$jail = realpath(wpws_getBasedir() . WP_UPLOAD_DIR);
if (!realpath($jail)) {
    die("WordPress Web Service plugin needs an update. The references upload directory is invalid or can't be read.");
$width = isset($_REQUEST["width"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["width"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["width"]) : false;
$height = isset($_REQUEST["height"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["height"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["height"]) : false;
$quality = isset($_REQUEST["quality"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["quality"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["quality"]) : 80;
$src = $_REQUEST["src"];
$file = realpath($jail . $src);
 * src file must reside in jail directory
if (wpws_ImageUtils::file_resides_in_directory($fail, $file)) {
    die("The requested file does not reside in the upload directory.");
$send_function_name = wpws_ImageUtils::get_send_function_name($file);
if (wpws_cacheIsFunctional()) {
    // Use the cache
    $mtime = filemtime($file);
    if (wpws_ImageUtils::cached_file_is_needed($src, $width, $height, $quality, $mtime)) {
        // Cache image
        wpws_ImageUtils::remove_cached_file($src, $width, $height, $quality);
        $resized_image = wpws_ImageUtils::generate_resized_image($file, $width, $height);
        $cache_filename = wpws_ImageUtils::generate_timestamped_cache_filename($src, $width, $height, $quality, $mtime);
        $send_function_name($resized_image, WPWS_CACHE_DIR . "/" . $cache_filename, $quality);
    $cached_file = wpws_ImageUtils::get_cached_file($src, $width, $height, $quality);
    header("Content-Type: " . wpws_ImageUtils::get_mime_type($file));
    header("Content-Length: " . filesize($cached_file));
} else {