/** * Create/Signup a new user * * @return Response */ public function store(SignupRequest $signupRequest) { $input = $signupRequest->all(); $user = $this->userRepository->create($input); Event::fire(new UserWasSignedUp($user)); return $this->sendSuccess([], 'Successfully signed up. Please check your email to confirm you account.'); }
/** * Url method POST receive all request and process a new user registration * @param SignupRequest $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function postSaveUser(SignupRequest $request) { $user = new User(); $user->fill($request->all()); if (!$user->save()) { new \Exception('No se pudo crear la cuenta'); } Auth::login($user); return redirect()->route('homepage'); }
public function signup(SignupRequest $request) { $email = $request->input('email'); if (!$this->checkEmail($email)) { return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('error', "{$email} is not a valid email"); } if ($request->input('salted_id')) { $originalEmail = Email::where('salted_id', '=', $request->input('salted_id'))->first(); } $first_name = $request->input('first_name'); $last_name = $request->input('last_name'); $phone = $request->input('phone'); $campaign = Campaign::find($request->input('campaign')); $contact = Contact::firstOrCreate(['email' => $email, 'client_id' => $campaign->client->id]); if ($first_name) { $contact->first_name = $first_name; } if ($last_name) { $contact->last_name = $last_name; } if ($phone) { $contact->phone = $phone; } $contact->save(); Action::firstOrCreate(['action' => 'signed up', 'contact_id' => $contact->id, 'campaign_id' => $campaign->id]); Signup::firstOrCreate(['contact_id' => $contact->id, 'campaign_id' => $campaign->id]); return redirect()->back()->with('message', "Thanks for signing up {$first_name}!"); }
public function signup(SignupRequest $request) { $credentials = $request->only('name', 'email', 'password'); $credentials['password'] = bcrypt($credentials['password']); try { if (User::where('email', '=', $credentials['email'])->count() < 1) { $user = User::create($credentials); } else { return $this->response->withError('User already exists.', 409); } } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->response->withError('User already exists.', 409); } $token = JWTAuth::fromUser($user); return $this->response->array(['token' => $token, 'user' => $user->toArray()]); }
public function postSignup(SignupRequest $request) { $request['password'] = bcrypt($request['password']); // hash password // $request['waitingPosition'] = Carbon::now(); // set date of registration as waiting position $user = User::create($request->all()); // add role to user $role = Role::where('name', 'User')->first(); $user->role()->associate($role); $user->save(); // if there are no people in front on the waiting list and there is a plantPlot free, send and email and set canStartGardening to now // $plantPlots = PlantPlot::getEmptyPlots(); // $usersThatCanStartGardening = User::getUsersThatCanStartGardening(); // if (count($plantPlots) != 0 && count($plantPlots) > count($usersThatCanStartGardening)) // if there is a plot free and there are no users that canStartGardening for this plot // { // // get user first on waiting list // $firstUserInLine = User::getFirstUserInWaitingList(); // // if ($user->id == $firstUserInLine->id) // { // // user can start gardening from this point and is removed from waiting list // $user->canStartGardening = Carbon::now(); // $user->waitingPosition = null; // $user->save(); // // // send email to user // // // // // } // } // check invitations table to see if this email has outstanding invitations $invitations = Invitation::where('email', '=', $user->email)->get(); foreach ($invitations as $invitation) { // link invitations $user->plants()->attach($invitation->plant_id); // delete record from invitations table $invitation->delete(); } Auth::login($user); // when user can start gardening set message // // // flash message session()->flash('successMessage', 'Hey there, enjoy your stay!'); return redirect()->route('dashboard'); }
public function Signup(SignupRequest $request) { /*them thanh vien*/ $firstname = $request->get("firstname"); $lastname = $request->get("lastname"); $pass = Hash::make($request->get("password")); $email = $request->get("email"); $gender = $request->get("gender"); $birthday = $request->get("birthday"); $default_list_id = 0; $customer = customer::create(["email" => $email, "password" => $pass, "first_name" => $firstname, "last_name" => $lastname, "default_list_id" => $default_list_id, "gender" => $gender, "birthday" => $birthday]); /*tao danh sach mac dinh*/ LoveList::create(["customer_id" => $customer->id, "name" => "danh sách mặc định"]); $default_list_id = LoveList::select(["id"])->where("customer_id", $customer->id)->first(); /*cap nhat id danh sach mac dinh cho customer*/ customer::where("id", $customer->id)->update(["default_list_id" => $default_list_id->id]); return redirect()->route("login")->with("result", "Đăng kí thành công"); }
/** * Save user * * @return Response */ public function postSignup(\App\Http\Requests\SignupRequest $request) { $this->user->create($request->all()); return redirect()->action('AuthenticationController@getLogin')->with('flash_message', trans('authentication.signup_success')); }