Esempio n. 1
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
         Request::create(['songname' => 'test', 'name' => $faker->name, 'singer' => $faker->name, 'email' => $faker->email]);
Esempio n. 2
 public function store()
     if (!Input::get('title') or Input::get('body')) {
         return $this->setStatusCode(422)->respondWithError('Validation failed');
     } else {
         return $this->respondCreated('Request Created');
Esempio n. 3
  * Function that requests discount.
  * @return Response
 public function requestDiscount()
     // Validate Input.
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('discount' => 'required', 'reason' => 'required'));
     $response = array();
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $response['state'] = 'Error';
         $response['error'] = 'Informacion incompleta!';
         return response()->json($response);
     // Check that user is part of authorized staff.
     if (Auth::user()->Type != 1) {
         // If they are unauthorized no point in returning anything.
         return response()->json(array());
     // Get worker.
     $worker = Worker::find(Auth::user()->TypeId);
     // Create Request.
     $request = Request::create(array('Amount' => Input::get('discount'), 'Reason' => Input::get('reason'), 'RequestBy' => Auth::user()->Id, 'State' => 'pending', 'GrantedBy' => 0, 'Used' => false));
     // Get admins and notify them.
     $users = User::where('UserLevel', '=', 1)->get();
     foreach ($users as $admin) {
         Notification::create(array('UserId' => $admin->Id, 'Created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Reason' => $worker->Name . ' ha solicitado permiso para dar un descuento del ' . $request->Amount . '% en una venta.', 'Url' => '/sales/discountRequest/' . $request->Id, 'Seen' => false));
     $response['state'] = 'Success';
     $response['request'] = $request;
     return response()->json($response);
Esempio n. 4
 public function store(LCCBRequest $request)
     $request->request->add(['submitted_by' => Auth::user()->id]);
     if (is_string($request->equipment_id)) {
         $newEquip = Equipment::firstOrNew(['name' => $request->equipment_id]);
         $newEquip->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $request->request->set('equipment_id', $newEquip->id);
     $newRequest = Request::create($request->all());
     if (!is_null($request->file('files'))) {
         foreach ($request->file('files') as $file) {
             Upload::create(['request_id' => $newRequest->id, 'file_name' => $file->getClientOriginalName()]);
             $destinationPath = 'D:\\www\\lccb\\uploads\\lccbRequests\\' . $newRequest->id;
             $file->move($destinationPath, $file->getClientOriginalName());
     Event::fire(new RequestWasSubmitted($newRequest));
     $json['success'] = 1;
     $json['message'] = "Request saved";
     $json['redirect'] = "/lccb/" . $newRequest->id . "/edit";
     return json_encode($json);
Esempio n. 5
  * Function that adds a loan to defined worker.
  * @return Response
 public function requestLoan()
     // Validate Input.
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('worker' => 'required', 'formData' => 'required'));
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         // No reason why staffId and dayType would not be provided so return nothing.
         return response()->json(array());
     // Check that user is part of authorized staff.
     if (Auth::user()->Type != 1) {
         // If they are unauthorized no point in returning anything.
         return response()->json(array());
     // Create request.
     $request = Request::create(array('Amount' => Input::get('formData')['plsamounts'], 'Reason' => Input::get('formData')['plsReasons'], 'RequestBy' => Auth::user()->Id, 'State' => 'pending', 'GrantedBy' => 0, 'Used' => false, 'Created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
     // Notify admins.
     $worker = Worker::find(Auth::user()->TypeId);
     $loanTo = Worker::where('Cedula', '=', Input::get('worker'))->first();
     $users = User::where('UserLevel', '=', 1)->get();
     foreach ($users as $admin) {
         Notification::create(array('UserId' => $admin->Id, 'Created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Reason' => $worker->Name . ' ha solicitado permiso para prestar dinero a ' . $loanTo->Name . '.', 'Url' => '/requestLoan/' . $request->Id, 'Seen' => false));
     $response['state'] = 'Success';
     $response['message'] = 'La solicitud fue realizada exitosamente! Recibiras una notificacion cuando haya respuesta de algun administrador.';
     return response()->json($response);
Esempio n. 6
  * Function that requests permission to authorized users to make a withdrawal.
  * @return Response
 public function othersRequest()
     // Validate Input.
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), array('amount' => 'required', 'reason' => 'required'));
     $response = array();
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $response['state'] = 'Error';
         $response['error'] = 'No se envio la informacion completa para realizar esta operacion!';
         return response()->json($response);
     // Check that user is part of authorized staff.
     if (Auth::user()->Type != 1) {
         $response['state'] = 'No autorizado';
         $response['error'] = 'El usuario no esta autorizado para realizar esta operacion!';
         return response()->json($response);
     // Check that cashbox is open.
     $cashbox = Cashbox::where('UserId', '=', Auth::user()->Id)->where('Close', '=', NULL)->first();
     if (!$cashbox) {
         $response['state'] = 'Error';
         $response['error'] = 'La caja no esta abierta, por lo tanto no se puede solicitar el retiro!';
         return response()->json($response);
     // Generate Request.
     $request = Request::create(array('RequestBy' => Auth::user()->Id, 'State' => 'pending', 'GrantedBy' => 0, 'Used' => false, 'Amount' => Input::get('amount'), 'Reason' => Input::get('reason')));
     // Get users that have permission to withdraw money from cashbox.
     /*$canWithdraw = array();
             $levels = UserLevel::all();
             foreach($levels as $level) {
                 $permissions = json_decode($level->Permissions);
                 if($permissions->cashbox->withdraw) {
                     array_push($canWithdraw, array($permissions->role => $level->Id));
             // Get info on worker that is making request.
             $worker = Worker::find(Auth::user()->TypeId);
             // Send notifications to all users that are admins or are within same branch.
             foreach($canWithdraw as $role => $id) {
                 $users = User::where('UserLevel', '=', $id)->get();
                 foreach($users as $user) {
                     if($role == 'admin') {
                         Notification::create(array('UserId' => $user->Id,
                                                     'Created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                                                     'Reason' => $worker->Name.' ha solicitado permiso para retirar dinero de la caja para otros gastos.',
                                                     'Url' => '/request/'.$request->Id,
                                                     'Seen' => false));
                     } else {
                         $workerWithPermission = Worker::find($user->TypeId);
                         if($workerWithPermission->BranchId == $worker->BranchId) {
                             Notification::create(array('UserId' => $user->Id,
                                                     'Created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                                                     'Reason' => $worker->Name.' ha solicitado permiso para retirar dinero de la caja para otros gastos.',
                                                     'Url' => '/request/'.$request->Id,
                                                     'Seen' => false));
     // Get info on worker that is making request.
     $worker = Worker::find(Auth::user()->TypeId);
     $users = User::where('UserLevel', '=', 1)->get();
     foreach ($users as $admin) {
         Notification::create(array('UserId' => $admin->Id, 'Created' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'Reason' => $worker->Name . ' ha solicitado permiso para retirar dinero de la caja.', 'Url' => '/request/' . $request->Id, 'Seen' => false));
     // Get the total amount of cash that the cashbox was opened with.
     $initial = 0;
     $cash = 0;
     foreach (json_decode($cashbox->Open) as $bill => $amount) {
         if ($bill != 'dollar') {
             $cash += $bill * $amount;
         } else {
             $cash += Configuration::find(0)->Dollar * $amount;
     $initial = $cash;
     // Now get all transactions.
     $transactions = CashboxTransaction::where('CashboxId', '=', $cashbox->Id)->get();
     // Go through transactions to get total of all kind of transactions.
     $card = 0;
     $providers = 0;
     $staff = 0;
     $others = 0;
     $withdrawals = 0;
     $refunds = 0;
     $sales = 0;
     foreach ($transactions as $transaction) {
         switch ($transaction->Type) {
             case 1:
                 $sales += $transaction->Amount;
                 // Check if a credit card was used for sale.
                 if (Sale::where('TransactionId', '=', $transaction->Id)->first()->Card) {
                     $card += $transaction->Amount;
                 } else {
                     $cash += $transaction->Amount;
             case 2:
                 $providers += $transaction->Amount;
             case 3:
                 $staff += $transaction->Amount;
             case 4:
                 $others += $transaction->Amount;
             case 5:
                 $withdrawals += $transaction->Amount;
             case 6:
                 $refunds += $transaction->Amount;
                 // Contract Payments.
             // Contract Payments.
             case 7:
                 $sales += $transaction->Amount;
                 // Credit sales.
             // Credit sales.
             case 8:
                 $sales += $transaction->Amount;
                 // Deposits for reservations.
             // Deposits for reservations.
             case 9:
                 $sales += $transaction->Amount;
     $cash = $cash + $refunds - $providers - $withdrawals - $others;
     $total = $initial + $sales + $refunds - $providers - $staff - $withdrawals - $others;
     // Inform user operation was completed succesfully.
     $response['state'] = 'Success';
     $response['total'] = $total;
     $response['cash'] = $cash;
     $response['card'] = $card;
     $response['providers'] = $providers;
     $response['staff'] = $staff;
     $response['others'] = $others;
     $response['withdrawals'] = $withdrawals;
     $response['refunds'] = $refunds;
     $response['sales'] = $sales;
     $response['request'] = $request;
     return response()->json($response);