<script language=javascript> function ventanaSecundaria1 (URL){ window.open(URL,"ventana1","width=700,height=600,scrollbars=YES") } </script> <script language=javascript> function ventanaSecundaria2 (URL){ window.open(URL,"ventana2","width=800,height=600,scrollbars=YES,resizable=YES, maximizable=YES") } </script> <?php $ventanaCentro = new ventanasCentro(); $ventanaCentro->despliegaVentanaCentro('blue', '0.5', '800', '600', '800', '400', '800', '500'); ?> <?php if ($_POST['actualizar'] and $_POST['numCliente']) { $sSQL1 = "Select * From clientes WHERE entidad='" . $entidad . "' AND numCliente = '" . $_POST['numCliente'] . "' "; $result1 = mysql_db_query($basedatos, $sSQL1); $myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1); if ($_POST['numCliente'] != $myrow1['numCliente']) { $agrega = "INSERT INTO clientes (\r\nnumCliente,nomCliente,usuario,fecha,nivel,entidad\r\n) values ('" . $_POST['numCliente'] . "','" . $_POST['nomCliente'] . "',\r\n'" . $usuario . "','" . $fecha1 . "','" . $_POST['nivel'] . "','" . $_POST['ID_AUXILIAR'] . "','" . $entidad . "')"; mysql_db_query($basedatos, $agrega); echo mysql_error(); echo '<script type="text/vbscript">
public function listaClientes($tipoconvenio, $entidad, $ventana, $ventana1, $TITULO, $basedatos) { if ($_GET['borrar'] == 'si' and $_GET['numCliente']) { $borrame = "DELETE FROM convenios WHERE entidad='" . $entidad . "' AND numCliente ='" . $_GET['numCliente'] . "' and tipoConvenio='" . $_GET['tipoConvenio'] . "'"; mysql_db_query($basedatos, $borrame); echo mysql_error(); echo 'Se elimino el convenio ' . $_GET['tipoConvenio']; } ?> <script language=javascript> function ventanaSecundaria (URL){ window.open(URL,"ventana","width=550,height=400,scrollbars=YES") } </script> <script language=javascript> function ventanaSecundaria1 (URL){ window.open(URL,"ventana1","width=700,height=600,scrollbars=YES") } </script> <script language=javascript> function ventanaSecundaria2 (URL){ window.open(URL,"ventana2","width=800,height=600,scrollbars=YES,resizable=YES, maximizable=YES") } </script> <?php $ventanaCentro = new ventanasCentro(); $ventanaCentro->despliegaVentanaCentro('blue', '0.5', '800', '600', '800', '400', '800', '500'); ?> <?php if ($_POST['actualizar'] and $_POST['numCliente']) { $sSQL1 = "Select * From clientes WHERE entidad='" . $entidad . "' AND numCliente = '" . $_POST['numCliente'] . "' "; $result1 = mysql_db_query($basedatos, $sSQL1); $myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1); if ($_POST['numCliente'] != $myrow1['numCliente']) { $agrega = "INSERT INTO clientes (\r\nnumCliente,nomCliente,usuario,fecha,nivel,entidad\r\n) values ('" . $_POST['numCliente'] . "','" . $_POST['nomCliente'] . "',\r\n'" . $usuario . "','" . $fecha1 . "','" . $_POST['nivel'] . "','" . $_POST['ID_AUXILIAR'] . "','" . $entidad . "')"; mysql_db_query($basedatos, $agrega); echo mysql_error(); echo '<script type="text/vbscript"> msgbox "SE DIO DE ALTA AL CLIENTE" </script>'; echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- opener.location.reload(true); // --> </script>'; } else { echo $q = "UPDATE clientes set \r\nnomCliente='" . $_POST['nomCliente'] . "',\r\nnivel='" . $_POST['nivel'] . "',\r\nID_AUXILIAR='" . $_POST['ID_AUXILIAR'] . "',\r\nusuario='" . $usuario . "',\r\nfecha='" . $fecha1 . "'\r\nWHERE entidad='" . $entidad . "' AND\r\nnumCliente='" . $_POST['numCliente'] . "'"; mysql_db_query($basedatos, $q); echo mysql_error(); echo '<script type="text/vbscript"> msgbox "SE ACTUALIZO AL CLIENTE" </script>'; echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- opener.location.reload(true); // --> </script>'; } } if ($_POST['nuevo']) { /** checo si existe**/ $_POST['numCliente'] = ""; } if ($_POST['numCliente2']) { $sSQL2 = "Select * From clientes WHERE entidad='" . $entidad . "' AND numCliente = '" . $_POST['numCliente2'] . "' "; $result2 = mysql_db_query($basedatos, $sSQL2); $myrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo CONSTANT_PATH_SIMA_RAIZ; ?> /js/wz_tooltip.js"></script> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <?php $estilo = new muestraEstilos(); $estilo->styles(); ?> </head> <body onLoad="inicio();"> <div class="page_right"> <h1 align="center" ><?php echo $TITULO; ?> </h1> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <!--<table width="750" class="table table-striped">--> <table width="750" class="table-template-left"> <tr > <th width="17" align="center" >#</th> <th width="198" >Cliente Principal</th> <th width="176" >Sub-Cliente</th> <th width="54" align="center" >Tipo Px</th> <th width="103" align="center" >Editar/Ver</th> <th width="49" align="center" >Agregar</th> <th width="150" align="center" >Eliminar Convenio</th> </tr> <?php switch ($tipoconvenio) { case "cantidad": $sSQL = "Select * From convenios,clientes where convenios.entidad='" . $entidad . "'\r\n AND\r\n convenios.tipoConvenio='cantidad'\r\n AND\r\n clientes.numCliente=convenios.numCliente\r\n group by convenios.numCliente\r\norder by clientes.nomCliente ASC\r\n "; break; case "grupoProducto": $sSQL = "Select * From convenios,clientes where convenios.entidad='" . $entidad . "'\r\n AND\r\n convenios.tipoConvenio='grupoProducto'\r\n AND\r\n clientes.numCliente=convenios.numCliente\r\n group by convenios.numCliente\r\norder by clientes.nomCliente ASC\r\n "; break; case "global": $sSQL = "Select * From convenios,clientes where convenios.entidad='" . $entidad . "'\r\n AND\r\n convenios.tipoConvenio='global'\r\n AND\r\n clientes.numCliente=convenios.numCliente\r\n group by convenios.numCliente\r\norder by clientes.nomCliente ASC\r\n "; break; case "precioEspecial": $sSQL = "Select * From convenios,clientes where convenios.entidad='" . $entidad . "'\r\n AND\r\n convenios.tipoConvenio='precioEspecial'\r\n AND\r\n clientes.numCliente=convenios.numCliente\r\n group by convenios.numCliente\r\norder by clientes.nomCliente ASC\r\n "; break; case "descuentoConvenio": $sSQL = "Select * From convenios,clientes where convenios.entidad='" . $entidad . "'\r\n AND\r\n convenios.tipoConvenio='descuentoConvenio'\r\n AND\r\n clientes.numCliente=convenios.numCliente\r\n group by convenios.numCliente\r\norder by clientes.nomCliente ASC\r\n "; break; } $result = mysql_db_query($basedatos, $sSQL); while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $a += 1; $N = $myrow['numCliente']; $sSQL1 = "Select nomCliente From clientes where entidad='" . $entidad . "'\r\n AND\r\nnumCliente='" . $myrow['clientePrincipal'] . "'"; $result1 = mysql_db_query($basedatos, $sSQL1); $myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1); ?> <tr > <td ><?php echo $a; ?> </td> <td > <?php if ($myrow1['nomCliente'] != NULL) { echo $myrow1['nomCliente']; } else { echo '<span class="error">No tiene cliente principal definido!</span>'; } ?> <br /> <span > Codigo Cliente </span> <?php echo $N; ?> </td> <td ><?php if ($myrow['nomCliente'] != NULL) { echo $myrow['nomCliente']; } else { echo '<span class="error">El cliente/aseguradora ya no existe, favor de eliminar el convenio!</span>'; } ?> <br /> <td ><?php if ($myrow['tipo'] != NULL) { echo $myrow['tipo']; } else { echo '<span class="error">Sin tipo de clientes!</span>'; } ?> <br /> <td align="center"><a href="#" onMouseOver="Tip('<div class="estilo25"><?php echo 'Lista de convenios de: ' . $myrow['nomCliente']; ?> </div>')" onmouseout="UnTip()" onClick="ventanaSecundaria2('<?php echo $ventana1; ?> ?numeroE=<?php echo $myrow['numeroE']; ?> &nCuenta=<?php echo $myrow['nCuenta']; ?> &almacen=<?php echo $bali; ?> &seguro=<?php echo $_POST['seguro']; ?> &numCliente=<?php echo $N; ?> ')"> Editar Convenios</a></td> <td align="center"> <span > <a href="#" onMouseOver="Tip('<div class="estilo25"><?php echo 'Editar al cliente: ' . $myrow['nomCliente']; ?> </div>')" onmouseout="UnTip()" onClick="ventanaSecundaria2('<?php echo $ventana; ?> ?numeroE=<?php echo $myrow['numeroE']; ?> &nCuenta=<?php echo $myrow['nCuenta']; ?> &almacen=<?php echo $bali; ?> &seguro=<?php echo $_POST['seguro']; ?> &numCliente=<?php echo $N; ?> ')">Agregar</a></span></td> <td ><p align="center"> <a href="<?php echo $url; ?> ?numCliente=<?php echo $N; ?> &tipoConvenio=<?php echo $tipoconvenio; ?> &borrar=si"> <img src="<?php echo CONSTANT_PATH_SIMA_RAIZ; ?> /imagenes/borrar.png" alt="INACTIVO" width="20" height="20" border="0" onclick="if(confirm('Esta seguro que deseas eliminar el convenio <?php echo $tipoconvenio; ?> del cliente <?php echo $myrow1['nomCliente']; ?> ?') == false){return false;}" /> </a></p> </td> </tr><?php } ?> </table> <p> </p> <p> <input name="nuevo" type="button" id="nuevo" value="Nuevo Cliente" onclick="ventanaSecundaria2('<?php echo $ventana; ?> ')" /> </p> </form> <br></br> <br></br> </div> </body> </html> <?php }