$timeout = 3 * 60 * 60;
// 3 hours
if (isset($_ENV["TEMP"])) {
    $cachedir = $_ENV["TEMP"];
} else {
    if (isset($_ENV["TMP"])) {
        $cachedir = $_ENV["TMP"];
    } else {
        if (isset($_ENV["TMPDIR"])) {
            $cachedir = $_ENV["TMPDIR"];
        } else {
            // Default Cache Directory
            $cachedir = "/tmp";
$cachedir = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $cachedir);
if (substr($cachedir, -1) != '/') {
    $cachedir .= '/';
$weather_location = new weather("USIL0070", 3600, "F", $cachedir);
// <-- Change this for different weather location
// Parse the weather object via cached
// This checks if there's an valid cache object allready. if yes
// it takes the local object data, what's much FASTER!!! if it
// is expired, it refreshes automatically from rss online!
// $weather_location->parsecached(); // => RECOMMENDED!
// allway refreshes from rss online. NOT AS FAST. (I DON"T CARE! I'm refreshing the data every 5min, it'll be ok if it takes a few extra mill)
// => NOT recommended!
echo json_encode($weather_location->forecast);