Esempio n. 1
 public function insertBroadcast()
     if ($broadcasts = MArBroadcast::where('status', '=', 'queued')->where('send_at', '<=', Carbon::now())->get()) {
         /** @var MArBroadcast $broadcast */
         foreach ($broadcasts as $broadcast) {
             $broadcast->status = 'processing';
             $status = 'fail';
             if ($campaign = MArCampaign::where('ar_campaign_id', '=', $broadcast->ar_campaign_id)->where('enabled', '=', 'true')->first()) {
                 /** @var Carbon $last */
                 $last = null;
                 $mails = MArMessage::where('ar_campaign_id', '=', $campaign->ar_campaign_id)->orderBy('sequence', 'asc')->get();
                 $user_ids = $this->listManager->getTargetUserIds($campaign->ar_list_id);
                 if (!empty($user_ids)) {
                     $max_mail_time = ($broadcast->mailing_time ?: 1) * 60 * 60;
                     $mails_per_sec = min(1, $max_mail_time / count($user_ids));
                     foreach ($mails as $mail) {
                         $time_offset = 0;
                         $wait = !empty($last) ? $last->addHours($mail->wait_hrs ?: 24)->getTimestamp() : time();
                         foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
                             try {
                                 $send = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($wait + floor($time_offset));
                                 if (MArQueue::create(['user_id' => $user_id, 'mail_id' => $mail->mail_id, 'send_at' => $send, 'status' => 'pending'])) {
                                     echo "Mail #{$mail->mail_id} for #{$user_id} sent ", $send->diffForHumans() . "\n";
                                     $time_offset += $mails_per_sec;
                             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                                 //probably duplicate insert (because laravel doesn't have INSERT IGNORE)
                         $last = $send ?? Carbon::now();
                 $status = 'sent';
             $broadcast->status = $status;
Esempio n. 2
 public function queueMails(string $now = '')
     $campaigns = MArCampaign::where('enabled', '=', 'true')->where('type', '=', 'autoresponder')->orderBy('priority', 'desc')->get();
     $now_time = !empty($now) ? Carbon::parse($now) : Carbon::now();
     /** @var CollectionEx $pending_ids */
     $yesterday = Carbon::now()->subHours(12);
     $excluded_ids = [];
     foreach (['pass', 'pending'] as $status) {
         //if combined into 1 query or status <> 'fail' then mysql does not use index :/ this way is 100x faster
         $pending_ids = MArQueue::select('user_id')->distinct()->where('send_at', '>', $yesterday)->where('status', '=', $status)->get();
         $excluded_ids = array_unique(array_merge($excluded_ids, $pending_ids->pluck('user_id')->toArray()));
         //exclude ids which got mail less than 12 hours ago (probably from a broadcast)
     foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {
         /** @var Collection $messages */
         $ar_camp_id = $campaign->ar_campaign_id;
         //$exclusive =
         $messages = MArMessage::where('ar_campaign_id', '=', $ar_camp_id)->orderBy('sequence', 'asc')->get();
         $mail_ids = $messages->pluck('mail_id');
         $target_user_ids = $this->listManager->getTargetUserIds($campaign->ar_list_id);
         if (!empty($target_user_ids) && !empty($excluded_ids)) {
             $target_user_ids = array_diff($target_user_ids, $excluded_ids);
         if (!empty($target_user_ids)) {
             /** @var Collection $completed - get user_ids of all users on the last mail of this Ar */
             $six_hrs = Carbon::parse((string) $now_time)->subHours(6);
             $completed = MArSummary::where('ar_campaign_id', '=', $ar_camp_id)->where('last_mail_id', $mail_ids->last())->where('last_send_date', '<', $six_hrs)->select('user_id')->get();
             if ($completed_user_ids = $completed->pluck('user_id')->all()) {
                 $target_user_ids = array_diff($target_user_ids, $completed_user_ids);
             /** @var Collection $summaries - contains details of last mail sent by user_id */
             $summaries = MArSummary::where('ar_campaign_id', '=', $ar_camp_id)->whereIn('user_id', $target_user_ids)->get();
             foreach ($target_user_ids as $user_id) {
                 $mail_to_send = 0;
                 if ($summary = $summaries->where('user_id', $user_id)->first()) {
                     if (($current_mail_index = array_search($summary->last_mail_id, $mail_ids->all())) !== false) {
                         $message = $messages->get($current_mail_index + 1);
                         $last_sent = Carbon::parse($summary->last_send_date);
                         if ($now_time > $last_sent) {
                             $time_diff = $now_time->diffInHours($last_sent);
                             $wait_hrs = $message->sequence > 0 ? $message->wait_hrs : 0;
                             if ($time_diff > $wait_hrs) {
                                 $mail_to_send = $message->mail_id;
                 } else {
                     $summary = new MArSummary(['user_id' => $user_id, 'ar_campaign_id' => $ar_camp_id]);
                     $mail_to_send = $mail_ids->first();
                 if ($campaign->priority > 0) {
                     //if the Ar has priority > 0, temporarily bar this user from getting emails from other ars until this Ar is complete
                     $excluded_ids[] = $user_id;
                 if (!empty($mail_to_send)) {
                     $schedule = json_decode($campaign->schedule_json, true);
                     if (!empty($schedule)) {
                         $user = User::find($user_id);
                         $timezone = !empty($user->tz_offset) ? timezone_name_from_abbr("", $user->tz_offset * -60, 0) : 'America/Chicago';
                         $send_time = $this->getQueueDate($schedule, $timezone);
                     } else {
                         $send_time = $now_time;
                     try {
                         if (MArQueue::create(['send_at' => $send_time, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'mail_id' => $mail_to_send, 'status' => 'pending'])) {
                             printf("Inserted mail %d into mail queue for user %d to send at: %s\n", $mail_to_send, $user_id, $send_time);
                             $insertions[] = ['mail_id' => $mail_to_send, 'user_id' => $user_id];
                             $summary->last_send_date = $send_time;
                             $summary->last_mail_id = $mail_to_send;
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         echo '';
     return $insertions ?? [];
Esempio n. 3
 public function getTodoList(ImportEvent $event)
     $todos[] = ['name' => "Create autoresponder campaign", 'description' => 'An autoresponder campaign and at least 3 follow-up messages', 'status' => MArMessage::count() > 2 ? 'complete' : 'incomplete', 'link' => '/admin/autoresponder/campaigns'];
     $todos[] = ['name' => "Create mailing lists", 'description' => 'At least two different mailing list targets', 'status' => MArList::count() >= 2 ? 'complete' : 'incomplete', 'link' => '/admin/autoresponder/lists'];
     $event->addContent(['Autoresponder' => $todos]);