protected function afterSave($resultRecords, $occur_date) { // \DB::enableQueryLog(); $tankDataValue = TankDataValue::getTableName(); $tank = Tank::getTableName(); $columns = [\DB::raw("sum(BEGIN_VOL) \tas\tBEGIN_VOL"), \DB::raw("sum(END_VOL) \t\t\tas\tEND_VOL"), \DB::raw("sum(BEGIN_LEVEL) \t\tas\tBEGIN_LEVEL"), \DB::raw("sum(END_LEVEL) \t\tas\tEND_LEVEL"), \DB::raw("sum(TANK_GRS_VOL) \t\tas\tGRS_VOL"), \DB::raw("sum(TANK_NET_VOL) \t\tas\tNET_VOL"), \DB::raw("sum(AVAIL_SHIPPING_VOL) as\tAVAIL_SHIPPING_VOL")]; $attributes = ['OCCUR_DATE' => $occur_date]; $storage_ids = []; foreach ($resultRecords as $mdlName => $records) { // $mdl = "App\Models\\".$mdlName; // $mdlRecords = $mdl::with('Tank')->whereIn(); foreach ($records as $mdlRecord) { $storageID = $mdlRecord->getStorageId(); if ($storageID) { $storage_ids[] = $storageID; } } } $storage_ids = array_unique($storage_ids); foreach ($storage_ids as $storage_id) { $values = TankDataValue::join($tank, function ($query) use($tankDataValue, $tank, $storage_id) { $query->on("{$tank}.ID", '=', "{$tankDataValue}.TANK_ID")->where("{$tank}.STORAGE_ID", '=', $storage_id); })->whereDate('OCCUR_DATE', '=', $occur_date)->select($columns)->first(); $attributes['STORAGE_ID'] = $storage_id; $values = $values->toArray(); $values['STORAGE_ID'] = $storage_id; $values['OCCUR_DATE'] = $occur_date; StorageDataValue::updateOrCreate($attributes, $values); } // \Log::info(\DB::getQueryLog()); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index(Request $request) { $date = date('Y-m-'); $compliance = TicketItem::select(\DB::raw(" IFNULL( Sum(`tickets_items`.`weight` * `tickets_items`.`score` ) ,0) AS score "))->join('ticket', '', '=', '')->groupBy('requester')->get(); $tickets = Ticket::select('requester', \DB::raw("count(ticket.requester) AS requesters "))->groupBy('requester')->get(); return \Response::json(["legends" => $tickets->lists('requester'), "set1" => $tickets->lists('requesters'), "set2" => $compliance->lists('score')], 200, [], JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($type, $id) { if ($id == 'video') { $events = Video::all(); return view('', compact('events')); } elseif ($id == 'staff') { $events = Staff::all(); return view('', compact('events')); } elseif ($id == 'gallery') { $events = Image::all(); return view('', compact('events')); } else { $event = Event::where('slug', $id)->where('type', $type)->first(); $location = Location::where('event_id', $event->id)->first(); $slider = EventImage::where('event_id', $event->id)->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(4)->get(); $gallery = EventImage::where('event_id', $event->id)->first(); if ($event->type == $type) { if ($event->status == 1) { return view($type . '.show', compact('event', 'location', 'slider', 'gallery')); } else { return redirect('/' . $type . '/'); } } } }
public function index2() { $data = ['publicidades' => \App\publicidad::leftJoin('tipo_galeria as tg', 'tg.id_tipo_galeria', '=', 'publicidad.seccion')->select('id_publicidad', 'cliente', \DB::raw('DATE(fecha_inicio) as fecha_inicio'), 'tg.nombre as seccion', 'posicion', 'url', 'link', 'publicidad.activo')->get(), 'categorias' => \App\tipo_galeria::select('id_tipo_galeria as id', 'nombre')->get()]; // dd($data); return view('admin.publicidades', $data); // return view('admin.publicidades',$data); }
public function index(Request $request) { /* * session()->keep here is used to retain the lesson id even if the user refreshes the page * this keeps the lesson id hidden to the user and inaccessible by anyone else * the lesson id is not retained when navigating away from the page so the page will be inaccessible once done */ $lessonId = session('lessonId'); // If lesson id does not exist in the session, do not allow access to the page if (!isset($lessonId)) { return redirect('lessons'); } $user = auth()->user(); $words = Word::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(80)->get(); $questions = LessonWord::with('word')->where('lesson_id', $lessonId)->get(); session()->flash('maxQuestions', count($questions)); if (empty(session('questionIndex'))) { session()->flash('questionIndex', 0); // Start with index zero } else { session()->keep('questionIndex'); } $generatedOptions = $this->generateOptions($questions, $words); // Pass this to view if ($generatedOptions == null) { return redirect('lessons'); // Return users to lesson page if they try to go back to the finished exam } return view('lessons.exam', ['user' => $user, 'questions' => $questions, 'options' => $generatedOptions]); }
/** * [FunctionName description] * @param string $value [description] */ public function activity() { $lastdate = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subMonths(3); $checkins = $this->checkins->with('driver')->select(\DB::raw("*, COUNT(*) as activity , \n MONTHNAME(operasi_time) as mountname,\n MONTH(operasi_time) as mount"))->where('pool_id', $this->user->pool_id)->where('operasi_status_id', 1)->where('operasi_time', '>=', $lastdate->format('Y-m-d'))->where(\DB::raw('YEAR(operasi_time)'), date('Y'))->groupBy('driver_id')->groupBy(\DB::raw('MONTH(operasi_time)'))->get(); //dd($drivers); return view('drivers.activity', compact('checkins')); }
public function divideTeam($team, $min, $max, $boolit, $compID) { $len = count($team); $numTeam = $len / $min; $totalTeam = array(); //$team = array_flip($team); //return $team; if ($boolit) { $a = array_keys($team); } else { $a = $team; } //print_r($a); while (count($a) >= $min) { $t = array(); while (count($t) < $min) { array_push($t, array_pop($a)); $a = array_reverse($a); } array_push($totalTeam, $t); } if (count($a) > 0 && count($totalTeam) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($a as $b) { array_push($totalTeam[$i % count($totalTeam)], $b); $i = $i + 1; } } $unsorted = array(); $teamteam = array(); //return $totalTeam; foreach ($totalTeam as $c) { if (count($c) > $max) { while (count($c) > $max) { print_r($c); array_push($unsorted, array_pop($c)); } array_push($teamteam, $c); } else { array_push($teamteam, $c); } } if (count($teamteam) > 0) { foreach ($teamteam as $t) { team::create(['competition' => $compID, 'teamName' => 'Unnamed Team']); $val = \DB::select(\DB::raw('(SELECT max(teamID) as i FROM team)')); $teamID = $val[0]->i; foreach ($t as $s) { //print_r($s); //print_r(','); team_contents::create(['teamID' => $teamID, 'studentID' => $s]); \DB::table('student_competition')->where('studentID', '=', $s)->delete(); } } } if (count($totalTeam == 0)) { return $a; } return $unsorted; }
public function indexjson($month, $year) { $eventList1 = Events::where('e_type', 'single')->where(\DB::raw('MONTH(e_date)'), '=', $month)->where(\DB::raw('YEAR(e_date)'), '=', $year)->orWhere('e_type', 'annual')->where(\DB::raw('MONTH(e_date)'), '=', $month)->where(\DB::raw('YEAR(e_date)'), '<=', $year)->get(); $eventList2 = Events::where('e_type', '!=', 'single')->where('e_type', '!=', 'annual')->get(); $eventList = $eventList1->merge($eventList2); return response()->json($eventList); }
/** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $users = \DB::table('users')->join('orders', 'orders.manager', '=', '')->groupBy('orders.manager')->select('users.*', \DB::raw('count(manager) as total'))->get(); $orders = new OrderRepository(new Order()); $managers = $orders->findAllManager('success', 'monitor', ['*'], true); return view('home', compact('users', 'managers')); }
/** * Display FRONT PAGE * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $programs = \App\Program::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(4)->get(); $programs_high_bonus = \App\Program::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(4)->get(); $program_logos = \App\Program::get(array('logo_bgcolor', 'slug')); return view(\App\Template::view('page.front-page'))->with(['menu_item' => 'home', 'edit_mode' => false, 'programs' => $programs, 'programs_high_bonus' => $programs_high_bonus, 'program_logos' => $program_logos]); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $status = Input::get('status'); if ($status == 'comment') { $comment_new = User_App_Comment::join('apps', '', '=', 'user__app__comments.a_id')->join('users', '', '=', 'user__app__comments.u_id')->select('', ' as user_name', ' as user_id', ' as app_name', ' as app_id', 'apps.img_url as app_img', 'comment', 'user__app__comments.created_at')->orderBy('user__app__comments.created_at', 'desc')->take(5)->get(); return $comment_new; } //multisearch $app_list = App::leftjoin('user__app__favorite', 'user__app__favorite.a_id', '=', '')->select('', '', 'apps.img_url', 'apps.rating_users', 'apps.genre', 'apps.rating', \DB::raw('count( as favorite_count'))->groupBy('')->orderBy('apps.rating_users', 'desc')->orderBy('id', 'asc'); if (Input::has('name')) { $name = Input::get('name'); $app_list->where('', 'LIKE', '%' . $name . '%'); } if (Input::has('genre')) { $genre = Input::get('genre'); $app_list->where('apps.genre', '=', $genre); } if (Input::has('skip')) { $skip = Input::get('skip'); $app_list->skip($skip); } $apps = $app_list->take(10)->get(); if (empty($apps->first())) { return Response::json(array('message' => 'Empty Query Man~', 'status' => 'error')); } else { foreach ($apps as $key => $value) { $app_comment_counts = App::join('user__app__comments', 'user__app__comments.a_id', '=', '')->where('', '=', $value['id'])->count(); //$value->suck_count = $app_suck_counts; $value->app_comment = $app_comment_counts; } return $apps; } }
public function login_auth() { $user_id = Request::get('user_id'); $user_password = Request::get('user_password'); $result_list = \DB::select(\DB::raw("SELECT * FROM user_table")); foreach ($result_list as $result) { if ($result->user_id == $user_id) { if ($result->user_password == $user_password) { if ($result->user_type == 'admin') { $_SESSION['TICKET_USER_ID'] = $user_id; $_SESSION['TICKET_USER_TYPE'] = $user_type; return view('ticket_views.home'); } if ($result->user_type == 'user') { $client_id = $result->client_id; if ($client_id == 'c_robi') { $_SESSION['TICKET_USER_ID'] = $user_id; $_SESSION['TICKET_USER_TYPE'] = $result->user_type; $_SESSION['TICKET_USER_CLIENT_ID'] = $client_id; $_SESSION['TICKET_USER_CLIENT_TYPE'] = 'telco'; return view('ticket_views.create_ticket_client'); } } } } } }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show(Request $request) { $fromDate = $request['fromDate'] . " 00:00:00"; $toDate = $request['toDate'] . " 23:59:59"; $precinct = $request['precinct']; if ($precinct == "0") { $precinct = "%"; } $department = $request['department']; if ($department == "0") { $department = "%"; } $category = $request['category']; if ($category == "0") { $category = "%"; } $status = $request['status']; if ($status == "0") { $status = "%"; } $reporter = $request['reporter']; if ($reporter == "0") { $reporter = "%"; } $cases = \DB::table('cases')->join('departments', 'cases.department', '=', '')->join('municipalities', 'cases.precinct', '=', '')->join('users', 'cases.reporter', '=', '')->join('categories', 'cases.category', '=', '')->select(\DB::raw("\n,\n cases.created_at,\n cases.description,\n cases.status,\n cases.priority,\n cases.severity,\n as department,\n as precinct,\n IF(`cases`.`addressbook` = 1,(SELECT CONCAT(`FirstName`, ' ', `Surname`) FROM `addressbook` WHERE `addressbook`.`id`= `cases`.`reporter`), (SELECT CONCAT(users.`name`, ' ', users.`surname`) FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id`= `cases`.`reporter`)) as reporterName,\n as category\n "))->whereBetween('cases.created_at', array($fromDate, $toDate))->where('municipalities.slug', 'LIKE', $precinct)->where('departments.slug', 'LIKE', $department)->where('categories.slug', 'LIKE', $category)->where('cases.status', 'LIKE', $status)->whereRaw("CONCAT(`users`.`name`, ' ', `users`.`surname`) LIKE '{$reporter}'")->groupBy(''); return \Datatables::of($cases)->addColumn('actions', '<a class="btn btn-xs btn-alt" data-toggle="modal" onClick="launchCaseModal({{$id}});" data-target=".modalCase">View</a>')->make(true); }
/** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $days = Input::get('days', 7); $range = \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays($days); $stats = User::where('created_at', '>=', $range)->groupBy('date')->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->remember(1440)->get([DB::raw('Date(created_at) as date'), DB::raw('COUNT(*) as value')])->toJSON(); // return view('home'); $this->layout->content = View::make('home', compact('stats')); }
public function customer_data() { \DB::statement(\DB::raw('set @rownum=0')); $customers = Customer::select([\DB::raw('@rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rownum'), 'id', 'name', 'address', 'phone', 'membership']); return Datatables::of($customers)->addColumn('action', function ($customer) { return '<a href="./customer/edit/' . $customer->id . '" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i> Edit</a>'; })->make(true); }
public function index() { $products = Product::get(); $articles = Blog::orderBy('id', 'DESC')->take(4)->get(); $galleries = Gallery::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get(); $setting = Setting::first(); return view('sites.index', compact('products', 'articles', 'galleries', 'setting')); }
public function index() { $boardgames = Boardgame::all(); $mostPlayedGames = \DB::table('events')->join('boardgames', '', '=', 'events.boardgame_id')->whereNotNull('events.boardgame_id')->groupBy('events.boardgame_id')->select(array('boardgames.*', \DB::raw('count(*) AS c')))->take(10)->orderBy('c', 'desc')->get(); $nearEvents = \DB::table('events')->join('users', 'events.user_id', '=', '')->join('boardgames', '', '=', 'events.boardgame_id')->where('event_date', '>', date('Y-m-d H:i'))->take(10)->orderBy('event_date', 'asc')->get([' as host', 'users.avatar as host_avatar', '', ' as game_name', 'boardgames.image as game_image', 'boardgames.url as game_url']); $var = ["mostPlayedGames" => $mostPlayedGames, "boardgames" => $boardgames, "nearEvents" => $nearEvents]; return view('home.index', $var); }
public function getIndex() { $list = Recipes::with('item', '')->select('*', ' AS recipe_id')->join('items AS i', '', '=', 'recipes.item_id')->join('translations AS t', '', '=', 'i.name_' . Config::get('language'))->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->paginate(10); $crafting_job_list = ClassJob::with('name', 'en_abbr')->whereIn('id', Config::get('site.job_ids.crafting'))->get(); $job_list = ClassJob::get_name_abbr_list(); $crafting_list_ids = array_keys(Session::get('list', [])); return view('recipes.index', compact('list', 'crafting_job_list', 'job_list', 'crafting_list_ids')); }
public function item_data() { \DB::statement(\DB::raw('set @rownum=0')); $items = Item::select([\DB::raw('@rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rownum'), 'id', 'name']); return Datatables::of($items)->addColumn('action', function ($item) { return '<a href="./item/edit/' . $item->id . '" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i> Edit</a>'; })->make(true); }
public function getSuggestions(Request $request) { $username = $request->username; try { //$user1ID = User::where('username', $username)->get(); //return response()->json(['status' => 200, 'suggestions' => $user1ID], 200); $userId = User::where('username', $username)->get(['id'])[0]->id; $userPreferences = self::userPreferences($userId); $orientation = User::where('username', $username)->get()[0]->orientation; $gender = User::where('username', $username)->get()[0]->gender; $location = $userPreferences[0]->location; $minage = $userPreferences[0]->mixage; $maxage = $userPreferences[0]->maxage; $status = $userPreferences[0]->status; $shortterm = $userPreferences[0]->shortterm; $longterm = $userPreferences[0]->longtterm; $causalsex = $userPreferences[0]->casualsex; //$result = User::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->limit(3)->get(); $users = User::orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->limit(3)->get(); $suggestedUsers = []; foreach ($users as $user) { //changed id /// $id = 1; $takenUserPreferences = self::userPreferences($id); $usernameT = User::where('id', $id)->get()[0]->username; $orientationT = User::where('id', $id)->get()[0]->orientation; $genderT = User::where('id', $id)->get()[0]->gender; if ($orientation == $orientationT && $gender == $genderT && $username == $usernameT) { break; } $locationT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->location; $minageT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->mixage; $maxageT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->maxage; $statusT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->status; $shorttermT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->shortterm; $longtermT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->longterm; $causalsexT = $takenUserPreferences[0]->casualsex; $locationMatch = self::matchLocation($userId, $id, $location, $locationT); $ageMatch = self::matchAge($minage, $maxage, $minageT, $maxageT); $statusMatch = self::matchStatus($status, $statusT); $shortTermMatch = self::matchLongTermRel($shortterm, $shorttermT); $longTermMatch = self::matchShortTermRel($longterm, $longtermT); $casualSexMatch = self::matchCasualSex($causalsex, $causalsexT); $matchPercentage = self::calculateMatchPercentage($locationMatch, $ageMatch, $statusMatch, $longTermMatch, $shortTermMatch, $casualSexMatch); if ($matchPercentage >= 0.45) { array_push($suggestedUsers, $user); } } if ($suggestedUsers) { return response()->json(['status' => 200, 'suggestions' => $suggestedUsers], 200); } else { return response()->json(['status' => 200, 'suggestions' => null], 200); } } catch (Illuminate\Database\QueryException $e) { return response()->json(['status' => 200], 200); } }
public function IndexAdmin() { $opex = Opex::whereYear('fecha', '=', date('Y'))->selectRaw('sum(monto) as monto, fecha as mes')->groupBy(\DB::raw('MONTH(fecha)'))->get(); $alumnos_activos = Role::find(1)->users()->where('cuenta_activa', true)->count(); $alumnos_totales = Role::find(1)->users()->count(); $coachs = Role::find(2)->users()->where('cuenta_activa', true)->count(); $pagos = PagoMensualidad::whereYear('fecha_pago', '=', date('Y'))->selectRaw('sum(monto) as monto, fecha_pago as mes')->groupBy(\DB::raw('MONTH(fecha_pago)'))->get(); return view('admin_home', compact('opex', 'alumnos_activos', 'alumnos_totales', 'pagos', 'coachs')); }
/** * Home page * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function home(Request $request) { $movies = Product::where('type', 'MOVIE')->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get(); $series = Product::where('type', 'SERIES')->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get(); $animes = Product::where('type', 'ANIME')->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get(); $videos = Product::where('type', 'VIDEO')->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get(); $games = Product::where('type', 'GAME')->orderBy(\DB::raw('RAND()'))->take(5)->get(); return view('pages.index', compact('movies', 'series', 'animes', 'videos', 'games'))->with('title', 'Home')->with('heading', 'Welcome'); }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $arr = ['id' => 'id', 'username' => 'username', 'joined' => 'created_at', 'post_count' => 'post_count']; //paginate //tiny avatars? $this->data['users'] = App\User::select('users.*', \DB::raw('COUNT( as post_count'))->join('posts', 'posts.user_id', '=', '')->groupBy('')->paginate(20); $pagination = $this->data['users']->appends(array('order' => $by)); return view('forum.users.index', $this->data); }
/** * Show the application dashboard to the user. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $stato = 2; $orders = \DB::select(\DB::raw("select count(1) as new_orders from (select * from ordini_stato where (data_creazione,ordine) in (select max(data_creazione), ordine from ordini_stato group by ordine) order by ordine desc) os where stato ='" . $stato . "'")); $newOrders = $orders[0]->new_orders; $users = \DB::table('utenti')->select(\DB::raw('count(1) as new_users'))->where('cancellato', '=', false)->where('confermato', '=', false)->first(); $newUsers = $users->new_users; return view('dash', compact('newOrders', 'newUsers')); }
/** * checks key value from request object and returns results according to. * * @param object $request * * * @return json */ public function search(Request $request) { $key = $request->key; $username = $request->username; //return $username; try { $data = User::where('username', $username)->get(['id', 'orientation', 'gender']); $userID = $data[0]->id; $orientation = $data[0]->orientation; $gender = $data[0]->gender; if ($orientation == 'straight' && $gender == 'female') { if ($users = \DB::select(\DB::raw("\n SELECT id,firstname,lastname,username,gender,profilepic from(\n SELECT id,firstname, lastname,username,orientation,gender,profilepic,role FROM `users` WHERE\n status = 'active' and\n firstname like '" . $key . "%' or \n lastname like '" . $key . "%') as t where orientation='straight' and gender='male' \n and role='user' and id NOT IN (\n Select blocked_user_id\n from `blocked`\n where user_id=" . $userID . ' ) '))) { return response()->json(['users' => $users, 'status' => 201], 201); } elseif ($users == null) { return response()->json(['users' => null, 'status' => 200], 200); } } elseif ($orientation == 'straight' && $gender == 'male') { $gender = 'female'; if ($users = \DB::select(\DB::raw("\n SELECT id,firstname,lastname,username,gender,profilepic from(\n SELECT id,firstname, lastname,username,orientation,gender,profilepic,role FROM `users` WHERE \n status = 'active' and\n firstname like '" . $key . "%' or \n lastname like '" . $key . "%') as t where orientation='straight' and gender='female' \n and role='user' and id NOT IN (\n Select blocked_user_id\n from `blocked`\n where user_id=" . $userID . ' ) '))) { return response()->json(['users' => $users, 'status' => 201], 201); } else { return response()->json(['users' => null, 'status' => 200], 200); } } elseif ($orientation == 'lesbian' && $gender == 'female') { if ($users = \DB::select(\DB::raw("\n SELECT id,firstname,lastname,username,gender,profilepic from(\n SELECT id,firstname, lastname,username,orientation,gender,profilepic,role FROM `users` WHERE \n status = 'active' and\n firstname like '" . $key . "%' or \n lastname like '" . $key . "%') as t where orientation='lesbian' and gender='female' \n and role='user' and id NOT IN (\n Select blocked_user_id\n from `blocked`\n where user_id=" . $userID . ' ) '))) { return response()->json(['users' => $users, 'status' => 201], 201); } else { return response()->json(['users' => null, 'status' => 200], 200); } } elseif ($orientation == 'gay' && $gender == 'male') { if ($users = \DB::select(\DB::raw("\n SELECT id,firstname,lastname,gender,profilepic from(\n SELECT id,firstname, lastname,username,orientation,gender,profilepic,role FROM `users` WHERE \n status = 'active' and\n firstname like '" . $key . "%' or \n lastname like '" . $key . "%') as t where orientation='gay' and gender='male' \n and role='user' and id NOT IN (\n Select blocked_user_id\n from `blocked`\n where user_id=" . $userID . ' ) '))) { return response()->json(['users' => $users, 'status' => 201], 201); } else { return response()->json(['users' => null, 'status' => 200], 200); } } elseif ($orientation == 'bisexual') { if ($users = \DB::select(\DB::raw("\n SELECT id,firstname,username,lastname,gender,profilepic from(\n SELECT id,firstname, lastname,username,orientation,gender,profilepic,role FROM `users` WHERE \n status = 'active' and\n firstname like '" . $key . "%' or \n lastname like '" . $key . "%') as t where orientation='bisexual' and (gender='male' or gender='female') \n and role='user' and id NOT IN (\n Select blocked_user_id\n from `blocked`\n where user_id=" . $userID . ' ) '))) { return response()->json(['users' => $users, 'status' => 201], 201); } else { return response()->json(['users' => null, 'status' => 200], 200); } } } catch (QueryException $e) { return response()->json(['status' => 200, 'error' => true], 200); } }
private function _getAllTasks() { $tasks = TaskModel::where('userID', $this->getAuthenticatedUser()->id)->where('done', 0)->orderBy(\DB::raw('ISNULL(duedate)'), 'ASC')->orderBy('duedate', 'asc')->get(); foreach ($tasks as $i => $task) { if ($task->duedate) { $tasks[$i]['duedate'] = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', strtotime($task->duedate)); } } return $tasks; }
public function getHistoryData($mdl, $field, $rowData, $where, $limit) { $row_id = $rowData['ID']; if ($row_id <= 0) { return []; } $occur_date = $rowData['OCCUR_DATE']; $history = $mdl::where($where)->whereDate('OCCUR_DATE', '<', $occur_date)->whereNotNull($field)->orderBy('OCCUR_DATE', 'desc')->skip(0)->take($limit)->select(\DB::raw("concat(concat(OCCUR_DATE,' '), LOADING_TIME) as OCCUR_DATE"), "{$field} as VALUE")->get(); return $history; }
public function asset_type_data() { \DB::statement(\DB::raw('set @rownum=0')); $asset_types = AssetType::select([\DB::raw('@rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rownum'), 'id', 'code', 'name']); return Datatables::of($asset_types)->addColumn('action', function ($asset_type) { return ' <a href="./asset_type/edit/' . $asset_type->id . '" class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i> Edit</a> '; })->make(true); }
public function listActions() { $collection = $this->model->select(\DB::raw(' data, ST_X(location) AS lng, ST_Y(location) AS lat, ST_AsText(location) AS location '))->get(); return Response::json($collection); }
/** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function show($id) { $coatch = Coatch::findOrFail($id); $functionMY = \DB::select(\DB::raw("select nazwa({$id})")); $licences = CoatchLicence::get(); if (empty($licences)) { return redirect()->route('coatch_licences.index')->with('message', 'Najpierw dodaj licencje.'); } return view('', compact('coatch'))->with('list', self::getLicence($licences))->with('MYK', $functionMY); }