protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array()) { // initialize the database connection $databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager($this->configuration); $connection = $databaseManager->getDatabase($options['connection'])->getConnection(); // add your code here // instantiate a parser object $parse = new Contact_Vcard_Parse(); // parse it $data = $parse->fromFile(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'contacts.vcf'); // output results $contact_collection = new Doctrine_Collection('contact'); $company_collection = new Doctrine_Collection('company'); foreach ($data as $contact) { print_r($contact); $vcard = new vcard($contact); if ($vcard->isCompany()) { // it's a company // $db_contact = new Company(); // $db_contact->merge($vcard->getCompanyData()); // $company_collection->add($db_contact); print_r($vcard->getCompanyData()); } else { // it's a contact // $db_contact = new Contact(); // $db_contact->merge($vcard->getContactData()); // $contact_collection->add($db_contact); print_r($vcard->getContactData()); } } // $company_collection->save(); // $contact_collection->save(); }
function vcard($id) { $this->Lead->id = $id; $this->Lead->recursive = -1; $data = $this->Lead->read(null, $id); list($firstname, $lastname) = explode(' ', $data['Lead']['name']); $info = array('fileName' => 'vcardx', 'saveTo' => 'upload', 'vcard_birtda' => '', 'vcard_f_name' => $firstname, 'vcard_s_name' => $lastname, 'vcard_uri' => '', 'vcard_nickna' => $data['Lead']['name'], 'vcard_note' => '', 'vcard_cellul' => '', 'vcard_c_mobile' => '', 'vcard_compan' => $data['Lead']['company'], 'vcard_p_pager' => '', 'vcard_h_addr' => '', 'vcard_h_city' => '', 'vcard_h_coun' => '', 'vcard_h_fax' => '', 'vcard_h_mail' => '', 'vcard_h_phon' => '', 'vcard_h_zip' => '', 'vcard_h_uri' => '', 'vcard_w_addr' => '', 'vcard_w_city' => '', 'vcard_w_coun' => '', 'vcard_w_fax' => '', 'vcard_w_mail' => $data['Lead']['email'], 'vcard_w_phon' => $this->phone($data['Lead']['phone']), 'vcard_w_role' => '', 'vcard_w_titl' => '', 'vcard_w_zip' => '', 'vcard_w_uri' => $data['Lead']['url']); $vcard = new vcard($info); $vcard->createVcard(); $vcard->DownloadVcard(); exit; }
include "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; require_once "resources/check_auth.php"; if (permission_exists('contact_view')) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; exit; } if (count($_GET) > 0) { //add multi-lingual support $language = new text(); $text = $language->get(); //create the vcard object require_once "resources/classes/vcard.php"; $vcard = new vcard(); //get the contact id $contact_uuid = $_GET["id"]; //get the contact's information $sql = "select * from v_contacts "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $domain_uuid . "' "; $sql .= "and contact_uuid = '" . $contact_uuid . "' "; $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prep_statement->execute(); $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED); foreach ($result as &$row) { $contact_type = $row["contact_type"]; $contact_organization = $row["contact_organization"]; $contact_name_given = $row["contact_name_given"]; $contact_name_family = $row["contact_name_family"]; $contact_nickname = $row["contact_nickname"];
* Description....: An example of using Troy Wolf's class_vcard. */ // various copy includes require_once "../../"; // records stats require_once "../page_builder/page_header.php"; // libs require_once 'lib/vcard.lib.php'; require_once '../../lib/ldap_services.php'; $error = false; $send = false; if (isset($_REQUEST["email"]) && isset($_REQUEST["username"])) { if (preg_match('/([A-z]{3})([0-9]{3})/i', $_REQUEST["username"]) && preg_match('/^(([A-Za-z0-9]+_+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\\-+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\\.+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\\++))*[A-Za-z0-9]+@((\\w+\\-+)|(\\w+\\.))*\\w{1,63}\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$/', $_REQUEST['email'])) { $person = lookup_username($_REQUEST["username"]); $person = html_escape_person($person); $vc = new vcard(); $vc->data['first_name'] = $person["givenname"][0]; $vc->data['last_name'] = $person["surname"][0]; # Contact's company, department, title, profession $vc->data['company'] = $inst_name_full; # from $vc->data['department'] = $person["dept"][0]; $vc->data['title'] = $person["title"][0]; # Contact's work address if ($person['affiliation'][0] == 'facstaff') { $vc->data['work_address'] = $person["address"][0]; if (preg_match('/PO Box/i', $person["address"][1])) { $vc->data['work_po_box'] = $person["address"][1]; $city_state_zip = explode(", ", $person["address"][2]); $vc->data['work_city'] = $city_state_zip[0]; $vc->data['work_state'] = $city_state_zip[1];
$vnconv->set_to('utf8'); $vnconv->set_from($_POST['encoding'] == "none" ? '' : $_POST['encoding']); if ($task == 'import') { $contact_groups[''] = 0; $group_mode = isset($_POST['group_mode']) ? $_POST['group_mode'] : 'group_name'; $group_id = isset($_POST['group_id']) ? $_POST['group_id'] : 'group_id'; if ($group_mode == 'file') { $ab->get_groups($_POST['addressbook_id']); while ($ab->next_record()) { $contact_groups[$ab->f('name')] = $ab->f('id'); } } switch ($_POST['file_type']) { case 'vcf': require_once $GO_MODULES->path . "classes/"; $vcard = new vcard(); $success = $vcard->import($_POST['import_file'], $GO_SECURITY->user_id, $_POST['addressbook_id'], $vnconv); unlink($_POST['import_file']); if ($success) { echo $contacts_import_success; } else { echo $ab_import_failed; } echo '<br /><br />'; $button = new button($cmdOk, "javascript:document.location='" . $return_to . "'"); break; case 'csv': $seperator = isset($_POST['seperator']) ? $_POST['seperator'] : ';'; $fp = fopen($_POST['import_file'], "r"); if (!$fp || !($addressbook = $ab->get_addressbook($_POST['addressbook_id']))) { unlink($_POST['import_file']);
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane <*****@*****.**> */ include "root.php"; require_once "includes/config.php"; require_once "includes/checkauth.php"; if (ifgroup("admin") || ifgroup("superadmin")) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; exit; } require_once "includes/class_vcard.php"; $vc = new vcard(); if (count($_GET) > 0) { $id = $_GET["id"]; $sql = ""; $sql .= "select * from v_users "; $sql .= "where id = '{$id}' "; $prepstatement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql)); $prepstatement->execute(); $result = $prepstatement->fetchAll(); //print_r($result); foreach ($result as &$row) { $vc->data[display_name] = $row["userfirstname"] . " " . $row["userlastname"]; //$vc->data[zzz] = $row["usertype"]; //$vc->data[zzz] = $row["usercategory"]; $vc->data[first_name] = $row["userfirstname"]; $vc->data[last_name] = $row["userlastname"];