/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $_key = $this->argument('key'); $_blueprint = $this->argument('blueprint'); $_file = $this->argument('file'); $_creator = $this->argument('creator'); $_header = escapeshellarg($this->argument('header')); $blueprint = Blueprint::find($_blueprint); if (!$blueprint) { Log::error("la encuesta con id: {$_blueprint} no se encontró"); return; } $blueprint->sending_emails = 1; $blueprint->update(); $counter = 0; Excel::load("storage/app/" . $_key . ".xlsx", function ($reader) use($blueprint, $counter, $_key, $_header) { $reader->each(function ($row) use($blueprint, $counter, $_key, $_header) { if (trim($row->correo) != "" && filter_var($row->correo, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $form_key = str_replace("/", "", Hash::make('blueprint' . $blueprint->id . $row->correo)); $applicant = Applicant::firstOrCreate(["blueprint_id" => $blueprint->id, "form_key" => $form_key, "user_email" => $row->correo, "temporal_key" => $_key]); $path = base_path(); exec("php {$path}/artisan email:send {$applicant->id} {$_header} > /dev/null &"); $update = $blueprint->emails + 1; $blueprint->emails = $update; $blueprint->update(); } }); })->first(); $total = Applicant::where("temporal_key", $_key)->count(); $mailgun = new MailgunEmail(["blueprint" => $blueprint->id, "emails" => $total]); $mailgun->save(); $blueprint->sending_emails = 0; $blueprint->update(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $_applicant = $this->argument('applicant'); $_header = $this->argument('header'); $applicant = Applicant::find($_applicant); Mail::send('email.invitation', ['applicant' => $applicant], function ($m) use($applicant, $_header) { $m->from('*****@*****.**', 'Tú Evalúas'); $m->to($applicant->user_email, "amigo")->subject($_header); }); }
public function resetSurvey(Request $request) { $applicant = Applicant::where('form_key', $request->input('form_key'))->first(); if ($applicant) { return response()->json($applicant->answers()->delete()); } else { return response()->json(false); } }
public function actionRecoveryHandler() { $arr['katalaluan'] = $_POST['katalaluan']; $arr['pengesahan_katalaluan'] = $_POST['pengesahan_katalaluan']; $model = new \yii\base\DynamicModel($arr); $model->addRule(['katalaluan', 'pengesahan_katalaluan'], 'required', ['message' => 'Medan {attribute} ini wajib diisi'])->addRule('katalaluan', 'compare', ['compareAttribute' => 'pengesahan_katalaluan', 'message' => 'Katalaluan dan Pengesahan Katalaluan Mestilah Sama'])->validate(); $str = $_POST['str']; $app = \app\models\Applicant::findOne(['forgot_pwd' => $str]); if ($model->hasErrors()) { return $this->render('pwd_recovery', ['errors' => $model->getErrors(), 'app' => $app]); } else { $app->password = $_POST['katalaluan']; $app->confirm_password = $app->password; // need to re-arrange on rules $app->com_state2 = $app->com_state; if ($app->validate()) { $app->forgot_pwd = null; $app->save(); \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('msg', 'Katalaluan telah berjaya ditukar'); return $this->goHome(); } else { //var_dump($app->getErrors()); return $this->render('pwd_recovery', ['errors' => $app->getErrors(), 'app' => $app]); } } }