public function generateProgress($progress = 0) { $user = new User(); $user->username = "******"; $user->email = "*****@*****.**"; $user->password = "******"; $user->save(); $plan = new Plan(); $plan->user_id = $user->id; $plan->name = 'UnitTestProject'; $plan->description = 'UnitTestProject'; $plan->budget = '0'; $plan->target = '10000'; $plan->expected = '1000'; $plan->period = '10'; $plan->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 month', strtotime(date('Y-m-d')))); $plan->updated_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 month', strtotime(date('Y-m-d')))); $plan->save(); $month = new Monthly(); $month->plan_id = $plan->id; $month->status = 0; $month->month = 1; $month->limit = 1000; $month->progress = $progress; $month->save(); return ['plan' => $plan, 'month' => $month, 'user' => $user]; }
public function postFinance(Request $request) { $successes = array(); $messages = ["plan_id.required" => "Plan is not selected.", "fcategory.required" => "Please select category.", "fname.required" => "Please specify the name of this transaction.", "famount.required" => "Please insert the amount.", "ftype.required" => "Is it expense or income?", "plan_id.numeric" => "Plan is select illegally.", "fcategory.numeric" => "Category is select illegally.", "famount.numeric" => "Amount can be only numeric.", "ftype.boolean" => "Type is illegally injected.", "plan_id.exists" => "Plan is not exist within system.", "fcategory.exists" => "Category is not exist within system."]; $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['plan_id' => 'required|numeric|exists:plan,id', 'fcategory' => 'required|numeric|exists:category,id', 'fname' => 'required', 'famount' => 'required|numeric', 'ftype' => 'required|boolean'], $messages); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } if (!Session::has('Plan')) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Please select plan!'); return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } if ($this->user == null) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'You are not login!'); return redirect('login')->withErrors($validator); } else { $plan = Plan::find(Session::get('Plan')); $now = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d')); $create = new DateTime($plan->created_at); // $create = new DateTime('2016-11-14'); $interval = $now->diff($create); $diff = $interval->format('%m'); if (sizeof($plan->months()->get()) <= $diff && $diff <= $plan->period || $diff == 0 && sizeof($plan->months()) <= $diff) { $month = new Monthly(); $month->plan_id = Session::get('Plan'); $month->status = 0; $month->month = sizeof($plan->months) + 1; $month->limit = $plan->expected; $month->progress = 0; $newExpected = ceil(($plan->target - $plan->budget) / ($plan->period - $diff)); $lastMonth = $plan->months()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($lastMonth) { if ($lastMonth->progress != $lastMonth->limit) { $month->limit = $newExpected; if ($lastMonth->progress > $lastMonth->limit) { $successes[] = "Very good! you have succeed " . ($lastMonth->progress - $lastMonth->limit) . " more than limit!"; } else { if ($lastMonth->progress < $lastMonth->limit && $lastMonth->progress >= 0) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Too bad cannot reach you goal last month! anyway, keep doing!'); } else { if ($lastMonth->progress < $lastMonth->limit && $lastMonth->progress < 0) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Too bad you use ' . $lastMonth->progress . ' more than limit last month!!'); } } } } } $month->save(); } else { $month = $plan->months()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); } $date = str_replace('/', '-', $request->fdate); $daily = $month->days()->where('date', '>=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)))->where('date', '<=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($date))))->first(); if ($daily == null) { $daily = new Daily(); $daily->monthly_id = $month->id; $daily->date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date)); $daily->expense = 0; $daily->income = 0; } $sumExpenseDaily = Finance::join('category', '', '=', 'finance.category_id')->join('daily', '', '=', 'finance.daily_id')->join('monthly', '', '=', 'daily.monthly_id')->where('', '=', $month->id)->where('finance.category_id', '=', $request->fcategory)->where('type', '=', 0)->where('', '=', $daily->id)->sum('amount'); $sumExpenseMonthly = Finance::join('category', '', '=', 'finance.category_id')->join('daily', '', '=', 'finance.daily_id')->join('monthly', '', '=', 'daily.monthly_id')->where('', '=', $month->id)->where('finance.category_id', '=', $request->fcategory)->where('type', '=', 0)->sum('amount'); $restrictDaily = Restrict::where('plan_id', '=', $plan->id)->where('category_id', '=', $request->fcategory)->where('for', '=', 0)->first(); $restrictMonthly = Restrict::where('plan_id', '=', $plan->id)->where('category_id', '=', $request->fcategory)->where('for', '=', 1)->first(); if ($restrictDaily) { $sumExpenseDaily += $request->famount; if ($restrictDaily->exceed < $sumExpenseDaily) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Exceed per day!'); //return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } } if ($restrictMonthly) { $sumExpenseMonthly += $request->famount; if ($restrictMonthly->exceed < $sumExpenseMonthly) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Exceed per month!'); //return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } } if ($request->ftype == 0) { $daily->expense += $request->famount; $month->progress = $month->progress - $request->famount; $plan->budget -= $request->famount; } else { $daily->income += $request->famount; $month->progress = $month->progress + $request->famount; $plan->budget += $request->famount; } $daily->save(); $finance = new Finance(); $finance->daily_id = $daily->id; $finance->category_id = $request->fcategory; $finance->description = $request->fdescription; $finance->name = $request->fname; $finance->amount = $request->famount; $finance->type = $request->ftype; $plan->save(); if ($plan->budget >= $plan->target) { $successes[] = "Congratuation! You have reach your goal!!!"; } else { if ($diff >= $plan->period && $plan->budget < $plan->target) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'This plan has been fail!! Please try again with more discipline!'); } } Session::forget('successes'); Session::put('successes', $successes); $finance->save(); $month->save(); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); }
public function getIndex(Request $request) { $successes = array(); $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), []); if (isset($request->id)) { $plan = $this->user->plans()->where('id', '=', $request->id)->first(); } else { if (Session::has('Plan')) { $plan = $this->user->plans()->where('id', '=', Session::get('Plan'))->first(); } } if (isset($plan)) { $now = new DateTime(date('m/d/Y')); $create = new DateTime($plan->created_at); // $create = new DateTime('2016-11-14'); $interval = $now->diff($create); $diff = $interval->format('%m'); if (sizeof($plan->months()->get()) <= $diff && $diff <= $plan->period || $diff == 0 && sizeof($plan->months()) <= $diff) { $month = new Monthly(); $month->plan_id = $plan->id; $month->status = 0; $month->month = sizeof($plan->months) + 1; $month->limit = $plan->expected; $month->progress = 0; $monthLeft = $plan->period - $diff; if ($monthLeft > 0) { $newExpected = ceil(($plan->target - $plan->budget) / $monthLeft); } else { $newExpected = 1; } $lastMonth = $plan->months()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($lastMonth) { if ($lastMonth->progress != $lastMonth->limit) { $month->limit = $newExpected; if ($lastMonth->progress > $lastMonth->limit) { $successes[] = "Very good! you have succeed " . ($lastMonth->progress - $lastMonth->limit) . " more than limit!"; } else { if ($lastMonth->progress < $lastMonth->limit && $lastMonth->progress >= 0) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Too bad cannot reach you goal last month! anyway, keep doing!'); } else { if ($lastMonth->progress < $lastMonth->limit && $lastMonth->progress < 0) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'Too bad you use ' . $lastMonth->progress . ' more than limit last month!!'); } } } } } $month->save(); $attach['progress'] = $month->progress / $month->limit * 100; } else { $month = $plan->months()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($month) { if ($month->limit == 0) { $month->limit = 1; } $attach['progress'] = $month->progress / $month->limit * 100; } } $attach['plan'] = $plan; $attach['month'] = $month; $attach['category'] = []; $categories = Category::where('user_id', '=', $this->user->id)->orWhere('user_id', '=', 0)->get(); $start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $month->month - 1 . ' month', strtotime($plan->created_at))); $end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $month->month . ' month', strtotime($plan->created_at))); foreach ($categories as $category) { $sumIncome = Finance::join('category', '', '=', 'finance.category_id')->join('daily', '', '=', 'finance.daily_id')->join('monthly', '', '=', 'daily.monthly_id')->where('', '=', $month->id)->where('finance.category_id', '=', $category->id)->where('type', '=', 1)->where('', '>=', $start)->where('', '<=', $end)->sum('amount'); $sumExpense = Finance::join('category', '', '=', 'finance.category_id')->join('daily', '', '=', 'finance.daily_id')->join('monthly', '', '=', 'daily.monthly_id')->where('', '=', $month->id)->where('finance.category_id', '=', $category->id)->where('type', '=', 0)->where('', '>=', $start)->where('', '<=', $end)->sum('amount'); if ($sumIncome > 0 || $sumExpense > 0) { $attach['category'][] = ["name" => $category->name, "income" => $sumIncome, "expense" => $sumExpense]; } } if ($plan->budget >= $plan->target) { $successes[] = "Congratuation! You have reach your goal!!!"; } else { if ($diff >= $plan->period && $plan->budget < $plan->target) { $validator->errors()->add('User', 'This plan has been fail!! Please try again with more discipline!'); } } Session::forget('successes'); Session::put('successes', $successes); return view('progress.index')->with($attach)->withErrors($validator); } else { return view('progress.index'); } }
public function getIndex(Request $request) { $successes = array(); $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), []); if (isset($request->id)) { $plan = $this->user->plans()->where('id', '=', $request->id)->first(); } else { if (Session::has('Plan')) { $plan = $this->user->plans()->where('id', '=', Session::get('Plan'))->first(); } } if (isset($plan)) { $now = new DateTime(date('m/d/Y')); $create = new DateTime($plan->created_at); // $create = new DateTime('2016-11-14'); $interval = $now->diff($create); $diff = $interval->format('%m'); if (sizeof($plan->months()->get()) <= $diff && $diff <= $plan->period || $diff == 0 && sizeof($plan->months()) <= $diff) { $month = new Monthly(); $month->plan_id = $plan->id; $month->status = 0; $month->month = sizeof($plan->months()); $month->limit = $plan->expected; $month->progress = 0; $lastMonth = $plan->months()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($lastMonth) { if ($lastMonth->progress != $lastMonth->limit) { if ($lastMonth->progress > $lastMonth->limit) { $month->progress = $month->progress + ($lastMonth->progress - $lastMonth->limit); $successes[] = '<img src="" height="50px" width="50px"/>' . "Very good! you have succeed " . ($lastMonth->progress - $lastMonth->limit) . " more than limit!"; //$successes[] = ; } else { if ($lastMonth->progress < $lastMonth->limit) { $month->limit += $lastMonth->progress; $validator->errors()->add('User', '<img src="" height="50px" width="50px"/>' . 'Too bad you use ' . $lastMonth->progress . ' more than limit last month!!'); } } } } $month->save(); $attach['progress'] = $month->progress / $month->limit * 100; } else { $month = $plan->months()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if ($month) { if ($month->limit == 0) { $month->limit = 1; } $attach['progress'] = $month->progress / $month->limit * 100; } } $attach['plan'] = $plan; $attach['month'] = $month; $attach['category'] = []; $categories = Category::where('user_id', '=', $this->user->id)->orWhere('user_id', '=', 0)->get(); $start = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $month->month - 1 . ' month', strtotime($plan->created_at))); $end = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . $month->month . ' month', strtotime($plan->created_at))); foreach ($categories as $category) { $sumIncome = Finance::join('category', '', '=', 'finance.category_id')->join('daily', '', '=', 'finance.daily_id')->join('monthly', '', '=', 'daily.monthly_id')->where('', '=', $month->id)->where('finance.category_id', '=', $category->id)->where('type', '=', 1)->where('', '>=', $start)->where('', '<=', $end)->sum('amount'); $sumExpense = Finance::join('category', '', '=', 'finance.category_id')->join('daily', '', '=', 'finance.daily_id')->join('monthly', '', '=', 'daily.monthly_id')->where('', '=', $month->id)->where('finance.category_id', '=', $category->id)->where('type', '=', 0)->where('', '>=', $start)->where('', '<=', $end)->sum('amount'); if ($sumIncome > 0 || $sumExpense > 0) { $attach['category'][] = ["name" => $category->name, "income" => $sumIncome, "expense" => $sumExpense]; } } Session::forget('successes'); Session::put('successes', $successes); return view('report.index')->with($attach)->withErrors($validator); } else { return view('report.index'); } }