public function get_index() { $calendar = new GoogleCalendar(); $calendarId = "*****@*****.**"; $results = $calendar->get_time_available($calendarId); foreach ($results as $timesheet) { //var_dump($timesheet); echo date("d-m-Y", strtotime($timesheet->start->dateTime)) . " - " . date("d-m-Y", strtotime($timesheet->end->dateTime)) . "<br />"; } }
public function welcome() { if (!Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $data['firsttime'] = "yes"; return view('firsttime', $data)->with('okmessage', 'Please create a user before you can use Connexion'); } $user = Auth::user(); if ($user and $user->individual_id) { $today = date('d-m-Y'); $data['tasks'] = Task::where('donedate', '=', '')->where('project_id', '<>', 0)->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $data['personal'] = Task::where('donedate', '=', '')->where('project_id', '=', 0)->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('duedate')->get(); $data['individuals'] = Individual::orderBy('surname')->get(); $data['projects'] = Project::with('undonetask')->where('individual_id', $user->individual_id)->orderBy('project')->get(); $data['projectselect'] = Project::orderBy('project')->lists('project', 'id'); $data['page_title'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_name') . " Circuit"; $data['page_description'] = "Administrator home page"; $socs = Permission::where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->select('society_id')->get(); foreach ($socs as $soc) { $thissoc = Society::where('id', '=', $soc->society_id)->get(); $dum['googleCalendarId'] = $thissoc[0]->society_calendar; $dum['color'] = $thissoc[0]->calendar_colour; $data['cals'][] = $dum; } $dum['googleCalendarId'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_calendar'); $dum['color'] = 'black'; $data['cals'][] = $dum; if (Helpers::is_online() and $user->googlecalendar != "") { $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar(); $pcals = $privatecal->getTen($user->googlecalendar); foreach ($pcals as $pcal) { $pcal['color'] = $user->calendar_colour; $data['pcals'][] = $pcal; } } else { $data['pcals'] = array(); } if (!count($socs)) { $soc = strtolower($user->individual->household->society->society); return redirect()->action('SocietiesController@show', $soc); } else { return view('home', $data); } } elseif ($user) { return view('shared.registered'); } else { return view('landingwebpage'); } }
private function prepareSchedule() { $users = User::all(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (!$user->is_team) { continue; } $this->schedules[$user->id] = []; $calendar = new GoogleCalendar(); $calendarId = "*****@*****.**"; $this->userGoogleTimesheets[$user->id] = $calendar->get_time_available($user->google_calendar_id); $this->addDayToSchedule($user->id); } $this->todo_list = $this->prepareTodos(); $this->setUserTasks(); }
public function circuit($society) { $data['soc'] = $society; $data['pagetitle'] = Helpers::getSetting('circuit_name') . " Circuit"; $cministers = Minister::with('individual')->get(); if (Helpers::is_online() and Helpers::getSetting('circuit_calendar') != "") { $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar(); $data['cals'] = $privatecal->getTen(Helpers::getSetting('circuit_calendar'), 8); } foreach ($cministers as $cm) { $dum['name'] = "<strong>" . $cm->individual->title . " " . $cm->individual->firstname . " " . $cm->individual->surname . "</strong>"; $dum['contact'] = $cm->individual->cellphone; if ($cm->individual->id == Helpers::getSetting('superintendent')) { $dum['contact'] = "(Superintendent Minister)<br>" . $dum['contact']; } $dum['sort'] = $cm->individual->surname . $cm->individual->firstname; $dum['bio'] = $cm->individual->notes; $dum['photo'] = $cm->individual->photo; $dum['slug'] = $cm->individual->slug; $socs = Society::wherein('id', explode(',', $cm->societies))->get(); $societies = ""; foreach ($socs as $soc) { $societies .= "<a href=\"" . Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($soc->society), '') . "\">" . $soc->society . "</a>, "; } $dum['societies'] = substr($societies, 0, -2); $data['ministers'][$dum['sort']] = $dum; } ksort($data['ministers']); $data['allsocieties'] = Society::orderBy('society')->get(); if (count($data['allsocieties'])) { foreach ($data['allsocieties'] as $obj) { $dum1[0] = $obj->society; $dum1[1] = $obj->latitude; $dum1[2] = $obj->longitude; $dum1[3] = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($obj->society), ''); $fin[] = $dum1; } $data['fin'] = json_encode($fin); } else { $data['fin'] = ""; } $data['stewards'] = Individual::wherein('id', explode(',', Helpers::getSetting('circuit_stewards')))->get(); $data['secretary'] = Individual::find(Helpers::getSetting('circuit_secretary')); $data['treasurer'] = Individual::find(Helpers::getSetting('treasurer')); return view('societies.circuit', $data); }
/** * Syncs the local database with the current Google Directory * of all Denver skaters * * @param App\Services\GoogleCalendar $calendar * @return Response array */ public function upcomingEvents(GoogleCalendar $calendar) { $eventList = $mergedList = []; $events = $calendar->getMergedEvents(); if (!empty($events)) { $formatted = $calendar->formatEventData($events); $startDates = $formatted['dates']; $events = $formatted['events']; $mergedList = $events; array_multisort($startDates, SORT_DESC, $mergedList); //dd($mergedList); } foreach ($mergedList as $key => $e) { $eventList[$e['group']][] = array('display' => $e['display'], 'date' => $e['group']); } return $eventList; }
/** * Bind data to the view. * * @param View $view * @return void */ public function compose(View $view) { $society = $view->getData()['soc']; $data['services'] = Society::with('service')->where('society', '=', $society)->first(); foreach ($data['services']->service as $service) { if ($service['language'] == "English" and $service['description'] == "") { $service->description = "Our " . $service->servicetime . " service is led in English by a minister or local preacher and a team of musicians. Everyone is welcome!"; } elseif ($service['language'] == "isiZulu" and $service['description'] == "") { $service->description = "Our " . $service->servicetime . " service is led in isiZulu by a minister or local preacher and uses the liturgy and music of the Methodist Hymn Book. Everyone is welcome!"; } $data['allservices'][] = $service; } if (!count($data['services'])) { return View::make('errors.404'); } if (isset($view->getData()['pagetitle'])) { $data['pagetitle'] = $view->getData()['pagetitle']; } else { $data['pagetitle'] = $society; } $socid = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->select('id')->first()->id; if (Helpers::is_online() and $data['services']->society_calendar != "") { $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar(); $data['cals'] = $privatecal->getTen($data['services']->society_calendar, 8); } $data['sermon'] = Sermon::with(['series' => function ($query) use($socid) { $query->where('society_id', '=', $socid); }])->orderBy('servicedate', 'DESC')->first(); if (!$data['sermon'] or !$data['sermon']->series) { $data['sermon'] = "None"; } else { if ($data['sermon']->preachable_type == 'App\\Models\\Minister') { $data['preacher'] = Minister::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id); } elseif ($data['sermon']->preachable_type == 'App\\Models\\Guest') { $data['preacher'] = Guest::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id); } else { $data['preacher'] = Preacher::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id); } } $data['welcome_page'] = "together a transforming discipleship movement"; $data['welcome_page_pic'] = "/public/images/715.jpg"; if ($data['services']->roster) { $data['roster'] = $data['services']->roster; } $data['society'] = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->first(); if ($data['society']->roster) { $data['roster'] = $data['society']->roster; } $webpage = Webpage::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->get(); foreach ($webpage as $pg) { $data[$pg->fieldname] = $pg->fieldvalue; $data[$pg->fieldname . '_pic'] = $pg->pageimage; } $data['route'] = Route::getCurrentRoute()->getPath(); if ($data['route'] != "{society}" and $data['route'] != "/") { $linkadd = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($society), ''); } else { $linkadd = ""; } $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#sundays"; $menu['label'] = "Sundays"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Sunday services"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; $data['youth'] = Mission::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('category', '=', 'youth')->orderBy('created_at')->take(5)->get(); if (count($data['youth'])) { $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#youth"; $menu['label'] = "Youth"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Children and Youth"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } $data['groups'] = Group::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('publish', '=', 1)->get(); if (count($data['groups'])) { foreach ($data['groups'] as $obj) { $dum[0] = $obj->groupname; $dum[1] = $obj->latitude; $dum[2] = $obj->longitude; $dum[3] = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($data['services']->society), 'groups/' . $obj->slug); $fin[] = $dum; } $data['fin'] = json_encode($fin); $menu['link'] = "#groups"; $menu['label'] = "Groups"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Small groups"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } else { $data['fin'] = ""; } $data['missions'] = Mission::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('category', '=', 'project')->take(5)->get(); if (count($data['missions'])) { $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#projects"; $menu['label'] = "Projects"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Mission projects"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } $blogs = Blog::with('individual')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get(); if (count($blogs)) { $first = true; foreach ($blogs as $blog) { $societies = explode(',', $blog->societies); if (in_array($data['society']->id, $societies)) { if ($first) { $data['firstblog'] = $blog; $first = false; } else { $data['blogs'][] = $blog; } } } if (isset($data['firstblog'])) { $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#blog"; $menu['label'] = "Blog"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Latest blogs"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; } } $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#contact"; $menu['label'] = "Contact"; $menu['longlabel'] = "Contact us"; $data['menu'][] = $menu; $data['counter'] = 1; $view->with('data', $data); }
public function getGoogleCalendarItems(GoogleCalendar $calendar) { $result = $calendar->get('*****@*****.**'); dd($result); }
public function calendar(GoogleCalendar $calendar) { $calendarId = '*****@*****.**'; $result = $calendar->get($calendarId); return view('calendar')->with(compact('result')); }