Esempio n. 1
File: mailer.php Progetto: rair/yacs
  * prepare a multi-part message
  * @param string message HTML tags or ASCII content
  * @return array containing message parts ($type => $content)
 public static function build_multipart($text)
     global $context;
     // make a full html entity --body attributes are ignored most of the time
     $text = '<html><body>' . MAIL_FONT_PREFIX . $text . MAIL_FONT_SUFFIX . '</body></html>';
     // change links to include host name
     $text = str_replace(' href="/', ' href="' . $context['url_to_home'] . '/', $text);
     $text = str_replace(' src="/', ' src="' . $context['url_to_home'] . '/', $text);
     // remove invisible tags, such as scripts, etc.
     $text = xml::strip_invisible_tags($text);
     // one element per type
     $message = array();
     // text/plain part has no tag anymore
     $replacements = array('#<a [^>]*?><img [^>]*?></a>#i' => '', "#<a href=\"([^\"]+?)\"([^>]*?)>\$1</a>#i" => "\$1", '#<a href="([^"]+?)" ([^>]*?)>(.*?)</a>#i' => "\$3 \$1", '/<a href=\\"([^\\"]+?)">(.*?)<\\/a>/i' => "\$2 \$1", '/<hr[^>]*?>/i' => "-------\n", '/&nbsp;/' => ' ');
     // text/plain part
     $message['text/plain; charset=utf-8'] = utf8::from_unicode(utf8::encode(trim(html_entity_decode(xml::strip_visible_tags(preg_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $text), ''), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))));
     // transform the text/html part
     $replacements = array('#<dl[^>]*?>(.*?)</dl>#siu' => '<table>$1</table>', '#<dt[^>]*?>(.*?)</dt>#siu' => '<tr><td>' . MAIL_FONT_PREFIX . '$1' . MAIL_FONT_SUFFIX . '</td>', '#<dd[^>]*?>(.*?)</dd>#siu' => '<td>' . MAIL_FONT_PREFIX . '$1' . MAIL_FONT_SUFFIX . '</td></tr>', '#class="grid"#i' => 'border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"', '#on(click|keypress)="([^"]+?)"#i' => '', '#/>#i' => '>');
     // text/html part
     $message['text/html; charset=utf-8'] = preg_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $text);
     // return all parts
     return $message;
Esempio n. 2
  * get some introductory text from a section
  * This function is used to introduce comments, or any sub-item related to an anchor.
  * Compared to the standard anchor implementation, this one adds the ability to handle overlay data.
  * If there is some introductory text, it is used. Else the description text is used instead.
  * The number of words is capped in both cases.
  * Also, the number of remaining words is provided.
  * Following variants may be selected to adapt to various situations:
  * - 'basic' - strip every tag, we want almost plain ASCII - maybe this will be send in a mail message
  * - 'hover' - some text to be displayed while hovering a link
  * - 'quote' - transform YACS codes, then strip most HTML tags
  * - 'teaser' - limit the number of words, tranform YACS codes, and link to permalink
  * @see shared/anchor.php
  * @param string an optional variant
  * @return NULL, of some text
 function &get_teaser($variant = 'basic')
     global $context;
     // nothing to do
     if (!isset($this->item['id'])) {
         $text = NULL;
         return $text;
     // the text to be returned
     $text = '';
     // use the introduction field, if any
     if ($this->item['introduction']) {
         $text = trim($this->item['introduction']);
         // may be rendered as an empty strings
         if ($variant != 'hover') {
             // remove toc and toq codes
             $text = preg_replace(FORBIDDEN_IN_TEASERS, '', $text);
             // render all codes
             if (is_callable(array('Codes', 'beautify'))) {
                 $text =& Codes::beautify($text, $this->item['options']);
         // remove most html
         if ($variant != 'teaser') {
             $text = xml::strip_visible_tags($text);
         // combine with description
         if ($variant == 'quote') {
             $text .= BR . BR;
     // use overlay data, if any
     if (!$text) {
         $overlay = Overlay::load($this->item, 'section:' . $this->item['id']);
         if (is_object($overlay)) {
             $text .= $overlay->get_text('list', $this->item);
     // use the description field, if any
     $in_description = FALSE;
     if (!$text && $variant != 'hover' || $variant == 'quote') {
         $text .= trim($this->item['description']);
         $in_description = TRUE;
         // remove toc and toq codes
         $text = preg_replace(FORBIDDEN_IN_TEASERS, '', $text);
         // render all codes
         if (is_callable(array('Codes', 'beautify'))) {
             $text =& Codes::beautify($text, $this->item['options']);
         // remove most html
         $text = xml::strip_visible_tags($text);
     // turn html entities to unicode entities
     $text =& utf8::transcode($text);
     // now we have to process the provided text
     switch ($variant) {
         // strip everything
         case 'basic':
             // remove most html
             $text = xml::strip_visible_tags($text);
             // limit the number of words
             $text =& Skin::cap($text, 70);
             // done
             return $text;
             // some text for pop-up panels
         // some text for pop-up panels
         case 'hover':
             // remove most html
             $text = xml::strip_visible_tags($text);
             // limit the number of words
             $text =& Skin::strip($text, 70);
             // ensure we have some text
             if (!$text) {
                 $text = i18n::s('View the page');
             // mention shortcut to section
             if (Surfer::is_associate()) {
                 $text .= ' [section=' . $this->item['id'] . ']';
             // done
             return $text;
             // quote this
         // quote this
         case 'quote':
             // remove most html
             $text = xml::strip_visible_tags($text);
             // limit the number of words
             $text =& Skin::cap($text, 300);
             // done
             return $text;
             // preserve as much as possible
         // preserve as much as possible
         case 'teaser':
             // limit the number of words
             $text =& Skin::cap($text, 12, $this->get_url());
             // done
             return $text;
Esempio n. 3
  * strip some text, by suppressing codes, html and limiting words
  * To limit the size of a string and preserve HTML tagging, you should rather consider [code]cap()[/code].
  * A stripped string is a short set of words aiming to introduce a longer page. It is
  * usually followed by a link to jump to the full text.
  * Alternatively, this function may also be used to limit the number of words
  * for a plain text string.
  * In both cases the calling script should be able to use the resulting directly, without any additional processing.
  * Most HTML tags are suppressed by [code]Skin::strip()[/code], except &lt;a&gt;, &lt;br&gt;, &lt;img&gt; and  &lt;span&gt;.
  * You can provide the full list of allowed tags.
  * This function will strip YACS codes as well, except if you explicitly ask for codes to be processed.
  * Example:
  * [snippet]
  * Skin::strip('This is my very interesting page', 3);
  * [/snippet]
  * will return:
  * [snippet]
  * 'This is my...'
  * [/snippet]
  * @param string the text to abbreviate
  * @param int the maximum number of words in the output
  * @param an optional url to go to the full version, if any
  * @param the list of allowed HTML tags, if any
  * @param boolean set to TRUE if YACS codes should be rendered, else codes will be removed
  * @return the HTML to display
 public static function &strip($text, $count = 20, $url = NULL, $allowed_html = '<a><br><img><span>', $render_codes = FALSE)
     global $context;
     // no follow-up yet
     $with_more = FALSE;
     // process YACS codes
     if ($render_codes) {
         // suppress dynamic tables, they would probably take too much space
         if (preg_match('/\\[table=(.+?)\\]/s', $text)) {
             $text = preg_replace(array('/\\[table=(.+?)\\]/s'), ' (table) ', $text);
             // append a link to the full page
             $with_more = TRUE;
         // render all codes
         $text = Codes::beautify($text);
     // remove invisible tags, such as scripts, etc.
     $text = xml::strip_invisible_tags($text);
     // strip most visible tags
     $text = trim(xml::strip_visible_tags($text, $allowed_html));
     // count overall words
     $overall = count(preg_split("/[ \t,\\.;\\?!]+/", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
     // no parsing overhead in case of short labels
     if ($overall <= $count) {
         return $text;
     // skip html tags
     $areas = preg_split('/(<\\/{0,1}[\\w]+[^>]*>)/', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
     $text = '';
     $index = 0;
     $overall = 0;
     foreach ($areas as $area) {
         // tag to be preserved
         if ($index % 2) {
             $text .= $area;
             // check boundary after last HTML tag -- else <a>text</a> could loose closing tag
             if ($count < 0) {
             // regular text
         } else {
             // count words from this area
             $words = preg_split("/([ \t,\\.;\\?!]+)/", $area, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
             // we still have some room
             if (count($words) <= 2 * $count) {
                 $text .= $area;
             } elseif ($count > 0) {
                 $overall += intval(count($words) / 2 - $count);
                 // drop the tail
                 array_splice($words, 2 * $count);
                 // reassemble displayed words
                 $text .= implode('', $words) . '...';
                 // append a link to the full page
                 $with_more = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $overall += intval(count($words) / 2);
             // less words to accept
             $count -= intval(count($words) / 2);
     // there is more to read
     if ($with_more && $url) {
         // indicate the number of words to read, if significant text to read
         if ($overall > 30) {
             $text .= ' (' . sprintf(i18n::s('%d words to read'), $overall) . ') ';
         // add a link
         $text .= ' ' . Skin::build_link($url, MORE_IMG, 'more', i18n::s('View the page')) . ' ';
     return $text;
Esempio n. 4
File: logger.php Progetto: rair/yacs
  * make a string out of something
  * @param mixed something to be printed
  * @param boolean TRUE if HTML tags should be suppressed, FALSE otherwise
  * @return string
 public static function &to_string($value = '', $strip_tags = TRUE)
     global $context;
     // a boolean
     if ($value === TRUE) {
         $value = 'TRUE';
     } elseif ($value === FALSE) {
         $value = 'FALSE';
     } elseif (isset($value) && !is_string($value)) {
         $value = print_r($value, TRUE);
     // stick to simple line returns
     $value = str_replace("\r", '', $value);
     // log simple messages
     if ($strip_tags) {
         $value = trim(xml::strip_visible_tags(xml::strip_invisible_tags($value)));
     } else {
         $value = trim($value);
     // return a clean string
     return $value;