public function actionAddPeople()
     $session = Yii::$app->session;
     $name = $_REQUEST["name"];
     $surname = $_REQUEST["surname"];
     $father_name = $_REQUEST["father_name"];
     $date_birthday = strtotime($_REQUEST["date_birthday"]);
     $phone = $_REQUEST["phone"];
     $type_ticket = 0;
     $id_programm = 0;
     if ($_REQUEST["type_adult"] != "") {
         $type_adult = $_REQUEST["type_adult"];
     $order_id = $session["order_id"];
     $order = Order::findOne($order_id);
     if (!$order->getIsSufficiency(true)) {
         $result["status"] = "error";
         $result["msg"] = "Недостаточно мест";
         return json_encode($result);
     $now_date = date("N", $order->date);
     if ($now_date <= 5) {
         $type_day = 1;
     } else {
         $type_day = 2;
     if (($order->count_hours == 11 or $order->count_hours == 12) and $now_date == 1) {
         $now_day = date("d.m.Y", $order->date);
         $dateString = 'first Monday of ' . date("Y", $order->date) . '-' . date("m", $order->date);
         if (!strtotime($dateString)) {
             throw new \Exception('"' . $dateString . '" is not a valid strtotime');
         $startDay = new \DateTime($dateString);
         //if ($startDay->format('j') > 2) {
         //	$startDay->modify('- 7 days');
         $mDays = array();
         while ($startDay->format('Y-m') <= date("Y", $order->date) . '-' . str_pad(date("m", $order->date), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT)) {
             $mDays[] = clone $startDay;
             $startDay->modify('+ 7 days');
         if ($now_day == $mDays[1]->format("d.m.Y")) {
             if ($order->count_hours == 11) {
                 $order->count_hours = 17;
             } else {
                 if ($order->count_hours == 12) {
                     $order->count_hours = 18;
         if ($now_day == $mDays[3]->format("d.m.Y")) {
             if ($order->count_hours == 11) {
                 $order->count_hours = 17;
             } else {
                 if ($order->count_hours == 12) {
                     $order->count_hours = 18;
     $old = $this->getyeardiff($date_birthday, $order_id);
     if ($order->type_ticket == 6) {
         $kids = Kids::find()->where("LOWER(`name`)='" . mb_strtolower($name) . "' AND LOWER(`surname`) = '" . mb_strtolower($surname) . "' AND \n\t\t\t\t\tLOWER(`father_name`) = '" . mb_strtolower($father_name) . "' AND `birthday` = " . $date_birthday)->all();
         $type_people = 2;
         if (count($kids) != 0) {
             $id_people = $kids[0]->id;
         } else {
             $kids = new Kids();
             $kids->name = $name;
             $kids->surname = $surname;
             $kids->father_name = $father_name;
             $kids->birthday = $date_birthday;
             $kids->phone = $phone;
             $id_people = $kids->id;
         $id_programm = $order->id_programm;
         $id_time = $order->count_hours;
         $price = PriceProgramms::findOne(["id_programm" => $id_programm, "id_time" => $id_time]);
         $result["price"] = $price->price;
         if (isset($_REQUEST["pitanie"])) {
             if ($_REQUEST["pitanie"] == "true") {
                 $type_day = TypeDayProgramms::findOne($id_time);
                 $pitanie = DopPrice::find()->where(["name" => "pitanie"])->all();
                 $result["price"] += $pitanie[0]->price * $type_day->value;
         if ($old <= 7) {
             $result["old"] = $old;
     } else {
         if ($order->type_ticket == 3) {
             $TypeTicket = TypeTicket::find()->where("`id`=12")->all();
         } else {
             $TypeTicket = TypeTicket::find()->where("`age_min` <= '{$old}' AND `age_max` >= '{$old}'")->all();
         $type_ticket = $TypeTicket[0]->id;
         $o_date = $order->date;
         $TimePriceTicket = TimePriceTicket::find()->where("`date1` <= '{$o_date}' AND `date2` >= '{$o_date}'")->all();
         if (count($TimePriceTicket) == 0) {
             $classPriceTicket = PriceTicket::find();
         } elseif ($TimePriceTicket[0]->type == 1) {
             $classPriceTicket = PriceTicket::find();
         } elseif ($TimePriceTicket[0]->type == 2) {
             $classPriceTicket = PriceTicket2::find();
         } elseif ($TimePriceTicket[0]->type == 3) {
             $classPriceTicket = PriceTicket3::find();
         $type = $_REQUEST["type"];
         if ($type == 1) {
             $people = Parents::find()->where("LOWER(`name`)='" . mb_strtolower($name) . "' AND LOWER(`surname`) = '" . mb_strtolower($surname) . "' AND \n\t\t\t\t\tLOWER(`father_name`) = '" . mb_strtolower($father_name) . "' AND `birthday` = " . $date_birthday)->all();
             $type_people = 1;
             if (count($people) != 0) {
                 $id_people = $people[0]->id;
             } else {
                 $people = new Parents();
                 $people->name = $name;
                 $people->surname = $surname;
                 $people->father_name = $father_name;
                 $people->birthday = $date_birthday;
                 $people->phone = $phone;
                 $id_people = $people->id;
             //Перерасчет сопровождающий - гость
             if ($type_adult == 2) {
                 $type_adult = 11;
             } else {
                 $type_adult = 10;
             $price = $classPriceTicket->where(["type_ticket" => $type_adult, "type_day" => $type_day, "hours" => $order->count_hours])->all();
             $result["price"] = $price[0]->price;
             if (isset($_REQUEST["besplatno"])) {
                 if ($_REQUEST["besplatno"] == "besplatno") {
                     $result["price"] = 0;
         } elseif ($type == 2) {
             $kids = Kids::find()->where("LOWER(`name`)='" . mb_strtolower($name) . "' AND LOWER(`surname`) = '" . mb_strtolower($surname) . "' AND \n\t\t\t\t\tLOWER(`father_name`) = '" . mb_strtolower($father_name) . "' AND `birthday` = " . $date_birthday)->all();
             $type_people = 2;
             if (count($kids) != 0) {
                 $id_people = $kids[0]->id;
             } else {
                 $kids = new Kids();
                 $kids->name = $name;
                 $kids->surname = $surname;
                 $kids->father_name = $father_name;
                 $kids->birthday = $date_birthday;
                 $kids->phone = $phone;
                 $id_people = $kids->id;
             $price = $classPriceTicket->where(["type_ticket" => $type_ticket, "type_day" => $type_day, "hours" => $order->count_hours])->all();
             $result["price"] = $price[0]->price;
             if (isset($_REQUEST["pitanie"])) {
                 if ($_REQUEST["pitanie"] == "true") {
                     $pitanie = DopPrice::find()->where(["name" => "pitanie"])->all();
                     $result["price"] += $pitanie[0]->price;
             if ($old <= 7) {
                 $result["old"] = $old;
     $RelOrderPeople = RelOrderPeople::find()->where(["id_order" => $session["order_id"], "id_people" => $id_people, "type_people" => $type_people])->all();
     if (count($RelOrderPeople) == 0) {
         if ($_REQUEST["id_rel"] == "") {
             $RelOrderPeople = new RelOrderPeople();
         } else {
             $RelOrderPeople = RelOrderPeople::findOne($_REQUEST["id_rel"]);
         $RelOrderPeople->id_order = $session["order_id"];
         $RelOrderPeople->id_people = $id_people;
         $RelOrderPeople->type_people = $type_people;
         $RelOrderPeople->type_tiket = $type_ticket;
         $RelOrderPeople->id_programm = $id_programm;
         $RelOrderPeople->qr = md5(time() . $id_people . $session["order_id"]);
         if (isset($_REQUEST["pitanie"])) {
             if ($_REQUEST["pitanie"] == "true") {
                 $RelOrderPeople->pitanie = 1;
         $RelOrderPeople->summ = $result["price"] * 100;
     $RelOrderPeople = RelOrderPeople::find()->where(["id_order" => $session["order_id"], "id_people" => $id_people, "type_people" => $type_people])->all();
     $result["id_rel"] = $RelOrderPeople[0]->id;
     $result["status"] = 'ok';
     return json_encode($result);