/** * Method to render a statistical chart using Open Flash library. * * @return false if someting wrong */ function render() { $values = array(); foreach ($this->values as $number_variable => $variable) { $values[$number_variable] = (int) $variable; } $area = new area(); $area->set_default_dot_style(new hollow_dot()); $area->set_colour('#5B56B6'); $area->set_fill_alpha(0.4); $area->set_values($values); $area->set_key('Values', 12); $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_steps(1); $x_labels->set_vertical(); $x_labels->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $x_labels->set_labels($this->legend); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $x->set_grid_colour('#D7E4A3'); $x->set_offset(false); $x->set_steps(1); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $x->set_labels($x_labels); $y = new y_axis(); $y_max = max($values) > 0 ? max($values) : 4; $y_mod = (int) ($y_max / 4 + 1); $y_max += $y_mod - $y_max % $y_mod; $y->set_range(0, $y_max, $y_mod); $y->labels = null; $y->set_offset(false); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_x_axis($x); $chart->add_y_axis($y); $chart->add_element($area); return $chart; }
$user_line->set_values($user_signups); $user_line->colour('#0099cc'); $user_line->set_key('User', 14); $grp_line = new line(); $grp_line->set_values($groups_added); $grp_line->colour('#990000'); $grp_line->set_key('Groups', 14); $max = $max; $steps = round($max / 5, 0.49); $y = new y_axis(); $y->set_range(0, $max, $steps); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($vid_line); $chart->add_element($user_line); $chart->add_element($grp_line); $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_steps(1); $x_labels->set_vertical(); $x_labels->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $x_labels->set_labels($year); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $x->set_grid_colour('#D7E4A3'); $x->set_offset(false); $x->set_steps(4); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $x->set_labels($x_labels); $chart->set_x_axis($x); $chart->set_y_axis($y); echo $chart->toString();
$line_tot_default_dot = new dot(); $line_tot_default_dot->size(4)->halo_size(2); $line_tot = new line(); $line_tot->set_default_dot_style($line_tot_default_dot); $line_tot->set_values($data_tot); $line_tot->set_colour('#A0A000'); $line_tot->set_width(2); $line_tot->set_key('Gesamt (kWh)', 10); $line_tot->set_tooltip("#val# kWh"); $max = max(max($data_watt), $max_val) * 1.15; $y = new y_axis(); $y->set_range(0, $max, round($max * 0.1, -1)); $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_vertical(); $x_labels->set_steps(6); $x_labels->set_colour('#333333'); $x_labels->set_labels($time_axis); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_colour('#333333'); $x->set_grid_colour('#ffffff'); $x->set_offset(false); $x->set_steps(3); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $x->set_labels($x_labels); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_tooltip($tooltip); $chart->set_title($title); //$chart->add_element( $line_max ); $chart->add_element($line_watt); $chart->add_element($bars_curr); //$chart->add_element( $line_tot );
function getNewUsersByTime($timePhase, $fromDate = '', $toDate = '') { $this->load->library('ofc'); $userId = $this->common->getUserId(); $this->ofc->open_flash_chart(); $this->ofc->set_bg_colour(CHART_BG_COLOR); $toTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 day")); if ($timePhase == "7day") { $fromTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-8 day")); $color = CHART_LINE_1; $key = "近7日新增用户"; $title = new title("近7日新增用户统计"); } if ($timePhase == "1month") { $title = new title("近30天新增用户统计"); $fromTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-31 day")); $color = CHART_LINE_2; $key = "近30天新增用户统计"; } if ($timePhase == "3month") { $title = new title("近三个月新增用户统计"); $fromTime = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-92 day")); $color = CHART_LINE_3; $key = "近三个月新增用户统计"; } if ($timePhase == "all") { $title = new title("所有新增用户统计"); $fromTime = '1970-01-01'; $color = CHART_LINE_4; $key = "所有新增用户统计"; } if ($timePhase == "any") { $title = new title("所有新增用户统计"); $fromTime = $fromDate; $toTime = $toDate; $color = CHART_LINE_4; $key = "所有新增用户统计"; } $fromTime = $this->product->getUserStartDate($userId, $fromTime); $query = $this->newusermodel->getNewUsersByUserId($fromTime, $toTime, $userId); $data = array(); $maxY = 0; $recordCount = $query->num_rows(); $steps = $recordCount - 1 <= 10 ? 2 : (int) (((int) $recordCount - 1) / 10); $xlabelArray = array(); if ($query != null && $query->num_rows() > 0) { foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $dot = new dot(); $dot->size(3)->halo_size(1)->colour($color); $dot->tooltip($row->startdate . " 新增" . $row->totalusers . "用户"); $dot->value((int) $row->totalusers); if ((int) $row->totalusers > $maxY) { $maxY = (int) $row->totalusers; } array_push($xlabelArray, date('y-m-d', strtotime($row->startdate))); array_push($data, $dot); } } $y = new y_axis(); $y->set_range(0, $this->common->getMaxY($maxY), $this->common->getStepY($maxY)); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_range(0, $recordCount > 1 ? $recordCount - 1 : 1); $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_steps($steps); $x_labels->set_vertical(); $x_labels->set_colour(CHART_LABEL_COLOR); $x_labels->set_size(13); $x_labels->set_labels($xlabelArray); $x_labels->rotate(-25); $x->set_labels($x_labels); $x->set_steps(1); $this->ofc->set_y_axis($y); $this->ofc->set_x_axis($x); $dot = new dot(); $dot->size(3)->halo_size(1)->colour($color); $line = new line(); $line->set_default_dot_style($dot); $line->set_values($data); $line->set_width(2); $line->set_colour($color); $line->colour($color); $line->set_key($key, 12); $this->ofc->add_element($line); $title->set_style("{font-size: 14px; color:#000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}"); // $x_legend = new x_legend("<a href=\"javascript:changeChartName('chartNewUser')\">新增用户</a> <a href=\"javascript:changeChartName('chartActiveUser')\">活跃用户</a> <a href=\"javascript:changeChartName('chartStartUser')\">启动用户</a>"); // $this->ofc->set_x_legend( $x_legend ); // $x_legend->set_style( '{font-size: 14px; color: #778877}' ); $this->ofc->set_title($title); echo $this->ofc->toPrettyString(); }
public function get_jx_json_bar($info, $type = '') { $year = array_keys($info); $price = array_values($info); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); //flash背景颜色 $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_steps(1); $x_labels->set_size(12); $x_labels->set_colour('#000000'); if (count($year) > 0) { $x_labels->set_vertical(); } $x_labels->set_labels($year); // // 插入数据 $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_colour('#000000'); $x->set_grid_colour('#dadada'); $x->set_offset(true); $x->set_steps(1); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $x->set_labels($x_labels); $x->set_offset(true); $chart->set_x_axis($x); // $bar = new bar_filled( '#74b1e0', '#9dc7e8' ); // $bar->set_values( $price ); $price_array = array(); foreach ($price as $k => $v) { $price_array[$k] = new bar_value($v); $price_array[$k]->set_colour('#74b1e0'); if ($type == 'percent') { //$y->set_label_text("#val#%"); $price_array[$k]->set_tooltip($year[$k] . '<br>' . '' . number_format($v) . '%'); } else { $price_array[$k]->set_tooltip($year[$k] . '<br>' . '' . number_format($v)); } } $bar = new bar_glass(); $bar->set_values($price_array); $chart->add_element($bar); // // LOOK: // //$x_legend = new x_legend( '1983 to 2008' ); //$x_legend->set_style( '{font-size: 20px; color: #778877}' ); //$chart->set_x_legend( $x_legend ); // // remove this when the Y Axis is smarter // $y = new y_axis(); $max = $this->get_the_right_y(max($price)); $max = $max > 0 ? $max : 1; $y->set_range(0, ($max / 5 + 1) * 5, $max / 5 + 1); // if ($max > 20 && $max <= 100) { // // $y->set_range(0, $max, 10); // }elseif($max >= 10&&$max<=20){ // $y->set_range(0, $max, 5); // } // else { // $y->set_range(0, $max); // } $y->set_colour('#000000'); $y->set_grid_colour('#dadada'); if ($type == 'percent') { $y->set_label_text(" #val#%"); } else { $y->set_label_text(" #val#"); } $chart->add_y_axis($y); $info = $chart->toPrettyString(); return $info; }
} $tags->append_tag(new ofc_tag($x, $v, $c)); $x++; } $chart = new open_flash_chart(); //$chart->set_bg_colour('#ffffff'); $chart->set_title($title); $chart->add_element($bar); $chart->add_element($tags); //$chart->add_element( $bar2 ); $xal = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels = array_keys($data); $xal->rotate(20); $xal->set_labels($x_labels); $xal->set_size($xfs); $xal->set_colour('#hhffhh'); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_offset(true); $x->set_labels($xal); $x->set_3d(5); $x->colour = '#909090'; //$x->set_labels_from_array( $x_labels ); $chart->set_x_axis($x); $yal = new y_axis_labels(); $yal->set_size($yfs); $y = new y_axis(); $y->set_labels($yal); $y_max = ceil($y_max / $step) * $step; if ($y_max == $step) { $y_max += $step; }
function result_screen($mode = 'reg') { global $month_names; $page_title = "Statistic Center Results"; $page_detail = " "; // ----------------------------------------- if (!checkdate($_POST['to_month'], $_POST['to_day'], $_POST['to_year'])) { die("The 'Date To:' time is incorrect, please check the input and try again"); } if (!checkdate($_POST['from_month'], $_POST['from_day'], $_POST['from_year'])) { die("The 'Date From:' time is incorrect, please check the input and try again"); } // ----------------------------------------- $to_time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['to_month'], $_POST['to_day'], $_POST['to_year']); $from_time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['from_month'], $_POST['from_day'], $_POST['from_year']); // $sql_date_to = date("Y-m-d",$to_time); // $sql_date_from = date("Y-m-d",$from_time); $human_to_date = getdate($to_time); $human_from_date = getdate($from_time); // ----------------------------------------- if ($mode == 'reg') { $table = 'Registration Statistics'; $sql_table = 'users'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of users registered. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'rate') { $table = 'Rating Statistics'; $sql_table = 'ratings'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of ratings. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'post') { $table = 'Post Statistics'; $sql_table = 'posts'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of posts. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'msg') { $table = 'PM Sent Statistics'; $sql_table = 'messages'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of sent messages. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'torr') { $table = 'Torrent Statistics'; $sql_table = 'torrents'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of Torrents. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'bans') { $table = 'Ban Statistics'; $sql_table = 'bans'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of Bans. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'comm') { $table = 'Comment Statistics'; $sql_table = 'comments'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of torrent Comments. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'new') { $table = 'News Statistics'; $sql_table = 'news'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of News Items added. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'poll') { $table = 'Poll Statistics'; $sql_table = 'polls'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of Polls added. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } else { if ($mode == 'rqst') { $table = 'Request Statistics'; $sql_table = 'requests'; $sql_field = 'added'; $page_detail = "Showing the number of Requests made. (Note: All times based on GMT)"; } } } } } } } } } } switch ($_POST['timescale']) { case 'daily': $sql_date = "%w %U %m %Y"; $php_date = "F jS - Y"; // $sql_scale = "DAY"; break; case 'monthly': $sql_date = "%m %Y"; $php_date = "F Y"; // $sql_scale = "MONTH"; break; default: // weekly $sql_date = "%U %Y"; $php_date = " [F Y]"; // $sql_scale = "WEEK"; break; } $sortby = isset($_POST['sortby']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sortby']) : ""; // $sortby = sqlesc($sortby); $sqlq = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX({$sql_field})) as result_maxdate,\n\t\t\t\t COUNT(*) as result_count,\n\t\t\t\t DATE_FORMAT({$sql_field},'{$sql_date}') AS result_time\n\t\t\t\t FROM {$sql_table}\n\t\t\t\t WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$sql_field}) > '{$from_time}'\n\t\t\t\t AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$sql_field}) < '{$to_time}'\n\t\t\t\t GROUP BY result_time\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY {$sql_field} {$sortby}"; $res = @mysql_query($sqlq); $running_total = 0; $max_result = 0; $results = array(); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if ($row['result_count'] > $max_result) { $max_result = $row['result_count']; } $running_total += $row['result_count']; $results[] = array('result_maxdate' => $row['result_maxdate'], 'result_count' => $row['result_count'], 'result_time' => $row['result_time']); } include 'chart/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php'; foreach ($results as $pOOp => $data) { $counts[] = (int) $data['result_count']; if ($_POST['timescale'] == 'weekly') { $labes[] = "Week #" . strftime("%W", $data['result_maxdate']) . "\n" . date($php_date, $data['result_maxdate']); } else { $labes[] = date($php_date, $data['result_maxdate']); } } $title = new title($page_title . "\n" . ucfirst($_POST['timescale']) . " " . $table . " " . $human_from_date['mday'] . " " . $month_names[$human_from_date['mon']] . " " . $human_from_date['year'] . " to " . $human_to_date['mday'] . " " . $month_names[$human_to_date['mon']] . " " . $human_to_date['year']); $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $chart->set_title($title); $line_1 = new line_hollow(); $line_1->set_values($counts); $line_1->set_key($table . " | Total: " . $running_total, 12); $line_1->set_halo_size(1); $line_1->set_width(2); $line_1->set_colour('#0099FF'); $line_1->set_dot_size(5); $chart->add_element($line_1); $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_steps(2); $x_labels->set_vertical(); $x_labels->set_colour('#000000'); $x_labels->set_size(12); $x_labels->set_labels($labes); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_colours('#A2ACBA', '#ECFFAF'); $x->set_steps(2); $x->set_labels($x_labels); $chart->set_x_axis($x); $y = new y_axis(); $y->set_steps(2); $y->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $y->set_range(0, max($counts) + 5, 50); $chart->add_y_axis($y); $cont = $chart->toPrettyString(); // toFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/chart/","chart.json",$cont,false); // unset($cont); $html = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"chart/js/json/json2.js\"></script>"; $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"chart/js/swfobject.js\"></script>"; $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n\t\t\t\tfunction open_flash_chart_data()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn JSON.stringify(data);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tfunction findSWF(movieName) {\n\t\t\t\t if (navigator.appName.indexOf(\"Microsoft\")!= -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn window[movieName];\n\t\t\t\t } else {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn document[movieName];\n\t\t\t\t }\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tvar data = " . $cont . ";\n\n\t\t\t\t\t swfobject.embedSWF(\"chart/open-flash-chart.swf\", \"my_chart\", \"800\", \"" . (max($counts) * 5 < 200 ? "250" : (max($counts) * 5 > 400 ? "400" : max($counts) * 5)) . "\", \"9.0.0\", \"expressInstall.swf\", {\"loading\":\"Please wait while the stats are loaded!\"} );\n\t\t\t\t\t </script>"; $html .= "<div id=\"my_chart\"></div>"; } else { $html .= "No results found\n"; } print $html . "<br />"; }
function netio() { function bit_to_kb($n) { return round($n / 1000, 2); } function bit_to_mb($n) { return round($n / 1000000, 2); } function get_data() { $recv_l = trim(shell_exec("cat /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes")) / 8; sleep(1); $recv_n = trim(shell_exec("cat /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics/rx_bytes")) / 8; return $recv_n - $recv_l; } if (array_key_exists('netio', $_SESSION) && array_key_exists('recv_l', $_SESSION)) { if (count($_SESSION['netio']) == 10) { array_shift($_SESSION['netio']); $_SESSION['netio'][] = get_data(); } else { $_SESSION['netio'][] = get_data(); $_SESSION['recv_l'] = end($_SESSION['netio']); } } else { $_SESSION['netio'] = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $_SESSION['netio'][] = get_data(); $_SESSION['recv_l'] = end($_SESSION['netio']); } $data = $_SESSION['netio']; /* $data = array(); for($i=0;$i<40;$i++){ $data[] = rand(1000000,10000000); } */ foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) { settype($i, 'string'); $second[] = $i; } if (max($data) <= 1000) { $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data); $y_axis_max = 1; $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s"; } elseif (max($data) <= 10000) { $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data); $y_axis_max = 10; $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s"; } elseif (max($data) <= 100000) { $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data); $y_axis_max = 100; $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s"; } elseif (max($data) <= 1000000) { $data = array_map("bit_to_kb", $data); $y_axis_max = 1000; $y_axis_key_text = " KB/s"; } elseif (max($data) <= 10000000) { $data = array_map("bit_to_mb", $data); $y_axis_max = 10; $y_axis_key_text = " MB/s"; } else { $data = array_map("bit_to_mb", $data); $y_axis_max = 100; $y_axis_key_text = " MB/s"; } $y_axis_step = $y_axis_max / 5; $chart = new open_flash_chart(); $title = new title("实时流量显示"); $title->set_style("{font-size: 12px; color: #A2ACBA; text-align: center;}"); $chart->set_title($title); #点是指曲线图上的顶点 # $d = new dot(); # $d->colour('#9C0E57')->size(3); $area = new area(); #width是指曲线的宽度 # $area->set_width(3); # $area->set_default_dot_style($d); $area->set_colour('#5B56B6'); #value即曲线顶的值 $area->set_values($data); #左上角的文字 $area->set_key($y_axis_key_text, 10); $area->set_fill_colour('#CCCAAA'); #设透明度 $area->set_fill_alpha(0.3); #area设置结束,使用add_element方法把area加进来 $chart->add_element($area); $chart->set_bg_colour('#FFFFFF'); #设置label $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); $x_labels->set_steps(1); $x_labels->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $x_labels->set_labels($second); #设置X轴 $x_axis = new x_axis(); $x_axis->set_colour('#A2ACBA'); $x_axis->set_grid_colour('#D7E4A3'); $x_axis->set_offset(false); $x_axis->set_steps(1); $x_axis->set_labels($x_labels); $chart->set_x_axis($x_axis); #设置X轴的文件说明,即x_legend $legend_text = "当前网络流量 " . end($data) . $y_axis_key_text; $x_legend = new x_legend($legend_text); $x_legend->set_style('{font-size: 12px; color: #778877}'); $chart->set_x_legend($x_legend); #设置轴 $y_axis = new y_axis(); $y_axis->set_range(0, $y_axis_max, $y_axis_step); $y_axis->labels = null; $y_axis->set_offset(false); $chart->add_y_axis($y_axis); header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: public"); echo $chart->toPrettyString(); }
function get_linear_graph($dates, $vals, $keys = array()) { include 'php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php'; $max_y = 0; $arr_filled = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($dates); $i++) { $year[] = $dates[$i]; for ($m = 0; $m < count($vals); $m++) { $price[$m][] = (int) $vals[$m][$i]; if ($max_y < (int) $vals[$m][$i]) { $max_y = (int) $vals[$m][$i]; } if (@$arr_filled[$m] != $vals[$m][$i] and @$arr_filled[$m] == 0) { @($arr_filled[$m] = (int) $vals[$m][$i]); } } } while ($max_y % 10 != 0) { $max_y++; } $chart = new open_flash_chart(); //$title = new title( 'UK Petrol price (pence) per Litre' ); $d = new anchor(); if (count($dates) > 60) { $d->size(2); } else { $d->size(3); } $d->halo_size(1); $d->colour('#3D5C56'); $d->rotation(0); $d->sides(4); for ($i = 0; $i < count($price); $i++) { if ($arr_filled[$i] == 0) { continue; } if ($i == 0) { $color = '#5E0722'; } elseif ($i == 1) { $color = '#00FF00'; } else { $color = '#FF0000'; } $area = new area(); $area->set_colour($color); $area->set_default_dot_style($d); $area->set_values($price[$i]); if (isset($keys[$i])) { $area->set_key($keys[$i], 12); } // mb_convert_encoding($keys[$i], "UTF-8", "Windows-1251") $area->set_width(2); $chart->add_element($area); } $x_labels = new x_axis_labels(); if (count($dates) > 40) { $x_labels->set_steps(7); } else { $x_labels->set_steps(1); } $x_labels->set_vertical(); $x_labels->set_colour('#000000'); $x_labels->set_labels($year); $x_labels->rotate(-55); $x_labels->set_size(12); $x = new x_axis(); $x->set_colour('#000000'); $x->set_grid_colour('#DDDDDD'); //$x->set_offset( false ); $x->set_steps(1); // Add the X Axis Labels to the X Axis $x->set_labels($x_labels); $chart->set_x_axis($x); $y = new y_axis(); $y->set_range(0, $max_y); $y->set_colour('#000000'); $y->set_grid_colour('#DDDDDD'); $chart->add_y_axis($y); $chart->set_bg_colour("#FFFFFF"); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="script/json/json2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="script/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> swfobject.embedSWF("open-flash-chart.swf", "my_chart", "600", "350", "9.0.0"); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function ofc_ready() { } function open_flash_chart_data() { return JSON.stringify(data); } function findSWF(movieName) { if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!= -1) { return window[movieName]; } else { return document[movieName]; } } var data = <?php echo $chart->toPrettyString(); ?> ; </script> <?php }