Input::has('cache') && Input::get('cache') === "true")) {
             //return Cache::get( $key );
     $data = array();
     //extra array for storing values for export
     $times = array();
     $datasourcesIdsArr = array();
     $dimensionsInput = Input::get('dimensions');
     $dimensions = json_decode($dimensionsInput);
     //isn't it just empty object
     if (empty($dimensions)) {
         return ['success' => false];
     $chartType = Input::get('chartType');
     //there's special setting for linechart
     $isLineChart = $chartType == "1" || $chartType == "4" || $chartType == "5" || $chartType == "6" ? true : false;
     //find out how many variables we have
     $groupByEntity = Input::get('groupByVariables') == 'false' ? true : false;
     //special case for linechart with multiple variables
     $multiVariantByEntity = false;
     if ($groupByEntity && $isLineChart && count($dimensions) > 1) {
         //make sure they're all
         foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) {
             if ($dimension->property !== "y") {
                 $multiVariantByEntity = false;
             $multiVariantByEntity = true;
     $timeType = '';
     if ($groupByEntity) {
         $entities = array();
         $dataByEntity = array();
         $dataByEntityTime = array();
     } else {
         $variables = array();
         $dataByVariable = array();
         $dataByVariableTime = array();
      * 1) get data into variable
     //store the longest variable, will be used as main one
     $dimensionsByKey = [];
     $minDataLength = false;
     $mainDimId = false;
     $otherDimIds = [];
     //for edge cases for legend, we need to store entityname
     $entityName = "";
     //categorical data
     $categoricalData = array();
     $categoricalData["color"] = array();
     $categoricalData["shape"] = array();
     $categoricalDimensions = array();
     foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) {
         $id = $dimension->variableId;
         //use query builder instead of eloquent
         $variableQuery = DB::table('data_values')->select('data_values.*', 'times.*', 'entities.name as name', 'variables.name as variable_name')->join('entities', 'data_values.fk_ent_id', '=', 'entities.id')->join('variables', 'data_values.fk_var_id', '=', 'variables.id')->join('times', 'data_values.fk_time_id', '=', 'times.id')->where('data_values.fk_var_id', $id);
         //are we filtering based on entity selection?
         if (!empty($selectedCountriesIds) && count($selectedCountriesIds) > 0) {
             $variableQuery->whereIn('data_values.fk_ent_id', $selectedCountriesIds);
         //are we filtering based on time selection?
         if (!empty($chartTime) && count($chartTime) > 1) {
             //exclude categorical properties from time filtering
             if ($dimension->property !== "color" && $dimension->property !== "shape") {
                 $minTime = $chartTime[0];
                 $maxTime = $chartTime[1];
                 $variableQuery->where('times.startDate', '>=', $minTime);
                 //$variableQuery->where( 'times.date', '>=', $minTime );
                 $variableQuery->where('times.endDate', '<=', $maxTime);
                 //$variableQuery->where( 'times.date', '<=', $maxTime );
         $variableData = $variableQuery->get();
         //insert data into existing variable
         $dimension->data = $variableData;
         //is shortes variable? cannot be color/shape variable
         $dataLen = count($variableData);
         if (($dataLen > $minDataLength || !$minDataLength) && ($dimension->property != "color" && $dimension->property != "shape")) {
             $minDataLength = $dataLen;
             $mainDimId = $id;
         //is categorical data
         if ($dimension->property === "color" || $dimension->property === "shape") {
             //store it for later processing
             $categoricalDimensions[] = $dimension;
      * 2) assign data to entities
     foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) {
         $id = $dimension->variableId;
         $property = $dimension->property;
         $variableData = $dimension->data;
         //store in array for step 3
         $dimensionsByKey[$id] = $dimension;
         if ($id != $mainDimId) {
             $otherDimIds[] = $id;
         if ($groupByEntity) {
             //group variable data by entities
             //$i = 0;
             $oldEntityId = -1;
             foreach ($variableData as $datum) {
                 //$entityId = $datum->fk_ent_id;
                 $entityId = !$multiVariantByEntity ? $datum->fk_ent_id : $datum->fk_ent_id . "-" . $datum->fk_var_id;
                 //check if new entity and we need to reset cycle
                 if ($oldEntityId != $entityId) {
                     //$i = 0;
                 $oldEntityId = $entityId;
                 //do we have already object for that entity
                 if (!array_key_exists($entityId, $dataByEntity)) {
                     $key = !$multiVariantByEntity ? $datum->name : $datum->name . " - " . $datum->variable_name;
                     $dataByEntity[$entityId] = array("id" => $entityId, "key" => $key, "entity" => $datum->name, "values" => []);
                 //is it first property being saved for given property
                 if (!array_key_exists($property, $dataByEntity[$entityId]["values"])) {
                     $dataByEntity[$entityId]["values"][$property] = [];
                 //store value
                 //AMMEND HERE - store as startYear-endYear?
                 $timeId = $datum->fk_ttype_id !== "6" ? floatval($datum->date) : floatval($datum->startDate) . "-" . floatval($datum->endDate);
                 $dataByEntity[$entityId]["values"][$property][$timeId] = $property != "color" && $property != "shape" && $property != "map" ? floatval($datum->value) : $datum->value;
                 //need to store dimension variablename, dimensions are returned
                 if (!array_key_exists("variableName", $dimension)) {
                     $dimension->variableName = $datum->variable_name;
                 //if is linechart, store time into x axis
                 /*if( $isLineChart ) {
                 			$dataByEntity[ $entityId ][ "values" ][ $i ][ "x" ] = floatval( $datum->date );
                 //store time type if not stored
                 if (empty($timeType)) {
                     $timeType = TimeType::find($datum->fk_ttype_id)->name;
                 //store for the need of export
                 if (!array_key_exists($entityId, $dataByEntityTime)) {
                     $dataByEntityTime[$entityId] = [];
                     $entities[$entityId] = $datum->name;
                 $dataByEntityTime[$entityId][$datum->label] = $datum->value;
                 //AMMEND HERE - store simply as a string?
                 $times[floatval($datum->date)] = true;
                 $datasourcesIdsArr[$datum->fk_dsr_id] = true;
         } else {
             //get variable names
             $variable = Variable::find($dimension->variableId);
             $key = !empty($variable) && isset($variable->name) ? $variable->name : "";
             //could have display name
             if (!empty($dimension) && !empty($dimension->displayName)) {
                 $key = $dimension->displayName;
             $dataByVariable["id-" . $id] = array("id" => $id, "key" => $key, "values" => []);
             //store variable name to dimension info (useful for stack bar chart)
             $dimensionsByKey[$id]->variableName = $key;
             foreach ($variableData as $datum) {
                 //store entity name for legend purposes
                 $entityName = $datum->name;
                 $dataByVariable["id-" . $id]["values"][] = array("x" => floatval($datum->date), "y" => floatval($datum->value));
                 $times[$datum->label] = true;
                 $datasourcesIdsArr[$datum->fk_dsr_id] = true;
                 //store time type if not stored
                 if (empty($timeType)) {
                     $timeType = TimeType::find($datum->fk_ttype_id)->name;
                 //store for the need of export
                 if (!array_key_exists($dimension->variableId, $dataByVariableTime)) {
                     $dataByVariableTime[$dimension->variableId] = [];
                     $variables[$dimension->variableId] = $datum->fk_var_id;
                 $dataByVariableTime[$dimension->variableId][$datum->label] = $datum->value;
      * 3) prepare array for different chart types
     //$normalizedData = [];
     $mainDimension = $dimensionsByKey[$mainDimId];
     if ($groupByEntity) {
         $normalizedData = Chart::formatDataForChartType($chartType, $dataByEntity, $dimensionsByKey, $times, false, $mainDimension, $otherDimIds);
     } else {
         //grouping by variable, for linechart, we already have what we need
         if ($chartType !== '1' && $chartType !== '2') {
             $dataByVariable = Chart::formatDataForChartType($chartType, $dataByVariableTime, $dimensionsByKey, $times, true, $mainDimension, $otherDimIds, $entityName);
     if ($chartType == '9999') {
         //if getting dimensions for map, don't need info bellow, just send of the data
         $data = [];
         foreach ($normalizedData as $entityData) {
             $data[] = $entityData;
         $result = ['success' => true, 'data' => $data];
         //TODO - put to cache
         //store into cache - there is no cache
         /*if( !empty( $key ) ) {
         			$minutes = 60*24;
         			Cache::put( $key, $result, $minutes );
         return $result;
     if ($groupByEntity) {
         //convert to array
         foreach ($normalizedData as $entityData) {
             //TODO better check for this?
             if ($entityData['values']) {
                 //here we add any possible categorical data
                 foreach ($categoricalDimensions as $catDimension) {
                     $entityId = $entityData['id'];
                     //is there data for specific property
                     if (array_key_exists('values', $dataByEntity[$entityId]) && array_key_exists($catDimension->property, $dataByEntity[$entityId]['values'])) {
                         //get value - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1028668/get-first-key-in-a-possibly-associative-array
                         $value = reset($dataByEntity[$entityId]['values'][$catDimension->property]);
                         $catValue = Chart::getValueForCategory($catDimension->property, $categoricalData, $value);
                         //color is assinged to whole entity, shape is assigned to individual data entries
                         if ($catDimension->property === "color") {
                             $entityData[$catDimension->property] = $catValue;
                         } else {
                             if ($catDimension->property === "shape") {
                                 foreach ($entityData["values"] as &$entityValue) {
                                     $entityValue[$catDimension->property] = $catValue;
                 $data[] = $entityData;
     } else {
         //convert to array
         foreach ($dataByVariable as $varData) {
             $data[] = $varData;
      *	4) fetch all the other necessary data
     //get all necessary info for datasources
     $datasources = array();
     $prevDimension = "";
     $sourcesByNameDim = array();
     foreach ($dimensions as $dimension) {
         $datasource = new \stdClass();
         //special dimension header for linechart
         $dsr = Variable::getSource($dimension->variableId)->first();
         if ($isLineChart) {
             $dimension = false;
         $currDimension = !empty($dimension) && isset($dimension->name) ? $dimension->name : "undefined";
         $datasource->description = !empty($dsr) ? $this->createSourceDescription($dimension, $dsr, $currDimension === $prevDimension) : '';
         $datasource->name = !empty($dsr) && !empty($dsr->name) ? $dsr->name : '';
         $datasource->link = !empty($dsr) && !empty($dsr->name) ? $dsr->link : '';
         //make sure we don't repeat for the same name and dimension
         $nameDimKey = $currDimension . "-" . $datasource->name;
         if (!isset($sourcesByNameDim[$nameDimKey])) {
             $datasources[] = $datasource;
             $sourcesByNameDim[$nameDimKey] = true;
         //store curr dimension so we don't have to repeat title for next if it's same
         $prevDimension = !empty($dimension) && isset($dimension->name) ? $dimension->name : "";
     /*$datasourcesIds = array_keys( $datasourcesIdsArr );
     		$datasourcesSources = Variable::getSources( $datasourcesIds )->get();//Datasource::findMany( $datasourcesIds );
     		$datasources = array();
     		//format datasources info (create generated tables)
     		foreach( $datasourcesSources as $datasourceSource ) {
     			$datasource = new \stdClass();
     			$dimension = $this->findDimensionForVarId( $dimensions, $datasourceSource->var_id );
     			//special dimension header for linechart
     			if( $isLineChart ) {
     				$dimension = false;
     			$datasource->description = $this->createSourceDescription( $dimension, $datasourceSource );
     			$datasource->name = $datasourceSource->name;
     			$datasource->link = $datasourceSource->link;
     			//$datasource->description = $datasourceSource->description;
     			$datasources[] = $datasource;
     //process data to csv friendly format
     $timeKeys = array_keys($times);
     //sort timeKeys by time
     //AMMEND HERE - what is intervals
     usort($timeKeys, function ($a, $b) {
         if ($a == $b) {
             return 0;
         } else {
             return $a > $b ? 1 : -1;
     //get all the licence information
     $license = License::find(1)->first();
     if ($request->ajax()) {
         $result = ['success' => true, 'data' => $data, 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'datasources' => $datasources, 'timeType' => $timeType, 'license' => $license];
         //store into cache - there is no cache
         if (!empty($key)) {
             $minutes = 60 * 24;
             Cache::put($key, $result, $minutes);
         return $result;
     } else {
         //export is now happening in front-end
         if (Input::has('export') && Input::get('export') == 'csv') {
             //return $data;
             //return $this->downloadCsv( $exportData );
         } else {
             //not ajax request, nor csv export, just spit out whatever is in data
             return $data;
 public function entity(Request $request)
     try {
         $name = $request->get('name');
         $entityCheck = $request->has('entityCheck') ? $request->get('entityCheck') : false;
         $inputFileDataId = $request->has('inputFileId') ? $request->get('inputFileId') : '';
         $datasourceId = $request->has('datasourceId') ? $request->get('datasourceId') : '';
         $variableId = $request->has('variableId') ? $request->get('variableId') : '';
         $entityData = ['name' => $name, 'fk_ent_t_id' => 5, 'validated' => 0];
         if ($entityCheck) {
             //entity validation (only if not multivariant dataset)
             //find corresponding iso code
             $entityIsoName = EntityIsoName::match($entityData['name'])->first();
             if (!$entityIsoName) {
                 return redirect()->route('import')->with('message', 'Error non-existing entity in dataset.')->with('message-class', 'error');
             //enter standardized info
             $entityData['name'] = $entityIsoName->name;
             $entityData['code'] = $entityIsoName->code;
             $entityData['validated'] = 1;
         //find try finding entity in db
         if (isset($entityIsoName)) {
             $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityIsoName->code)->first();
         } else {
             //not standardized data
             $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityData['name'])->orWhere('name', $entityData['name'])->first();
         if (!$entity) {
             //entity haven't found in database, so insert it
             $entity = Entity::create($entityData);
         //check to override validation if stored in db not validated and now is validate
         if ($entity->validated == 0 && $entityData['validated'] === 1) {
             $entity->validated = 1;
         $entityId = $entity->id;
         $countryValues = $request->get("values");
         //prepare vars for mass insert
         $times = [];
         $values = [];
         //TODO - get latest time for base timeId
         $lastTime = Time::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
         $timeId = !empty($lastTime) ? $lastTime->id : 0;
         foreach ($countryValues as $value) {
             if (isset($value['x']) && isset($value['y']) && $this->hasValue($value['x']) && $this->hasValue($value['y'])) {
                 //create time
                 $timeObj = $value['x'];
                 $timeValue = ['startDate' => isset($timeObj['sd']) ? $timeObj['sd'] : "", 'endDate' => isset($timeObj['ed']) ? $timeObj['ed'] : "", 'date' => isset($timeObj['d']) ? $timeObj['d'] : "", 'label' => isset($timeObj['l']) ? $timeObj['l'] : ""];
                 //convert timedomain
                 $fk_ttype_id = 1;
                 if (!empty($timeObj['td'])) {
                     $ttQuery = TimeType::query();
                     $fk_ttype_id = $ttQuery->whereRaw('LOWER(`name`) like ?', [$timeObj['td']])->first()->id;
                 $timeValue['fk_ttype_id'] = $fk_ttype_id;
                 //using mass insert instead
                 //$time = Time::create( $timeValue );
                 //$timeId = $time->id;
                 $times[] = $timeValue;
                 //create value
                 $dataValueData = ['value' => $value['y'], 'fk_time_id' => $timeId, 'fk_input_files_id' => $inputFileDataId, 'fk_var_id' => $variableId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasourceId];
                 //using mass insert instead
                 //$dataValue = DataValue::create( $dataValueData );
                 $values[] = $dataValueData;
         //mass insertion
         return ['success' => true];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return ['success' => false];