Esempio n. 1
  * Bind data to the view.
  * @param  View  $view
  * @return void
 public function compose(View $view)
     $society = $view->getData()['soc'];
     $data['services'] = Society::with('service')->where('society', '=', $society)->first();
     foreach ($data['services']->service as $service) {
         if ($service['language'] == "English" and $service['description'] == "") {
             $service->description = "Our " . $service->servicetime . " service is led in English by a minister or local preacher and a team of musicians. Everyone is welcome!";
         } elseif ($service['language'] == "isiZulu" and $service['description'] == "") {
             $service->description = "Our " . $service->servicetime . " service is led in isiZulu by a minister or local preacher and uses the liturgy and music of the Methodist Hymn Book. Everyone is welcome!";
         $data['allservices'][] = $service;
     if (!count($data['services'])) {
         return View::make('errors.404');
     if (isset($view->getData()['pagetitle'])) {
         $data['pagetitle'] = $view->getData()['pagetitle'];
     } else {
         $data['pagetitle'] = $society;
     $socid = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->select('id')->first()->id;
     if (Helpers::is_online() and $data['services']->society_calendar != "") {
         $privatecal = new GoogleCalendar();
         $data['cals'] = $privatecal->getTen($data['services']->society_calendar, 8);
     $data['sermon'] = Sermon::with(['series' => function ($query) use($socid) {
         $query->where('society_id', '=', $socid);
     }])->orderBy('servicedate', 'DESC')->first();
     if (!$data['sermon'] or !$data['sermon']->series) {
         $data['sermon'] = "None";
     } else {
         if ($data['sermon']->preachable_type == 'App\\Models\\Minister') {
             $data['preacher'] = Minister::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id);
         } elseif ($data['sermon']->preachable_type == 'App\\Models\\Guest') {
             $data['preacher'] = Guest::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id);
         } else {
             $data['preacher'] = Preacher::find($data['sermon']->preachable_id);
     $data['welcome_page'] = "together a transforming discipleship movement";
     $data['welcome_page_pic'] = "/public/images/715.jpg";
     if ($data['services']->roster) {
         $data['roster'] = $data['services']->roster;
     $data['society'] = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->first();
     if ($data['society']->roster) {
         $data['roster'] = $data['society']->roster;
     $webpage = Webpage::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->get();
     foreach ($webpage as $pg) {
         $data[$pg->fieldname] = $pg->fieldvalue;
         $data[$pg->fieldname . '_pic'] = $pg->pageimage;
     $data['route'] = Route::getCurrentRoute()->getPath();
     if ($data['route'] != "{society}" and $data['route'] != "/") {
         $linkadd = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($society), '');
     } else {
         $linkadd = "";
     $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#sundays";
     $menu['label'] = "Sundays";
     $menu['longlabel'] = "Sunday services";
     $data['menu'][] = $menu;
     $data['youth'] = Mission::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('category', '=', 'youth')->orderBy('created_at')->take(5)->get();
     if (count($data['youth'])) {
         $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#youth";
         $menu['label'] = "Youth";
         $menu['longlabel'] = "Children and Youth";
         $data['menu'][] = $menu;
     $data['groups'] = Group::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('publish', '=', 1)->get();
     if (count($data['groups'])) {
         foreach ($data['groups'] as $obj) {
             $dum[0] = $obj->groupname;
             $dum[1] = $obj->latitude;
             $dum[2] = $obj->longitude;
             $dum[3] = Helpers::makeUrl(strtolower($data['services']->society), 'groups/' . $obj->slug);
             $fin[] = $dum;
         $data['fin'] = json_encode($fin);
         $menu['link'] = "#groups";
         $menu['label'] = "Groups";
         $menu['longlabel'] = "Small groups";
         $data['menu'][] = $menu;
     } else {
         $data['fin'] = "";
     $data['missions'] = Mission::where('society_id', '=', $data['society']->id)->where('category', '=', 'project')->take(5)->get();
     if (count($data['missions'])) {
         $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#projects";
         $menu['label'] = "Projects";
         $menu['longlabel'] = "Mission projects";
         $data['menu'][] = $menu;
     $blogs = Blog::with('individual')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(10)->get();
     if (count($blogs)) {
         $first = true;
         foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
             $societies = explode(',', $blog->societies);
             if (in_array($data['society']->id, $societies)) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $data['firstblog'] = $blog;
                     $first = false;
                 } else {
                     $data['blogs'][] = $blog;
         if (isset($data['firstblog'])) {
             $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#blog";
             $menu['label'] = "Blog";
             $menu['longlabel'] = "Latest blogs";
             $data['menu'][] = $menu;
     $menu['link'] = $linkadd . "#contact";
     $menu['label'] = "Contact";
     $menu['longlabel'] = "Contact us";
     $data['menu'][] = $menu;
     $data['counter'] = 1;
     $view->with('data', $data);
Esempio n. 2
  * Display the specified resource.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function show($society, $slug)
     $data['soc'] = $society;
     $data['individual'] = Individual::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
     if ($data['individual'] and $data['individual']->social) {
         $socials = explode(',', $data['individual']->social);
         foreach ($socials as $social) {
             if (strpos($social, 'twitter')) {
                 $data['socials']['twitter'] = $social;
             } elseif (strpos($social, 'facebook')) {
                 $data['socials']['facebook'] = $social;
             } elseif (strpos($social, 'instagram')) {
                 $data['socials']['instagram'] = $social;
             } elseif (strpos($social, 'youtube')) {
                 $data['socials']['youtube'] = $social;
     if ($data['individual']) {
         $id = $data['individual']->id;
         if (count(Preacher::where('individual_id', '=', $id)->get()) > 0) {
             $data['preacher'] = Preacher::with(array('sermons' => function ($query) {
                 $query->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC');
             }))->where('individual_id', '=', $id)->first();
         } elseif (count(Minister::with('sermons')->where('individual_id', '=', $id)->get()) > 0) {
             $data['preacher'] = Minister::where('individual_id', '=', $id)->first();
         $data['pagetitle'] = $data['individual']->firstname . " " . $data['individual']->surname;
     } else {
         $data['preacher'] = Guest::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
         $data['pagetitle'] = $data['preacher']->firstname . " " . $data['preacher']->surname;
         $id = 0;
     if (isset($data['preacher'])) {
         $sermons = $data['preacher']->sermons->lists('id')->all();
         $data['sermons'] = Sermon::wherein('id', $sermons)->orderBy('servicedate', 'DESC')->paginate(5);
     $data['blogs'] = Blog::where('individual_id', '=', $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->limit(9)->get();
     return View::make('', $data);
Esempio n. 3
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($society, $series, $id)
     $sermon = Sermon::find($id);
     return redirect(url('/') . '/' . $society . '/series')->with('okmessage', 'Sermon has been deleted');
Esempio n. 4
 public function feed($society)
     $feed = App::make("feed");
     // cache the feed for 60 minutes (second parameter is optional)
     $feed->setCache(0, 'LowerTugelaCircuitFeed');
     // check if there is cached feed and build new only if is not
     if (!$feed->isCached()) {
         $society = Society::where('society', '=', $society)->first();
         // creating rss feed with our most recent 20 posts
         $blogs = Blog::where('created_at', '>', '2016-02-13')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(20)->get();
         $sermons = Sermon::where('servicedate', '>', '2016-02-13')->orderBy('servicedate', 'desc')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(20)->get();
         // set your feed's title, description, link, pubdate and language
         $feed->title = $society->society . ' Methodist Church';
         $feed->description = 'Together, a transforming discipleship movement';
         $feed->logo = '';
         $feed->link = url('feed');
         // 'datetime', 'timestamp' or 'carbon'
         $feed->pubdate = date('d-m-Y');
         $feed->lang = 'en';
         // true or false
         // maximum length of description text
         $feeddata = array();
         foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
             // set item's title, author, url, pubdate, description and content
             if ($blog->blogimage != "") {
                 $imgurl = url($blog->blogimage);
             } elseif ($blog->individual->photo) {
                 $imgurl = url($blog->individual->photo);
             } elseif ($society->logo) {
                 $imgurl = url($society->logo);
             } else {
                 $imgurl = "";
             $fulldescrip = strip_tags($blog->post);
             $dum['title'] = $blog->title;
             $dum['author'] = $imgurl;
             $dum['link'] = url('/blog#' . $blog->id);
             $dum['pubdate'] = $blog->created_at;
             $dum['summary'] = "A new blog post has been published on our site.";
             $dum['content'] = $fulldescrip;
             $feeddata[] = $dum;
         foreach ($sermons as $sermon) {
             // set item's title, author, url, pubdate, description and content
             $seriesimage = url($sermon->series->seriesimage);
             if ($sermon->preachable_type == "App\\Models\\Guest") {
                 $preacher = $sermon->preachable->firstname . " " . $sermon->preachable->surname;
             } else {
                 $preacher = $sermon->preachable->individual->firstname . " " . ($preacher = $sermon->preachable->individual->surname);
             $fulldescrip = "Recording of a sermon preached by " . $preacher . " at " . $society->society . ' Methodist Church on ' . date("l j F Y", strtotime($sermon->servicedate)) . '. Bible readings: ' . $sermon->readings;
             $dum['title'] = $sermon->sermon;
             $dum['author'] = $seriesimage;
             $dum['link'] = url('/sermons/' . $sermon->series->slug . '/' . $sermon->slug);
             $dum['pubdate'] = $sermon->servicedate . " 12:00:00";
             $dum['summary'] = "A new sermon has been uploaded to our site.";
             $dum['content'] = $fulldescrip;
             $feeddata[] = $dum;
         usort($feeddata, function ($a, $b) {
             return strcmp($b["pubdate"], $a["pubdate"]);
     foreach ($feeddata as $fd) {
         $feed->add($fd['title'], $fd['author'], $fd['link'], $fd['pubdate'], $fd['summary'], $fd['content']);
     return $feed->render('atom');