public function index() { $heads = Head::lists('name', 'id'); $notes = Note::latest('id')->paginate(20); $bizs = Busines::all(); $orgs = Organization::all(); $forumHeads = forumHead::all(); return view('admin.index', compact('notes', 'bizs', 'orgs', 'forumHeads', 'heads')); }
public function postFinancialStatus(Request $request) { $data = $request->all(); $latest = FinancialStatus::latest('created_at')->first(); $event_id = Event::latest('id')->first()->id; $head_id = Head::where('event_id', $event_id)->where('position', 'Finance Committee Head')->first()->id; $data['weekly_income'] = $data['cash_in'] - $data['cash_out']; $data['cash_in_hand'] = $latest->cash_in_hand + $data['weekly_income']; $data['target_budget'] = $latest['target_budget']; $data['event_id'] = $event_id; $data['head_id'] = $head_id; FinancialStatus::create($data); return redirect("/"); }
function getTask() { $user = \Auth::user(); $events = Event::all(); $event = Event::latest('id')->first(); $tasks = Task::all(); $categories = array('Pending', 'In-progress', 'Delayed', 'Finished'); //Array of head->id of user $heads_comm = Head::where('event_id', $event->id)->where('user_id', $user->id)->get(array('comm_id'))->toArray(); //members of committee $mem = Member::whereIn('comm_id', $heads_comm)->get(array('user_id'))->toArray(); $members = User::whereIn('id', $mem)->get(); //committees where user is head $committees = Committee::whereIn('id', $heads_comm)->get(); return view('pages/task', compact('user', 'members', 'events', 'event', 'committees', 'tasks', 'categories')); }
public function getBalance() { $user = \Auth::user(); $curr_event = Event::latest('id')->first(); $is_head = Head::where('event_id', $curr_event->id)->where('user_id', $user->id)->first(); if ($is_head->position == "Finance Committee Head") { $is_head = true; } else { $is_head = false; } if (!$is_head) { return redirect("/"); } $users = User::where('standing', 'active')->oldest('lname')->get(); return view('pages/finance', compact('user', 'users')); }
public function postHead(Request $request) { $head = $request->all(); Head::create($head); return redirect('/admin'); }
public function run() { FinancialStatus::create(['id' => '1', 'cash_in' => '2000', 'cash_out' => '1500', 'weekly_income' => '500', 'payables' => '4900', 'cash_in_hand' => '7543.50', 'target_budget' => '23543.50', 'event_id' => '2', 'head_id' => Head::where('event_id', 2)->where('position', 'Finance Committee Head')->first()->id]); $this->call('EventShoutsSeeder'); }
public function getId($id) { $users = User::all(); $user = $this->getUser(); $curr_event = Event::where('id', $id)->first(); $all_comm = Committee::all(); $committees = Committee::where('event_id', $curr_event->id)->get(); $comm_array = Committee::where('event_id', $curr_event->id)->get(array('id'))->toArray(); $events = Event::all(); $tasks = Task::where('assigned_to', $user['id'])->whereIn('comm_id', $comm_array)->get(); //tasks assigned to current user $all_tasks = Task::all(); $categories = array('Pending', 'In-progress', 'Delayed', 'Finished'); $comments = Comment::all(); //get current event id $curr_event_id = $curr_event->id; //check if current user is upper head //get all heads of current event $heads = Head::where('event_id', $curr_event_id)->where('user_id', $user->id)->get(); //get all comm_id(as array) in the current event where current user is a head $heads_comm = Head::where('event_id', $curr_event_id)->where('user_id', $user['id'])->get(array('comm_id'))->toArray(); //members of committee $mem = Member::whereIn('comm_id', $heads_comm)->get(array('user_id'))->toArray(); $members = User::whereIn('id', $mem)->get(); //get all committees in the current event where current user is a head $head_committees = Committee::whereIn('id', $heads_comm)->get(); //current user is a head $heads_comm = Head::where('user_id', $user['id'])->get(); //committees where current user is a member $mem_comm = Member::where('user_id', $user['id'])->get(); $url = "pages/profile"; //check if curret user is admin if ($user->id == 1) { return redirect('/admin/'); } //check if current user is OAH if ($curr_event->oah_id == $user->id) { $url = "pages/oah"; } //return heads page if user is lower head if ($heads != "[]") { $url = "pages/heads"; } if ($user->standing == "unconfirmed") { $url = "pages/oops"; } echo $url; return view($url, compact('users', 'user', 'events', 'curr_event', 'all_comm', 'committees', 'tasks', 'all_tasks', 'categories', 'comments', 'head_committees', 'heads_comm', 'mem_comm', 'members')); }