public static function setDefaults() { foreach (self::$defaultConfig['checkboxes'] as $key => $val) { if (self::get($key) === false) { self::set($key, $val ? '1' : '0'); } } foreach (self::$defaultConfig['otherParams'] as $key => $val) { if (self::get($key) === false) { self::set($key, $val); } } self::set('encKey', substr(wfUtils::bigRandomHex(), 0, 16)); if (self::get('maxMem', false) === false) { self::set('maxMem', '256'); } if (self::get('other_scanOutside', false) === false) { self::set('other_scanOutside', 0); } if (self::get('email_summary_enabled')) { wfActivityReport::scheduleCronJob(); } else { wfActivityReport::disableCronJob(); } }
/** * Schedule the activity report cron job. */ public static function scheduleCronJob() { self::clearCronJobs(); if (!wfConfig::get('email_summary_enabled', 1)) { return; } if (is_main_site()) { list(, $end_time) = wfActivityReport::getReportDateRange(); wp_schedule_single_event($end_time, 'wordfence_email_activity_report'); } }
function save_setting() { $settings = maybe_unserialize(base64_decode($_POST['settings'])); if (is_array($settings) && count($settings) > 0) { $result = array(); $reload = ''; $opts = $settings; $validUsers = array(); $invalidUsers = array(); foreach (explode(',', $opts['liveTraf_ignoreUsers']) as $val) { $val = trim($val); if (strlen($val) > 0) { if (get_user_by('login', $val)) { $validUsers[] = $val; } else { $invalidUsers[] = $val; } } } if (count($invalidUsers) > 0) { // return array('errorMsg' => "The following users you selected to ignore in live traffic reports are not valid on this system: " . htmlentities(implode(', ', $invalidUsers)) ); $result['invalid_users'] = htmlentities(implode(', ', $invalidUsers)); } if (count($validUsers) > 0) { $opts['liveTraf_ignoreUsers'] = implode(',', $validUsers); } else { $opts['liveTraf_ignoreUsers'] = ''; } if (!$opts['other_WFNet']) { $wfdb = new wfDB(); global $wpdb; $p = $wpdb->base_prefix; $wfdb->queryWrite("delete from {$p}" . 'wfBlocks where wfsn=1 and permanent=0'); } $regenerateHtaccess = false; if (wfConfig::get('bannedURLs', false) !== $opts['bannedURLs']) { $regenerateHtaccess = true; } foreach ($opts as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, self::$options_filter)) { if ('apiKey' !== $key) { //Don't save API key yet wfConfig::set($key, $val); } } } if ($regenerateHtaccess) { wfCache::addHtaccessCode('add'); } if ('1' === $opts['autoUpdate']) { wfConfig::enableAutoUpdate(); } else { if ('0' === $opts['autoUpdate']) { wfConfig::disableAutoUpdate(); } } if (isset($opts['disableCodeExecutionUploads'])) { try { if ($opts['disableCodeExecutionUploads']) { wfConfig::disableCodeExecutionForUploads(); } else { wfConfig::removeCodeExecutionProtectionForUploads(); } } catch (wfConfigException $e) { return array('error' => $e->getMessage()); } } if (isset($opts['email_summary_enabled'])) { if (!empty($opts['email_summary_enabled'])) { wfConfig::set('email_summary_enabled', 1); wfConfig::set('email_summary_interval', $opts['email_summary_interval']); wfConfig::set('email_summary_excluded_directories', $opts['email_summary_excluded_directories']); wfActivityReport::scheduleCronJob(); } else { wfConfig::set('email_summary_enabled', 0); wfActivityReport::disableCronJob(); } } $sch = isset($opts['scheduleScan']) ? $opts['scheduleScan'] : ''; if (get_option('mainwp_child_wordfence_cron_time') !== $sch) { update_option('mainwp_child_wordfence_cron_time', $sch); $sched = wp_next_scheduled('mainwp_child_wordfence_cron_scan'); if (false !== $sched) { wp_unschedule_event($sched, 'mainwp_child_wordfence_cron_scan'); } } $result['cacheType'] = wfConfig::get('cacheType'); $result['paidKeyMsg'] = false; $apiKey = trim($_POST['apiKey']); if (!$apiKey) { //Empty API key (after trim above), then try to get one. $api = new wfAPI('', wfUtils::getWPVersion()); try { $keyData = $api->call('get_anon_api_key'); if ($keyData['ok'] && $keyData['apiKey']) { wfConfig::set('apiKey', $keyData['apiKey']); wfConfig::set('isPaid', 0); $result['apiKey'] = $keyData['apiKey']; $result['isPaid'] = 0; $reload = 'reload'; } else { throw new Exception("We could not understand the Wordfence server's response because it did not contain an 'ok' and 'apiKey' element."); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result['error'] = 'Your options have been saved, but we encountered a problem. You left your API key blank, so we tried to get you a free API key from the Wordfence servers. However we encountered a problem fetching the free key: ' . htmlentities($e->getMessage()); return $result; } } else { if (wfConfig::get('apiKey') !== $apiKey) { $api = new wfAPI($apiKey, wfUtils::getWPVersion()); try { $res = $api->call('check_api_key', array(), array()); if ($res['ok'] && isset($res['isPaid'])) { wfConfig::set('apiKey', $apiKey); wfConfig::set('isPaid', $res['isPaid']); //res['isPaid'] is boolean coming back as JSON and turned back into PHP struct. Assuming JSON to PHP handles bools. $result['apiKey'] = $apiKey; $result['isPaid'] = $res['isPaid']; if ($res['isPaid']) { $result['paidKeyMsg'] = true; } $reload = 'reload'; } else { throw new Exception('We could not understand the Wordfence API server reply when updating your API key.'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result['error'] = 'Your options have been saved. However we noticed you changed your API key and we tried to verify it with the Wordfence servers and received an error: ' . htmlentities($e->getMessage()); return $result; } } else { try { $api = new wfAPI($apiKey, wfUtils::getWPVersion()); $res = $api->call('ping_api_key', array(), array()); } catch (Exception $e) { $result['error'] = 'Your options have been saved. However we noticed you do not change your API key and we tried to verify it with the Wordfence servers and received an error: ' . htmlentities($e->getMessage()); return $result; } } } $result['ok'] = 1; $result['reload'] = $reload; return $result; } }
public static function ajax_email_summary_email_address_debug_callback() { $email = !empty($_REQUEST['email']) ? $_REQUEST['email'] : null; $report = new wfActivityReport(); return $report->sendReportViaEmail($email) ? array('ok' => 1, 'result' => 'Test email sent successfully') : array('err' => "Test email failed to send."); }
public function firewallBadIPs() { $IP = wfUtils::getIP(); if ($this->isWhitelisted($IP)) { return; } $IPnum = wfUtils::inet_pton($IP); //New range and UA pattern blocking: $r1 = $this->getDB()->querySelect("select id, blockType, blockString from " . $this->ipRangesTable); foreach ($r1 as $blockRec) { if ($blockRec['blockType'] == 'IU') { $ipRangeBlocked = false; $uaPatternBlocked = false; $refBlocked = false; $bDat = explode('|', $blockRec['blockString']); $ipRange = $bDat[0]; $uaPattern = $bDat[1]; $refPattern = isset($bDat[2]) ? $bDat[2] : ''; if ($ipRange) { list($start_range, $end_range) = explode('-', $ipRange); if (preg_match('/[\\.:]/', $start_range)) { $start_range = wfUtils::inet_pton($start_range); $end_range = wfUtils::inet_pton($end_range); } else { $start_range = wfUtils::inet_pton(long2ip($start_range)); $end_range = wfUtils::inet_pton(long2ip($end_range)); } if (strcmp($IPnum, $start_range) >= 0 && strcmp($IPnum, $end_range) <= 0) { $ipRangeBlocked = true; } } if ($uaPattern) { if (wfUtils::isUABlocked($uaPattern)) { $uaPatternBlocked = true; } } if ($refPattern) { if (wfUtils::isRefererBlocked($refPattern)) { $refBlocked = true; } } $doBlock = false; if ($uaPattern && $ipRange && $refPattern) { if ($uaPatternBlocked && $ipRangeBlocked && $refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } if ($uaPattern && $ipRange) { if ($uaPatternBlocked && $ipRangeBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } if ($uaPattern && $refPattern) { if ($uaPatternBlocked && $refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } if ($ipRange && $refPattern) { if ($ipRangeBlocked && $refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } else { if ($uaPattern) { if ($uaPatternBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } else { if ($ipRange) { if ($ipRangeBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } else { if ($refPattern) { if ($refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } } } } if ($doBlock) { $this->getDB()->queryWrite("update " . $this->ipRangesTable . " set totalBlocked = totalBlocked + 1, lastBlocked = unix_timestamp() where id=%d", $blockRec['id']); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($IP); $this->do503(3600, "Advanced blocking in effect."); } } } //End range/UA blocking // Country blocking if (wfConfig::get('isPaid')) { $blockedCountries = wfConfig::get('cbl_countries', false); $bareRequestURI = wfUtils::extractBareURI($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $bareBypassRedirURI = wfUtils::extractBareURI(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassRedirURL', '')); $skipCountryBlocking = false; if ($bareBypassRedirURI && $bareRequestURI == $bareBypassRedirURI) { //Run this before country blocking because even if the user isn't blocked we need to set the bypass cookie so they can bypass future blocks. $bypassRedirDest = wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassRedirDest', ''); if ($bypassRedirDest) { self::setCBLCookieBypass(); $this->redirect($bypassRedirDest); //exits } } $bareBypassViewURI = wfUtils::extractBareURI(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassViewURL', '')); if ($bareBypassViewURI && $bareBypassViewURI == $bareRequestURI) { self::setCBLCookieBypass(); $skipCountryBlocking = true; } if (!$skipCountryBlocking && $blockedCountries && !self::isCBLBypassCookieSet()) { if (is_user_logged_in() && !wfConfig::get('cbl_loggedInBlocked', false)) { //User is logged in and we're allowing logins //Do nothing } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-login.php') !== false && !wfConfig::get('cbl_loginFormBlocked', false)) { //It's the login form and we're allowing that //Do nothing } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-login.php') === false && !wfConfig::get('cbl_restOfSiteBlocked', false)) { //It's the rest of the site and we're allowing that //Do nothing } else { if ($country = wfUtils::IP2Country($IP)) { foreach (explode(',', $blockedCountries) as $blocked) { if (strtoupper($blocked) == strtoupper($country)) { //At this point we know the user has been blocked if (wfConfig::get('cbl_action') == 'redir') { $redirURL = wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL'); $eRedirHost = wfUtils::extractHostname($redirURL); $isExternalRedir = false; if ($eRedirHost && $eRedirHost != wfUtils::extractHostname(home_url())) { //It's an external redirect... $isExternalRedir = true; } if (!$isExternalRedir && wfUtils::extractBareURI($redirURL) == $bareRequestURI) { //Is this the URI we want to redirect to, then don't block it //Do nothing /* Uncomment the following if page components aren't loading for the page we redirect to. Uncommenting is not recommended because it means that anyone from a blocked country can crawl your site by sending the page blocked users are redirected to as the referer for every request. But it's your call. } else if(wfUtils::extractBareURI($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == $redirURL){ //If the referer the page we want to redirect to? Then this might be loading as a component so don't block. //Do nothing */ } else { $this->redirect(wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL')); } } else { $this->do503(3600, "Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons"); wfConfig::inc('totalCountryBlocked'); } } } } } } } } } if ($rec = $this->getDB()->querySingleRec("select blockedTime, reason from " . $this->blocksTable . " where IP=%s and (permanent=1 OR (blockedTime + %s > unix_timestamp()))", $IPnum, wfConfig::get('blockedTime'))) { $this->getDB()->queryWrite("update " . $this->blocksTable . " set lastAttempt=unix_timestamp(), blockedHits = blockedHits + 1 where IP=%s", $IPnum); $now = $this->getDB()->querySingle("select unix_timestamp()"); $secsToGo = $rec['blockedTime'] + wfConfig::get('blockedTime') - $now; if (wfConfig::get('other_WFNet') && strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/wp-login.php') !== false) { //We're on the login page and this IP has been blocked wordfence::wfsnReportBlockedAttempt($IP, 'login'); } $this->do503($secsToGo, $rec['reason']); } }
/** * Returns list of firewall activity up to $limit number of entries. * * @param int $limit Max events to return in results * @return array */ public function getRecentFirewallActivity($limit = 300, &$remainder) { $dateRange = wfActivityReport::getReportDateRange(); $recent_firewall_activity = new wfRecentFirewallActivity(null, max(604800, $dateRange[1] - $dateRange[0])); $recent_firewall_activity->run(); return $recent_firewall_activity->mostRecentActivity($limit, $remainder); }
public static function syncAttackData($exit = true) { global $wpdb; $waf = wfWAF::getInstance(); $lastAttackMicroseconds = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(attackLogTime) FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}wfHits"); if ($waf->getStorageEngine()->hasNewerAttackData($lastAttackMicroseconds)) { $attackData = $waf->getStorageEngine()->getNewestAttackDataArray($lastAttackMicroseconds); if ($attackData) { foreach ($attackData as $request) { if (count($request) !== 9 && count($request) !== 10) { continue; } list($logTimeMicroseconds, $requestTime, $ip, $learningMode, $paramKey, $paramValue, $failedRules, $ssl, $requestString, $metadata) = $request; // Skip old entries and hits in learning mode, since they'll get picked up anyways. if ($logTimeMicroseconds <= $lastAttackMicroseconds || $learningMode) { continue; } $hit = new wfRequestModel(); $hit->attackLogTime = $logTimeMicroseconds; $hit->statusCode = 403; $hit->ctime = $requestTime; $hit->IP = wfUtils::inet_pton($ip); if (preg_match('/user\\-agent:(.*?)\\n/i', $requestString, $matches)) { $hit->UA = trim($matches[1]); $hit->isGoogle = wfCrawl::isGoogleCrawler($hit->UA); } if (preg_match('/Referer:(.*?)\\n/i', $requestString, $matches)) { $hit->referer = trim($matches[1]); } if (preg_match('/^[a-z]+\\s+(.*?)\\s+/i', $requestString, $uriMatches) && preg_match('/Host:(.*?)\\n/i', $requestString, $hostMatches)) { $hit->URL = 'http' . ($ssl ? 's' : '') . '://' . trim($hostMatches[1]) . trim($uriMatches[1]); } if (preg_match('/cookie:(.*?)\\n/i', $requestString, $matches)) { $hit->newVisit = strpos($matches[1], 'wfvt_' . crc32(site_url())) !== false ? 1 : 0; $hasVerifiedHumanCookie = strpos($matches[1], 'wordfence_verifiedHuman') !== false; if ($hasVerifiedHumanCookie && preg_match('/wordfence_verifiedHuman=(.*?);/', $matches[1], $cookieMatches)) { $hit->jsRun = (int) wp_verify_nonce($cookieMatches[1], 'wordfence_verifiedHuman' . $hit->UA . $ip); } $hasLoginCookie = strpos($matches[1], $ssl ? SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE : AUTH_COOKIE) !== false; if ($hasLoginCookie && preg_match('/' . ($ssl ? SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE : AUTH_COOKIE) . '=(.*?);/', $matches[1], $cookieMatches)) { $authCookie = rawurldecode($cookieMatches[1]); $authID = $ssl ? wp_validate_auth_cookie($authCookie, 'secure_auth') : wp_validate_auth_cookie($authCookie, 'auth'); if ($authID) { $hit->userID = $authID; } } } $path = '/'; if (preg_match('/^[A-Z]+ (.*?) HTTP\\/1\\.1/', $requestString, $matches)) { if (($pos = strpos($matches[1], '?')) !== false) { $path = substr($matches[1], 0, $pos); } else { $path = $matches[1]; } } $metadata = $metadata != null ? (array) $metadata : array(); if (isset($metadata['finalAction']) && $metadata['finalAction']) { // The request was blocked/redirected because of its IP based on the plugin's blocking settings. WAF blocks should be reported but not shown in live traffic with that as a reason. $action = $metadata['finalAction']['action']; $actionDescription = $action; if (class_exists('wfWAFIPBlocksController')) { if ($action == wfWAFIPBlocksController::WFWAF_BLOCK_UAREFIPRANGE) { $id = $metadata['finalAction']['id']; $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->base_prefix}wfBlocksAdv SET totalBlocked = totalBlocked + 1, lastBlocked = %d WHERE id = %d", $requestTime, $id)); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($ip); } else { if ($action == wfWAFIPBlocksController::WFWAF_BLOCK_COUNTRY_REDIR) { $actionDescription .= ' (' . wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL') . ')'; wfConfig::inc('totalCountryBlocked'); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($ip); } else { if ($action == wfWAFIPBlocksController::WFWAF_BLOCK_COUNTRY) { wfConfig::inc('totalCountryBlocked'); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($ip); } else { if ($action == wfWAFIPBlocksController::WFWAF_BLOCK_WFSN) { wordfence::wfsnReportBlockedAttempt($ip, 'login'); } } } } } if (strlen($actionDescription) == 0) { $actionDescription = 'Blocked by Wordfence'; } if (empty($failedRules)) { // Just a plugin block $hit->action = 'blocked:wordfence'; if (class_exists('wfWAFIPBlocksController')) { if ($action == wfWAFIPBlocksController::WFWAF_BLOCK_WFSN) { $hit->action = 'blocked:wfsnrepeat'; } } $hit->actionDescription = $actionDescription; } else { if ($failedRules == 'logged') { $hit->action = 'logged:waf'; } else { // Blocked by the WAF but would've been blocked anyway by the plugin settings so that message takes priority $hit->action = 'blocked:waf-always'; $hit->actionDescription = $actionDescription; } } } else { if ($failedRules == 'logged') { $hit->action = 'logged:waf'; } else { $hit->action = 'blocked:waf'; } } /** @var wfWAFRule $rule */ $ruleIDs = explode('|', $failedRules); $actionData = array('learningMode' => $learningMode, 'failedRules' => $failedRules, 'paramKey' => $paramKey, 'paramValue' => $paramValue, 'path' => $path); if ($ruleIDs && $ruleIDs[0]) { $rule = $waf->getRule($ruleIDs[0]); if ($rule) { if ($hit->action == 'logged:waf' || $hit->action == 'blocked:waf') { $hit->actionDescription = $rule->getDescription(); } $actionData['category'] = $rule->getCategory(); $actionData['ssl'] = $ssl; $actionData['fullRequest'] = base64_encode($requestString); } else { if ($ruleIDs[0] == 'logged') { if ($hit->action == 'logged:waf' || $hit->action == 'blocked:waf') { $hit->actionDescription = 'Watched IP Traffic: ' . $ip; } $actionData['category'] = 'logged'; $actionData['ssl'] = $ssl; $actionData['fullRequest'] = base64_encode($requestString); } } } $hit->actionData = wfRequestModel::serializeActionData($actionData); $hit->save(); self::scheduleSendAttackData(); } } $waf->getStorageEngine()->truncateAttackData(); } update_site_option('wordfence_syncingAttackData', 0); update_site_option('wordfence_syncAttackDataAttempts', 0); update_site_option('wordfence_lastSyncAttackData', time()); if ($exit) { exit; } }
<?php /** * @var wfActivityReportView $this */ $start_time = wfActivityReport::getReportDateFrom(); $end_time = time(); $report_start = date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $start_time); $report_end = date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $end_time); $title = sprintf('Wordfence activity from <br><strong>%s</strong> to <strong>%s</strong>', $report_start, $report_end); $bg_colors = array('even' => 'background-color: #eeeeee;', 'odd' => ''); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo get_option('blog_charset'); ?> "/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/> <title><?php echo esc_html(strip_tags($title)); ?> </title> <!-- Targeting Windows Mobile --> <!--[if IEMobile 7]> <style type="text/css"> </style> <![endif]-->
public function checkForBlockedCountry() { static $hasRun; if (isset($hasRun)) { return; } $hasRun = true; $blockedCountries = wfConfig::get('cbl_countries', false); $bareRequestURI = untrailingslashit(wfUtils::extractBareURI($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $IP = wfUtils::getIP(); if ($country = wfUtils::IP2Country($IP)) { foreach (explode(',', $blockedCountries) as $blocked) { if (strtoupper($blocked) == strtoupper($country)) { //At this point we know the user has been blocked if (wfConfig::get('cbl_action') == 'redir') { $redirURL = wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL'); $eRedirHost = wfUtils::extractHostname($redirURL); $isExternalRedir = false; if ($eRedirHost && $eRedirHost != wfUtils::extractHostname(home_url())) { //It's an external redirect... $isExternalRedir = true; } if (!$isExternalRedir && untrailingslashit(wfUtils::extractBareURI($redirURL)) == $bareRequestURI) { //Is this the URI we want to redirect to, then don't block it //Do nothing /* Uncomment the following if page components aren't loading for the page we redirect to. Uncommenting is not recommended because it means that anyone from a blocked country can crawl your site by sending the page blocked users are redirected to as the referer for every request. But it's your call. } else if(wfUtils::extractBareURI($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) == $redirURL){ //If the referer the page we want to redirect to? Then this might be loading as a component so don't block. //Do nothing */ } else { wfConfig::inc('totalCountryBlocked'); $this->initLogRequest(); $this->currentRequest->actionDescription = 'blocked access via country blocking and redirected to URL (' . wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL') . ')'; $this->currentRequest->statusCode = 503; if (!$this->currentRequest->action) { $this->currentRequest->action = 'blocked:wordfence'; } $this->logHit(); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($IP); $this->redirect(wfConfig::get('cbl_redirURL')); } } else { $this->currentRequest->actionDescription = 'blocked access via country blocking'; wfConfig::inc('totalCountryBlocked'); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($IP); $this->do503(3600, "Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons"); } } } } }
public function firewallBadIPs() { $IP = wfUtils::getIP(); if ($this->isWhitelisted($IP)) { return; } $IPnum = wfUtils::inet_pton($IP); $hostname = null; //New range and UA pattern blocking: $r1 = $this->getDB()->querySelect("select id, blockType, blockString from " . $this->ipRangesTable); foreach ($r1 as $blockRec) { if ($blockRec['blockType'] == 'IU') { $ipRangeBlocked = false; $uaPatternBlocked = false; $refBlocked = false; $bDat = explode('|', $blockRec['blockString']); $ipRange = $bDat[0]; $uaPattern = $bDat[1]; $refPattern = isset($bDat[2]) ? $bDat[2] : ''; if ($ipRange) { list($start_range, $end_range) = explode('-', $ipRange); if (preg_match('/[\\.:]/', $start_range)) { $start_range = wfUtils::inet_pton($start_range); $end_range = wfUtils::inet_pton($end_range); } else { $start_range = wfUtils::inet_pton(long2ip($start_range)); $end_range = wfUtils::inet_pton(long2ip($end_range)); } if (strcmp($IPnum, $start_range) >= 0 && strcmp($IPnum, $end_range) <= 0) { $ipRangeBlocked = true; } } if (!empty($bDat[3])) { $ipRange = true; /* We reuse the ipRangeBlocked variable */ if ($hostname === null) { $hostname = wfUtils::reverseLookup($IP); } if (preg_match(wfUtils::patternToRegex($bDat[3]), $hostname)) { $ipRangeBlocked = true; } } if ($uaPattern) { if (wfUtils::isUABlocked($uaPattern)) { $uaPatternBlocked = true; } } if ($refPattern) { if (wfUtils::isRefererBlocked($refPattern)) { $refBlocked = true; } } $doBlock = false; if ($uaPattern && $ipRange && $refPattern) { if ($uaPatternBlocked && $ipRangeBlocked && $refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } if ($uaPattern && $ipRange) { if ($uaPatternBlocked && $ipRangeBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } if ($uaPattern && $refPattern) { if ($uaPatternBlocked && $refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } if ($ipRange && $refPattern) { if ($ipRangeBlocked && $refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } else { if ($uaPattern) { if ($uaPatternBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } else { if ($ipRange) { if ($ipRangeBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } else { if ($refPattern) { if ($refBlocked) { $doBlock = true; } } } } } if ($doBlock) { $this->getDB()->queryWrite("update " . $this->ipRangesTable . " set totalBlocked = totalBlocked + 1, lastBlocked = unix_timestamp() where id=%d", $blockRec['id']); wfActivityReport::logBlockedIP($IP); $this->currentRequest->actionDescription = 'UA/Referrer/IP Range not allowed'; $this->do503(3600, "Advanced blocking in effect."); } } } //End range/UA blocking // Country blocking if (wfConfig::get('isPaid')) { $blockedCountries = wfConfig::get('cbl_countries', false); $bareRequestURI = wfUtils::extractBareURI($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $bareBypassRedirURI = wfUtils::extractBareURI(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassRedirURL', '')); $skipCountryBlocking = false; if ($bareBypassRedirURI && $bareRequestURI == $bareBypassRedirURI) { //Run this before country blocking because even if the user isn't blocked we need to set the bypass cookie so they can bypass future blocks. $bypassRedirDest = wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassRedirDest', ''); if ($bypassRedirDest) { self::setCBLCookieBypass(); $this->redirect($bypassRedirDest); //exits } } $bareBypassViewURI = wfUtils::extractBareURI(wfConfig::get('cbl_bypassViewURL', '')); if ($bareBypassViewURI && $bareBypassViewURI == $bareRequestURI) { self::setCBLCookieBypass(); $skipCountryBlocking = true; } if (!$skipCountryBlocking && $blockedCountries && !self::isCBLBypassCookieSet()) { // If everything is checked, make sure this always runs. if (wfConfig::get('cbl_loggedInBlocked', false) && wfConfig::get('cbl_loginFormBlocked', false) && wfConfig::get('cbl_restOfSiteBlocked', false)) { $this->checkForBlockedCountry(); } // Block logged in users. if (wfConfig::get('cbl_loggedInBlocked', false) && is_user_logged_in()) { $this->checkForBlockedCountry(); } // Block the login form itself and any attempt to authenticate. if (wfConfig::get('cbl_loginFormBlocked', false)) { if (self::isAuthRequest()) { $this->checkForBlockedCountry(); } add_filter('authenticate', array($this, 'checkForBlockedCountry'), 1, 0); } // Block requests that aren't to the login page, xmlrpc.php, or a user already logged in. if (wfConfig::get('cbl_restOfSiteBlocked', false) && !self::isAuthRequest() && !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') && !is_user_logged_in()) { $this->checkForBlockedCountry(); } // XMLRPC is inaccesible when public portion of the site and auth is disabled. if (wfConfig::get('cbl_loginFormBlocked', false) && wfConfig::get('cbl_restOfSiteBlocked', false) && defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST')) { $this->checkForBlockedCountry(); } } } if ($rec = $this->getDB()->querySingleRec("select blockedTime, reason from " . $this->blocksTable . " where IP=%s and (permanent=1 OR (blockedTime + %s > unix_timestamp()))", $IPnum, wfConfig::get('blockedTime'))) { $this->getDB()->queryWrite("update " . $this->blocksTable . " set lastAttempt=unix_timestamp(), blockedHits = blockedHits + 1 where IP=%s", $IPnum); $now = $this->getDB()->querySingle("select unix_timestamp()"); $secsToGo = $rec['blockedTime'] + wfConfig::get('blockedTime') - $now; if (wfConfig::get('other_WFNet') && self::isAuthRequest()) { //It's an auth request and this IP has been blocked $this->getCurrentRequest()->action = 'blocked:wfsnrepeat'; wordfence::wfsnReportBlockedAttempt($IP, 'login'); } $this->do503($secsToGo, $rec['reason']); } }