return; } // fill in values that the user left out. if (!$waypt->name) { $waypt->name = $waypt->intName; } if (!$waypt->intName) { $waypt->intName = $waypt->name; } if (!$waypt->location) { $waypt->location = $waypt->intLocation; } if (!$waypt->intLocation) { $waypt->intLocation = $waypt->location; } if ($waypt->putToDB(0)) { ?> <script language="javascript"> function refreshParent() { topWinRef=top.location.href; top.window.location.href=topWinRef; } </script> <?php echo "<div align=center><BR><BR>" . _WAYPOINT_ADDED . "<BR><BR>"; echo "<a href='javascript:refreshParent();'>Update flight takeoff and RETURN </a>"; echo "<br></div>"; } else { echo "<H3> Error in inserting waypoint info query! </H3>\n"; } return;
function checkLocation($serverID, $locationArray, $bounds) { // print_r($locationArray); // find nearest waypoint in local db list($nearestTakeoffID, $nearestDistance) = findNearestWaypoint($bounds['firstLat'], $bounds['firstLon']); // echo "nearest takeoff : $nearestTakeoffID,$nearestDistance <BR>"; if ($nearestDistance < $locationArray['takeoffVinicity'] + 500) { // we will use our waypoint if our local waypoint is nearest ( + 500m margin ) return array($nearestTakeoffID, $nearestDistance); } else { // we will import this takeoff and use that instead $newWaypoint = new waypoint(); $newWaypoint->setLat($locationArray['takeoffLat']); $newWaypoint->setLon($locationArray['takeoffLon']); $newWaypoint->name = $locationArray['takeoffName']; $newWaypoint->type = 1000; // takeoff $newWaypoint->intName = $locationArray['takeoffNameInt']; $newWaypoint->location = $locationArray['takeoffLocation']; $newWaypoint->intLocation = $locationArray['takeoffLocationInt']; $newWaypoint->countryCode = $locationArray['takeoffCountry']; $newWaypoint->link = ''; $newWaypoint->description = ''; $newWaypoint->putToDB(0); // also add it up to $waypoints because we use this array for subsequent queries global $waypoints; array_push($waypoints, $newWaypoint); return array($newWaypoint->waypointID, $locationArray['takeoffVinicity']); } }
} $waypointIDedit = makeSane($_REQUEST['waypointIDedit'], 1); if ($_POST['editWaypoint'] == 1) { // CHANGE waypoint $waypt = new waypoint($waypointIDedit); $waypt->name = $_POST['wname']; $waypt->intName = $_POST['intName']; $waypt->type = $_POST['type']; $waypt->lat = $_POST['lat']; $waypt->lon = $_POST['lon']; $waypt->location = $_POST['location']; $waypt->intLocation = $_POST['intLocation']; $waypt->countryCode = $_POST['countryCode']; $waypt->link = $_POST['link']; $waypt->description = $_POST['description']; if ($waypt->putToDB(1)) { echo "<center>" . _THE_CHANGES_HAVE_BEEN_APPLIED . "<br>"; echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_waypoint', 'waypointIDedit' => $waypointIDedit)) . "'>RETURN to view mode</a> or "; echo "<a href='" . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'list_flights')) . "'>RETURN to flights</a>"; echo "<br></center>"; } else { echo "<H3> Error in puting waypoint info into DB! </H3>\n"; } } $waypt = new waypoint($waypointIDedit); $waypt->getFromDB(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/FN_editor.php'; openMain("Edit waypoint", 760, "icon_pin.png"); ?>