public function checkcodeAction() { $api = xiaocms::load_class('image'); $width = $this->get('width'); $height = $this->get('height'); $api->checkcode($width, $height); }
/** * 分析URL信息 */ private static function parse_request() { $path_url_string = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; parse_str($path_url_string, $url_info_array); $controller_name = trim(isset($url_info_array['c']) && $url_info_array['c'] ? $url_info_array['c'] : 'index'); $action_name = trim(isset($url_info_array['a']) && $url_info_array['a'] ? $url_info_array['a'] : 'index'); self::$controller = self::_safe(strtolower($controller_name)); self::$action = self::_safe(strtolower($action_name)); $_GET = array_merge($_GET, $url_info_array); return true; }
protected function isAdminLogin() { if (xiaocms::get_controller_id() == 'login') { return false; } if ($user_id = $this->session->get('user_id')) { if ($user_id) { return false; } } $this->redirect(url('login')); }
/** * 自定表内容列表管理 */ public function indexAction() { $modelid = $this->modelid; if ($this->post('formidarr') && $this->post('status') == 'del') { foreach ($this->post('formidarr') as $id) { $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->delete('id=?', $id); } $this->show_message('删除成功', 1); } $page = (int) $this->get('page') ? (int) $this->get('page') : 1; $pagelist = xiaocms::load_class('pager'); $total = $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->count(); $pagesize = empty($this->admin['list_size']) ? 10 : $this->admin['list_size']; $list = $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->pageLimit($page, $pagesize)->getAll(null, null, null, 'id DESC'); $pagelist = $pagelist->total($total)->url(url('diytable/index', array('modelid' => $this->modelid)) . '&page=[page]')->num($pagesize)->page($page)->output(); include $this->admin_tpl('diytable_list'); }
/** * 表单内容管理 */ public function indexAction() { $cid = (int) $this->get('cid'); $modelid = (int) $this->get('modelid'); if ($this->post('formidarr') && $this->post('status') == 'del') { foreach ($this->post('formidarr') as $id) { $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->delete('id=?', $id); } $this->show_message('删除成功', 1); } elseif ($this->post('formidarr') && $this->post('status') == '1') { foreach ($this->post('formidarr') as $id) { $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->update(array('status' => 1), 'id=?', $id); } $this->show_message('设置成功', 1); } elseif ($this->post('formidarr') && $this->post('status') == '2') { foreach ($this->post('formidarr') as $id) { $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->update(array('status' => 0), 'id=?', $id); } $this->show_message('设置成功', 1); } $page = (int) $this->get('page') ? (int) $this->get('page') : 1; $userid = (int) $this->get('userid'); $pagelist = xiaocms::load_class('pager'); if (!empty($userid)) { $this->db->where('userid=?', $userid); } if (!empty($this->cid)) { $this->db->where('cid=?', $this->cid); } $total = $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->count(); $pagesize = empty($this->admin['list_size']) ? 10 : $this->admin['list_size']; $urlparam = array('userid' => $userid, 'cid' => $this->cid, 'modelid' => $this->modelid); if (!empty($userid)) { $this->db->where('userid=?', $userid); } if (!empty($this->cid)) { $this->db->where('cid=?', $this->cid); } $list = $this->db->setTableName($this->table)->pageLimit($page, $pagesize)->getAll(null, null, null, 'id DESC'); $pagelist = $pagelist->total($total)->url(url('form/index', $urlparam) . '&page=[page]')->num($pagesize)->page($page)->output(); include $this->admin_tpl('form_list'); }
public function indexAction() { $tree = xiaocms::load_class('tree'); $tree->icon = array(' ', ' ', ' '); $tree->nbsp = ' '; $categorys = array(); foreach ($this->category_cache as $cid => $r) { if ($r['ispost'] != 1 || $r['typeid'] != 1) { continue; } $r['disabled'] = $r['child'] ? 'disabled' : ''; $r['selected'] = $cid == $catid ? 'selected' : ''; $categorys[$cid] = $r; } $str = "<option value='./index.php?c=post&a=post&catid=\$catid' \$selected \$disabled>\$spacer \$catname</option>"; $tree->init($categorys); $categorys = $tree->get_tree(0, $str); $this->view->assign(array('select' => 1, 'post_category' => $categorys)); $this->view->display('post.html'); }
public function indexAction() { if ($this->post('member') && $this->post('status') == 'del') { foreach ($this->post('member') as $id) { $this->delAction($id, 1); } $this->show_message('删除成功', 1); } elseif ($this->post('member') && $this->post('status') == '1') { foreach ($this->post('member') as $id) { $this->db->setTableName('member')->update(array('status' => 1), 'id=?', $id); } $this->show_message('设置成功', 1); } elseif ($this->post('member') && $this->post('status') == '2') { foreach ($this->post('member') as $id) { $this->db->setTableName('member')->update(array('status' => 0), 'id=?', $id); } $this->show_message('设置成功', 1); } $member_model = get_cache('member_model'); $page = (int) $this->get('page') ? (int) $this->get('page') : 1; $modelid = (int) $this->get('modelid'); $pagelist = xiaocms::load_class('pager'); if ($modelid) { $this->db->where('modelid=?', $modelid); } $total = $this->db->setTableName('member')->count(); $pagesize = empty($this->admin['list_size']) ? 10 : $this->admin['list_size']; $urlparam = array(); if ($modelid) { $urlparam['modelid'] = $modelid; } $urlparam['status'] = $status; if ($modelid) { $this->db->where('modelid=?', $modelid); } $list = $this->db->setTableName('member')->pageLimit($page, $pagesize)->getAll(null, null, null, 'status ASC, id DESC'); $pagelist = $pagelist->total($total)->url(url('member/index', $urlparam) . '&page=[page]')->num($pagesize)->page($page)->output(); include $this->admin_tpl('member_list'); }
public function __construct() { $params = xiaocms::load_config('database'); if (!is_array($params)) { exit('数据库配置文件不存在'); } foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $params[$key] = trim($value); } $dsn_array = array(); $dsn_array['host'] = $params['host']; $dsn_array['port'] = $params['port']; $dsn_array['dbname'] = $params['dbname']; $dsn_array['charset'] = $params['charset']; $params['dsn'] = sprintf('%s:%s', 'mysql', http_build_query($dsn_array, '', ';')); $this->_dbName = $params['dbname']; $this->_prefix = isset($params['prefix']) && $params['prefix'] ? $params['prefix'] : ''; xiaocms::load_class('dbpdo', 0); $this->_db = dbpdo::getInstance($params); unset($params['username']); unset($params['password']); return true; }
<?php /** * XiaoCms企业建站版 * 官方网站: */ define('XIAOCMS_PATH', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); include XIAOCMS_PATH . 'core/xiaocms.php'; xiaocms::run();
protected function _listdata($param) { $_param = explode(' ', $param); $paramarr = $system = $fields = $_fields = array(); foreach ($_param as $p) { $mark = strpos($p, '='); if ($p && $mark !== false) { $var = substr($p, 0, $mark); $val = substr($p, $mark + 1); if (isset($var) && $var) { $paramarr[$var] = $val; } } } if (is_array($paramarr)) { foreach ($paramarr as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, array('sql', 'table', 'xiaocms', 'cache', 'page', 'urlrule', 'num', 'order', 'pagesize', 'return'))) { $system[$key] = $val; } else { $fields[$key] = $val; $_fields[] = $key; } } } $db = xiaocms::load_class('Model'); if ($system['sql']) { $sql = substr($param, 4); $data = $db->query($sql)->fetchAll(); return array('return' => $data); } $table1 = isset($system['table']) && $system['table'] ? $system['table'] : 'content'; $from = 'FROM ' . '#xiaocms_' . $table1; $table1_all_fields = $db->setTableName($table1)->getTableFields(); $table1_fields = array_intersect($_fields, $table1_all_fields); if (!empty($system['xiaocms'])) { if ($table1 == 'content') { if (!empty($fields['catid']) && $this->cats[$fields['catid']]) { $table2 = $this->cats[$fields['catid']]['tablename']; } elseif (!empty($fields['modelid'])) { $content_model = get_cache('content_model'); $table2 = $content_model[$fields['modelid']]['tablename']; } } elseif ($table1 == 'member' && isset($fields['modelid']) && $fields['modelid']) { $member_model = get_cache('member_model'); $table2 = $member_model[$fields['modelid']]['tablename']; } if ($table2) { $table2_all_fields = $db->setTableName($table2)->getTableFields(); $table2_fields = array_intersect($_fields, $table2_all_fields); $table2_fields = array_diff($table2_fields, $table1_fields); $table2 = '#xiaocms_' . $table2; $from .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $table2 . ' ON `#xiaocms_' . $table1 . '`.`id`=`' . $table2 . '`.`id`'; } } $table1 = '#xiaocms_' . $table1; $where = ''; $fieldsAll = array($table1 => $table1_fields, $table2 => $table2_fields); foreach ($fieldsAll as $_tablename => $tablename) { if (is_array($tablename)) { foreach ($tablename as $field) { if ($fields[$field] == '') { continue; } if ($field == 'catid' && !empty($fields['catid'])) { if (!empty($this->cats[$fields['catid']]['child'])) { $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`catid` IN (' . $this->cats[$fields['catid']]['allchildids'] . ')'; } elseif (strpos($fields['catid'], ',') !== false) { $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`catid` IN (' . $fields['catid'] . ')'; } else { $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`catid`=' . $fields['catid']; } } elseif ($field == 'id' && !empty($fields['id'])) { $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`id` IN (' . $fields['id'] . ')'; } elseif ($field == 'thumb' && !empty($fields['thumb'])) { $where .= $fields['thumb'] ? ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`thumb`<>""' : ''; } else { if (substr($fields[$field], 0, 1) == '(' && substr($fields[$field], -1, 1) == ')') { $value = substr($fields[$field], 1, strlen($fields[$field]) - 2); list($v1, $v2) = explode('-', $value); $v1 = is_numeric($v1) ? $v1 : '"' . addslashes($v1) . '"'; $v2 = is_numeric($v2) ? $v2 : '"' . addslashes($v2) . '"'; $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`' . $field . '` BETWEEN ' . $v1 . ' AND ' . $v2; } elseif (substr($fields[$field], 0, 1) == '%' || substr($fields[$field], -1, 1) == '%') { $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`' . $field . '` LIKE \'' . $fields[$field] . '\''; } elseif (strpos($fields[$field], ',') !== false) { $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`' . $field . '` IN (' . $fields[$field] . ')'; } else { $value = is_numeric($fields[$field]) ? $fields[$field] : '"' . $fields[$field] . '"'; $where .= ' AND `' . $_tablename . '`.`' . $field . '`=' . $value . ''; } } } } } if ($table1 == '#xiaocms_content' && !isset($fields['status'])) { $where .= ' AND `#xiaocms_content`.`status`!=0'; } if ($where) { if (substr($where, 0, 4) == ' AND') { $where = ' WHERE' . substr($where, 4); } else { $where = ' WHERE' . $where; } } $order = ''; if ($system['order']) { if ($system['order'] == 'rand()') { $order .= ' ORDER BY RAND()'; } else { $orderarr = explode(',', $system['order']); foreach ($orderarr as $t) { list($_field, $_order) = explode('_', $t); $_orderby = isset($_order) && strtoupper($_order) == 'ASC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'; if (in_array($_field, $table1_all_fields)) { $order .= ' `' . $table1 . '`.`' . $_field . '` ' . $_orderby . ','; } elseif (isset($table2_all_fields) && in_array($_field, $table2_all_fields)) { $order .= ' `' . $table2 . '`.`' . $_field . '` ' . $_orderby . ','; } } if ($order) { $order = ' ORDER BY' . substr($order, 0, -1); } } } elseif ($table1 == '#xiaocms_content') { $order = ' ORDER BY `listorder` DESC ,`time` DESC'; } $limit = ''; if (!empty($system['num'])) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $system['num']; } else { if (isset($system['page'])) { if (isset($system['urlrule'])) { $pageurl = $system['urlrule']; $pagesize = $system['pagesize'] ? $system['pagesize'] : 10; } elseif ($this->cats[$fields['catid']]) { $pageurl = self::get_category_url($this->cats[$fields['catid']], 1); $pagesize = $system['pagesize'] ? $system['pagesize'] : $this->cats[$fields['catid']]['pagesize']; } else { $pagesize = $system['pagesize'] ? $system['pagesize'] : 10; $pageurl = !$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], -1) == '?' ? 'page=[page]' : '?page=[page]') : ''; if (!$pageurl && stristr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'page=')) { $pageurl = str_ireplace('page=' . $system['page'], '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $urllast = substr($pageurl, -1); if ($urllast == '?' || $urllast == '&') { $pageurl .= 'page=[page]'; } else { $pageurl .= '&page=[page]'; } } if (!$pageurl) { $pageurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&page=[page]'; } } if (!empty($system['cache'])) { $sqlcache = DATA_DIR . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($from . $where) . '.sqlcache.php'; if (is_file($sqlcache) && time() - filemtime($sqlcache) < $system['cache'] * 60) { $count = unserialize(file_get_contents($sqlcache)); } else { $count = $db->query('SELECT count(*) AS total ' . $from . ' ' . $where)->fetchAll(); file_put_contents($sqlcache, serialize($count), LOCK_EX); } } else { $count = $db->query('SELECT count(*) AS total ' . $from . ' ' . $where)->fetchAll(); } $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $pagesize * ($system['page'] - 1) . ',' . $pagesize; $pagelist = xiaocms::load_class('pagerview'); $pagelist = $pagelist->total($count['0']['total'])->url($pageurl)->num($pagesize)->hide()->page($system['page'])->output(); } } if (!empty($system['cache'])) { $sqlcache = DATA_DIR . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($from . $where . $order . $limit) . '.sqlcache.php'; if (is_file($sqlcache) && time() - filemtime($sqlcache) < $system['cache'] * 60) { $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($sqlcache)); } else { $data = $db->query('SELECT * ' . $from . $where . $order . $limit)->fetchAll(); file_put_contents($sqlcache, serialize($data), LOCK_EX); } } else { $data = $db->query('SELECT * ' . $from . $where . $order . $limit)->fetchAll(); } if (isset($system['return']) && $system['return']) { return array('pagelist_' . $system['return'] => $pagelist, 'return_' . $system['return'] => $data); } foreach ($data as $key => $t) { $data[$key]['url'] = self::get_show_url($t); } return array('pagelist' => $pagelist, 'return' => $data); }
/** * 汉字转为拼音 */ function word2pinyin($word) { if (empty($word)) { return ''; } $pin = xiaocms::load_class('pinyin'); return str_replace('/', '', $pin->output($word)); }
public static function related($name, $content = '', $setting = '') { $style = isset($setting['size']) ? " style='width:" . ($setting['size'] ? $setting['size'] : 200) . "px;'" : ''; if ($content) { $_db = xiaocms::load_class('Model'); $view = xiaocms::load_class('view'); $_ids = $_db->setTableName('content')->getAll('id IN (' . $content . ')', null, 'id,title', 'id desc'); foreach ($_ids as $t) { $ids .= '<li id="v1' . $t['id'] . '"><span><a href=' . $view->get_show_url($t) . ' target="_blank">' . $t['title'] . '</a></span><a href="javascript:;" class="close" onclick="remove_relation(\'v1' . $t['id'] . '\',' . $t['id'] . ',\'' . $name . '\')"></a></li>'; } } $str = ' <input type="text" class="input-text" name="data[' . $name . ']" id="' . $name . '" readonly value="' . $content . '" ' . $style . ' > <input type="button" value="添加相关" onClick="omnipotent(\'selectid\',\'' . url('content/related', array('name' => $name)) . '\',\'添加相关内容\',1)" class="button"> <ul class="list-dot" id="' . $name . '_text">' . $ids . '</ul> '; return $str; }
/** * 文件上传 */ private function upload($fields, $type, $size) { $upload = xiaocms::load_class('upload'); $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES[$fields]['name'], '.'), 1)); if (in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'png', 'gif'))) { $dir = 'image'; } else { $dir = 'file'; } $path = $this->dir . $dir . '/' . date('Ym') . '/'; if (!is_dir(XIAOCMS_PATH . $path)) { mkdirs(XIAOCMS_PATH . $path); } $file = $_FILES[$fields]['name']; $filename = md5(time() . $_FILES[$fields]['name']) . '.' . $ext; $filenpath = $path . $filename; $result = $upload->set_limit_size(1024 * 1024 * $size)->set_limit_type($type)->upload($_FILES[$fields], XIAOCMS_PATH . $filenpath); if (in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp'))) { $this->watermark(XIAOCMS_PATH . $filenpath); } return array('result' => $result, 'path' => SITE_PATH . $filenpath, 'file' => $file, 'ext' => $dir == 'image' ? 1 : $ext); }
protected function get_data_fields($fields, $data = array()) { if (empty($fields)) { return false; } $field = xiaocms::load_class('field'); $data_fields = ''; foreach ($fields as $t) { if (!defined('XIAOCMS_ADMIN') && !$t['isshow']) { continue; } $data_fields .= '<tr><th>' . (!empty($t['pattern']) ? ' <font color="red">*</font> ' : '') . $t['name'] . ':</th><td>'; $t['setting'] = $t['setting'] ? string2array($t['setting']) : 0; $content = !isset($data[$t['field']]) ? $t['setting']['defaultvalue'] : $data[$t['field']]; if (method_exists($field, $t['formtype'])) { $data_fields .= $field->{$t}['formtype']($t['field'], $content, $t['setting']); } $data_fields .= ($t['tips'] ? '<div class="onShow">' . $t['tips'] . '</div>' : '') . '</td></tr>'; } return $data_fields; }
/** * 附加 */ private function additionalAction($data) { $data['keywords'] = str_replace(array(',', ' '), ',', $data['keywords']); $content = htmlspecialchars_decode($data['content']); if (empty($data['description']) && isset($data['content']) && isset($data['xiao_auto_description'])) { $data['description'] = str_replace(array(' ', ' '), array('', ''), strcut(strip_tags($content), 200)); } if (isset($data['content']) && $data['xiao_download_image'] && $this->site_config['site_download_image']) { if (preg_match_all("/(src)=([\"|']?)([^ \"'>]+\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png))\\2/i", $content, $imgs)) { $images = array_unique($imgs[3]); $regex = $replace = array(); $path = 'data/upload/image/' . date('Ym') . '/'; if (!is_dir(XIAOCMS_PATH . $path)) { mkdirs(XIAOCMS_PATH . $path); } $image = xiaocms::load_class('image'); foreach ($images as $img) { if (strpos($img, SITE_URL) !== false || substr($img, 0, 7) != 'http://') { continue; } $fileext = fileext($img); $name = $path . md5($img . time()) . '.' . $fileext; $content = @file_get_contents($img); if (empty($content)) { continue; } if (file_put_contents(XIAOCMS_PATH . $name, $content)) { if ($this->site_config['site_watermark']) { $image->watermark(XIAOCMS_PATH . $name, $this->site_config['site_watermark_pos']); } } $regex[] = $img; $replace[] = SITE_PATH . $name; } } $result = count($regex) > 0 ? array('regex' => $regex, 'replace' => $replace) : null; if (isset($result) && $result) { $image = $result['replace'][0]; $data['content'] = str_replace($result['regex'], $result['replace'], $data['content']); } } if (empty($data['thumb']) && isset($data['content']) && isset($data['xiao_auto_thumb'])) { if (preg_match("<img.*src=[\"](.*?)[\"].*?>", htmlspecialchars_decode($data['content']), $regs)) { $data['thumb'] = $regs[1]; } } return $data; }
/** * 内容搜索 */ public function searchAction() { $kw = urldecode($this->get('kw')); if ($kw == '') { $this->show_message('请输入要搜索的关键字 如:xiaocms'); } $catid = $catid ? $catid : (int) $this->get('catid'); $modelid = $modelid ? $modelid : (int) $this->get('modelid'); $page = (int) $this->get('page') ? (int) $this->get('page') : 1; $pagesize = 10; $urlparam = array(); $urlparam['kw'] = $kw; $url = url('index/search', $urlparam); if ($catid) { $this->db->where('catid=?', $catid); } if ($modelid) { $this->db->where('modelid=?', $modelid); } $data = $this->db->setTableName('content')->pageLimit($page, $pagesize)->where("`title` LIKE ?", '%' . $kw . '%')->getAll(null, null, null, array('listorder DESC', 'time DESC')); foreach ($data as $key => $t) { $data[$key]['url'] = $this->view->get_show_url($t); } if ($catid) { $this->db->where('catid=?', $catid); } if ($modelid) { $this->db->where('modelid=?', $modelid); } $total = $this->db->setTableName('content')->where("`title` LIKE ?", '%' . $kw . '%')->count(); $pagelist = xiaocms::load_class('pager'); $pagelist = $pagelist->total($total)->url($url . '&page=[page]')->hide(true)->num($pagesize)->page($page)->output(); $this->view->assign($this->listSeo($cat, $page, $kw)); $this->view->assign(array('kw' => $kw, 'pagelist' => $pagelist, 'data' => $data, 'num' => $total, 'site_title' => '搜索 ' . $kw . ' - ' . $this->site_config['site_name'], 'site_keywords' => $kw, 'site_description' => '搜索 ' . $kw . ' - ' . base64_decode('5qyi6L+O5L2/55SoWElBT0NNUw=='))); $this->view->display('search.html'); }