/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { /// Add sponsor $sponsor = new Sponsor(); $sponsor->first_name = $request->sponsor_first_name; $sponsor->middle_name = $request->sponsor_middle_name; $sponsor->last_name = $request->sponsor_last_name; $sponsor->gender = $request->sponsor_gender; $sponsor->phone = $request->sponsor_phone; $sponsor->postal_address = $request->sponsor_postal_address; $sponsor->residence = $request->sponsor_residence; $sponsor->birth_date = $request->sponsor_birth_date; $sponsor->occupation = $request->sponsor_occupation; if ($sponsor->save()) { $application = new Application(); $application->applicant_id = $request->applicant_id; $application->loan_id = $request->loan_id; $application->sponsor_id = $sponsor->id; $application->applied_amount = $request->applied_amount; $application->application_fee = $request->application_fee; $application->status = "pending"; $application->comments = $request->comments; $application->collateral = $request->collateral; $application->collateral_value = $request->collateral_value; $application->created_by = 1; if (!$application->save()) { return "failed"; } else { return "success"; } echo json_encode($application); } }
public function delete($id) { $sponsor = Sponsor::findOrFail($id); $sponsor->delete(); $this->flasher->success('Sponsor Deleted!', 'That sponsor has been deleted'); return redirect('admin/sponsors'); }
public function getInvolved() { $page = $this->contentRepository->getPageByName('get involved'); $sponsors = Sponsor::ordered()->get(); $charities = Charity::ordered()->get(); $expeditionistPdf = FileResource::where('name', 'Become an expeditionist')->first(); $volunteerPdf = FileResource::where('name', 'Become a volunteer')->first(); return view('front.pages.getinvolved')->with(compact('page', 'sponsors', 'charities', 'expeditionistPdf', 'volunteerPdf')); }
/** *@test */ public function sponsors_can_be_ordered_by_passing_an_ordered_list_of_ids() { factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'second', 'id' => 1]); factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'first', 'id' => 2]); factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'fourth', 'id' => 3]); factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'third', 'id' => 4]); Sponsor::setOrder([2, 1, 4, 3]); $ordered = Sponsor::ordered()->get(); $this->assertEquals('first', $ordered->first()->name); $this->assertEquals('second', $ordered[1]->name); $this->assertEquals('third', $ordered[2]->name); $this->assertEquals('fourth', $ordered->last()->name); }
/** *@test */ public function sponsors_can_have_their_order_set_by_posting_to_endpoint() { factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'second', 'id' => 1]); factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'first', 'id' => 2]); factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'fourth', 'id' => 3]); factory(Sponsor::class)->create(['name' => 'third', 'id' => 4]); $this->asAnAdminUser(); $this->withoutMiddleware(); $response = $this->call('POST', '/admin/sponsors/order', ['order' => [2, 1, 4, 3]]); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->status()); $ordered = Sponsor::ordered()->get(); $this->assertEquals('first', $ordered->first()->name); $this->assertEquals('second', $ordered[1]->name); $this->assertEquals('third', $ordered[2]->name); $this->assertEquals('fourth', $ordered->last()->name); }
/** * Show the Project view page. (BY ANDREI) * * @return project_tbl data, date, amount */ public function show($slug) { // fetch data according to slug $project = $slug; $logos = Sponsor::where('active', 1)->get(); // find the Users Favourites and catch them $favourites = Favourite::all()->where('user_id', Session::get('userId'))->where('project_id', $project->id); //dd($favourites); // convert DB date into european date format $finish_date = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($project->completed_on)); // convert DB amounts into european currency format $amount_raised = number_format($project->amount_raised, 2, ',', '.'); $target_amount = number_format($project->target_amount, 2, ',', '.'); $galleryImages = \App\Image::where('project_id', $project->id)->get(); return view('pages.projectpage', compact('project', 'logos', 'finish_date', 'amount_raised', 'target_amount', 'galleryImages', 'favourites')); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param SponsorRequest $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(SponsorRequest $request, $id) { try { $sponsor = Sponsor::findOrFail($id); $inputs = $request->all(); if ($request->hasFile('image')) { $fileName = upload($request->file('image'), 'users', $sponsor->image); $inputs['image'] = $fileName; } $sponsor->fill($inputs)->save(); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) { Flash::error('No sponsor found' . $ex); return redirect()->route('sponsors.index'); } Flash::success('Sponsor information updated successfully'); return redirect()->route('sponsors.index'); }
public function slides() { /** * @var $event Event */ $event = (new Event())->nextEvent()->first(); /** * @var $startTime Carbon */ $startTime = $event->starts_at->copy(); $startTime->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')); $nextEventStart = $event->followingEvent()->starts_at->copy()->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')); $nextHackStart = $event->followingHacknight()->starts_at->copy()->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')); $tsFilter = function ($key, $value) { return $key->name !== 'Teamsquare'; }; $sponsor = $event->sponsors->filter($tsFilter)->first(); $sponsorHost = null; if ($startTime->month >= 8) { $sponsorHost = Sponsor::find(7); } $view = view('slides', ['sponsor' => $sponsor, 'host' => $sponsorHost, 'number' => $event->eventNumber(), 'dateString' => $startTime->format('j F, Y'), 'timezone' => $startTime->format('T'), 'nextHacknight' => $event->followingHacknight(), 'nextHackDateString' => $nextHackStart->format('j F, Y'), 'nextEvent' => $event->followingEvent(), 'nextEventDateString' => $nextEventStart->format('j F, Y')])->render(); return response($view, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain']); }
public function update(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['order' => 'required']); Sponsor::setOrder($request->order); return response()->json('ok'); }
public function addSponsor(SponsorDetailsRequest $request) { // Save the new Sponsor Logo in the DB $sponsor = new Sponsor(); $sponsor->user_id = 2; $sponsor->top_sponsor = $request->get('top_sponsor'); $sponsor->business_name = $request->get('business_name'); $sponsor->url = $request->get('url'); $sponsor->online_until = '2015-12-31'; $sponsor->ranking = $request->get('ranking'); $sponsor->active = 1; $sponsor->save(); $logo = $request->file('logo'); if ($logo !== null) { // Make the image and document directories. $logoFolderPath = public_path("img/logos"); // Resize the images to our needs, and save them in their directories. $this->resizeLogoAndSave($logo, $sponsor->business_name, $logoFolderPath); // Create new Image instances in the database. $this->saveImageToDB($logo, $sponsor->business_name, $sponsor); Session::flash('flash_message', trans('userpanel.logo-upload-success')); } return redirect()->back(); }
public function editSponsors($id) { $expedition = Expedition::findOrFail($id); $sponsors = Sponsor::all(); return view('admin.expeditions.sponsors')->with(compact('expedition', 'sponsors')); }
private function createSpecialEvents() { //NSBreakfast May $nsBreakfastMay = Carbon::create(2016, 5, 6, 8, 0, 0, new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')); $nsBreakfastMay->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); // using slug as a unique string identifier $slug = Str::slug(Event::SPECIAL . " {$nsBreakfastMay}"); $this->info("Special Event (NSBreakfast) {$nsBreakfastMay} UTC"); $event = Event::firstOrNew(['slug' => $slug]); $event->type = Event::SPECIAL; $event->slug = $slug; $event->title = 'NSBreakfast'; $event->subtitle = 'Informal and unstructured; Hang out, drink coffee, eat breakfast and chat iOS / OSX'; $event->starts_at = $nsBreakfastMay; $event->ends_at = $nsBreakfastMay->copy()->addHours(2); $event->contact = 'https://twitter.com/nsbreakfast'; $event->contact_name = 'Matt Delves'; $event->location = '1000 £ Bend'; $event->location_link = 'http://thousandpoundbend.com.au'; $event->address_display = '361 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne'; $event->address = '361 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne, VIC 3000'; $event->lat = -37.811672; $event->lng = 144.959092; $event->save(); //NSBreakfast June $nsBreakfastJune = Carbon::create(2016, 6, 3, 7, 30, 0, new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')); $nsBreakfastJune->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $slug = Str::slug(Event::SPECIAL . " {$nsBreakfastJune}"); $this->info("Special Event (NSBreakfast) {$nsBreakfastJune} UTC"); $event = Event::firstOrNew(['slug' => $slug]); $event->type = Event::SPECIAL; $event->slug = $slug; $event->title = 'NSBreakfast'; $event->subtitle = 'Informal and unstructured; Hang out, drink coffee, eat breakfast and chat iOS / OSX'; $event->starts_at = $nsBreakfastJune; $event->ends_at = $nsBreakfastJune->copy()->addHours(2); $event->contact = 'https://twitter.com/nsbreakfast'; $event->contact_name = 'Matt Delves'; $event->location = 'Hash Specialty Coffee'; $event->location_link = 'http://facebook.com/hashcoffeeroasters'; $event->address_display = '113 Hardware St, Melbourne'; $event->address = '113 Hardware St, Melbourne, VIC 3000'; $event->lat = -37.8123025; $event->lng = 144.9605897; $event->save(); //WWDC Event June 2016 $wwdcEventJune2016 = Carbon::create(2016, 6, 16, 18, 30, 0, new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')); $wwdcEventJune2016->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC')); $slug = Str::slug(Event::SPECIAL . " {$wwdcEventJune2016}"); $this->info("Special Event (WWDC) {$wwdcEventJune2016} UTC"); $event = Event::firstOrNew(['slug' => $slug]); $event->type = Event::SPECIAL; $event->slug = $slug; $event->title = 'Cocoaheads WWDC Special Event'; $event->subtitle = <<<'EOT' We're going to start off with a special intro I'm calling 'The Keynote That Was' (TKTW) and we will then watch two to three WWDC sessions. Depending on what's available at the time, we might have a few options but the best ones will be the State of the Union sessions that are usually presented on the Tuesday morning in San Francisco. EOT; $event->starts_at = $wwdcEventJune2016; $event->ends_at = $wwdcEventJune2016->copy()->addHours(3); $event->location = 'Teamsquare'; $event->location_link = 'https://teamsquare.co/contact'; $event->address_display = 'Level 1, 520 Bourke Street, Melbourne'; $event->address = 'Level 1, 520 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000'; $event->lat = -37.8153744; $event->lng = 144.958427; $event->tickets = 'http://melbournecocoaheads-wwdc-2016.eventbrite.com.au'; $event->contact = 'https://twitter.com/melbournecocoa'; $event->contact_name = 'Jesse Collis'; $event->save(); $event->sponsors()->detach(); $event->sponsors()->attach(Sponsor::where('name', '=', 'Teamsquare')->first()); $event->sponsors()->attach(Sponsor::where('name', 'Odecee')->first()); }
public function sponsors() { $logos = Sponsor::where('active', 1)->where('top_sponsor', 0)->get()->sortBy('ranking'); $top_sponsors = Sponsor::where('active', 1)->where('top_sponsor', 1)->get()->sortBy('ranking'); return view('pages.sponsors', compact('logos', 'top_sponsors')); }
public function __construct() { $this->sponsors = ['' => 'Select'] + Sponsor::lists('name', 'id')->all(); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $sponsors = Sponsor::all()->load('applicants'); return $sponsors; }
protected function getSponsors() { return Cache::remember('home:sponsors', static::CACHE_DURATION, function () { return Sponsor::ordered()->get(); }); }