public static function updateComment($projectId, $userId, $website, $params)
     CodeGuard::checkTypeAndThrow($params, 'array');
     $project = new LexProjectModel($projectId);
     $rightsHelper = new RightsHelper($userId, $project, $website);
     $isNew = $params['id'] == '';
     if ($isNew) {
         $comment = new LexCommentModel($project);
     } else {
         $comment = new LexCommentModel($project, $params['id']);
         if ($comment->authorInfo->createdByUserRef->asString() != $userId && !$rightsHelper->userHasProjectRight(Domain::COMMENTS + Operation::EDIT)) {
             throw new \Exception("No permission to update other people's lex comments!");
         // don't allow setting these on update
     JsonDecoder::decode($comment, $params);
     if ($isNew) {
         $comment->authorInfo->createdByUserRef->id = $userId;
         $comment->authorInfo->createdDate = UniversalTimestamp::now();
     $comment->authorInfo->modifiedByUserRef->id = $userId;
     $comment->authorInfo->modifiedDate = UniversalTimestamp::now();
     return $comment->write();
  * Updates semantic domain working set
  * @param array $data
  * @param string $projectId
  * @return string
 public static function update($data, $projectId)
     $projectModel = new SemDomTransProjectModel($projectId);
     $s = new SemDomTransWorkingSetModel($projectModel);
     JsonDecoder::decode($s, $data);
     return $s->id->asString();
 public static function updateTemplate($projectId, $params)
     $projectModel = new ProjectModel($projectId);
     $questionTemplate = new QuestionTemplateModel($projectModel);
     JsonDecoder::decode($questionTemplate, $params);
     $result = $questionTemplate->write();
     return $result;
  * Update the optionlist with params
  * @param $projectId
  * @param array $params (encoded LexOptionListModel)
  * @return string $optionlistId
 public static function updateList($projectId, $params)
     CodeGuard::checkTypeAndThrow($params, 'array');
     $project = new LexProjectModel($projectId);
     if (array_key_exists('id', $params) && $params['id'] != '') {
         $optionlist = new LexOptionListModel($project, $params['id']);
     } else {
         $optionlist = new LexOptionListModel($project);
     JsonDecoder::decode($optionlist, $params);
     return $optionlist->write();
 public function testEncodeDecodeUniversalTimestamp_HistoricalDate_Same()
     $model = new TestJsonDateModel();
     $model->universalTimestamp = UniversalTimestamp::fromStringTimestamp(self::StringTimestampWithMilliseconds);
     $encoded = JsonEncoder::encode($model);
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $encoded['universalTimestamp']);
     //        var_dump($encoded);
     $decodedModel = new TestJsonDateModel();
     JsonDecoder::decode($decodedModel, $encoded);
     $iso8601 = $decodedModel->universalTimestamp->asFormattedString(UniversalTimestamp::ISO8601_WITH_MILLISECONDS);
     $this->assertEquals($encoded['universalTimestamp'], $iso8601);
     $this->assertEquals($model->universalTimestamp, $decodedModel->universalTimestamp);
     //        var_dump($iso8601);
 protected function _decode($model, $values, $id)
     switch (get_class($model)) {
         case 'Api\\Model\\Languageforge\\Lexicon\\LexMultiParagraph':
             $html = '';
             if (array_key_exists('paragraphsHtml', $values)) {
                 $html = $values['paragraphsHtml'];
             /** @var LexMultiParagraph $model */
             parent::_decode($model, $values, $id);
  * Create or update project
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param string $userId
  * @param array<projectModel> $object
  * @throws UserUnauthorizedException
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return string projectId
 public static function updateProject($projectId, $userId, $object)
     $project = new LexProjectModel($projectId);
     if (!$project->hasRight($userId, Domain::USERS + Operation::EDIT)) {
         throw new UserUnauthorizedException("Insufficient privileges to update project in method 'updateProject'");
     $oldDBName = $project->databaseName();
     $object['id'] = $projectId;
     JsonDecoder::decode($project, $object);
     $newDBName = $project->databaseName();
     if ($oldDBName != '' && $oldDBName != $newDBName) {
         if (MongoStore::hasDB($newDBName)) {
             throw new \Exception("Cannot rename '{$oldDBName}' to ' {$newDBName}' . New project name {$newDBName} already exists.  Not renaming.");
         MongoStore::renameDB($oldDBName, $newDBName);
     $projectId = $project->write();
     return $projectId;
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param array $object (json encoded)
  * @return string Id of text updated/added
 public static function updateText($projectId, $object)
     $projectModel = new ProjectModel($projectId);
     $textModel = new TextModel($projectModel);
     $isNewText = $object['id'] == '';
     if (!$isNewText) {
     JsonDecoder::decode($textModel, $object);
     if (TextCommands::hasRange($object)) {
         $usxTrimHelper = new UsxTrimHelper($textModel->content, $object['startCh'] || 0, $object['startVs'] || 0, $object['endCh'] || 0, $object['endVs'] || 0);
         $textModel->content = $usxTrimHelper->trimUsx();
     $textId = $textModel->write();
     if ($isNewText) {
         ActivityCommands::addText($projectModel, $textId, $textModel);
     return $textId;
 public function read()
     $json = file_get_contents(APPPATH . "angular-app/bellows/js/assets/inputSystems_languages.js");
     $json = str_replace(";", "", substr($json, strpos($json, '[')));
     $arr = json_decode($json, true);
     foreach ($arr as $obj) {
         $language = new Language();
         JsonDecoder::decode($language, $obj);
         $this[$language->code->three] = $language;
         // duplicate any two letter code languages with two letter code keys
         if ($language->code->two) {
             $this[$language->code->two] = $language;
     // add the unlisted language if it doesn't already exist
     $unlisted = new Language('Unlisted Language', 'qaa');
     $unlisted->country[] = '?';
     $unlistedCode = $unlisted->code->three;
     if (!array_key_exists($unlistedCode, $this)) {
         $this[$unlistedCode] = $unlisted;
  * Updates the ProjectSettingsModel which are settings accessible only to site administrators
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param array<SmsSettings> $smsSettingsArray
  * @param array<EmailSettings> $emailSettingsArray
  * @return string $result id to the projectSettingsModel
 public static function updateProjectSettings($projectId, $smsSettingsArray, $emailSettingsArray)
     $projectSettings = new ProjectSettingsModel($projectId);
     $smsSettings = new SmsSettings();
     $emailSettings = new EmailSettings();
     JsonDecoder::decode($smsSettings, $smsSettingsArray);
     JsonDecoder::decode($emailSettings, $emailSettingsArray);
     $projectSettings->smsSettings = $smsSettings;
     $projectSettings->emailSettings = $emailSettings;
     $result = $projectSettings->write();
     return $result;
  * Sets the public properties of $model to values from $values[propertyName]
  * @param object $model
  * @param array $values A mixed array of JSON (like) data.
  * @param string $id
 public static function decode($model, $values, $id = '')
     $decoder = new JsonDecoder();
     $decoder->_decode($model, $values, $id);
  * Creates / Updates a comment on the given answer.
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param string $questionId
  * @param string $answerId
  * @param array $comment
  * @param string $userId
  * @return array Dto
 public static function updateComment($projectId, $questionId, $answerId, $comment, $userId)
     $projectModel = new ProjectModel($projectId);
     $questionModel = new QuestionModel($projectModel, $questionId);
     $authorId = $userId;
     if ($comment['id'] != '') {
         // update existing comment
         $oldComment = $questionModel->readComment($answerId, $comment['id']);
         $authorId = $oldComment->userRef->asString();
     $commentModel = new CommentModel();
     JsonDecoder::decode($commentModel, $comment);
     $commentModel->userRef->id = $authorId;
     $commentId = QuestionModel::writeComment($projectModel->databaseName(), $questionId, $answerId, $commentModel);
     $newComment = $questionModel->readComment($answerId, $commentId);
     $commentDTO = QuestionCommentDto::encodeComment($newComment);
     if ($comment['id'] != '') {
         // TODO log the activity after we confirm that the comment was successfully updated ; cjh 2013-08
         ActivityCommands::updateComment($projectModel, $questionId, $answerId, $newComment);
     } else {
         ActivityCommands::addComment($projectModel, $questionId, $answerId, $newComment);
     $dto = array();
     $dto[$commentId] = $commentDTO;
     return $dto;
  * @param string $validationKey
  * @param array $params
  * @param Website $website
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return string $userId
 public static function updateFromRegistration($validationKey, $params, $website)
     $user = new UserModelWithPassword();
     if (!$user->readByProperty('validationKey', $validationKey)) {
         return false;
     if (!$user->validate()) {
         throw new \Exception("Sorry, your registration link has expired.");
     $params['id'] = $user->id->asString();
     JsonDecoder::decode($user, $params);
     $user->role = SystemRoles::USER;
     $user->siteRole[$website->domain] = $website->userDefaultSiteRole;
     $user->active = true;
     return $user->write();
 public function testDecode_ReadOnlyPropertiesInTwoMaps_PropertiesNotChanged()
     $objectData = new PropertyObject();
     $objectData->name = 'can change name';
     $objectData->shouldBeReadOnly = 'cannot change this';
     $key = 'key1';
     $object1 = new PropertyObjectInMap();
     $object1->name = 'can change name';
     $object1->data[$key] = $objectData;
     $object = new PropertyObjectInMap2();
     $object->name = 'can change name';
     $object->data2[$key] = $object1;
     $params = json_decode(json_encode(JsonEncoder::encode($object)), true);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $params);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('shouldBeReadOnly', $params['data2'][$key]['data'][$key]);
     $this->assertEquals($object->data2[$key]->data[$key]->shouldBeReadOnly, $params['data2'][$key]['data'][$key]['shouldBeReadOnly']);
     $params['name'] = 'different name2';
     $params['data2'][$key]['name'] = 'different name1';
     $params['data2'][$key]['data'][$key]['name'] = 'different name';
     $params['data2'][$key]['data'][$key]['shouldBeReadOnly'] = 'changed';
     JsonDecoder::decode($object, $params);
     $this->assertEquals('different name2', $object->name);
     $this->assertEquals('different name1', $object->data2[$key]->name);
     $this->assertEquals('different name', $object->data2[$key]->data[$key]->name);
     $this->assertEquals('cannot change this', $object->data2[$key]->data[$key]->shouldBeReadOnly);
  * @param string $key
  * @param MapOf $model
  * @param array $data
 public function decodeMapOf($key, $model, $data)
     foreach ($data as $k => $item) {
         self::decodeDollarDot($k, $data);
     parent::decodeMapOf($key, $model, $data);