public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials) { if (static::PAMAuthenticate($credentials['username'], $credentials['password'])) { return Account::where('username', $credentials['username'])->get()->first(); } return false; }
/** * */ public function run() { $this->faker = Faker::create(); $users = User::all(); $this->expenseMerchants = ['John Doe', 'Jane Doe', 'John Smith', 'Sally Woods', 'Fred']; $this->expenseMerchantsIndex = -1; foreach ($users as $user) { $this->accounts = Account::where('user_id', $user->id)->get(); // Get budget ids for user $this->fixedBudgetIds = $user->fixedBudgets()->lists('id')->all(); $this->flexBudgetIds = $user->flexBudgets()->lists('id')->all(); $this->mixedBudgetIds = [$this->fixedBudgetIds[0], $this->flexBudgetIds[0]]; $num = 1; if ($user->id === 2) { $num = 20; } // Create transactions without budgets $this->createIncomeTransactionsWithoutBudgets($user, $num); $this->createExpenseTransactionsWithoutBudgets($user, $num); $this->createTransferTransactions($user, $num); //Create transactions with budgets $this->createExpenseTransactionsWithBudgets($user, $num); $this->createIncomeTransactionsWithBudgets($user, $num); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('events')->insert([['id' => '1', 'eventName' => 'PartyNight', 'date' => '2016-01-01', 'startTime' => '14:00:00', 'endTime' => '15:00:00', 'location' => 'Beijing', 'description' => 'A test Event 1.', 'capacity' => 123, 'conferenceID' => 1], ['id' => '2', 'eventName' => 'Speech', 'date' => '2017-01-01', 'startTime' => '12:00:00', 'endTime' => '12:30:00', 'location' => 'Mumbai', 'description' => 'A test Event 2.', 'capacity' => 123, 'conferenceID' => 1]]); $role = RoleCreate::AllEventRoles(1); Account::where('email', 'root@localhost')->get()->first()->attachRole($role); $role = RoleCreate::AllEventRoles(2); Account::where('email', 'root@localhost')->get()->first()->attachRole($role); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $conferences = [['id' => 1, 'conferenceName' => 'Foo', 'dateStart' => '2016-01-01', 'dateEnd' => '2016-02-01', 'location' => 'Earth', 'description' => 'A test conference.', 'hasTransportation' => true, 'hasAccommodations' => false], ['id' => 2, 'conferenceName' => 'Bar', 'dateStart' => '2016-02-03', 'dateEnd' => '2016-02-05', 'location' => 'Earth', 'description' => 'A test conference number 2.', 'hasTransportation' => true, 'hasAccommodations' => true]]; foreach ($conferences as $conf) { $c = Conference::create($conf); $role = RoleCreate::AllConferenceRoles($c->id); Account::where('email', 'root@localhost')->get()->first()->attachRole($role); } }
public function resetPassword(Request $request) { if (!$request->has('email')) { return response()->json(['message' => 'no_email_given'], 400); } $account = Account::where('email', $request->input('email'))->get()->first(); if (!isset($account)) { return response()->json(['message' => 'account_not_found'], 400); } $this->dispatch(new ResetPassword($account)); return ["message" => "email_pending"]; }
public function getCounts($userId) { $accounts = Account::where('referral_user_id', $userId)->get(); $counts = ['free' => 0, 'pro' => 0, 'enterprise' => 0]; foreach ($accounts as $account) { $counts['free']++; $plan = $account->getPlanDetails(false, false); if ($plan) { $counts['pro']++; if ($plan['plan'] == PLAN_ENTERPRISE) { $counts['enterprise']++; } } } return $counts; }
public function d3() { $message = ''; if (Auth::user()->account->isPro()) { $account = Account::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->account->id)->with(['clients.invoices.invoice_items', 'clients.contacts'])->first(); $account = $account->hideFieldsForViz(); $clients = $account->clients->toJson(); } elseif (isset($_ENV['DATA_VIZ_SAMPLE'])) { $clients = $_ENV['DATA_VIZ_SAMPLE']; $message = trans('texts.sample_data'); } else { $clients = '[]'; } $data = ['feature' => ACCOUNT_DATA_VISUALIZATIONS, 'clients' => $clients, 'message' => $message]; return View::make('reports.d3', $data); }
public function d3() { $message = ''; $fileName = storage_path() . '/dataviz_sample.txt'; if (Auth::user()->account->isPro()) { $account = Account::where('id', '=', Auth::user()->account->id)->with(['clients.invoices.invoice_items', 'clients.contacts'])->first(); $account = $account->hideFieldsForViz(); $clients = $account->clients->toJson(); } elseif (file_exists($fileName)) { $clients = file_get_contents($fileName); $message = trans('texts.sample_data'); } else { $clients = '[]'; } $data = ['clients' => $clients, 'message' => $message]; return View::make('reports.d3', $data); }
/** * Register a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function register(Request $request) { //Check if the request has account and password $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), ['account' => 'required|max:16', 'password' => 'required|max:20']); //If it is lack of account and password if ($validator->fails()) { return response()->json(['status' => 404, 'message' => 'input error', 'data' => null]); } //Check if the account is existed try { $exist = Account::where('account', '=', $request->input('account'))->firstOrFail(); } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { $account = $request->input('account'); $password = $request->input('password'); $name = $request->input('name', 'default_user'); $gender = $request->input('gender', 'unknown'); $nationality = $request->input('nationality', 'France'); $city = $request->input('city', 'Villejuif'); $address = $request->input('address', ''); //$hobby = $request->input('hobby',''); $nickName = $request->input('nickName', ''); $birthday = $request->input('birthday', ''); //store it to the database $Account = new Account(); $Account->account = $account; $Account->password = $password; $Account->name = $name; $Account->nickName = $nickName; $Account->gender = $gender; $Account->address = $address; $Account->nationality = $nationality; $Account->city = $city; //$Account->hobby = $hobby; $Account->birthday = $birthday; $Account->save(); return response()->json(['status' => 0, 'message' => 'ok', 'data' => $Account->id]); } return response()->json(['status' => 403, 'message' => 'account existed', 'data' => null]); }
/** * */ public function run() { $users = User::all(); foreach ($users as $user) { foreach ($this->favourites as $favourite) { $newFavourite = new FavouriteTransaction(['name' => $favourite['name'], 'type' => $favourite['type'], 'description' => $favourite['description'], 'merchant' => $favourite['merchant'], 'total' => $favourite['total']]); $newFavourite->user()->associate($user); if ($favourite['type'] === 'transfer') { $newFavourite->fromAccount()->associate(Account::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('name', $favourite['fromAccount'])->first()); $newFavourite->toAccount()->associate(Account::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('name', $favourite['toAccount'])->first()); } else { $newFavourite->account()->associate(Account::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('name', $favourite['account'])->first()); } $newFavourite->save(); $budgetIds = []; foreach ($favourite['budgets'] as $budgetName) { $budgetIds[] = Budget::where('user_id', $user->id)->where('name', $budgetName)->pluck('id'); } $newFavourite->budgets()->attach($budgetIds); } } }
public function checkEmail(Request $request) { $account = Account::where('email', '=', $request->only('email'))->first(); if ($account === null) { return response()->json(['taken' => false]); } else { return response()->json(['taken' => true]); } }
/** * @param $accountKey * @param $gatewayId * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse */ public function handlePaymentWebhook($accountKey, $gatewayId) { $gatewayId = intval($gatewayId); $account = Account::where('accounts.account_key', '=', $accountKey)->first(); if (!$account) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Unknown account'], 404); } $accountGateway = $account->getGatewayConfig(intval($gatewayId)); if (!$accountGateway) { return response()->json(['message' => 'Unknown gateway'], 404); } $paymentDriver = $accountGateway->paymentDriver(); try { $result = $paymentDriver->handleWebHook(Input::all()); return response()->json(['message' => $result]); } catch (Exception $exception) { Utils::logError($exception->getMessage(), 'PHP'); return response()->json(['message' => $exception->getMessage()], 500); } }
/** * 获取当前选择的Account. * * @return Account */ public function getCurrent() { return AccountModel::where('id', Session::get('account_id'))->first(); }
/** * 根据tag获取公众号. * * @param string $tag tag * * @return Model */ public function getByTag($tag) { return $this->model->where('tag', $tag)->first(); }
public function approvedDependents($accountID) { if (!Entrust::can(PermissionNames::ApproveUserRegistration()) && Auth::user()->id != $accountID) { return response()->json(["message" => "no_user_approval_access"]); } $account = Account::where('id', '=', $accountID)->first(); if ($account === null) { return response()->json(['message' => 'account_not_found']); } else { $dependents = User::where('accountID', '=', $account->id)->where('approved', '=', true)->get(); return response()->json(['message' => 'returned_approved_dependents', 'dependents' => $dependents]); } }
public function setConfig($s) { switch ($this->configDrive) { case 'file': $this->storeConfig = Config::get('' . $s); break; case 'database': $accountModel = \App\Models\Account::where('account_id', $s)->limit(1)->first(); if (!$accountModel) { throw new \Exception("{$s} Config Model does not exist or cannot be read!"); } $accountTokenJson = $accountModel->token; if (!empty($accountTokenJson)) { $accountTokenData = json_decode($accountTokenJson, true); } else { //TODO 异常要重新定义 throw new \Exception("{$s} Account Token not exist"); } $MERCHANT_ID = array_get($accountTokenData, 'MERCHANT_ID'); $MARKETPLACE_ID = array_get($accountTokenData, 'MARKETPLACE_ID'); $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = array_get($accountTokenData, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'); $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = array_get($accountTokenData, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'); $MWS_TOKEN = array_get($accountTokenData, 'MWS_TOKEN', $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY); $COUNTRY_CODE = $accountModel->country_code; $configData = ['merchantId' => $MERCHANT_ID, 'marketplaceId' => $MARKETPLACE_ID, 'keyId' => $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, 'secretKey' => $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, 'MWSAuthToken' => $MWS_TOKEN, 'countryCode' => $COUNTRY_CODE]; $this->storeConfig = $configData; break; } $AMAZON_SERVICE_URL = Config::get('amazon-mws.DEFAULT_AMAZON_SERVICE_URL'); $accountInfo = Config::get('amazon-mws.accountInfo'); if (isset($accountInfo[$this->storeConfig['countryCode']])) { $AMAZON_SERVICE_URL = array_get($accountInfo[$this->storeConfig['countryCode']], 'SERVICE_URL'); } if (isset($AMAZON_SERVICE_URL)) { $this->urlbase = $AMAZON_SERVICE_URL; } else { throw new \Exception("Config file does not exist or cannot be read!"); } }