public function store(Request $request) { try { $type = $request->input('type'); $e = EntityType::findOrFail($type); $n = new Entity(); $n->type_id = $e->id; $n->name = $request->input('name'); $n->save(); foreach ($e->attributes as $attribute) { $name = $attribute->systemName(); if ($request->has($name)) { $a = new Attribute(); $a->entity_id = $n->id; $a->type_id = $attribute->id; $a->value = $request->input($name); $a->save(); } } Session::flash('message_type', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Nuovo elemento salvato correttamente.'); } catch (\Expection $e) { Session::flash('message_type', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Elemento non salvato correttamente.'); } return redirect('entities/' . $e->id); }
/** * Register any other events for your application. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events * @return void */ public function boot(DispatcherContract $events) { parent::boot($events); AttributeType::deleting(function ($attr) { $sub_attrs = Attribute::where('type_id', '=', $attr->id)->get(); foreach ($sub_attrs as $sa) { $sa->delete(); } }); EntityType::deleting(function ($entity) { $entities = $entity->entities; foreach ($entities as $e) { $e->delete(); } }); Entity::deleting(function ($entity) { $alarms = $entity->alarms; foreach ($alarms as $a) { $a->delete(); } }); Alarm::deleting(function ($alarm) { $reminders = $alarm->history; foreach ($reminders as $r) { $r->delete(); } }); }
public function index() { $campos = Anexo22::lists('a22_name', 'id'); $atributo = Attribute::lists('name', 'id'); $default = ['0' => 'Seleccione...']; $campos = $default + $campos->toArray(); $atributo = $default + $atributo->toArray(); return view('validation')->with(['campos' => $campos, 'atributo' => $atributo]); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['profile.pitch' => 'required', 'profile.position' => 'required', 'profile.gender' => 'required', '' => 'required', '' => 'required', '' => 'required']); $profile = Profile::create(['pitch' => $request->profile['pitch'], 'position' => $request->profile['position'], 'gender' => $request->profile['gender'], 'website' => $request->profile['website'], 'city' => $request->profile['city'], 'country' => $request->profile['country'], 'user_id' => Auth::user()->id]); foreach ($request->skills as $skill) { $profile->attributes()->save(Attribute::create(['name' => $skill['name'], 'content' => $skill['content'], 'profile_id' => $profile->id])); } return $profile; }
public function attribute($type) { if (is_string($type)) { $name = $type; } else { $name = $type->slug; } $a = Attribute::where('entity_id', '=', $this->id)->whereHas('type', function ($query) use($name) { $query->where('slug', '=', $name); })->first(); if ($a == null) { $a = new Attribute(); $a->entity_id = $this->id; $a->type_id = $this->type->attribute($name)->id; $a->value = ''; $a->save(); } return $a; }
public function getAttr($id = null) { if ($id == null) { return ['error' => 'Invalid Request.']; } $attr = Attribute::where('user_id', $id)->get(); $content = []; foreach ($attr as $eachattr) { $content[$eachattr->key] = $eachattr->value; } return $content; }
private function getIterableMails() { $mails = array(); $users = User::all(); foreach ($users as $u) { $mails[] = $u->email; } $attributes = Attribute::whereHas('type', function ($query) { $query->where('datatype', '=', 'mail'); })->get(); foreach ($attributes as $a) { $mails[] = $a->value; } return $mails; }
/** * Define your route model bindings, pattern filters, etc. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Router $router * @return void */ public function boot(Router $router) { parent::boot($router); // Route model binding for Article // $router->model('articles', 'App\Article'); $router->bind('articles', function ($id) { return Article::findOrFail($id); }); $router->bind('tags', function ($name) { return Tag::whereName($name)->firstOrFail(); }); $router->bind('products', function ($id) { return Product::findOrFail($id); }); $router->bind('attributes', function ($id) { return Attribute::findOrFail($id); }); $router->bind('users', function ($id) { return User::findOrFail($id); }); }
public function putUpdate(Request $request, User $user) { if ($request->header('Authorization') == null) { return response()->json(['error' => 'Authorization header not available'], 422); } try { $access_token = $request->header('Authorization'); $hash = explode(':', $access_token); $id = $request->input('id'); $userInput = $request->input('user'); /* * Check if the header is correct */ if (count($hash) < 2) { return response()->json(['error' => 'Invalid Authorization header.'], 422); } else { if ($id != $hash[0]) { return response()->json(['error' => 'Invalid Request.'], 422); } } $userDet = $user->where('id', $id)->where('access_token', $hash[1])->first(); /* * Check if data can be extracted from the provided header and the id */ if ($userDet) { $attribute = new AttributeController(); $userattr = $userDet->attributes; /* * Get the attribute list array of a user */ $attrs = $attribute->getInit(); $content = ['email' => $userDet->email, 'user_id' => $id, 'avatar_image' => $userDet->avatar_image]; $content = array_merge($content, $attrs); /* * Update each attribute provided by the user */ foreach ($userInput as $key => $eachattr) { $attrValue = $eachattr; if ($key == 'username') { $userDet->username = $attrValue; $userDet->save(); } else { if ($key == 'avatar_image') { if (!$eachattr) { $userDet->avatar_image = ""; continue; } $date = date('Y_m_d_H_i_s'); $filename = $date . $user->name; $uploadfile = $userDet->upload($attrValue, $filename); $userDet->avatar_image = $uploadfile == 'Error' ? "" : $uploadfile; $userDet->save(); } else { $updateAttr = Attribute::where('user_id', $id)->where('key', $key)->first(); if (!$updateAttr) { $updateAttr = new Attribute(); $updateAttr->user_id = $id; $updateAttr->key = $key; } if (is_array($eachattr)) { $attrValue = json_encode($eachattr); } $updateAttr->value = $attrValue; $updateAttr->save(); // $content[$updateAttr->key] = $updateAttr->value; } } $content[$key] = $attrValue; } foreach ($userattr as $eachattr) { $attrValue = $eachattr->value; if ($eachattr->value == "true") { $attrValue = true; } else { if ($eachattr->value == "false") { $attrValue = false; } else { if ($eachattr->value == "null") { $attrValue = null; } else { if (json_decode($eachattr->value) != null) { $attrValue = json_decode($eachattr->value); } } } } $content[$eachattr->key] = $attrValue; } return response()->json($content, 200); } else { return response()->json(['error' => 'Invalid Request.'], 422); } } catch (Exception $e) { return response()->json(['error' => $e->getMessage()], 422); } }
private function special_circuimstances_similarity(Product $product) { $special_cir_user = Attribute::where('user_id', $this->id)->where('key', 'special_circumstances')->get(); $special_cir_product = knowledge::where('product_id', $product->id)->where('key', 'special_circumstances')->get(); //Return a score of 0 if the date is missing in any of the user's profile if (count($special_cir_product)) { $special_cir_product = $special_cir_product->first(); } else { return 50; } if (count($special_cir_user)) { $special_cir_user = $special_cir_user->first(); } else { return 50; } //Return a score of 0 if the date is missing in any of the user's profile $product_circumstances = json_decode($special_cir_product->value, true); $user_circumstances = json_decode($special_cir_user->value, true); if (array_key_exists('none', $product_circumstances)) { return 50; } if (array_key_exists('none', $user_circumstances)) { return 50; } $similar_count = 0; foreach ($product_circumstances as $key => $value) { if (array_key_exists($key, $user_circumstances)) { $similar_count++; } } $score = round($similar_count * 2 / (count($special_cir_user) + count($special_cir_product)) * 50, 0); return $score + 50; }
private function get_age_category($user) { // 0 for age lt 15, 1:15-25 ... $usr_dob = Attribute::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('key', 'dob')->get(); if (!count($usr_dob)) { return null; } $usr_dob = $usr_dob->first()->value; $usr_dob = DateTime::createFromFormat('j/n/Y', $usr_dob); $today = new DateTime("now"); $age = date_diff($usr_dob, $today); //Calculate the age of the user in terms of years $age = $age->y + $age->m / 12; if ($age < 15) { return 1; } if ($age > 85) { return 8; } return (int) (round(($age - 15) / 10, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN) + 1); }
/** * Execute the command. * * @param AttributeRepository $attributes * @return Attribute */ public function handle(AttributeRepository $attributes) { $attribute = Attribute::register($this->description, $this->type); $attributes->save($attribute); return $attribute; }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy(Attribute $attribute) { $attribute->delete(); \Flash::success('Your attribute has been Deleted'); return redirect('admin/attributes'); }
public function __construct() { $this->rules['type'] .= '|in:' . implode(',', Attribute::getAllowedTypes()); }
/** * Returns a collection with all attributes. * * @return Collection */ public function all() { return Attribute::orderBy('description')->get(); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { return view('attributes.create')->with('allowed_types', Attribute::getAllowedTypes()); }
function it_provides_a_list_of_possible_types() { $types = Attribute::getAllowedTypes(); \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(['string', 'numeric', 'in'], $types); }
private function syncArray(ProductRequest $request) { $attributes_list = $request->input('attributes_list'); $attributes = array(); $attributes_index = 0; foreach (Attribute::get() as $key => $value) { $attributes[$value->id] = array('value' => $attributes_list[$attributes_index]); $attributes_index++; } return $attributes; }
function it_returns_the_validation_rules() { $this->getRules()->shouldReturn(['description' => 'required|string', 'type' => 'required|in:' . implode(',', Attribute::getAllowedTypes())]); }
public function calculatePrice(Request $request) { $product = Product::findOrFail($request->input('product_id')); $attributes = $request->input('attribute'); $add_price = []; foreach ($attributes as $key => $attribute) { $add_price[] = Attribute::findOrFail($attribute)->add_price; } return ['amount' => $product->price + array_sum($add_price), 'final_amount' => $product->price - $product->price * $product->discount / 100 + array_sum($add_price), 'discount_amount' => $product->price * $product->discount / 100]; }