/** Get the content tree for this kind of content */ function getTree(&$xmap, &$parent, &$params) { if (defined('JPATH_SITE')) { $mosConfig_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE; } else { global $mosConfig_absolute_path; } //Include the jomres stuff require_once 'components/com_jomres/integration.php'; $link_query = parse_url($parent->link); parse_str(html_entity_decode($link_query['query']), $link_vars); $task = xmap_com_jomres::getParam($link_vars, 'task', ""); if ($task != "") { return $tree; } $priority = xmap_com_jomres::getParam($params, 'priority', $parent->priority); $changefreq = xmap_com_jomres::getParam($params, 'changefreq', $parent->changefreq); if ($priority == '-1') { $priority = $parent->priority; } if ($changefreq == '-1') { $changefreq = $parent->changefreq; } $params['priority'] = $priority; $params['changefreq'] = $changefreq; xmap_com_jomres::getCategoryTree($xmap, $parent, $params, $prop); return true; }
/** Jomres support */ function &getCategoryTree(&$xmap, &$parent, &$params, $prop = 0) { if (defined('JPATH_SITE')) { $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $mosConfig_absolute_path = JPATH_SITE; } else { global $database, $mosConfig_absolute_path; } $list = array(); $query = "SELECT propertys_uid,property_name,timestamp FROM #__jomres_propertys WHERE published=1 ORDER BY propertys_uid"; $rows = doSelectSql($query); $xmap->changeLevel(1); foreach ($rows as $row) { $node = new stdclass(); //$node->id = $parent->id; $node->uid = $parent->uid . 'c' . $row->propertys_uid; $node->browserNav = $parent->browserNav; $node->name = stripslashes($row->property_name); $node->modified = intval($row->timestamp); $node->modified = xmap_com_jomres::toTimestamp($row->timestamp); $node->priority = $params['priority']; $node->changefreq = $params['changefreq']; $node->link = jomresURL('index.php?option=com_jomres&task=viewproperty&property_uid=' . $row->propertys_uid); $node->pid = $row->propertys_uid; $node->expandible = false; $xmap->printNode($node); } $xmap->changeLevel(-1); return $list; }