Esempio n. 1
	private static function getNewBlogs($user)
		global $vbulletin;
		global $vbphrase;
		if (! file_exists(DIR . '/packages/vbblog/search/searchcontroller/newblogentry.php')
			or ! (vB_Search_Core::get_instance()->get_cansearch('vBBlog', 'BlogEntry') ))
		include_once DIR . '/packages/vbblog/search/searchcontroller/newblogentry.php' ;
		require_once DIR . '/vb/search/core.php' ;
		require_once DIR . '/vb/search/criteria.php' ;
		require_once DIR . '/includes/functions_databuild.php' ;
		//We can use the existing new structures to create this feed. We don't
		// have to, we could do a direct sql query. But this structure is tested
		// and we know it handles permissions properly.
		//First we need a criteria object
		$criteria = vB_Search_Core::get_instance()->create_criteria(vB_Search_Core::SEARCH_NEW);
		//Set the count, which may have been passed to us.
		$max_count = 10;

		if ($vbulletin->GPC_exists['count'] AND intval($vbulletin->GPC['count'])
			and intval($vbulletin->GPC['count']) < 21)
			$max_count = intval($vbulletin->GPC['count']);

		//Do we get a user? If so, limit the query.
		if ($vbulletin->GPC_exists['userid'] AND intval($vbulletin->GPC['userid']))
			$criteria->add_userid_filter($vbulletin->GPC['userid'], true);
		else if ($vbulletin->GPC_exists['searchuser'])
			$criteria->add_user_filter($vbulletin->GPC['searchuser'], true);

		//and set the date limit
		if ($vbulletin->GPC_exists['days'] AND intval($vbulletin->GPC['days'] ))
			$datelimit = TIMENOW - ( intval($vbulletin->GPC['days']) * 86400);
			$datelimit = TIMENOW - ( 3 * 86400);
		$criteria->add_newitem_filter($datelimit, null, null);
		$search_controller = new vBBlog_Search_SearchController_NewBlogEntry;
		$results = vB_Search_Results::create_from_cache($user, $criteria, $search_controller);

		if (! $results = vB_Search_Results::create_from_cache($user, $criteria, $search_controller))
			$results = vB_Search_Results::create_from_criteria($user, $criteria, $search_controller);
		$page = $results->get_page(1, $max_count, 1);
		$headers = array(
			'title' => $vbulletin->options['hometitle'] ,
			'link' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'],
			'description' => construct_phrase($vbphrase['recent_blogs_from_x'], $vbulletin->options['hometitle']) ,
			'language' => 'en-us',
			'updated' => date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', TIMENOW),
			'lastBuildDate' => date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', TIMENOW)
		$items= array();

		if (count($page))
			$parser = new vBCms_BBCode_HTML(vB::$vbulletin, vBCms_BBCode_HTML::fetchCmsTags());
			foreach ($page as $result)
				if ($blog = $result->get_record())
					$items[] = array(
						'title' => $blog['title'],
						'summary' => $parser->get_preview($blog['pagetext'], 800),
						'link' => $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/blog.php?blogid='
							. $blog['blogid'],
						'author' => '' . $blog['username']);
		return self::makeXml($headers, null, $items);
Esempio n. 2
	/** This function prepares the preview text for an article or other bbcode text
	*	@param	string	the text to be parsed
	 *	@param	int		the number of chars to be returned
	 *	@param	bool		can this user use HTML in their content
	 *	@param	str		the html state of the text - on, off, or on_nl2br
	 *	@return	string
	 * ***/
	public static function makePreviewText($pagetext, $chars, $canUseHtml, $htmlstate = null)
		//We don't want any table content to display when we generate the preview- unless there
		// is nothing else
		$pagetext = trim(preg_replace('/\<(\s*)TABLE(.+)\<\/TABLE\>/is', ' ', $pagetext));
		$tableless_text = trim(preg_replace('/\[TABLE(.+)\[\/TABLE\]/is', ' ', $pagetext));

		if ($tableless_text =='')
			$tableless_text = $pagetext;

		$parser = new vBCms_BBCode_HTML(vB::$vbulletin, vBCms_BBCode_HTML::fetchCmsTags());
		$previewtext = $parser->get_preview(

		if ($previewtext =='')
			$previewtext = $parser->get_preview(
		//We tend to get some blank lines that we don't need.
		$previewtext = preg_replace('/^\<br\>$/i', '', $previewtext);
		$previewtext = preg_replace('/^\<br\/\>$/i', '', $previewtext);
		$previewtext = preg_replace('/^\<br \/\>$/i', '', $previewtext);
		return $previewtext;

Esempio n. 3
	/** This function gets the article information based on the defined criteria
	 * @return	array
	protected function getContent()

		// First, compose the sql
		$sql = "SELECT article.pagetext, article.previewimage, article.imagewidth,
		article.imageheight, article.previewvideo, article.htmlstate, node.url, node.publishdate, node.userid,
		node.setpublish, node.publicpreview, info.title, user.username, node.showuser,
		node.nodeid, node.contenttypeid, thread.replycount FROM "
		. TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_article AS article INNER JOIN "
		. TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node AS node ON (node.contentid = article.contentid
		AND node.contenttypeid = " . vb_Types::instance()->getContentTypeID("vBCms_Article") .
		") INNER JOIN "	. TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_nodeinfo AS info on info.nodeid = node.nodeid "
		. ( (($this->config['categories'] != '') AND ($this->config['categories'] != '0')) ?
		"cms_nodecategory nc ON nc.nodeid = node.nodeid " : '') .	"
		LEFT JOIN "	. TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON user.userid = node.userid
		LEFT JOIN "	. TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON thread.threadid = info.associatedthreadid
		WHERE " . vBCMS_Permissions::getPermissionString() ;

		if (($this->config['categories'] != '') AND ($this->config['categories'] != '0') )
			$sql .= "\n AND nc.categoryid IN (" . $this->config['categories'] . ")\n";

		if (($this->config['sections'] != '') AND ($this->config['sections'] != '0'))

			$sql .= "\n AND node.parentnode IN (" . $this->config['sections'] . ")\n";

		if (isset($this->config['days']) AND (intval($this->config['days'])) )
			$sql .= "\n AND node.publishdate > " . (TIMENOW - (86400 * $this->config['days'])) . "\n";

		$sql .= "\n ORDER BY node.publishdate DESC LIMIT " . $this->config['count'];
		$articles = array();

		if ($rst = vB::$db->query_read($sql))
			$current_record = array('contentid' => -1);
			$contenttypeid = vb_Types::instance()->getContentTypeId($this->package . '_' . $this->view_class);
			//now build the results array
			$bbcode_parser = new vBCms_BBCode_HTML(vB::$vbulletin,  vBCms_BBCode_HTML::fetchCmsTags());
			while($article = vB::$db->fetch_array($rst))
				$article['categories'] = array();
				$article['tags'] = array();
				$allow_html = vBCMS_Permissions::canUseHtml($article['nodeid'], $contenttypeid, $article['userid']);
				$pagetext = $bbcode_parser->get_preview(fetch_censored_text($article['pagetext']),
					vB::$vbulletin->options['default_cms_previewlength'], $allow_html);
				$article['previewtext'] = strip_bbcode($pagetext);

				//get the avatar
				if (vB::$vbulletin->options['avatarenabled'])
					$article['avatar'] = fetch_avatar_url($article['userid']);

				$articles[$article['nodeid']]  = $article;

			//Let's get the tags and the categories
			// we can do that with one query each.
			if (count($articles))
				//first let's get categories
				$nodeids = implode(', ', array_keys($articles));
				$sql = "SELECT nc.nodeid, nc.categoryid, category.category FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_nodecategory AS nc
				INNER JOIN "	. TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_category AS category ON category.categoryid = nc.categoryid
				WHERE nc.nodeid IN ($nodeids)";
				if ($rst = vB::$db->query_read($sql))
					while ($record = vB::$db->fetch_array($rst))
						$route_info = $record['categoryid'] .
							($record['category'] != '' ? '-' . str_replace(' ', '-', $record['category']) : '');
						$record['route_info'] = $route_info;
						$record['category_url'] = vB_Route::create('vBCms_Route_List', "category/" . $record['route_info'] . "/1")->getCurrentURL();

						$articles[$record['nodeid']]['categories'][$record['categoryid']] = $record;

				//next tags;
				$sql = "SELECT tag.tagid, node.nodeid, tag.tagtext FROM " .
				TABLE_PREFIX . "cms_node AS node INNER JOIN " .	TABLE_PREFIX .
				"tagcontent AS tc ON (tc.contentid = node.contentid AND  tc.contenttypeid = node.contenttypeid)
				"tag AS tag ON tag.tagid = tc.tagid
				 WHERE node.nodeid IN ($nodeids) ";
				if ($rst = vB::$db->query_read($sql))
					while ($record = vB::$db->fetch_array($rst))
						$articles[$record['nodeid']]['tags'][$record['tagid']] = $record['tagtext'];
		return $articles;