  * Import a LIFT file
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param string $mediaType
  * @param string $tmpFilePath
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return \Api\Model\Shared\Command\UploadResponse
 public static function importLiftFile($projectId, $mediaType, $tmpFilePath)
     if ($mediaType != 'import-lift') {
         throw new \Exception("Unsupported upload type.");
     if (!$tmpFilePath) {
         throw new \Exception("Upload controller did not move the uploaded file.");
     $file = $_FILES['file'];
     $fileName = $file['name'];
     $mergeRule = $_POST['mergeRule'];
     $skipSameModTime = $_POST['skipSameModTime'];
     $deleteMatchingEntry = $_POST['deleteMatchingEntry'];
     $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
     $fileType = finfo_file($finfo, $tmpFilePath);
     $fileName = FileUtilities::replaceSpecialCharacters($fileName);
     $fileExt = false === ($pos = strrpos($fileName, '.')) ? '' : substr($fileName, $pos);
     $allowedTypes = array("text/xml", "application/xml");
     $response = new UploadResponse();
     if (in_array(strtolower($fileType), $allowedTypes) && in_array(strtolower($fileExt), self::$allowedLiftExtensions)) {
         // make the folders if they don't exist
         $project = new LexiconProjectModel($projectId);
         $folderPath = $project->getAssetsFolderPath();
         $importer = LiftImport::get()->merge($tmpFilePath, $project, $mergeRule, $skipSameModTime, $deleteMatchingEntry);
         $moveOk = true;
         if (!$project->liftFilePath || $mergeRule != LiftMergeRule::IMPORT_LOSES) {
             // cleanup previous files of any allowed extension
             $cleanupFiles = glob($folderPath . '/*[' . implode(', ', self::$allowedLiftExtensions) . ']');
             foreach ($cleanupFiles as $cleanupFile) {
             // move uploaded LIFT file from tmp location to assets
             $filePath = $folderPath . '/' . $fileName;
             $project->liftFilePath = $filePath;
             $moveOk = copy($tmpFilePath, $filePath);
         // construct server response
         if ($moveOk && $tmpFilePath) {
             $data = new ImportResult();
             $data->path = $project->getAssetsRelativePath();
             $data->fileName = $fileName;
             $data->stats = $importer->stats;
             $data->importErrors = $importer->getReport()->toFormattedString();
             $response->result = true;
         } else {
             $data = new ErrorResult();
             $data->errorType = 'UserMessage';
             $data->errorMessage = "{$fileName} could not be saved to the right location. Contact your Site Administrator.";
             $response->result = false;
     } else {
         $allowedExtensionsStr = implode(", ", self::$allowedLiftExtensions);
         $data = new ErrorResult();
         $data->errorType = 'UserMessage';
         if (count(self::$allowedLiftExtensions) < 1) {
             $data->errorMessage = "{$fileName} of type: {$fileType} is not an allowed LIFT file. No LIFT file formats are currently enabled, contact your Site Administrator.";
         } elseif (count(self::$allowedLiftExtensions) == 1) {
             $data->errorMessage = "{$fileName} of type: {$fileType} is not an allowed LIFT file. Ensure the file is a {$allowedExtensionsStr}.";
         } else {
             $data->errorMessage = "{$fileName} of type: {$fileType} is not an allowed LIFT file. Ensure the file is one of the following types: {$allowedExtensionsStr}.";
         $response->result = false;
     $response->data = $data;
     return $response;
Esempio n. 2
  * @param string $zipFilePath
  * @param LexiconProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param LiftMergeRule $mergeRule
  * @param boolean $skipSameModTime
  * @param boolean $deleteMatchingEntry
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return \Api\Model\Languageforge\Lexicon\LiftImport
 public function importZip($zipFilePath, $projectModel, $mergeRule = LiftMergeRule::IMPORT_WINS, $skipSameModTime = false, $deleteMatchingEntry = false)
     $assetsFolderPath = $projectModel->getAssetsFolderPath();
     $extractFolderPath = $assetsFolderPath . '/initialUpload_' . mt_rand();
     $this->report = new ImportErrorReport();
     $zipNodeError = new ZipImportNodeError(ZipImportNodeError::FILE, basename($zipFilePath));
     try {
         self::extractZip($zipFilePath, $extractFolderPath);
         // Now find the .lift file in the uploaded zip
         $dirIter = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($extractFolderPath);
         $iterIter = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirIter);
         $liftIter = new \RegexIterator($iterIter, '/\\.lift$/', \RegexIterator::MATCH);
         $liftFilePaths = array();
         foreach ($liftIter as $file) {
             $liftFilePaths[] = $file->getPathname();
         if (empty($liftFilePaths)) {
             throw new \Exception("Uploaded file does not contain any LIFT data");
         if (count($liftFilePaths) > 1) {
             foreach (array_slice($liftFilePaths, 1) as $filename) {
         // Import subfolders
         foreach (glob($extractFolderPath . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $folderPath) {
             $folderName = basename($folderPath);
             switch ($folderName) {
                 case 'pictures':
                 case 'audio':
                 case 'others':
                 case 'WritingSystems':
                     $assetsPath = $assetsFolderPath . "/" . $folderName;
                     if (file_exists($folderPath) && is_dir($folderPath)) {
                         FileUtilities::copyDirTree($folderPath, $assetsPath);
         // Import first .lift file (only).
         $this->liftFilePath = $liftFilePaths[0];
         $this->merge($this->liftFilePath, $projectModel, $mergeRule, $skipSameModTime, $deleteMatchingEntry);
         if ($zipNodeError->hasError()) {
             error_log($zipNodeError->toString() . "\n");
         foreach ($this->report->nodeErrors as $subnodeError) {
         $this->report = new ImportErrorReport();
         $this->report->nodeErrors[] = $zipNodeError;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($zipNodeError->hasError()) {
             error_log($zipNodeError->toString() . "\n");
         foreach ($this->report->nodeErrors as $subnodeError) {
         $this->report = new ImportErrorReport();
         $this->report->nodeErrors[] = $zipNodeError;
         throw new \Exception($e);
     return $this;