Esempio n. 1
 protected function findModel($where)
     if (($model = Measure::find()->where($where)->one()) !== null) {
         return $model;
     } else {
Esempio n. 2
 public function getResultInterpretation($result)
     $measure = Measure::find($result['measureid']);
     try {
         $measurerange = MeasureRange::where('measure_id', '=', $result['measureid']);
         if ($measure->isNumeric()) {
             $birthDate = new DateTime($result['birthdate']);
             $now = new DateTime();
             $interval = $birthDate->diff($now);
             $seconds = $interval->days * 24 * 3600 + $interval->h * 3600 + $interval->i * 60 + $interval->s;
             $age = $seconds / (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
             $measurerange = $measurerange->where('gender', '=', $result['gender'])->where('age_min', '<=', $age)->where('age_max', '>=', $age)->where('range_lower', '<=', $result['measurevalue'])->where('range_upper', '>=', $result['measurevalue']);
         } else {
             $measurerange = $measurerange->where('alphanumeric', '=', $result['measurevalue']);
         $measurerange = $measurerange->get()->toArray();
         $interpretation = $measurerange[0]['interpretation'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $interpretation = null;
     return $interpretation;
Esempio n. 3
  * @param  Measure IDs $measureIds array()
  * @return Ranges whose interpretation is positive $positiveRanges array()
 public static function getPositiveRangesByMeasureIds($measureIds)
     $positiveRanges = array();
     foreach ($measureIds as $measureId) {
         $measure = Measure::find($measureId);
         $measureRanges = $measure->measureRanges;
         foreach ($measureRanges as $measureRange) {
             if ($measureRange->interpretation == Test::POSITIVE) {
                 $positiveRanges[] = $measureRange->alphanumeric;
     return $positiveRanges;
Esempio n. 4
  * Tests the update funtion in the MeasureController
  * @return void
 public function testIfUpdateWorks()
     //Save again because teardown() dropped the db :(
     $measurestored = Measure::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(4)->get()->toArray();
     $measureUricAcid = Measure::where('name', 'LIKE', '%uric%')->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
     $uricMeasureRanges = array();
     $alphanumericRanges = array();
     $autoCompleteRanges = array();
     foreach ($measureUricAcid->measureRanges as $range) {
         $uricMeasureRanges[] = $range->id;
     foreach (Measure::find($measurestored[2]['id'])->measureRanges as $range) {
         $alphanumericRanges[] = $range->id;
     foreach (Measure::find($measurestored[1]['id'])->measureRanges as $range) {
         $autoCompleteRanges[] = $range->id;
     // Update the Measure Types
     // The second argument is the test type ID
     $this->runUpdate($this->inputNumericUpdate, $measureUricAcid->id, $uricMeasureRanges);
     $this->runUpdate($this->inputAlphanumericUpdate, $measurestored[2]['id'], $alphanumericRanges);
     $this->runUpdate($this->inputAutocompleteUpdate, $measurestored[1]['id'], $autoCompleteRanges);
     $this->runUpdate($this->inputFreetextUpdate, $measurestored[0]['id'], 0);
     $measureupdated = Measure::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(4)->get()->toArray();
     $measureNewUricAcid = Measure::find($measureUricAcid->id);
     // Check that the measure values for the uric acid measure were updated
     $this->assertEquals($measureNewUricAcid->name, $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['name']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureNewUricAcid->measure_type_id, $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['measure_type_id']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureNewUricAcid->unit, $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['unit']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureNewUricAcid->description, $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['description']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[2]['name'], $this->inputAlphanumericUpdate[0]['name']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[2]['measure_type_id'], $this->inputAlphanumericUpdate[0]['measure_type_id']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[2]['description'], $this->inputAlphanumericUpdate[0]['description']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[1]['name'], $this->inputAutocompleteUpdate[0]['name']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[1]['measure_type_id'], $this->inputAutocompleteUpdate[0]['measure_type_id']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[1]['description'], $this->inputAutocompleteUpdate[0]['description']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[0]['name'], $this->inputFreetextUpdate[0]['name']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[0]['measure_type_id'], $this->inputFreetextUpdate[0]['measure_type_id']);
     $this->assertEquals($measureupdated[0]['description'], $this->inputFreetextUpdate[0]['description']);
     $measurerangeupdated = MeasureRange::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(6)->get()->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[5]['age_min'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['agemin'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[5]['age_max'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['agemax'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[5]['gender'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['gender'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[5]['range_lower'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['rangemin'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[5]['range_upper'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['rangemax'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[4]['age_min'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['agemin'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[4]['age_max'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['agemax'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[4]['gender'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['gender'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[4]['range_lower'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['rangemin'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[4]['range_upper'], $this->inputNumericUpdate[0]['rangemax'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[3]['alphanumeric'], $this->inputAlphanumericUpdate[0]['val'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[2]['alphanumeric'], $this->inputAlphanumericUpdate[0]['val'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[1]['alphanumeric'], $this->inputAutocompleteUpdate[0]['val'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals($measurerangeupdated[0]['alphanumeric'], $this->inputAutocompleteUpdate[0]['val'][1]);
Esempio n. 5
     * MOH 706
    public function moh706()
        //  Variables definition
        $date = date('Y-m-d');
        $from = Input::get('start');
        if (!$from) {
            $from = date('Y-m-01');
        $end = Input::get('end');
        if (!$end) {
            $end = $date;
        $toPlusOne = date_add(new DateTime($end), date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 day'));
        $to = date_add(new DateTime($end), date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 day'))->format('Y-m-d');
        $ageRanges = array('0-5', '5-14', '14-120');
        $sex = array(Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE);
        $ranges = array('Low', 'Normal', 'High');
        $specimen_types = array('Urine', 'Pus', 'HVS', 'Throat', 'Stool', 'Blood', 'CSF', 'Water', 'Food', 'Other fluids');
        $isolates = array('Naisseria', 'Klebsiella', 'Staphylococci', 'Streptoccoci' . 'Proteus', 'Shigella', 'Salmonella', 'V. cholera', 'E. coli', 'C. neoformans', 'Cardinella vaginalis', 'Haemophilus', 'Bordotella pertusis', 'Pseudomonas', 'Coliforms', 'Faecal coliforms', 'Enterococcus faecalis', 'Total viable counts-22C', 'Total viable counts-37C', 'Clostridium', 'Others');
        //  Get specimen_types for microbiology
        $labSecId = TestCategory::getTestCatIdByName('microbiology');
        $specTypeIds = DB::select(DB::raw("select distinct( as spec_id from testtype_specimentypes" . " join test_types on" . " join specimen_types on" . "  where test_types.test_category_id=?"), array($labSecId));
        //  Referred out specimen
        $referredSpecimens = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT specimen_type_id, as spec, count( as tot," . " facility_id, as facility FROM specimens" . " join referrals on" . " join specimen_types on" . " join facilities on" . " where referral_id is not null and status=1" . " and time_accepted between ? and ?" . " group by facility_id;"), array($from, $toPlusOne));
        $table = '<!-- URINALYSIS -->
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <strong>URINE ANALYSIS</strong>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Urine Chemistry</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $urinaId = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Urinalysis');
        $urinalysis = TestType::find($urinaId);
        $urineChem = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Urine Chemistry');
        $urineChemistry = TestType::find($urineChem);
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $urinaId)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        $table .= '<tbody>
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . ($this->getGroupedTestCounts($urinalysis, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) + $this->getGroupedTestCounts($urineChemistry, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne)) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . ($this->getGroupedTestCounts($urinalysis, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) + $this->getGroupedTestCounts($urineChemistry, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne)) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . ($this->getGroupedTestCounts($urinalysis, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) + $this->getGroupedTestCounts($urineChemistry, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne)) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            if (in_array($tMeasure->name, ['ph', 'Epithelial cells', 'Pus cells', 'S. haematobium', 'T. vaginalis', 'Yeast cells', 'Red blood cells', 'Bacteria', 'Spermatozoa'])) {
            $table .= '<tr>
                                <td>' . $tMeasure->name . '</td>';
            foreach ($sex as $gender) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Urine Microscopy</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>

        $urineMic = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Urine Microscopy');
        $urineMicroscopy = TestType::find($urineMic);
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $urinaId)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . ($this->getGroupedTestCounts($urinalysis, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) + $this->getGroupedTestCounts($urineMicroscopy, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne)) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . ($this->getGroupedTestCounts($urinalysis, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) + $this->getGroupedTestCounts($urineMicroscopy, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne)) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . ($this->getGroupedTestCounts($urinalysis, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) + $this->getGroupedTestCounts($urineMicroscopy, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne)) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            if (in_array($tMeasure->name, ['Leucocytes', 'Nitrites', 'Glucose', 'pH', 'Bilirubin', 'Ketones', 'Proteins', 'Blood', 'Urobilinogen Phenlpyruvic acid'])) {
            $table .= '<tr>
                                <td>' . $tMeasure->name . '</td>';
            foreach ($sex as $gender) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Blood Chemistry</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $bloodChem = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Blood Sugar');
        $bloodChemistry = TestType::find($bloodChem);
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $bloodChem)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        $table .= '<tr>
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bloodChemistry, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bloodChemistry, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bloodChemistry, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            $table .= '<tr>
                                <td>' . $tMeasure->name . '</td>';
            foreach ($sex as $gender) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, ['Low', 'Normal', 'High'], null) . '</td>';
            foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Renal function tests</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $rfts = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('RFTS');
        $rft = TestType::find($rfts);
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $rfts)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        $table .= '<tr>
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($rft, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($rft, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($rft, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $name = Measure::find($measure->measure_id)->name;
            if ($name == 'Electrolytes') {
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            $table .= '<tr>
                                <td>' . $tMeasure->name . '</td>';
            foreach ($sex as $gender) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '</tbody>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Liver Function Tests</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $lfts = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('LFTS');
        $lft = TestType::find($lfts);
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $lfts)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        $table .= '<tr>
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($lft, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($lft, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($lft, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $name = Measure::find($measure->measure_id)->name;
            if ($name == 'SGOT') {
                $name = 'ASAT (SGOT)';
            if ($name == 'ALAT') {
                $name = 'ASAT (SGPT)';
            if ($name == 'Total Proteins') {
                $name = 'Serum Protein';
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            $table .= '<tr>
                                <td>' . $tMeasure->name . '</td>';
            foreach ($sex as $gender) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
                            <td>Gamma GT</td>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Lipid Profile</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $tMeasure = Measure::find(Measure::getMeasureIdByName('Serum Amylase'));
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr><tr>
                            <td>Total cholestrol</td>';
        $tMeasure = Measure::find(Measure::getMeasureIdByName('cholestrol'));
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr><tr>
        $tMeasure = Measure::find(Measure::getMeasureIdByName('Tryglycerides'));
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr><tr>
        $tMeasure = Measure::find(Measure::getMeasureIdByName('HDL'));
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr><tr>
        $tMeasure = Measure::find(Measure::getMeasureIdByName('LDL'));
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
        $tMeasure = Measure::find(Measure::getMeasureIdByName('PSA'));
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ranges as $range) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range], 1) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">CSF Chemistry</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $csf = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('CSF for biochemistry');
        $bioCsf = TestType::find($csf);
        $table .= '<tr>
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bioCsf, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bioCsf, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bioCsf, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $csf)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $name = Measure::find($measure->measure_id)->name;
            $table .= '<tr>
                            <td>' . $name . '</td>
        $table .= '</tbody>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Body Fluids</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
                            <td>Acid phosphatase</td>
                            <td>Bence jones protein</td>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Thyroid Function Tests</th>
                            <th colspan="2">No. Exam</th>
                            <th colspan="4"> Number positive</th>
        $tfts = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('TFT');
        $tft = TestType::find($tfts);
        $table .= '<tr>
        foreach ($sex as $gender) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($tft, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($tft, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($tft, [Patient::MALE, Patient::FEMALE], $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $tfts)->orderBy('measure_id', 'ASC')->get();
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            $table .= '<tr>
                        <td>' . $tMeasure->name . '</td>';
            foreach ($sex as $gender) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, [$gender], null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, null) . '</td>';
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, $sex, null, $from, $toPlusOne, null, 1) . '</td>';
            foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range]) . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
            <!-- URINALYSIS -->
            <!-- PARASITOLOGY -->
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th colspan="5">Blood Smears</th>
                            <th rowspan="2">Malaria</th>
                            <th colspan="4">Positive</th>
                            <th>Total Done</th>
        $bs = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Bs for mps');
        $bs4mps = TestType::find($bs);
        $table .= '<tbody>
                            <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bs4mps, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($bs4mps, null, $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                        <tr style="text-align:right;">
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                        <tr style="text-align:right;">
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                        <tr style="text-align:right;">
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                        <tr style="text-align:right;">
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                            <td colspan="5"><strong>Genital Smears</strong></td>
                            <td>T. vaginalis</td>
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                            <td>S. haematobium</td>
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                            <td>Yeast cells</td>
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                            <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                            <td colspan="5"><strong>Spleen/bone marrow</strong></td>
                            <td>L. donovani</td>
        $stool = TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Stool for O/C');
        $stoolForOc = TestType::find($stool);
        $measures = TestTypeMeasure::where('test_type_id', $stool)->orderBy('measure_id', 'DESC')->get();
        $table .= '<td colspan="5"><strong>Stool</strong></td>
                            <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($stoolForOc, null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts($stoolForOc, null, $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        foreach ($measures as $measure) {
            $tMeasure = Measure::find($measure->measure_id);
            foreach ($tMeasure->measureRanges as $range) {
                if ($range->alphanumeric == 'O#C not seen') {
                $table .= '<tr>
                                    <td>' . $range->alphanumeric . '</td>';
                $table .= '<td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>';
                foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $this->getTotalTestResults($tMeasure, null, $ageRange, $from, $toPlusOne, [$range->alphanumeric]) . '</td>';
                $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
                            <td colspan="5"><strong>Lavages</strong></td>
            <!-- PARASITOLOGY -->
            <!-- BACTERIOLOGY -->
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-sm-4">
                        <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border" style="padding-right:5px;">
                            <tbody style="text-align:right;">
                                    <td>Total examinations done</td>
        foreach ($specTypeIds as $key) {
            if (in_array(SpecimenType::find($key->spec_id)->name, ['Aspirate', 'Pleural Tap', 'Synovial Fluid', 'Sputum', 'Ascitic Tap', 'S***n', 'Skin'])) {
            $totalCount = DB::select(DB::raw("select count(specimen_id) as per_spec_count from tests" . " join specimens on" . " join test_types on" . " where specimens.specimen_type_id=?" . " and test_types.test_category_id=?" . " and test_status_id in(?,?)" . " and tests.time_created BETWEEN ? and ?;"), [$key->spec_id, $labSecId, Test::COMPLETED, Test::VERIFIED, $from, $toPlusOne]);
            $table .= '<tr>
                                    <td>' . SpecimenType::find($key->spec_id)->name . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $totalCount[0]->per_spec_count . '</td>
        $table .= '</tr>
                                    <td>Rectal swab</td>
                                    <td>Other (specify)....</td>
                    <div class="col-sm-8">
                        <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                                    <td colspan="3">Drugs</td>
                                    <td colspan="3">Sensitivity (Total done)</td>
                                    <td colspan="3">Resistance per drug</td>
                                    <td rowspan="3">KOH Preparations</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Others (specify)</td>
                        <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                                    <td>TB new suspects</td>
                                    <td>TB smears</td>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
        foreach ($specimen_types as $spec) {
            $table .= '<td>' . $spec . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>';
        foreach ($isolates as $isolate) {
            $table .= '<tr>
                            <td>' . $isolate . '</td>';
            foreach ($specimen_types as $spec) {
                $table .= '<td>' . TestResult::microCounts($isolate, $spec, $from, $toPlusOne)[0]->total . '</td>';
            $table .= '</tr>';
        $table .= '<tr>
                            <td colspan="11">Specify species of each isolate</td>
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-sm-12">
                        <strong>HEMATOLOGY REPORT</strong>
                        <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                                    <th colspan="2">Type of examination</th>
                                    <th>No. of Tests</th>
                                    <td colspan="2">Full blood count</td>
                                    <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Full haemogram')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Manual WBC counts</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Peripheral blood films</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate</td>
                                    <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('ESR')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Sickling test</td>
                                    <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Sickling test')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">HB electrophoresis</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">G6PD screening</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Bleeding time</td>
                                    <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Bleeding time test')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Clotting time</td>
                                    <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Clotting time test')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Prothrombin test</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Partial prothrombin time</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Bone Marrow Aspirates</td>
                                    <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Reticulocyte counts</td>
                                    <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                                    <td colspan="2">Others</td>
                                    <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>
                                    <td rowspan="2">Haemoglobin</td>
                                    <td>No. Tests</td>
                                    <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('HB')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                    <td rowspan="2">CD4/CD8</td>
                                    <td>No. Tests</td>
                                    <td rowspan="2">CD4%</td>
                                    <td>No. Tests</td>
                                    <td rowspan="2">Peripheral Blood Films</td>
                                    <td colspan="2">No. smears with inclusions</td>
                                    <td colspan="2"></td>
                    <div class="col-sm-12">
                        <strong>BLOOD GROUPING AND CROSSMATCH REPORT</strong>
                        <div class="row">
                            <div class="col-sm-6">
                                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                                            <td>Total groupings done</td>
                                            <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('GXM')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                            <td>Blood units grouped</td>
                                            <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Blood Grouping')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                                            <td>Total transfusion reactions</td>
                                            <td>Blood cross matches</td>
                                            <td>' . $this->getGroupedTestCounts(TestType::find(TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Cross Match')), null, null, $from, $toPlusOne) . '</td>
                            <div class="col-sm-6">
                                <strong>Blood safety</strong>
                                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                                            <td>A. Blood units collected from regional blood transfusion centres</td>
                                            <td>Blood units collected from other centres and screened at health facility</td>
                                            <td>Blood units screened at health facility that are HIV positive</td>
                                            <td>Blood units screened at health facility that are Hepatitis positive</td>
                                            <td>Blood units positive for other infections</td>
                                            <td>Blood units transfered</td>
                                            <td rowspan="2">General remarks .............................</td>
                                            <td rowspan="2"></td>
            <!-- BACTERIOLOGY -->
            <!-- HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY -->
            <div class="col-sm-12">
                <strong>HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY REPORT</strong>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2"></th>
                            <th rowspan="2">Total</th>
                            <th rowspan="2">Normal</th>
                            <th rowspan="2">Infective</th>
                            <th colspan="2">Non-infective</th>
                            <th colspan="3">Positive findings</th>
                            <th>&lt;5 yrs</th>
                            <th>5-14 yrs</th>
                            <th>&gt;14 yrs</th>
                            <td colspan="9">SMEARS</td>
                            <td>Pap Smear</td>
                            <td>Tissue Impressions</td>
                            <td colspan="9">TISSUE ASPIRATES (FNA)</td>
                            <td colspan="9">FLUID CYTOLOGY</td>
                            <td>Ascitic fluid</td>
                            <td>Pleural fluid</td>
                            <td colspan="9">TISSUE HISTOLOGY</td>
                            <td>Ovarian cyst</td>
                            <td>Lymph nodes</td>
                <strong>SEROLOGY REPORT</strong>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th rowspan="2">Serological test</th>
                            <th colspan="2">Total</th>
                            <th colspan="2">&lt;5 yrs</th>
                            <th colspan="2">5-14 yrs</th>
                            <th colspan="2">&gt;14 yrs</th>
                            <th>No. +ve</th>
                            <th>No. +ve</th>
                            <th>No. +ve</th>
                            <th>No. +ve</th>
                            <td>Rapid Plasma Region</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('VDRL'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('VDRL')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('VDRL'), $ageRange)) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('VDRL'), $ageRange) as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>ASO Test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Asot'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Asot')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Asot'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>HIV Test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Rapid HIV test'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Rapid HIV test')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Rapid HIV test'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Widal Test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Widal'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Widal')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Widal'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Brucella Test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Brucella'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Brucella')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Brucella'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Rheumatoid Factor Tests</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('RF'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('RF')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('RF'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Cryptococcal Antigen</td>
                            <td>Helicobacter pylori test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('H pylori'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('H pylori')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('H pylori'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Hepatitis A test</td>
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Hepatitis B test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Hepatitis B'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Hepatitis B')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Hepatitis B'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Hepatitis C test</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Hepatitis C'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Hepatitis C')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Hepatitis C'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Viral Load</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Viral load'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
                                    <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>';
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Viral load')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>';
        foreach ($ageRanges as $ageRange) {
            $data = TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('Viral load'), $ageRange);
            if (count($data) == 0) {
                $table .= '<td>0</td>
                                    <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>';
            } else {
                foreach ($data as $count) {
                    $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                        <td style="background-color: #CCCCCC;"></td>';
        $table .= '</tr>
                            <td>Formal Gel Test</td>
                            <td>Other Tests</td>
                <br />
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th>Dried Blood Spots</th>
                            <th># +ve</th>
                            <td>Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV</td>';
        if (count(TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('eid of hiv'))) == 0) {
            $table .= '<td>0</td>
        } else {
            foreach (TestType::getPrevalenceCounts($from, $to, TestType::getTestTypeIdByTestName('eid of hiv')) as $count) {
                if (count($count) == 0) {
                    $count->total = 0;
                    $count->positive = 0;
                $table .= '<td>' . $count->total . '</td>
                                    <td>' . $count->positive . '</td>';
        $table .= '<td></td>
                            <td>Quality Assurance</td>
                            <td>Discordant couples</td>
                <p><strong>Specimen referral to higher levels</strong></p>
                <table class="table table-condensed report-table-border">
                            <th>Sent to</th>
                            <th>No. of Reports/results received</th>
        if ($referredSpecimens) {
            foreach ($referredSpecimens as $referredSpecimen) {
                $table .= '<tr>
                                <td>' . $referredSpecimen->spec . '</td>
                                <td>' . $referredSpecimen->tot . '</td>
                                <td>' . $referredSpecimen->facility . '</td>
        } else {
            $table .= '<tr>
                                <td colspan="4">' . trans('') . '</td>
        $table .= '</tbody>
            <!-- HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY -->';
        if (Input::has('excel')) {
            $date = date("Ymdhi");
            $fileName = "MOH706_" . $date . ".xls";
            $headers = array("Content-type" => "text/html", "Content-Disposition" => "attachment;Filename=" . $fileName);
            $content = $table;
            return Response::make($content, 200, $headers);
        } else {
            //return view('reports.moh.706');
            return view('reports.moh.index')->with('table', $table)->with('from', $from)->with('end', $end);
Esempio n. 6
  * Remove the specified resource from storage (soft delete).
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function delete($id)
     //Soft delete the measure
     $measure = Measure::find($id);
     $inUseByTesttype = $measure->testTypes->toArray();
     if (empty($inUseByTesttype)) {
         // The measure is not in use
     } else {
         // The measure is in use
         return redirect()->to('measure.index')->with('message', trans('messages.failure-test-measure-in-use'));
     // redirect
     return redirect()->to('measure.index')->with('message', trans('messages.success-deleting-measure'));
Esempio n. 7
  * Get TestTypes that support prevalence counts
  * @return Collection TestTypes
 public static function supportPrevalenceCounts()
     $testTypes = collect();
     // Get ALPHANUMERIC measures whose possible results (or their interpretation) can be
     // reduced to either Positive or Negative
     $measures = DB::table('measures')->select(DB::raw(','))->join('measure_ranges', '', '=', 'measure_ranges.measure_id')->where('measures.measure_type_id', '=', Measure::ALPHANUMERIC)->where(function ($query) {
         $query->where('measure_ranges.alphanumeric', '=', 'Positive')->orWhere('measure_ranges.alphanumeric', '=', 'Negative')->orWhere('measure_ranges.interpretation', '=', 'Positive')->orWhere('measure_ranges.interpretation', '=', 'Negative');
     foreach ($measures as $measure) {
         $measureORM = Measure::find($measure->id);
         $objArray = $measureORM->testTypes()->first();
         if (!empty($objArray)) {
             foreach ($measureORM->testTypes()->get() as $tType) {
                 if ($tType->measures()->count() == 1) {
     return $testTypes->unique()->sortBy('name');