public function index($request) { if (!$request->is('ajax')) { return $this->redirect('/'); } $dir = realpath(urldecode($request->query['dir'])); $test_dir = realpath(\app\lib\Library::retrieve('test_directory')); if (!$dir || strpos($dir, $test_dir) !== 0) { return array(); } $dir .= '/'; $files = scandir($dir); // Don't return anything if 'files' are '.' or '..' if (count($files) < 3) { return array(); } $show_hidden_files = \app\lib\Library::retrieve('show_hidden_files'); $final_dirs = array(); $final_files = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && ($show_hidden_files || strpos($file, '.') !== 0)) { $path = $dir . $file; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (is_dir($path)) { $final_dirs[] = array('type' => 'directory', 'name' => $file, 'path' => $path); } elseif (is_file($path) && $ext == 'php') { $final_files[] = array('type' => 'file', 'name' => $file, 'path' => $path); } } } return array_merge($final_dirs, $final_files); }
/** * Index * * @param string $request * The request to process * @return array */ public function index($request) { $snapshot_directory = Library::retrieve('snapshot_directory'); if (!$request->is('ajax')) { $snapshots = array(); $handler = @opendir($snapshot_directory); if (!$handler) { return compact('snapshots'); } while (($file = readdir($handler)) !== false) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (strpos($file, '.') === 0 || $ext != 'html') { continue; } $snapshots[] = $file; } closedir($handler); rsort($snapshots); return compact('snapshots'); } if (!isset($request->query['snapshot'])) { return ''; } $file = realpath($snapshot_directory) . "/{$request->query['snapshot']}"; return file_exists($file) ? file_get_contents($file) : ''; }
protected function _store_statistics($stats) { $db_options = \app\lib\Library::retrieve('db'); $db = new $db_options['plugin'](); if (!$db->connect($db_options)) { return array('type' => 'failed', 'title' => 'Error Connecting to Database', 'message' => implode(' ', $db->get_errors())); } $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach ($stats as $key => $stat) { $data = array('run_date' => $now, 'failed' => $stat['failed'], 'incomplete' => $stat['incomplete'], 'skipped' => $stat['skipped'], 'succeeded' => $stat['succeeded']); $table = ucfirst(rtrim($key, 's')) . 'Result'; if (!$db->insert($table, $data)) { return array('type' => 'failed', 'title' => 'Error Inserting Record', 'message' => implode(' ', $db->get_errors())); } } return array('type' => 'succeeded', 'title' => 'Statistics Stored', 'message' => 'The statistics generated during this test run were ' . 'successfully stored.'); }
/** * Index * * @param string $request * The request to process * @return array */ public function index($request) { if (!$request->is('ajax')) { return $this->redirect('/'); } $dir = realpath(urldecode($request->query['dir'])); if (!$dir) { return array(); } $test_directories = Library::retrieve('test_directories'); $valid_dir = false; $group_name = ''; foreach ($test_directories as $key => $test_directory) { if (strpos($dir, realpath($test_directory)) === 0) { $group_name = $key; $valid_dir = true; break; } } // echo 'here'; if (!$valid_dir) { return array(); } $dir .= '/'; $files = scandir($dir); // Don't return anything if 'files' are '.' or '..' if (count($files) < 3) { return array(); } $ignore_hidden = Library::retrieve('ignore_hidden_folders'); $final_dirs = array(); $final_files = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $is_hidden = strpos($file, '.') === 0; if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && (!$is_hidden || !$ignore_hidden)) { $path = $dir . $file; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (is_dir($path)) { $final_dirs[] = array('type' => 'directory', 'name' => $file, 'path' => $path); } elseif (is_file($path) && $ext == 'php') { $final_files[] = array('type' => 'file', 'name' => $file, 'path' => $path); } } } return array('name' => $group_name, 'results' => array_merge($final_dirs, $final_files)); }
public function index($request) { if ($request->is('get')) { return array(); } $table = "{$request->data['graph_type']}Result"; if (!$request->data['start_date'] || !$request->data['end_date'] || $table != 'SuiteResult' && $table != 'TestResult') { return array('type' => $request->data['graph_type'], 'timeFrame' => $request->data['time_frame'], 'categories' => array(), 'failed' => 0, 'succeeded' => 0, 'skipped' => 0, 'incomplete' => 0); } $db_options = \app\lib\Library::retrieve('db'); $db = new $db_options['plugin'](); if (!$db->connect($db_options)) { return array('error' => array('title' => 'Error Connecting to Database', 'message' => implode(' ', $db->get_errors()))); } switch ($request->data['time_frame']) { case 'Monthly': $interval = 2678400; $sql_format = 'Y-m-01'; $output = 'M Y'; break; case 'Weekly': $interval = 604800; $sql_format = 'Y-m-d'; $output = 'm/d'; break; default: $interval = 86400; $sql_format = 'Y-m-d'; $output = 'm/d'; break; } $current = $start = strtotime($request->data['start_date']); $end = strtotime($request->data['end_date']) + $interval; $categories = array(); $plot_values = array('failed' => array(), 'incomplete' => array(), 'skipped' => array(), 'succeeded' => array()); while ($current < $end) { $categories[] = date($output, $current); $next = $current + $interval; $data = array('failed' => 0, 'incomplete' => 0, 'skipped' => 0, 'succeeded' => 0); $sql = "select failed, incomplete, skipped, succeeded " . "from {$table} where run_date >= ? and run_date < ?"; $params = array(date($sql_format, $current), date($sql_format, $next)); $db->query($sql, $params); $results = $db->fetch_all(); $num_rows = count($results); if ($num_rows > 0) { foreach ($results as $result) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $data[$key] += $value; } } } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if ($num_rows > 0) { $plot_values[$key][] = round($val / $num_rows, 2); } else { $plot_values[$key][] = 0; } } $current = $next; } $db->close(); return array('type' => $request->data['graph_type'], 'timeFrame' => $request->data['time_frame'], 'categories' => $categories, 'failed' => $plot_values['failed'], 'succeeded' => $plot_values['succeeded'], 'skipped' => $plot_values['skipped'], 'incomplete' => $plot_values['incomplete']); }
/** * Runs PHPUnit with the supplied XML configuration file. * * @param string $xml_config * The path to the PHPUnit XML configuration * file. * @return string */ public function runWithXml($xml_config) { $this->checkXmlConfiguration($xml_config); // We need to temporarily turn off html_errors to ensure correct // parsing of test debug output $html_errors = ini_get('html_errors'); ini_set('html_errors', 0); $vendor_path = Library::retrieve('composer_vendor_path'); $command = "{$vendor_path}/bin/phpunit --configuration {$xml_config} --stderr"; $results = shell_exec($command . " 2>&1"); ini_set('html_errors', $html_errors); $start = strpos($results, '{'); $end = strrpos($results, '}'); return substr($results, $start, $end - $start + 1); }
/** * Finish profiling w/ XHProf. * * @return string The run ID. */ private function xhprof_finish() { $profiler_namespace = \app\lib\Library::retrieve('xhprof_namespace'); $xhprof_data = xhprof_disable(); $xhprof_runs = new \XHProfRuns_Default(); return $xhprof_runs->save_run($xhprof_data, $profiler_namespace); }
/** * Runs PHPUnit with the supplied XML configuration file. * * @param string $xml_config * The path to the PHPUnit XML configuration * file. * @return string */ public function runWithXml($xml_config) { $this->checkXmlConfiguration($xml_config); // We need to temporarily turn off html_errors to ensure correct // parsing of test debug output $html_errors = ini_get('html_errors'); ini_set('html_errors', 0); $bin_path = Library::retrieve('composer_bin_path'); $command = "{$bin_path}/phpunit --configuration {$xml_config} --stderr"; $results = shell_exec($command); ini_set('html_errors', $html_errors); return $results; }