public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
     $startDateFilter = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
     $endDateFilter = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();
     // alert('event listener!');
     // The original request so you can get filters from the calendar
     // Use the filter in your query for example
     $request = $calendarEvent->getRequest();
     $filter = $request->get('filter');
     // load events using your custom logic here,
     // for instance, retrieving events from a repository
     $classEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('SiploCalendarBundle:Event')->createQueryBuilder('company_events')->where('company_events.startDatetime BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate')->setParameter('startDate', $startDateFilter->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter('endDate', $endDateFilter->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->getQuery()->getResult();
     // $companyEvents and $companyEvent in this example
     // represent entities from your database, NOT instances of EventEntity
     // within this bundle.
     // Create EventEntity instances and populate it's properties with data
     // from your own entities/database values.
     foreach ($classEvents as $classEvent) {
         $eventEntity = new EventEntity($classEvent->getTitle(), $classEvent->getStartDatetime(), $classEvent->getEndDatetime(), false);
         //optional calendar event settings
         // $eventEntity->setAllDay(true); // default is false, set to true if this is an all day event
         //set the background color of the event's label
         //set the foreground color of the event's label
         // url to send user to when event label is clicked
         // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels
         //finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar
Esempio n. 2
 public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
     $startDate = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
     $endDate = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();
     // The original request so you can get filters from the calendar
     // Use the filter in your query for example
     $request = $calendarEvent->getRequest();
     $filter = $request->get('filter');
     // load events using your custom logic here,
     // for instance, retrieving events from a repository
     $companyEvents = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager()->getRepository('AppBundle:Appointment')->createQueryBuilder('appointemnt')->where('appointemnt.startDatetime BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate AND appointemnt.specialist = :specialist_id')->setParameter('startDate', $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter('endDate', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter('specialist_id', $request->request->get('specialist_id'))->getQuery()->getResult();
     // $companyEvents and $companyEvent in this example
     // represent entities from your database, NOT instances of EventEntity
     // within this bundle.
     // Create EventEntity instances and populate it's properties with data
     // from your own entities/database values.
     foreach ($companyEvents as $companyEvent) {
         $startDate = $companyEvent->getStartDatetime();
         $eventEntity = new EventEntity($companyEvent->getStartDatetime()->format($this->container->getParameter('date.format')), $companyEvent->getStartDatetime(), $companyEvent->getEndDatetime());
         //optional calendar event settings
         //set the background color of the event's label
         //set the foreground color of the event's label
         // url to send user to when event label is clicked
         // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels
         //finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar
 public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
     $startDate = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
     $endDate = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();
     // load events using your custom logic here,
     // for instance, retrieving events from a repository
     //compruebo si el usuario es un cliente o un profesional
     if ($this->user->hasRole('ROLE_PROFESIONAL')) {
         //es un profesional
         $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('UserProfesionalBundle:ProfessionalEvent')->createQueryBuilder('company_events')->where('company_events.start_date BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate AND company_events.professional = :user')->setParameter('user', $this->user->getProfessional()->getId())->setParameter('startDate', $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter('endDate', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->getQuery()->getResult();
     } else {
         //es un cliente
         $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('UserProfesionalBundle:ProfessionalEvent')->createQueryBuilder('company_events')->where('company_events.start_date BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate AND company_events.client = :user')->setParameter('user', $this->user->getProfessional()->getId())->setParameter('startDate', $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter('endDate', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->getQuery()->getResult();
     foreach ($companyEvents as $companyEvent) {
         // create an event with a start/end time, or an all day event
         $interval = new \DateInterval($companyEvent->getDuration());
         $enddate = $companyEvent->getStartDate()->add($interval);
         $eventEntity = new EventEntity($companyEvent->getClient()->getUser()->getName() . " " . $companyEvent->getClient()->getUser()->getSurname(), $companyEvent->getStartDate(), $enddate);
         //optional calendar event settings
         // default is false, set to true if this is an all day event
         //set the background color of the event's label
         //set the foreground color of the event's label
         $eventEntity->setUrl($this->router->generate('profesional_show_event', array('idEvent' => $companyEvent->getId())));
         // url to send user to when event label is clicked
         // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels
         //finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar
Esempio n. 4
 public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
     $startDate = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
     $endDate = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();
     // The original request so you can get filters from the calendar
     // Use the filter in your query for example
     $request = $calendarEvent->getRequest();
     $filter = $request->get('param');
     // load events using your custom logic here,
     // for instance, retrieving events from a repository
     if ($filter == 'calendar') {
         $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('TorBundle:ReservationTor')->findAll();
     } else {
         // $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('TorBundle:InstructorsReservation')->findAll();
         $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('TorBundle:InstructorsReservation')->createQueryBuilder('instructor_events')->where('instructor_events.idInstructor = :id')->setParameter('id', $filter)->getQuery()->getResult();
     // $companyEvents and $companyEvent in this example
     // represent entities from your database, NOT instances of EventEntity
     // within this bundle.
     // Create EventEntity instances and populate it's properties with data
     // from your own entities/database values.
     foreach ($companyEvents as $companyEvent) {
         // create an event with a start/end time, or an all day event
         if ($filter == 0) {
             $eventEntity = new EventEntity((string) $companyEvent->getUserId(), $companyEvent->getDataStart(), $companyEvent->getDateStop());
         } else {
             $eventEntity = new EventEntity((string) $companyEvent->getIdUser(), $companyEvent->getDateStart(), $companyEvent->getDateStop());
         //optional calendar event settings
         // default is false, set to true if this is an all day event
         //set the background color of the event's label
         //set the foreground color of the event's label
         //$eventEntity->setUrl(''); // url to send user to when event label is clicked
         // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels
         //finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar
 public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
     $startDate = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
     $endDate = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();
     // The original request so you can get filters from the calendar
     // Use the filter in your query for example
     $request = $calendarEvent->getRequest();
     $filter = $request->get('filter');
     $user = $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
     // load events using your custom logic here,
     // for instance, retrieving events from a repository
     $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('CalendarEngineBundle:UserEvent')->createQueryBuilder('user_events')->where(' BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate')->andWhere('user_events.userId = :id')->setParameter('startDate', $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter('endDate', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter("id", $user->getId())->getQuery()->getResult();
     // $companyEvents and $companyEvent in this example
     // represent entities from your database, NOT instances of EventEntity
     // within this bundle.
     // Create EventEntity instances and populate it's properties with data
     // from your own entities/database values.
     foreach ($companyEvents as $companyEvent) {
         $eventDate = $companyEvent->getDate();
         $now = new \DateTime('now');
         $eventEntity = new EventEntity($eventDate->format("H:i") . " " . $companyEvent->getEventTitle(), $eventDate, null, true);
         //optional calendar event settings
         // default is false, set to true if this is an all day event
         if ($eventDate < $now) {
             //set the background color of the event's label
         } else {
             //set the background color of the event's label
         //set the foreground color of the event's label
         $eventEntity->setUrl($this->router->generate('calendar_app_showEvent', ['id' => $companyEvent->getId()]));
         // url to send user to when event label is clicked
         // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels
         //finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar
 public function loadEvents(CalendarEvent $calendarEvent)
     $sc = $this->sc;
     $startDate = $calendarEvent->getStartDatetime();
     $endDate = $calendarEvent->getEndDatetime();
     // load events using your custom logic here,
     // for instance, retrieving events from a repository
     $companyEvents = $this->entityManager->getRepository('TaskeetMainBundle:Event')->createQueryBuilder('company_events')->where('company_events.startDate BETWEEN :startDate and :endDate')->andWhere('company_events.owner = :owner ')->setParameter(':startDate', $startDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter(':endDate', $endDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->setParameter(':owner', $sc->getToken()->getUser()->getId())->getQuery()->getResult();
     foreach ($companyEvents as $companyEvent) {
         // create an event with a start/end time, or an all day event
         //if ($companyEvent->getAllDayEvent() === false) {
         $eventEntity = new EventEntity($companyEvent->getTitle(), $companyEvent->getStartDate(), $companyEvent->getDueDate());
         //} else {
         //  $eventEntity = new EventEntity($companyEvent->getTitle(), $companyEvent->getStartDatetime(), null, true);
         // }
         //optional calendar event settings
         if ($companyEvent->getStartDate() == $companyEvent->getDueDate()) {
         } else {
         if ($companyEvent->getType()->getName() == "categoria 1") {
             //set the background color of the event's label
             //set the foreground color of the event's label
         } else {
             //set the background color of the event's label
             //set the foreground color of the event's label
         $eventEntity->setUrl($companyEvent->getid() . '/edit');
         // url to send user to when event label is clicked
         // a custom class you may want to apply to event labels
         //finally, add the event to the CalendarEvent for displaying on the calendar