Esempio n. 1
  * Set right model for given bill product id.
  * @param int $billProductId
  * @return mixed
 private static function setModel($billProductId)
     // Check if is a bill product
     if (BillProduct::where('id', $billProductId)->count()) {
         return BillProduct::where('id', $billProductId);
     // Check if is bill application product
     if (BillApplicationProduct::where('id', $billProductId)->count()) {
         return BillApplicationProduct::where('id', $billProductId);
Esempio n. 2
  * Return bill price, final price, to pay, saved money and number of products.
  * @param int $billId
  * @return array
 public static function getBillPriceFinalPriceToPaySavedMoneyAndNumberOfProducts($billId)
     $data = ['final_price' => 0, 'price' => 0, 'to_pay' => self::getBillToPay($billId), 'number_of_products' => 0, 'saved_money' => 0];
     $billProducts = BillProduct::where('bill_id', $billId)->get();
     $billApplicationProducts = BillApplicationProduct::where('bill_id', $billId)->get();
     // Loop trough bill products
     foreach ($billProducts as $billProduct) {
         $data['price'] += $billProduct->price;
         $data['final_price'] += $billProduct->final_price;
         $data['number_of_products'] += $billProduct->quantity;
     // Loop trough bill application products
     foreach ($billApplicationProducts as $billApplicationProduct) {
         $data['price'] += $billApplicationProduct->price;
         $data['final_price'] += $billApplicationProduct->final_price;
         $data['number_of_products'] += $billApplicationProduct->quantity;
     $data['price'] = number_format($data['price'], 2);
     $data['final_price'] = number_format($data['final_price'], 2);
     $data['saved_money'] = self::getBillSavedMoney($billId);
     //        dd($data['saved_money'].':::'.;
     return $data;
Esempio n. 3
  * User tries to edit bill product page with empty then not numeric and then not existent bill product id.
 public function test_user_edit_bill_product_page_with_empty_then_with_not_numeric_and_then_with_not_existent_bill_product_id()
     $data = ['product_id' => $this->product->id, 'product_code' => $this->product->code, 'product_page' => rand(1, 99)];
     // Make request with empty bill product id
     $this->actingAs($this->user)->post('/bills/' . $this->bill->id . '/edit-page', $data)->seeJson(['success' => false, 'message' => trans('validation.required', ['attribute' => trans('validation.attributes.bill_product_id')])])->seeInDatabase('bill_products', ['bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'product_id' => $this->product->id, 'page' => $this->billProduct->page]);
     // Make request with not numeric bill product id
     $data['bill_product_id'] = 'str' . $this->billProduct->id;
     $this->actingAs($this->user)->post('/bills/' . $this->bill->id . '/edit-page', $data)->seeJson(['success' => false, 'message' => trans('validation.numeric', ['attribute' => trans('validation.attributes.bill_product_id')])])->seeInDatabase('bill_products', ['bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'product_id' => $this->product->id, 'page' => $this->billProduct->page]);
     // Make request with not existent bill product id
     $data['bill_product_id'] = rand(100, 999);
     while (\App\BillProduct::where('id', $data['bill_product_id'])->count()) {
         $data['bill_product_id'] = rand(100, 999);
     $this->actingAs($this->user)->post('/bills/' . $this->bill->id . '/edit-page', $data)->seeJson(['success' => false, 'message' => trans('bill.bill_product_not_found')])->seeInDatabase('bill_products', ['bill_id' => $this->bill->id, 'product_id' => $this->product->id, 'page' => $this->billProduct->page]);
Esempio n. 4
  * Return bills that contain given product.
  * @param int $productId
  * @param bool $paidBill
  * @param bool $isCustomProduct
  * @return array
 private static function billsThatContainProduct($productId, $paidBill = false, $isCustomProduct = false)
     $billIds = [];
     if ($paidBill) {
         $paidBill = 1;
     } else {
         $paidBill = 0;
     // Query in function of product type
     if ($isCustomProduct) {
         $billProducts = BillProduct::where('product_id', $productId)->get();
     } else {
         $billProducts = BillApplicationProduct::where('product_id', $productId)->get();
     // Make sure products are returned
     if (!$billProducts) {
         return [];
     // Build array with bill ids
     foreach ($billProducts as $billProduct) {
         $billIds[] = $billProduct->bill_id;
     return Bill::select('bills.*', ' as client_name', 'campaigns.year as campaign_year', 'campaigns.number as campaign_number')->leftJoin('clients', 'bills.client_id', '=', '')->leftJoin('campaigns', '', '=', 'bills.campaign_id')->whereIn('', $billIds)->where('bills.user_id', Auth::user()->id)->where('bills.paid', $paidBill)->get();
Esempio n. 5
  * User tries to delete bill product with all parameters invalid.
 public function test_user_delete_bill_product_with_all_parameters_invalid()
     $expectedNumberOfBillProducts = \App\BillProduct::where('bill_id', $this->bill->id)->count() + \App\BillApplicationProduct::where('bill_id', $this->bill->id)->count();
     $this->actingAs($this->user)->get('/bills/st' . rand() . '/delete/s' . rand() . '/s' . str_shuffle('19823') . '/st' . rand())->seeJson(['success' => false, 'message' => trans('bill.bill_not_found')])->assertEquals($expectedNumberOfBillProducts, \App\BillProduct::where('bill_id', $this->bill->id)->count() + \App\BillApplicationProduct::where('bill_id', $this->bill->id)->count());
Esempio n. 6
  * Handle database operations to edit a bill product.
  * @param array $data
  *      @option int billId
  *      @option int productId
  *      @option int billProductId
  *      @option string productCode
  *      @option string columnToUpdate
  *      @option string newValue
  * @return mixed
 public static function handleBillProductEdit($data = [])
     $response = new AjaxResponse();
     // Query for bill
     $bill = Auth::user()->bills()->where('id', $data['billId'])->first();
     // Now make sure exists in database
     if (!$bill) {
         return response($response->get(), $response->getDefaultErrorResponseCode())->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // Make sure bill product exists and belongs to current user
     if (!Product::where('id', $data['productId'])->count() && !ApplicationProduct::where('id', $data['productId'])->count()) {
         return response($response->get(), 404)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // Make sure bill product belongs to current user
     if (!BillProduct::where('id', $data['billProductId'])->count() && !BillApplicationProduct::where('id', $data['billProductId'])->count()) {
         return response($response->get(), 404)->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // We will use this variable to check if operation was successful
     $success = false;
     // Check if is a custom product
     if (Products::isCustomProduct($data['productId'], $data['productCode'])) {
         // Get product details and update with new data
         $product = BillProduct::where('id', $data['billProductId'])->first();
         BillProduct::where('id', $data['billProductId'])->update(Bills::getDataToUpdateOnEdit($data['columnToUpdate'], $data['newValue'], $product));
         $success = true;
     // Check if is an application product
     if (Products::isApplicationProduct($data['productId'], $data['productCode'])) {
         // Get product details and update with new data
         $product = BillApplicationProduct::where('id', $data['billProductId'])->first();
         BillApplicationProduct::where('id', $data['billProductId'])->update(Bills::getDataToUpdateOnEdit($data['columnToUpdate'], $data['newValue'], $product));
         $success = true;
     // Check if update was successful
     if ($success) {
         $response->setSuccessMessage(trans('bill.' . $data['columnToUpdate'] . '_updated'));
         return response($response->get())->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     // If we arrive here something is wrong
     return response($response->get(), $response->getDefaultErrorResponseCode())->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');