  * Core tracking functionality
 public static function slimtrack($_argument = '')
     // Don't track
     self::$stat['dt'] = date_i18n('U');
     self::$stat['notes'] = '';
     $referer = array();
     if (self::$options['javascript_mode'] != 'yes' && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || !empty(self::$data_js['ref'])) {
         if (!empty(self::$data_js['ref'])) {
             self::$stat['referer'] = base64_decode(self::$data_js['ref']);
         } else {
             self::$stat['referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         $referer = parse_url(self::$stat['referer']);
         // This must be a 'seriously malformed' URL
         if (!$referer) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -208;
             return $_argument;
         if (isset($referer['host'])) {
             self::$stat['domain'] = $referer['host'];
             // Fix Google Images referring domain
             if (strpos(self::$stat['domain'], 'www.google') !== false && strpos(self::$stat['referer'], '/imgres?') !== false) {
                 self::$stat['domain'] = str_replace('www.google', 'images.google', self::$stat['domain']);
     // Is this referer blacklisted?
     if (!empty(self::$stat['referer'])) {
         foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_referers']) as $a_filter) {
             $pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\!'), array('(.*)', '.'), preg_quote($a_filter, '/'));
             if (preg_match("@^{$pattern}\$@i", self::$stat['referer'])) {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -207;
                 return $_argument;
     // We want to record both hits and searches (performed through the site search form)
     if (is_array(self::$data_js) && isset(self::$data_js['res'])) {
         $parsed_permalink = parse_url(base64_decode(self::$data_js['res']));
         self::$stat['searchterms'] = self::_get_search_terms($referer);
         // Was this an internal search?
         if (empty(self::$stat['searchterms'])) {
             self::$stat['searchterms'] = self::_get_search_terms($parsed_permalink);
         self::$stat['resource'] = !is_array($parsed_permalink) ? self::$data_js['res'] : $parsed_permalink['path'] . (!empty($parsed_permalink['query']) ? '?' . urldecode($parsed_permalink['query']) : '');
     } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['s'])) {
         self::$stat['searchterms'] = self::_get_search_terms($referer);
         if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
             self::$stat['resource'] = urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
         } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
             self::$stat['resource'] = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
         } else {
             self::$stat['resource'] = isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     } else {
         self::$stat['searchterms'] = str_replace('\\', '', $_REQUEST['s']);
         self::$stat['resource'] = '';
         // Mark the resource to remember that this is a 'local search'
     if (strpos(self::$stat['resource'], 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php') !== false || !empty($_GET['page']) && strpos($_GET['page'], 'wp-slim-') !== false) {
         return $_argument;
     // Is this resource blacklisted?
     if (!empty(self::$stat['resource'])) {
         foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_resources']) as $a_filter) {
             $pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\!'), array('(.*)', '.'), preg_quote($a_filter, '/'));
             if (preg_match("@^{$pattern}\$@i", self::$stat['resource'])) {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -209;
                 return $_argument;
     // User's IP address
     list(self::$stat['ip'], $long_other_ip) = self::_get_ip2long_remote_ip();
     if (empty(self::$stat['ip'])) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -203;
         return $_argument;
     // Should we ignore this user?
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->ID)) {
         // Don't track logged-in users, if the corresponding option is enabled
         if (self::$options['track_users'] == 'no') {
             self::$stat['id'] = -214;
             return $_argument;
         // Don't track users with given capabilities
         foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_capabilities']) as $a_capability) {
             if (array_key_exists(strtolower($a_capability), $GLOBALS['current_user']->allcaps)) {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -200;
                 return $_argument;
         if (is_string(self::$options['ignore_users']) && strpos(self::$options['ignore_users'], $GLOBALS['current_user']->data->user_login) !== false) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -201;
             return $_argument;
         self::$stat['user'] = $GLOBALS['current_user']->data->user_login;
         self::$stat['notes'] .= 'user:'******'current_user']->data->ID . ';';
         $not_spam = true;
     } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH])) {
         // Is this a spammer?
         $spam_comment = self::$wpdb->get_row("SELECT comment_author, COUNT(*) comment_count FROM {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix}comments WHERE INET_ATON(comment_author_IP) = '" . sprintf("%u", self::$stat['ip']) . "' AND comment_approved = 'spam' GROUP BY comment_author LIMIT 0,1", ARRAY_A);
         if (isset($spam_comment['comment_count']) && $spam_comment['comment_count'] > 0) {
             if (self::$options['ignore_spammers'] == 'yes') {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -202;
                 return $_argument;
             } else {
                 self::$stat['notes'] .= 'spam:yes;';
                 self::$stat['user'] = $spam_comment['comment_author'];
         } else {
             self::$stat['user'] = $_COOKIE['comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH];
     // Should we ignore this IP address?
     foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_ip']) as $a_ip_range) {
         $mask = 32;
         $ip_to_ignore = $a_ip_range;
         if (strpos($ip_to_ignore, '/') !== false) {
             list($ip_to_ignore, $mask) = @explode('/', trim($ip_to_ignore));
             if (empty($mask) || !is_numeric($mask)) {
                 $mask = 32;
         $long_ip_to_ignore = ip2long($ip_to_ignore);
         $long_mask = bindec(str_pad('', $mask, '1') . str_pad('', 32 - $mask, '0'));
         $long_masked_user_ip = self::$stat['ip'] & $long_mask;
         $long_masked_other_ip = $long_other_ip & $long_mask;
         $long_masked_ip_to_ignore = $long_ip_to_ignore & $long_mask;
         if ($long_masked_user_ip == $long_masked_ip_to_ignore || $long_masked_other_ip == $long_masked_ip_to_ignore) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -204;
             return $_argument;
     // Country and Language
     self::$stat['language'] = self::_get_language();
     self::$stat['country'] = self::_get_country(self::$stat['ip']);
     // Anonymize IP Address?
     if (self::$options['anonymize_ip'] == 'yes') {
         self::$stat['ip'] = self::$stat['ip'] & 4294967040;
         $long_other_ip = $long_other_ip & 4294967040;
     // Is this country blacklisted?
     if (is_string(self::$options['ignore_countries']) && stripos(self::$options['ignore_countries'], self::$stat['country']) !== false) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -206;
         return $_argument;
     // Mark or ignore Firefox/Safari prefetching requests (X-Moz: Prefetch and X-purpose: Preview)
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) == 'prefetch' || isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_PURPOSE"]) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_PURPOSE']) == 'preview') {
         if (self::$options['ignore_prefetch'] == 'yes') {
             self::$stat['id'] = -210;
             return $_argument;
         } else {
             self::$stat['notes'] .= 'pre:yes;';
     // Information about this resource
     $content_info = is_array(self::$data_js) && isset(self::$data_js['ci']) ? unserialize(base64_decode(self::$data_js['ci'])) : self::_get_content_info();
     if (!is_array($content_info)) {
         $content_info = array('content_type' => 'unknown');
     // Detect user agent
     $browser = self::_get_browser();
     // Are we ignoring bots?
     if (self::$options['javascript_mode'] == 'yes' && $browser['type'] % 2 != 0) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -211;
         return $_argument;
     // Is this browser blacklisted?
     foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_browsers']) as $a_filter) {
         $pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\!'), array('(.*)', '.'), preg_quote($a_filter, '/'));
         if (preg_match("~^{$pattern}\$~i", $browser['browser'] . '/' . $browser['version']) || preg_match("~^{$pattern}\$~i", $browser['browser']) || preg_match("~^{$pattern}\$~i", $browser['user_agent'])) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -212;
             return $_argument;
     // Do we need to assign a visit_id to this user?
     $cookie_has_been_set = self::_set_visit_id(false);
     // Allow third-party tools to modify all the data we've gathered so far
     self::$stat = apply_filters('slimstat_filter_pageview_stat', self::$stat, $browser, $content_info);
     $browser = apply_filters('slimstat_filter_pageview_browser', $browser, self::$stat, $content_info);
     $content_info = apply_filters('slimstat_filter_pageview_content_info', $content_info, self::$stat, $browser);
     do_action('slimstat_track_pageview', self::$stat, $browser, $content_info);
     // Third-party tools can decide that this pageview should not be tracked, by setting its datestamp to zero
     if (empty(self::$stat) || empty(self::$stat['dt'])) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -213;
         return $_argument;
     // Because PHP's integer type is signed, and many IP addresses will result in negative integers on 32-bit architectures, we need to use the "%u" formatter
     self::$stat['ip'] = sprintf("%u", self::$stat['ip']);
     if (!empty($long_other_ip) && $long_other_ip != self::$stat['ip']) {
         self::$stat['other_ip'] = sprintf("%u", $long_other_ip);
     // Now let's save this information in the database
     if (!empty($content_info)) {
         self::$stat['content_info_id'] = self::maybe_insert_row($content_info, $GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix . 'slim_content_info', 'content_info_id', array());
     self::$stat['browser_id'] = self::maybe_insert_row($browser, $GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix . 'slim_browsers', 'browser_id', array('user_agent' => $browser['user_agent']));
     self::$stat['id'] = self::insert_row(self::$stat, $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix . 'slim_stats');
     // Something went wrong during the insert
     if (empty(self::$stat['id'])) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -215;
         // Attempt to init the environment (new blog in a MU network?)
         include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-slimstat/admin/wp-slimstat-admin.php';
         return $_argument;
     // Is this a new visitor?
     $is_set_cookie = apply_filters('slimstat_set_visit_cookie', true);
     if ($is_set_cookie) {
         if (empty(self::$stat['visit_id']) && !empty(self::$stat['id'])) {
             // Set a cookie to track this visit (Google and other non-human engines will just ignore it)
             @setcookie('slimstat_tracking_code', self::$stat['id'] . 'id.' . md5(self::$stat['id'] . 'id' . self::$options['secret']), time() + 2678400, COOKIEPATH);
             // one month
         } elseif (!$cookie_has_been_set && self::$options['extend_session'] == 'yes' && self::$stat['visit_id'] > 0) {
             @setcookie('slimstat_tracking_code', self::$stat['visit_id'] . '.' . md5(self::$stat['visit_id'] . self::$options['secret']), time() + self::$options['session_duration'], COOKIEPATH);
     return $_argument;
Esempio n. 2
  * Core tracking functionality
 public static function slimtrack($_argument = '')
     self::$stat['dt'] = date_i18n('U');
     self::$stat['notes'] = array();
     // Allow third-party tools to initialize the stat array
     self::$stat = apply_filters('slimstat_filter_pageview_stat_init', self::$stat);
     // Third-party tools can decide that this pageview should not be tracked, by setting its datestamp to zero
     if (empty(self::$stat) || empty(self::$stat['dt'])) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -213;
         self::_set_error_array(__('Pageview filtered by third-party code', 'wp-slimstat'));
         return $_argument;
     if (!empty(self::$data_js['ref'])) {
         self::$stat['referer'] = base64_decode(self::$data_js['ref']);
     } else {
         if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
             self::$stat['referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     if (!empty(self::$stat['referer'])) {
         // Is this a 'seriously malformed' URL?
         $referer = parse_url(self::$stat['referer']);
         if (!$referer) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -208;
             self::_set_error_array(__('Malformed URL', 'wp-slimstat'));
             return $_argument;
         // Fix Google Images referring domain
         if (strpos(self::$stat['referer'], 'www.google') !== false) {
             if (strpos(self::$stat['referer'], '/imgres?') !== false) {
                 self::$stat['referer'] = str_replace('www.google', 'images.google', self::$stat['referer']);
             if (strpos(self::$stat['referer'], '/url?') !== false) {
                 self::$stat['referer'] = str_replace('/url?', '/search?', self::$stat['referer']);
         // Is this referer blacklisted?
         foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_referers']) as $a_filter) {
             $pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\!'), array('(.*)', '.'), preg_quote($a_filter, '/'));
             if (preg_match("@^{$pattern}\$@i", self::$stat['referer'])) {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -207;
                 self::_set_error_array(__('Referrer is blacklisted', 'wp-slimstat'));
                 return $_argument;
     $content_info = self::_get_content_info();
     // Did we receive data from an Ajax request?
     if (!empty(self::$data_js['id'])) {
         // Are we tracking a new pageview? (pos is empty = no event was triggered)
         if (empty(self::$data_js['pos'])) {
             $content_info = unserialize(base64_decode(self::$data_js['id']));
             if ($content_info === false || empty($content_info['content_type'])) {
                 $content_info = array();
         } else {
             if (!empty(self::$data_js['res'])) {
                 $download_url = base64_decode(self::$data_js['res']);
                 if (is_string($download_url)) {
                     $download_extension = pathinfo($download_url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                     if (in_array($download_extension, self::string_to_array(self::$options['extensions_to_track']))) {
                         $content_info = array('content_type' => 'download');
     self::$stat = self::$stat + $content_info;
     // We want to record both hits and searches (performed through the site search form)
     if (self::$stat['content_type'] == 'external') {
         self::$stat['resource'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
         self::$stat['referer'] = '';
     } else {
         if (is_array(self::$data_js) && isset(self::$data_js['res'])) {
             $parsed_permalink = parse_url(base64_decode(self::$data_js['res']));
             self::$stat['searchterms'] = self::_get_search_terms($referer);
             // Was this an internal search?
             if (empty(self::$stat['searchterms'])) {
                 self::$stat['searchterms'] = self::_get_search_terms($parsed_permalink);
             self::$stat['resource'] = !is_array($parsed_permalink) ? self::$data_js['res'] : $parsed_permalink['path'] . (!empty($parsed_permalink['query']) ? '?' . urldecode($parsed_permalink['query']) : '');
         } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['s'])) {
             if (!empty($referer)) {
                 self::$stat['searchterms'] = self::_get_search_terms($referer);
             self::$stat['resource'] = self::get_request_uri();
         } else {
             self::$stat['searchterms'] = str_replace('\\', '', $_REQUEST['s']);
     // Don't store empty values in the database
     if (empty(self::$stat['searchterms'])) {
     // Do not track report pages in the admin
     if (!empty(self::$stat['resource']) && strpos(self::$stat['resource'], 'wp-admin/admin-ajax.php') !== false || !empty($_GET['page']) && strpos($_GET['page'], 'wp-slim-view') !== false) {
         return $_argument;
     // Is this resource blacklisted?
     if (!empty(self::$stat['resource'])) {
         foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_resources']) as $a_filter) {
             $pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\!'), array('(.*)', '.'), preg_quote($a_filter, '/'));
             if (preg_match("@^{$pattern}\$@i", self::$stat['resource'])) {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -209;
                 self::_set_error_array(__('Permalink is blacklisted', 'wp-slimstat'));
                 return $_argument;
     // User's IP address
     list(self::$stat['ip'], self::$stat['other_ip']) = self::_get_remote_ip();
     if (empty(self::$stat['ip']) || self::$stat['ip'] == '') {
         self::$stat['id'] = -203;
         self::_set_error_array(__('Empty or not supported IP address format (IPv6)', 'wp-slimstat'));
         return $_argument;
     // Should we ignore this user?
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['current_user']->ID)) {
         // Don't track logged-in users, if the corresponding option is enabled
         if (self::$options['track_users'] == 'no') {
             self::$stat['id'] = -214;
             self::_set_error_array(__('Logged in user not tracked', 'wp-slimstat'));
             return $_argument;
         // Don't track users with given capabilities
         foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_capabilities']) as $a_capability) {
             if (array_key_exists(strtolower($a_capability), $GLOBALS['current_user']->allcaps)) {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -200;
                 self::_set_error_array(__('User with given capability not tracked', 'wp-slimstat'));
                 return $_argument;
         if (is_string(self::$options['ignore_users']) && strpos(self::$options['ignore_users'], $GLOBALS['current_user']->data->user_login) !== false) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -201;
             self::_set_error_array(sprintf(__('User %s is blacklisted', 'wp-slimstat'), $GLOBALS['current_user']->data->user_login));
             return $_argument;
         self::$stat['username'] = $GLOBALS['current_user']->data->user_login;
         self::$stat['notes'][] = 'user:'******'current_user']->data->ID;
         $not_spam = true;
     } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH])) {
         // Is this a spammer?
         $spam_comment = self::$wpdb->get_row(self::$wpdb->prepare("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT comment_author, COUNT(*) comment_count\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix}comments\n\t\t\t\tWHERE comment_author_IP = %s AND comment_approved = 'spam'\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY comment_author\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 0,1", self::$stat['ip']), ARRAY_A);
         if (!empty($spam_comment['comment_count'])) {
             if (self::$options['ignore_spammers'] == 'yes') {
                 self::$stat['id'] = -202;
                 self::_set_error_array(sprintf(__('Spammer %s not tracked', 'wp-slimstat'), $spam_comment['comment_author']));
                 return $_argument;
             } else {
                 self::$stat['notes'][] = 'spam:yes';
                 self::$stat['username'] = $spam_comment['comment_author'];
         } else {
             self::$stat['username'] = $_COOKIE['comment_author_' . COOKIEHASH];
     // Should we ignore this IP address?
     foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_ip']) as $a_ip_range) {
         $ip_to_ignore = $a_ip_range;
         if (strpos($ip_to_ignore, '/') !== false) {
             list($ip_to_ignore, $cidr_mask) = explode('/', trim($ip_to_ignore));
         } else {
             $cidr_mask = self::get_mask_length($ip_to_ignore);
         $long_masked_ip_to_ignore = substr(self::dtr_pton($ip_to_ignore), 0, $cidr_mask);
         $long_masked_user_ip = substr(self::dtr_pton(self::$stat['ip']), 0, $cidr_mask);
         $long_masked_user_other_ip = substr(self::dtr_pton(self::$stat['other_ip']), 0, $cidr_mask);
         if ($long_masked_user_ip === $long_masked_ip_to_ignore || $long_masked_user_other_ip === $long_masked_ip_to_ignore) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -204;
             self::_set_error_array(sprintf(__('IP address %s is blacklisted', 'wp-slimstat'), self::$stat['ip'] . (!empty(self::$stat['other_ip']) ? ' (' . self::$stat['other_ip'] . ')' : '')));
             return $_argument;
     // Country and Language
     self::$stat['language'] = self::_get_language();
     self::$stat['country'] = self::get_country(self::$stat['ip']);
     // Anonymize IP Address?
     if (self::$options['anonymize_ip'] == 'yes') {
         // IPv4 or IPv6
         $needle = '.';
         $replace = '.0';
         if (self::get_mask_length(self::$stat['ip']) == 128) {
             $needle = ':';
             $replace = ':0000';
         self::$stat['ip'] = substr(self::$stat['ip'], 0, strrpos(self::$stat['ip'], $needle)) . $replace;
         if (!empty(self::$stat['other_ip'])) {
             self::$stat['other_ip'] = substr(self::$stat['other_ip'], 0, strrpos(self::$stat['other_ip'], $needle)) . $replace;
     // Is this country blacklisted?
     if (is_string(self::$options['ignore_countries']) && stripos(self::$options['ignore_countries'], self::$stat['country']) !== false) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -206;
         self::_set_error_array(sprintf(__('Country %s is blacklisted', 'wp-slimstat'), self::$stat['country']));
         return $_argument;
     // Mark or ignore Firefox/Safari prefetching requests (X-Moz: Prefetch and X-purpose: Preview)
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) == 'prefetch' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_PURPOSE']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_PURPOSE']) == 'preview') {
         if (self::$options['ignore_prefetch'] == 'yes') {
             self::$stat['id'] = -210;
             self::_set_error_array(__('Prefetch requests are ignored', 'wp-slimstat'));
             return $_argument;
         } else {
             self::$stat['notes'][] = 'pre:yes';
     // Detect user agent
     if (empty(self::$browser)) {
         self::$browser = self::_get_browser();
     // Are we ignoring bots?
     if ((self::$options['javascript_mode'] == 'yes' || self::$options['ignore_bots'] == 'yes') && self::$browser['browser_type'] % 2 != 0) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -211;
         self::_set_error_array(__('Bot not tracked', 'wp-slimstat'));
         return $_argument;
     // Is this browser blacklisted?
     foreach (self::string_to_array(self::$options['ignore_browsers']) as $a_filter) {
         $pattern = str_replace(array('\\*', '\\!'), array('(.*)', '.'), preg_quote($a_filter, '/'));
         if (preg_match("~^{$pattern}\$~i", self::$browser['browser'] . '/' . self::$browser['version']) || preg_match("~^{$pattern}\$~i", self::$browser['browser']) || preg_match("~^{$pattern}\$~i", self::$browser['user_agent'])) {
             self::$stat['id'] = -212;
             self::_set_error_array(sprintf(__('Browser %s is blacklisted', 'wp-slimstat'), self::$browser['browser']));
             return $_argument;
     self::$stat = self::$stat + self::$browser;
     // Do we need to assign a visit_id to this user?
     $cookie_has_been_set = self::_set_visit_id(false);
     // Allow third-party tools to modify all the data we've gathered so far
     self::$stat = apply_filters('slimstat_filter_pageview_stat', self::$stat);
     do_action('slimstat_track_pageview', self::$stat);
     // Third-party tools can decide that this pageview should not be tracked, by setting its datestamp to zero
     if (empty(self::$stat) || empty(self::$stat['dt'])) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -213;
         self::_set_error_array(__('Pageview filtered by third-party code', 'wp-slimstat'));
         return $_argument;
     // Implode the notes
     self::$stat['notes'] = implode(';', self::$stat['notes']);
     // Now let's save this information in the database
     self::$stat['id'] = self::insert_row(self::$stat, $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix . 'slim_stats');
     // Something went wrong during the insert
     if (empty(self::$stat['id'])) {
         self::$stat['id'] = -215;
         // Attempt to init the environment (new blog in a MU network?)
         include_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-slimstat/admin/wp-slimstat-admin.php';
         return $_argument;
     // Is this a new visitor?
     $is_set_cookie = apply_filters('slimstat_set_visit_cookie', true);
     if ($is_set_cookie) {
         $unique_id = get_current_user_id();
         if (empty($unique_id)) {
             $unique_id = '';
         } else {
             $unique_id = '_' . $unique_id;
         if (empty(self::$stat['visit_id']) && !empty(self::$stat['id'])) {
             // Set a cookie to track this visit (Google and other non-human engines will just ignore it)
             @setcookie('slimstat_tracking_code' . $unique_id, self::$stat['id'] . 'id.' . md5(self::$stat['id'] . 'id' . self::$options['secret']), time() + 2678400, COOKIEPATH);
         } elseif (!$cookie_has_been_set && self::$options['extend_session'] == 'yes' && self::$stat['visit_id'] > 0) {
             @setcookie('slimstat_tracking_code' . $unique_id, self::$stat['visit_id'] . '.' . md5(self::$stat['visit_id'] . self::$options['secret']), time() + self::$options['session_duration'], COOKIEPATH);
     return $_argument;