public function saveAuthor(Request $request) { if ($request->author_id != "") { $author = Author::find($request->author_id); $author->name = $request->name; $author->profile = $request->profile; $check = $author->save(); if ($check) { return "EDIT_SUCCEED"; } else { return "Có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng thử lại sau!"; } } else { $author = new Author(); $author->name = $request->name; $author->country = $request->country; $author->profile = $request->profile; $check = $author->save(); if ($check) { $data = array('msg' => 'ADD_SUCCEED', 'author_id' => $author->id); return $data; } else { return "Có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng thử lại sau!"; } } }
public static function editBook($data, $id) { $book = Book::find($id); if ($data['title'] != '') { $book->title = $data['title']; } if ($data['isbn10'] != '') { $book->isbn10 = $data['isbn10']; } $author = new Author(); $genre = new Genre(); $author->name = $data['author']; $genre->name = $data['genre']; $authorToRemove = Author::find($data['authors']); $genreToRemove = Genre::find($data['genres']); $exisitngAuthor = Author::find($data['existing-author']); $exisitngGenre = Genre::find($data['existing-genre']); $book->authors()->detach($authorToRemove['author_id']); $book->genres()->detach($genreToRemove['genre_id']); $book->authors()->attach($exisitngAuthor['author_id']); $book->genres()->attach($exisitngGenre['genre_id']); if ($data['author'] != '') { $book->authors()->save($author); var_dump($data['author']); } if ($data['genre'] != '') { $book->genres()->save($genre); } $book->save(); }
public function editAuthor($request, $response, $params) { $author = Author::find((int) $params['author_id']); if (!$author) { $uri = $request->getUri()->withQuery('')->withPath($this->router->pathFor('list-authors')); return $response->withRedirect((string) $uri); } $errors = null; if ($request->isPost()) { if ($request->getAttribute('csrf_status') === false) { $errors['form'] = 'CSRF failure'; } else { $data = $request->getParsedBody(); $validator = $author->getValidator($data); if ($validator->validate()) { $author->update($data); $this->flash->addMessage('message', 'Author updated'); $uri = $request->getUri()->withQuery('')->withPath($this->router->pathFor('author', ['author_id' => $author->id])); return $response->withRedirect((string) $uri); } else { $errors = $validator->errors(); } } } return $this->view->render($response, 'author/edit.twig', ['author' => $author, 'errors' => $errors, 'csrf' => ['name' => $request->getAttribute('csrf_name'), 'value' => $request->getAttribute('csrf_value')]]); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { $application = Application::find($id); $author = Author::find($id); $applications = Application::all(); $authors = Author::all(); $versions = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 3.0]; return view('application.edit', compact('application', 'author', 'applications', 'authors', 'versions')); }
public function saveBook(Request $request) { if ($request->book_id != "") { $book = Book::find($request->book_id); $book->title = $request->title; $book->genre_id = $request->genre_id; $book->author_id = $request->author_id; $book->publisher_id = $request->publisher_id; $book->image = $request->image; $book->isbn = $request->isbn; $book->description_short = $request->description_short; $book->description = $request->description; $book->price = $request->price; $book->sale = $request->sale; $book->quantity = $request->quantity; $check = $book->save(); if ($check) { return "EDIT_SUCCEED"; } else { return "Có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng thử lại sau!"; } } else { $book = new Book(); $book->title = $request->title; $book->genre_id = $request->genre_id; $book->author_id = $request->author_id; $book->publisher_id = $request->publisher_id; $book->image = $request->image; $book->isbn = $request->isbn; $book->description_short = $request->description_short; $book->description = $request->description; $book->price = $request->price; $book->sale = $request->sale; $book->quantity = $request->quantity; $check = $book->save(); if ($check) { $genre_name = Genre::find($request->genre_id)->name; $author_name = Author::find($request->author_id)->name; $data = array('msg' => 'ADD_SUCCEED', 'book_id' => $book->id, 'genre_name' => $genre_name, 'author_name' => $author_name); return $data; } else { return "Có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng thử lại sau!"; } } }
public function storeNewAuthor(Request $request) { $author = new Author(); $id = $author->create($request->all())->id; if ($request->hasFile('img')) { $extension = $request->file('img')->getClientOriginalExtension(); $days = date("Ymd"); $secs = date("His", strtotime('+1 hour')); $imgName = "author_id_" . $id . "_" . $days . "_" . $secs . "." . $extension; $path = public_path() . '/upload/authors'; $image = $request->file('img'); $request->file('img')->move($path, $imgName); $image = Author::find($id); $image->image = $imgName; $image->save(); } return redirect('/administration/author/showAllAuthors'); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function update($id) { $author = \App\Author::find($id); if ($author) { $rules = \App\Author::$rules; //$rules['name'] = 'required|min:2'; $validator = \Validator::make(\Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $author = \App\Author::find($id); $author->name = \Input::get('name'); $author->save(); flash('Author updated.'); return \Redirect::back(); } return \Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } flash()->error('Author does not exist.'); return \Redirect::back(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $data = Request::all(); $rules = ['authorcode' => 'required|numeric', 'authorfname' => 'required|alpha', 'authorlname' => 'required|alpha', 'authormname' => 'alpha']; $message = ['authorcode.required' => 'Author Code should not be empty.', 'authorcode.numeric' => 'Author Code may contain numbers only.', 'authorfname.required' => 'First Name should not be empty.', 'authorfname.alpha' => 'First Name may contain letters only.', 'authorlname.required' => 'Last Name should not be empty.', 'authorlname.alpha' => 'Last Name may contain letters only.', 'authormname.alpha' => 'Middle initial may contain letters only.']; $validation = Validator::make($data, $rules, $message); if ($validation->passes()) { if (Author::find($data['authorcode'])) { return back()->withInput(); } else { $author = new Author(); $author->authorcode = $data['authorcode']; $author->authorfname = $data['authorfname']; $author->authormname = $data['authormname']; $author->authorlname = $data['authorlname']; $author->authororder = $data['authororder']; $author->authortitle = $data['authortitle']; $author->save(); return Redirect::to('/index'); } } else { return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors($validation); } }
public static function editAuthor($data, $id) { $author = Author::find($id); $author->name = $data['name']; $author->save(); }
@endif <td class="inbox-small-cells"><a href="#"> <i class="fa fa-star inbox-started"></i> </a> <?php $message_id = $inbox->message_id; $sender = Author::find($message_id)->mail_author; $fname = Member::find($sender)->first_name; $lname = Member::find($sender)->last_name; ?> {{$fname}} </td> <td class="view-message dont-show">{{$inbox->message->subject}}</td> <td class="view-message ">{{HelperController::convertTimeWithAMPM($inbox->created_at)}}</td> <td class="view-message text-right"> <a data-toggle="modal" href="{{action('MailController@read',$inbox->message->id)}}" class="btn btn-sm btn-send">Read</a> </td> </tr>
public function author() { if (Request::ajax()) { $data = Request::get('data'); $sort = Request::get('sort'); $list = Request::get('list'); switch ($data) { case 'pp': $author = Author::find($list); $author_book = Book::where('author_id', $list)->get(); return view('front.partials.list_item_pp_author', ['data' => $author, 'author_book' => $author_book]); case 'word': $author = Author::where('name', 'LIKE', $list . '%'); return view('front.partials.list_item_word', ['data' => $author->paginate(9), 'word' => $list]); default: $authors = DB::table('Authors'); $author = HomeController::sort($authors, $sort); return view('front.partials.list_item_all', ['data' => $author->paginate(9)]); } } $author_list = Author::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->paginate(9); $author_word = Author::select(DB::raw('substr(name,1,1) as alpha'))->groupBy(DB::raw('substr(name,1,1)'))->get(); return view('front.tacgia', ['author_word' => $author_word, 'data' => $author_list, 'name_page' => 'Tác giả', 'table_name' => 'Authors']); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $author = Author::find($id); $author->delete(); return Redirect('/authors'); }