Esempio n. 1
 public function index(Request $request)
      * session()->keep here is used to retain the lesson id even if the user refreshes the page
      * this keeps the lesson id hidden to the user and inaccessible by anyone else
      * the lesson id is not retained when navigating away from the page so the page will be inaccessible once done
     $lessonId = session('lessonId');
     // If lesson id does not exist in the session, do not allow access to the page
     if (!isset($lessonId)) {
         return redirect('lessons');
     $user = auth()->user();
     $words = Word::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(80)->get();
     $questions = LessonWord::with('word')->where('lesson_id', $lessonId)->get();
     session()->flash('maxQuestions', count($questions));
     if (empty(session('questionIndex'))) {
         session()->flash('questionIndex', 0);
         // Start with index zero
     } else {
     $generatedOptions = $this->generateOptions($questions, $words);
     // Pass this to view
     if ($generatedOptions == null) {
         return redirect('lessons');
         // Return users to lesson page if they try to go back to the finished exam
     return view('lessons.exam', ['user' => $user, 'questions' => $questions, 'options' => $generatedOptions]);