/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $game = new Game(); $game->score = $request->score; $series = Series::find($request->series); if (!$series) { $series = new Series(); $series->save(); } $game->series_id = $series->id; $game->save(); return Redirect::route('games.index')->with('message', 'Game added'); }
public function store() { try { if (Input::get('detalleorden') && Input::get('idcliente')) { DB::beginTransaction(); $serieobj = Series::where('idsucursal', '=', Input::get('idsucursal'))->where('activa', '=', 1)->first(); $empresa = Empresas::find(Session::get('idempresa')); $cliente = Clientes::find(Input::get('idcliente')); $registro = new Ventas(); $registro->tipo = $serieobj->tipo; $registro->serie = $serieobj->serie; $registro->numero = $serieobj->actual; $registro->nitempresa = $empresa->nit; $registro->nitempresa = $empresa->nit; $registro->nitcliente = $cliente->nit; $registro->idcliente = $cliente->id; $registro->valor = Input::get('valor'); $registro->iva = Input::get('totaliva'); $registro->total = Input::get('total'); $registro->idempresa = $empresa->id; $registro->idsucursal = Input::get('idsucursal'); if ($registro->save()) { $detalleordenver = json_decode(Input::get('detalleorden')); foreach ($detalleordenver as &$productover) { $detalleventa = new DetalleVentas(); $detalleventa->idventa = $registro->id; $detalleventa->idproducto = $productover->idproducto; $detalleventa->cantidad = $productover->cantidad; $detalleventa->precio = $productover->precio; $detalleventa->subtotal = $productover->subtotal; $detalleventa->save(); } DB::commit(); $respuesta['registros'] = $registro->toArray(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Registro creado exitosamente'; $respuesta['resultado'] = true; return $respuesta; } else { DB::rollback(); $respuesta['registros'] = array(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Error al crear el registro'; $respuesta['resultado'] = false; return $respuesta; } } else { $respuesta['registros'] = array(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Todos los campos son requeridos'; $respuesta['resultado'] = false; return $respuesta; } } catch (\Exception $e) { DB::rollback(); $respuesta['registros'] = array(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Error general: ' . $e; $respuesta['resultado'] = false; return $respuesta; } }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($series_id, $season_number) { $series = Series::findOrFail($series_id); $season = $series->seasons()->where('number', $season_number)->first(); if ($season == null) { return response()->json(['status' => false, "message" => "No matching season!"]); } return view('season.show', compact('season', 'series')); }
public function app() { // Get RB sites that are not USGS // (USGS now removed in DataController sitesUpdate) $sites = Site::where('sitecode', 'LIKE', '%RB_%')->get(); foreach ($sites as $site) { $site->series = Series::where('sitecode', '=', $site->sitecode)->get(); } return view('pages.rbc', compact('sites')); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { //try{ $series = Series::findOrFail($id); if (!is_null($series->artwork)) { $artwork = (new Collection(json_decode($series->artwork)))->first(); } return view('series.show', compact('series', 'artwork')); // } //catch(\Exception $e){ // return redirect("/series"); // } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $series = new Series(); $series->label = $request->label; $series->save(); $game1 = new Game(); $game1->score = $request->game1score; $game1->series_id = $series->id; $game1->series_game_number = 1; $game1->save(); $game2 = new Game(); $game2->score = $request->game2score; $game2->series_id = $series->id; $game2->series_game_number = 2; $game2->save(); $game3 = new Game(); $game3->score = $request->game3score; $game3->series_id = $series->id; $game3->series_game_number = 3; $game3->save(); return Redirect::route('series.index')->with('message', 'Series added'); }
public function index_winning() { $lotteries = Lottery::all(); $series = Series::all(); $_results = Result::where(array('date' => date('Y-m-d')))->get(); $results_multi = array(); foreach ($_results as $result) { if (empty($results_multi["{$result->lottery_id}"])) { $results_multi["{$result->lottery_id}"] = array(); } $results_multi["{$result->lottery_id}"]["{$result->series_id}"] = $result->winning_number; } $is_admin = true; return view('lotteries.winning', compact('lotteries', 'series', 'results_multi', 'is_admin')); }
public function postEdit(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['id' => 'required|numeric|exists:series', 'name' => "required|unique:series,name,{$request->input('id')},id|max:255", 'characters' => 'array', 'characters.*' => 'string']); $series = Series::find($request->input('id')); $series->name = $request->input('name'); $series->save(); if (!empty($request->input('characters'))) { Series_Characters::where("series_id", '=', $series->id)->whereNotIn("name", $request->input('characters'))->delete(); foreach ($request->input('characters') as $c) { $character = Series_Characters::where("series_id", '=', $series->id)->where("name", '=', $c)->first(); if (empty($character)) { //As of now if the character exists, there is nothing to update. This may change over time $character = new Series_Characters(); $character->series_id = $series->id; $character->name = $c; $character->save(); } } } return redirect()->action('SeriesController@getList'); }
public function index() { /* Get data for timeline */ $eventDates = \App\Event::select('timelineDate')->distinct()->get()->pluck('timelineDate')->toArray(); $mediaDates = \App\Media::select('timelineDate')->distinct()->get()->pluck('timelineDate')->toArray(); $dates = array_unique(array_merge($eventDates, $mediaDates), SORT_REGULAR); usort($dates, array('\\App\\Http\\Controllers\\TimelineController', 'dateCompare')); $media = array(); $events = array(); foreach ($dates as $date) { $eventsForThisDate = \App\Event::get()->where('timelineDate', $date)->toArray(); $mediaForThisDate = \App\Media::get()->where('timelineDate', $date)->toArray(); usort($eventsForThisDate, array('\\App\\Http\\Controllers\\TimelineController', 'itemCompare')); usort($mediaForThisDate, array('\\App\\Http\\Controllers\\TimelineController', 'itemCompare')); $media[$date] = $mediaForThisDate; $events[$date] = $eventsForThisDate; } /* Get data for filters */ $mediums = \App\Media::select('medium')->distinct()->get()->pluck('medium')->toArray(); $tags = \App\EventTag::select('tag')->distinct()->get()->pluck('tag')->toArray(); $series = \App\Series::get()->pluck('seriesAbbreviation'); sort($mediums); sort($tags); $eventIDToTags = array(); $eventIDs = \App\Event::get()->pluck('id'); foreach ($eventIDs as $eventID) { $eventIDToTags[$eventID] = \App\EventTag::select('tag')->where('eventID', $eventID)->get()->pluck('tag')->toArray(); } $seriesToCollections = array(); foreach ($series as $thisSeries) { $seriesToCollections[$thisSeries] = \App\Media::select('collection')->where('series', $thisSeries)->distinct()->get()->pluck('collection')->toArray(); } /* Get event-media relationships */ $eventMediaPairs = \App\EventMedia::get(array('eventID', 'mediaID'))->toArray(); return view('timeline')->with(['seriesToCollections' => $seriesToCollections, 'eventMediaPairs' => $eventMediaPairs, 'eventIDToTags' => $eventIDToTags, 'mediums' => $mediums, 'events' => $events, 'dates' => $dates, 'media' => $media, 'tags' => $tags]); }
public function delete($id) { \App\Media::where('id', $id)->delete(); \App\EventMedia::where('mediaID', $id)->delete(); \App\Series::leftJoin('media', 'series.seriesAbbreviation', '=', 'media.series')->where('media.series', NULL)->delete(); return redirect('/'); }
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Application Routes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is where you can register all of the routes for an application. | It's a breeze. Simply tell Laravel the URIs it should respond to | and give it the controller to call when that URI is requested. | */ use App\Client; use App\Series; Route::get('/', ['middleware' => 'auth', function () { return redirect('/dashboard'); }]); Route::get('/dashboard', ['middleware' => 'auth', function () { $clients = Client::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $series = Series::all(); return view('dashboard', compact('clients', 'series')); }]); Route::resource('client', 'ClientController'); Route::resource('series', 'SeriesController'); /* * TODO: Add user roles and enable admins to register new users */ Route::get('/auth/register', function () { return 'Registering new users is not allowed.'; }); Route::controllers(['auth' => 'Auth\\AuthController', 'password' => 'Auth\\PasswordController']); Route::get('/bar', 'ClientController@checkAccess');
public function destroy($id) { try { DB::beginTransaction(); if (Series::destroy($id)) { DB::commit(); $respuesta['registros'] = array(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Registro eliminado correctamente'; $respuesta['resultado'] = true; return $respuesta; } else { DB::rollback(); $respuesta['registros'] = array(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Error al tratar de eliminar el registro'; $respuesta['resultado'] = false; return $respuesta; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $respuesta['registros'] = array(); $respuesta['mensaje'] = 'Error general: ' . $e; $respuesta['resultado'] = false; return $respuesta; } }
public function showresult($date = '') { if (empty($date)) { $date = date_create('now'); } else { $date = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d', $date); } $date->setTime(0, 0, 0); $today_date = date_create('now')->setTime(0, 0, 0); //block future date results if ($date > $today_date) { $datestr = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $error = 'Future date, Result not declared yet'; return view('results', compact('error', 'datestr')); } $datestr = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $current_time = intval(date('Hi')); $_results = Result::with('lottery')->with('series')->where("date", '=', $date)->orderBy('lottery_id')->orderBy('series_id')->get(); // dd($results[0]); $results = array(); $time = date(""); if (count($_results) > 0) { foreach ($_results as $_result) { if ($date == $today_date && intval($_result->lottery->draw_time) > $current_time) { continue; } if (empty($results["{$_result->lottery->draw_time}"])) { $results["{$_result->lottery->draw_time}"] = array(); } $results["{$_result->lottery->draw_time}"]["{$_result->series->code}"] = $_result->winning_number; } } $series = Series::all(); return view('results', compact('results', 'series', 'datestr')); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($series_id) { $series = Series::find($series_id); $products = Product::where('series_id', $series_id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); return view('seriesProducts', compact('products', 'series')); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id, Request $request) { $client = Client::findOrFail($id); $series = Series::lists('code', 'id'); return view('clients.edit', compact('client', 'series')); }
public function dataUpdate($sitecode, $variablecode, $silent = false) { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $filename = "{$sitecode}.{$variablecode}.json"; $filepath = storage_path("data/{$filename}"); // Get basic URL $where = ['sitecode' => $sitecode, 'variablecode' => $variablecode]; $series = Series::where($where)->first(); if (is_null($series)) { return; } $getdataURL = $series->getdataurl; // Parse the URL $parsedURL = parse_url($getdataURL); // Parse the query portion of the url parse_str($parsedURL['query'], $query); // startDate: the most recent timestamp+1 or empty $lastline = $this->lastJSONArray($filepath); $lastTimestamp = 0; if ($lastline != '') { $json = json_decode(trim($lastline, ',')); $lastTimestamp = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp($json[0], "MST"); // Account for 7 hour offset + 1 second so we don't get this record again $lastTimestamp->addSecond(); $query['startDate'] = $lastTimestamp->format('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'); $trimcomma = false; } else { // This is an empty file. Plan to remove leading comma. $this->tepln(function () { return "File is empty"; }, $silent); $trimcomma = true; } /* // endDate: now $query['endDate'] = Carbon::now()->setTimezone('UTC')->format('Y-m-dTh:i:s'); */ // Rebuild the URL $parsedURL['query'] = http_build_query($query); $url = $parsedURL['scheme'] . "://" . $parsedURL['host'] . $parsedURL['path'] . "?" . $parsedURL['query']; // Get the XML $this->tepln(function () use(&$xml, $url, $query) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($url); return "downloaded XML with " . count($xml->timeSeries->values->value) . " values from '" . $query['startDate'] . "' until now"; }, $silent); // Process XML $newdatastring = ""; $startDate = $query['startDate']; $this->tepln(function () use(&$newdatastring, $xml, $lastTimestamp) { // Bad data looks like $noValue = $xml->timeSeries->variable->noDataValue; // Iterate through all data, ignoring bad values foreach ($xml->timeSeries->values->value as $value) { // Only add 'valid' values if ((string) $value != $noValue) { $time = $value->attributes()->dateTimeUTC; $time = Carbon::parse($time)->timestamp; $value = (string) $value; $newdatastring .= ",[{$time},{$value}]"; } } return "processed new values"; }, $silent); // Save processed data $this->tepln(function () use($filepath, $newdatastring, $trimcomma) { if ($trimcomma) { $newdatastring = trim($newdatastring, ','); } file_put_contents($filepath, $newdatastring, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); return 'appended to existing data file'; }, $silent); // Redirect //return redirect()->back(); return; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $series = Series::findOrFail($id); $series->delete(); }