Esempio n. 1
 public function update($id, $data)
     // Checking if publisher exists
     $publisher = Publisher::find($id);
     // If publisher exists
     if (!empty($publisher)) {
         // Validating data
         $validator = Validator::make($data, Publisher::updaterules($id));
         // If there are no errors in data
         if (!$validator->fails()) {
             // Update publisher
             // Passing data to response service
             return $this->responseService->returnMessage($publisher, 'Publisher was not Updated.');
         } else {
             // Data has errors
             // Passing errors to response service
             return $this->responseService->errorMessage($validator->errors()->all());
     } else {
         // Publisher not found
         // Returning error message
         return $this->responseService->errorMessage('Publisher was not Found.');