Esempio n. 1
  * Delete multiple existing State model.
  * For ajax request will return json object
  * and for non-ajax request if deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'index' page.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionBulkDelete()
     $request = Yii::$app->request;
     $pks = $request->post('pks');
     // Array or selected records primary keys
     foreach (State::findAll(json_decode($pks)) as $model) {
     if ($request->isAjax) {
          *   Process for ajax request
         Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
         return ['forceClose' => true, 'forceReload' => true];
     } else {
          *   Process for non-ajax request
         return $this->redirect(['index']);
Esempio n. 2
echo $form->field($model, 'stu_padd')->textArea(['maxlength' => 255]);

echo $form->field($model, 'stu_padd_country')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(\app\models\Country::find()->all(), 'country_id', 'country_name'), ['prompt' => '---Select Country---', 'onchange' => '
                        $.get( "' . Url::toRoute('dependent/ustud_p_state') . '", { id: $(this).val() } )
                            .done(function( data ) {
                                $( "#' . Html::getInputId($model, 'stu_padd_state') . '" ).html( data );

echo $form->field($model, 'stu_padd_state')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(\app\models\State::findAll(['state_country_id' => $model->stu_padd_country]), 'state_id', 'state_name'), ['prompt' => '---Select State---', 'onchange' => '
                        $.get( "' . Url::toRoute('dependent/ustud_p_city') . '", { id: $(this).val() } )
                            .done(function( data ) {
                                $( "#' . Html::getInputId($model, 'stu_padd_city') . '" ).html( data );
echo $form->field($model, 'stu_padd_city')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(\app\models\City::findAll(['city_state_id' => $model->stu_padd_state]), 'city_id', 'city_name'), ['prompt' => '---Select City---']);

echo $form->field($model, 'stu_padd_pincode')->textInput(['maxlength' => 6]);